official god

Chapter 436 Xiaxiang's Happiness

Xin just gently said, "Well, continue to cry again and again. Incubation and hunger!" Even my sister is so brave that she insists on not giving a caesarean section. I admire her.

Xia wants to remember that Lian Ruohan said that after caesarean section, it will leave scars on the stomach, which is not good-looking. Of course, this is not the fundamental reason for Lian Ruohan's insistence on natural delivery. Even Ruohan believes that children who give birth naturally are smarter, healthier, and more in line with the laws of nature.

Xia wants to respect her choice.

Wei Xin chattered to Xia about Lian Ruohan's waiting to give birth in the United States. She said it very carefully. Every time she caught a cold and every time she felt uncomfortable, she remembered it clearly. Wei Xin's greatest advantage is that he is careful. It is precisely because of her carefulness that she weaves into an impenetrable net of love, which put Xiaxiang net in the middle, which may be the fundamental reason why Xiaxiang has always wanted to escape.

Now I feel Wei Xin's heart once again, but Xia wants to be moved.

After the two of them said for a while, they heard the baby's cry with a "wow". The cry was loud and full of breath. Xia wanted to be overjoyed: his son was born!

Lian Ruohan was pushed out of the delivery room, with a tired but extremely happy face, holding a pink baby in his arms. The baby has black hair and a chubby body. He crawls in Lian Ruohan's arms. From time to time, he cried and drilled his head around to find milk.

Xia wanted to go forward and wanted to hug but didn't dare to hug. Looking at the fleshy little life, it was his son, the crystallization of him and Lian Ruohan, and his heart was suddenly full of love.

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After a long time of excitement, he said, "Son. After all, you are Chinese. Although you were born in a hospital in the United States, you just cried in Chinese!"

Several blondes and blue-eyed soldiers laughed. One of the plump, sexy and charming nurses said, "Your husband speaks really funny, and the baby's crying is the same, regardless of whether it is the United States or China."

Lian Ruohan held his son tightly in his arms. A face of intoxication. The eyes always stay on the little life. After a long time, he took a look at Xiaxiang and said, "It's enough for me to have a son in the future. You are basically useless to me."

Xia thought with an embarrassed face: "Give the river and tear down the bridge. The most poisonous thing is that a woman's heart is to kill a donkey. The child is half of mine. You don't want to monopolize it. I have figured out the name. It's called Xia Lian"

"No, call Lian Xia. Don't let him take my surname Xia. Let him follow my surname, or it will be too cheap for you." Even Ruohan still has the strength to argue with Xia.

The sexy nurse laughed again: "Mr. Xia, you Chinese women are really high-ranking, more powerful than us in the United States. American women have to change their husband's surname as soon as they get married, and Chinese women do not change their surnames. It's amazing to let the child's surname her.

Xia wanted to nod heavily: "As a victim of women's excessive liberation, I have a deep understanding of this. As soon as women are liberated, men will suffer. It is really profound.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia thought that something was wrong. Because the conversation between him and Lian Ruohan just now has always been in Chinese. How can the sexy nurse understand it? Another time I thought that sexy nurses also spoke in Chinese, and then I realized that they could speak Chinese.

The issue of surnames will be put on hold for the time being. Xia wanted to stay by Lian Ruohan's side and feed her with his own hands. Xiaxiang also fed a woman for the first time. It feels a little strange, but my heart is still full of warmth. The woman she loved gave birth to offspring for herself and is the first son in her previous life and this life. He is also very happy. I wanted to hold my son and kiss him a few times. But he was taken away by the nurse, saying that he would not be with his mother for three days. There is no way. I can only follow the hospital's arrangement.

Wei Xin saw the love between the two of them. It's a little boring. Excused as an excuse to leave the ward. As soon as Wei Xin left, Xia wanted to feel that the pressure on his body had eased a lot. When he was feeding Lian Ruohan. I always think of the scene when Wei Xin fed him in the past. Now things are different, but the memory is still there. No wonder there is no pressure.

Lian Ruohan enjoyed Xiaxiang's service at ease. While eating, he said thoughtfully, "Don't blame me for letting my son's surname Lian. Actually, I still think about you. If the surname is Xia. After grandpa knew it, it was easy to find out who his father was. If the surname is Lian, I won't say it, and he can't do anything about it.

Xia wanted to take out a tissue to wipe Lian Ruohan's mouth and said, "I know what you mean, so it's up to you. But after all, it's my first son. What do you think if my parents knew that they had grandchildren?

Although Lian Ruohan was a little fat, her delicate color did not diminish, and her face was filled with a happy smile: "Well, your parents like Hui girl again. My invisible daughter-in-law gave birth to the eldest grandson. After they knew it, they would scold you at most, but the grandson must recognize it, and they will love you very much. As the saying goes, after generation, the old man loves his grandson the most. I think my father and my grandfather made a lot of trouble in those years, but after I was born, my grandfather still loved me very much.

"My parents have wanted to have grandchildren for a long time, but they don't know that they have grandchildren now. I dare not tell them now. I know their tempers. First, they scold me a few times, and then they have to find ways to let you hold their grandchildren. At that time, they will not want to have children, but there will Although Xia thought he sighed, he was still a little proud. Whether a woman really loves a man or not depends on whether she is willing to have a child for him. When a woman decides to give birth to a child for a man at all costs, it proves that she loves him to the bone and wants to be entangled with him for the rest of her life.

Love can be broken, and the blood relationship can never be changed. With a child, with the crystallization of her and the man she loves, there is a bond between the two people in this life, and they can no longer give up.

"Don't be so beautiful. I gave birth to the child. I have the final say. Maybe one day I will be happy. Just take the child to Dancheng and let your parents see that when Zhuyou finds that the child is like you. Let's see what you do. Lian Ruohan carved a path with a threat.

"Don't be afraid, don't admit it." Xia wanted to laugh and said, "There is a sentence that you are wrong. The child is raised by his father and mother. In fact, you just raised him. The real determinant is still on me.

"You are really annoying. I worked hard to be pregnant for ten months. You even robbed me of the credit of having a child. It's so unreasonable.

" Lian Ruohan was angry and pushed the bowl. "If you don't eat, you have to eat it yourself."

Xia thought that he was really obedient. He raised his wrist and ate it: "I came by plane early in the morning. Now it's afternoon, and I haven't eaten a meal. I'm really hungry."

Lian Ruohan was distressed when he heard it: "Why are you so stupid? People who take care of themselves will not take care of themselves? You don't even eat. Do you want to starve yourself to death? I really can't do anything about you. It's all the father of the child. Why are you still like a child?

After all, she is a mother, and even Ruohan's tone is also about the meaning of love. In the past, she rarely cared about Xia's want to eat. Xia wanted to finish a few bites. Put the bowl: "You have to be psychologically prepared in advance. A woman has to raise two children in her life. The first child is the husband, and the second child is the son"

Xia wanted to accompany even Ruohan for three days and was happy for three days. On the morning of the fourth day, he received a phone call from Qiu Xufeng. Qiu Xufeng's voice was a little distorted because he was too happy: "Xiaxiang, Kodak agreed to our conditions, God. They signed a letter of intent with us and decided to invest in US dollars! The introduction of the second dollar will be the largest batch of foreign capital in the history of Yan Province!"

Compared with Qiu Xufeng's joy, although the county was also very happy, he was not excited. The joy of his son's birth overwhelmed everything. He said with a smile, "Congratulations to Mayor Qiu, with this political achievement. Two years later, the throne of the mayor of Baoshi will be sure.

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Qiu Xufeng laughed and said, "Don't talk about me. You are the greatest hero. Xia thought, I didn't know until now. Where you appear, there will be miracles. It's my honor to meet you.

No wonder the Qiu Xu Summit lost his temper. Originally, the result of the negotiation between the municipal party committee and the municipal government of Baoshi and Dafu Group was that it was the biggest victory to be able to win the sale of 20% of the shares in US dollars. It really couldn't work. It is also possible to exchange 40% of the shares for B US dollars. Even Dafu Group has reached a consensus. The bottom line is to sell 20% of its shares with B US dollars. Who would have expected that Xiaxiang not only sold 40% of its shares at a high price of Gol B US dollars, but also bundled an investment agreement, requiring Kodak to invest in B US dollars to build a digital camera laboratory and LCD in Baoshi. The production line of the screen.

What's more unbelievable is that Kodak actually answered all the conditions of Xia's thoughts!

After Qiu Xufeng and Chang Qingsong received a reply from Kodak. I am ecstatic. In particular, Chang Qingsong was stunned for a long time and couldn't believe his ears. It was not until Kodak's people repeatedly urged him to sign an investment intention immediately that Chang Qingsong woke up like a dream. I was so excited that I burst into tears. If it hadn't been for the presence of outsiders. He almost burst into tears.

It has been more than a year, and I don't know how many contacts and negotiations have been made. The United States has been biting the conditions and refusing to let go. After negotiations, disappointments, and difficult arguments, Dafu has been exhausted, but the United States is still energetic and endless. Giving up, unwilling. Continue to talk. The other party refused to give in, but showed full sincerity, which put Dafu in a dilemma. Under the pressure of abandoning attention, Dafu has even made an internal decision on this trip. Even if it is a big concession, the negotiation will be successful. Otherwise, it cannot be told to the state, and the municipal party committee and the municipal government cannot explain it.

Xia wanted to go with him, but Chang Qingsong didn't care about him at all. He was young and not high-level. What can he understand? Unexpectedly, after being forced to accept Xiaxiang's suggestion in desperation, he actually forced Kodak to bow his arrogant head and accepted the agreement that was simply an unequal treaty in Chang Qingsong's opinion! Why? By what? Xia thought, how did he catch Kodak's weakness and force Kodak to change its mind and make such a huge concession?

So far, Chang Qingsong admired Xia. I can't wait to face Xia and bow three times in a row. With the investment of B dollar, he will definitely be treated like a hero after he returns to the rich. The status of Dafu will not be the same as before. It will be the greatest hero of Dafu.

Chang Qingsong did not dare to send the news back to the headquarters in advance. He was afraid that if things changed, it would become a big joke. After the intention is signed. Only then did he dare to carefully tell the news to Mr. Yang, Dafu's family. Mr. Yang listened and didn't believe that things would change so much. Ask Chang Qingsong again and again what's going on. Is Kodak joking? Will Americans love April Fool's Day and deliberately want us to play? Chang Qingsong couldn't laugh or cry, saying that the letter of intent had been signed. It was the signing ceremony attended by Smith, President of Kodak, and also made the decision to visit Dafu later on the spot!

Mr. Yang still didn't believe it. He repeatedly made Chang Qingsong cautious and cautious. He was fooled. There are many loopholes in the contract. Don't be a trap. Although Chang Qingsong is not a law student, it can still be seen in general fraudulent contracts. Besides, Kodak is a large international company, and it is impossible to make tricks on contracts. He also studied the contract again and again, which was very formal and there was no suspicion of bullish fraud.

Mr. Yang didn't believe it or not. He also knew that Chang Qingsong was rigid and would not be lax, but he was also very rigorous and would not be deceived. So he immediately held a meeting of all middle-level cadres and above to study the corresponding countermeasures.

Qiu Xufeng also immediately informed Cao Yongguo of the progress. Knowing that Xiaxiang took the lead and obtained the old billion US dollar investment of Kodak Group, Cao Yongguo was also surprised and couldn't speak for a long time. It accounts for hundreds of millions of dollars. It is equivalent to the old "RMB" can build several large enterprises, all of which are invested in Baoshi. The ranking in Yan Province will rise to several places in one fell swoop!

What kind of achievement will it be for a municipal party secretary? It will be an admission ticket for deputy provincial cadres in one step, and it will be a stepping stone to determine his iron orientation! What a summer thought. What a young man with a keen eye and dares to challenge the international group!

Cao Yongguo sat in the chair for a long time and didn't get up. Later, after waking up again, he suddenly laughed a few times. Ask the secretary to immediately notify all the standing committees and convene an emergency standing committee in a hurry to discuss the joint venture between Kodak Group and Dafu Group. After the order was conveyed, Cao Yongguo said to himself, "Fortunately, I have a good daughter. Xiaxiang, what a son-in-law!"

When all domestic parties moved, Xiaxiang had already flown to the location of Kodak's headquarters. After a brief meeting with Vice President Sheldon and deciding on the itinerary of visiting Baoshi, he packed his bags with Qiu Xufeng and was ready to return to China.

Xiaxiang is also clear. Sheldon is one of the key players in driving Kodak's investment. He prefers the digital camera market to President Smith. It was also he who persuaded Smith, and his speech moved several directors and was recognized by market analysts, which finally led to today's happy results.

It goes without saying that Qiu Xufeng thanked Xiaxiang in his heart. Before he opened his mouth, Xiaxiang stopped him: "Obed it, don't say anything. It's not my credit alone, but the result of everyone's efforts together."

Chang Qingsong bowed three times to Xia Xiang respectfully. He said, "Mr. Xia, please forgive me for offending you before.

I have no eyes, no foresight, and no ability to accurately grasp the market. You have moved Kodak and successfully introduced the old billion yuan of foreign capital. You are not only the biggest contributor to Dafu, but also a great help to me. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you in my own name! Thank you!"

Xia wanted to quickly help Chang Qingsong up and said, "Mr. Chang, you are so polite. As a member of the leadership group, it is my job to introduce foreign capital to the pilot city, and it is not a meritorious service. Besides, it is the result of everyone's concerted efforts. Mayor Qiu is in the middle of the coordination, and Mr. Chang has profound theoretical knowledge. I just used a little more negotiation skills, and the credit is all of us.

Di Xufeng secretly appreciated it in front of Dagong. Xia wants to be meritorious or greedy. Thinking of everyone in everything is indeed a valuable quality. It is precisely because of his long-term vision. Knowing humility makes him have countless contacts in the officialdom. The interaction between people is originally a process of mutual courtesy. The more Xiaxiang thinks about him, the more he can win the hearts of the people, so the network is getting wider and wider.

Just like politics and economics, only mutual benefit can last. Many people understand this truth. But it's difficult to do. Why? Because everyone is greedy, with merit and political achievements, they want to stop themselves, but they don't know that this is to kill chickens to get eggs. Only once, there is no next time, and it will also make others's hearts. In the long run, it will eventually be reduced to a lonely family.

There are so many corrupt officials. Why are some people down and some people are safe? Most of the corrupt officials who have fallen from the horse are too greedy, and they have to put a penny in their own tip. If you don't give a little to others, who will keep it a secret for him?

Xia's thoughts are no longer on the US dollar of Prison B. He is thinking about when to take Lian Ruohan back to China. She is outside alone. It's always not good to take care of children. If someone takes care of them, what she needs most is her own care. However, it is estimated that the child will be half a year at the earliest.

For Kodak's final choice, it is also expected by Xia. As an old camera and film manufacturer. Naturally, I am very concerned about the future trend of the market. Xia Xiang was in his speech at that time. The investment of major Japanese camera manufacturers in digital cameras is listed, and the conclusion is drawn. Japan is betting on the market prospects of digital cameras. Moreover, the strength of several major manufacturers in Japan is extraordinary, and the market share is extremely high. Their combination can play a huge role in promoting, and the Kodak family can't stop the rise of digital cameras.

The most important thing is that the data quoted by Xia Shen and the vision about the future digital camera market are not inferences, but real examples, so it is absolutely convinced. Moreover, he does not only list digital cameras, but predicts the market prospects of the entire digital products, computers, the Internet, digital cameras, mobile phones, and the trend of becoming more and more high-end intelligence in the future. Some of them even involve the fields that Kodak has just studied, thinking that it is in the technical reserve. Kodak, who is a top-class person, heard that Xia wanted to say their top-end secrets lightly. They can't help but be surprised.

also made Kodak look at Xia Xiang with new eyes. He paid great attention to the conclusion he reached after analyzing the market prospect. He held several meetings in a row and finally reached a consensus. He believed Xia Xiang's speculation on the market prospect. In order not to be eliminated by the market and to open up the Chinese market, the Kodak market agreed unanimously. Take the lead in a joint venture with Dafu before Japan fully enters the Chinese market!

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Prevention: Sorry for the late update, brothers. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I was lazy yesterday. There is no code, sweat. I'm also deliberately lazy. Instead, go out in the morning. As a result, I caught a cold when I came back. Alas, it's better to work hard than to be healthy. I got up late again today. Hurry up and release a chapter for my brothers. I have to redouble my efforts today. Thank you for your support. You have to work harder. Why don't you have high requirements today? Can the monthly pass pass? In addition, please push the ticket again.