official god

Chapter 438 Light Gun and Dark Arrow

The fart once stood up. Lu Qing is stirring! Next. I want to think about it all the time. The river leads Qiu Xufeng. He said repeatedly, "Thank you, thank you very much. Director Xia, Mayor Qiu, I have written down this affection.

Qiu Xufeng waved with a smile: "Editor-in-chief Gu, you're welcome. Everyone is a friend, and we should help. Besides, since Xia wanted to open his mouth. Even if I don't know the people of China News Agency, I have to find a way to get to know them, right?

Xia wanted to hug Qiu Xufeng and smile: "Okay, if you help Editor-in-Chief Gu, you can help me. At worst, when will you go to Yanshi? Editor-in-Chief Gu and I will treat you to a meal.

Several people laughed together.

Li Chaojie looked at Xia Xiang and then at Qiu Xufeng. There was a playful look in his eyes.

After a while, the two people seemed to see that they had obviously been instructed, and the two of them took out to visit the book. Don't ask, choose some easy topics to avoid disputes, and have been interviewed for more than a while. The reporter finished the interview, thanked politely, and left in a hurry.

Xia wants to estimate that according to the content of the reporter's interview, he can at least sort out a thrilling news story with thousands of words. The so-called news story not only has the authenticity of the news, but also has the readability of the story, but also avoids the routine of political propaganda, which means that the sword is biased. It is a kind of disguised propaganda, but it is not vulgar.

Xiaxiang can even guess the content of the article, mainly about how to negotiate with Kodak, and finally introduce a huge amount of extra money for the glory of the country. The plot of the story is probably true, but the details may be fictional, which not only implicitly promotes the achievements of Xiaxiang and the other three people, but also does not have any official affirmative conclusion, similar to the form of remembering and hearing.

In fact, there are many such articles in the newspaper, and not many people usually care about them. But the timing of publication and the level of the newspaper will reveal a lot of rich information to people with heart. Political struggle is complex, newspapers are also a position, and it is also a very important position.

After the interview. Qiu Xufeng received another phone call and said to Gu Zeng, "Editor-in-chief Gu, if it's convenient, please go to Huaxin News Agency now. Vice President Zhang took your resume and wants to meet you."

Gu Zeng hurriedly started. Li Dingshan thought about it and decided to go with him.

After the two left, Li Chaojie invited Xia Xiang, Song Chaodu, Qiu Xufeng and Du Tongguo to dinner. Di Xufeng said dissatisfiedly, "Director Li is too out of sight. The capital is also my home, and I also let you be the host. Isn't it a joke that I won't entertain my friends?"

Li Chaojie smiled and said, "I will be the host at noon, and you can be the host at night. Governor Song said that he would go back tomorrow.

Xia figured it out and asked, "See the newspaper tomorrow?"

"Almost, if it doesn't come to the newspaper tomorrow. Just wait one more day." The Song Dynasty made up his mind. Attitude determines everything. We have done practical things. We can't let others get cheap and be obedient. You have to let them be passive once.

After lunch. Li Dingshan hasn't come back yet. Xia Xiang is under Qiu Xufeng's arrangement. Stay in the hotel first. At dinner time. I received a phone call from Li Dingshan, saying that he was going to have dinner with Vice President Zhang in the evening, so he didn't come back. Qiu Xufeng arranged dinner again. He didn't go home at night and stayed in the hotel. Chat with Xiaxiang and Du Tongguo.

It is not a big problem for Du Tongguo to go to the press station as a reporter. He saw Xia's influence on Qiu Xufeng. I'm a little more in awe of Xia. In the eyes of Dutong. Qiu Xufeng, who solved the problem that made editor-in-chief Gu worry for many days with one phone call, is definitely a figure with all his hands and eyes, because even Secretary-General Li is helpless, but Qiu Xufeng can say something that is not a big problem very calmly. His ability is beyond Du Tongguo's imagination.

But Qiu Xufeng was before making the phone call. Obviously, he secretly asked for Xia's opinion, after Xia wanted to open his mouth. He just called. It can be seen that Xia Xiang is more important than the governor of Song in Qiu Xufeng's mind, and Du Tongguo's admiration for Xia Xiang has risen to an unparalleled height.

Song Chaodu had an activity in the evening, and Xia thought that he didn't ask much. He should have walked around the capital. I saw Li Dingshan and Gu Zeng early the next morning. From the happy faces of the two people, it can be seen that the matter is done. Gu Zeng held Xiaxiang and Qiu Xufeng's hand and thanked him repeatedly.

In the afternoon, Song Chaodu came back and said happily, "It's settled. It has been typed out. See the newspaper tomorrow. We can go back to Yanshi at ease. Xu Feng, you should also go to Yan City together first. Governor Fan wants to meet you and Xiaxiang.

Fan Ruiheng's happiness can be imagined. After all, the leading group is under the leadership of the government. Xiaxiang also knows that this is only the beginning. After Kodak's visit, the formal signing of the agreement will set off the first upsurge of the leading group.

All those who used to despise the leading group. They will take a high look at the leadership team.

Today, when Ye Shi's ecology is gradually becoming clear, Cui Xiang has no Ye Shisheng as his reliance, what means can he use?

There is little difference between

and Xia Xiang's state. Cui Xiang is now sitting with Fu Xianfeng and Ma Xiao, and is discussing countermeasures.

When Cui Xiangcha heard that Xia wanted to attract foreign capital for Dafu Group, his first reaction was that it was impossible. Who was making such a boring joke? B US dollar, the ear is not a prisoner B RMB, but equivalent to the old more than 0 billion yuan. How can it be said that Xia wants to talk about it? Cui Xiang has also been paying attention to the joint venture negotiations between Dafu Group and Kodak. After all, it is also a remarkable joint venture project in Yan Province. The negotiations have been carried out for more than a year and little progress have been made. The province has also invested considerable support and is also trying to promote this matter.

Negotiate no

, the reason for Zheng Sagang. Cui Xiang also knows a little about it. He has also done business with foreign businessmen. Knowing Meihuizhou, easy to talk, full of arrogance, sometimes cold and sometimes hot, making people unable to figure out the routine. Xia Xiang wanted to go to the United States this time. In Cui Xiang's opinion, he just took the opportunity to play. Government officials have all kinds of hidden benefits. It's normal to travel abroad, I didn't expect it. Xiaxiang actually made an earth-shaking event.

Cui Xiang knew it. With such a big achievement, Xia Xiang's position in the leading group will be as high as that of no one can match it. At the same time, he also faintly heard that Ye Shisheng and Xia wanted to meet in private. Judging from Ye Shisheng's recent attention to the leading group, Ye Shisheng's attitude towards industrial restructuring has changed, from conservative to support, which also makes him uneasy.

Cui Xiang is not worried about Ye Shisheng's support for industrial restructuring, but that he doesn't want to see Ye Shisheng support Xia Xiang.

For Xia Xiang, Cui Xiang, first of all, does not like his rapid growth and deep network. Secondly, the biggest worry is that Xia Xiang, a capable general of the Song Dynasty, will also become a stumbling block for him to compete for the provincial governor. At the beginning, Cui Xiang didn't know Xia's real intention to jump to the leading group. He thought that Xia just wanted to get out of his control. After the incident of accounting for hundreds of millions of foreign capital. He suddenly realized that he had to take a deep breath for Xia's foresight.

The leader of the leading group is Song Chaodu. All the achievements made by Xiaxiang are under the leadership of Song Chaodu. The greater the achievements Xia wants to make, the greater the political achievements of Song Chaodu as the team leader. As long as the industrial structure adjustment is initially effective. The Song Dynasty must set up the impression of a capable general in the minds of the upper class. In addition, he is now a deputy governor, which is very beneficial to win the position of the next governor. It can be said that the leading group has made an achievement every time. The Song Dynasty was one step closer to the governor's seat.

Xia wanted to negotiate successfully and attracted foreign capital to the second dollar. This alone made the Song Dynasty leave the governor's throne. It's almost a short distance away.

It can be said that the foreign capital, which accounts for hundreds of millions of dollars, has brought harvest to Yan Province, but for Cui Xiang, it is a bolt from the blue, making his governor's dream almost broken.

Admittedly, Cui Xiang does not have to take over as governor of Yan Province, but can also try to transfer to another province to compete for the throne of governor. However, after weighing the pros and cons, he came to the conclusion that only in Yan province can he have a fight. In other provinces, it is not only more likely, but also even if he tries his best to operate, he will be transferred to another province with his qualifications. At most, you can compete for the position of executive vice governor and want to go directly to be the governor, unless there is a dazzling political achievement.

, Wang Bibibei

Yan Province is the closest to the capital and is most likely to attract high-level attention. Moreover, after a period of turmoil in Yan Province, the political situation in Yan Province has now stabilized, which is very conducive to him to stand out. Otherwise, it is not easy for him to make any political achievements as a deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. If he can play a role in stabilizing the situation and stabilizing the overall situation, he will establish his image as a mainstay in Yan Province and get a lot of political bonus points.

Commizing the factors of all parties and the most prudent consideration, seizing the immediate opportunity, it is the best choice to gain a firm foothold in Yan Province. It's too far away to put your hopes on other provinces to serve as governors.


What only annoyed Cui Xiang was that Ma Wanzheng, who he was most worried about, had always been more than old. Insufficient development. However, Song Chaodu was under the joint hands of Xiaxiang. He has increasingly become a political star in the political arena of Yan Province.

Cui Xiang also finally understood that the leading group led by Song Chaodu and Xia Xiang was completely a tool for them to gain political capital. If the leading group continues to develop and let Xia want to introduce a large number of extra funds, the position of governor of Song Chaodu will become a fact! At the same time, Xiaxiang will also take a step forward. It is even possible to be promoted exceptionally and receive heavy elixir.

With a far-sighted vision and excellent ability, Xia wants to join hands with Song Chaodu again. It's really like a broken bamboo. However, this time it is not to bring down others, but to make political achievements and write a strong and glorious mark on their resumes.

Cui Xiang thought sadly that Song Chaodu and Xia wanted to be more and more successful. He is getting farther and farther away from the position of governor of Yan Province, and the two are irrevocable. And he also understands that in the current climate, it is stupid and self-digging behavior to stop the operation of the leading group with his personal strength and to drag the back of the industrial structure adjustment to prevent the Song Dynasty from taking office! He can't stop the general trend in China. Besides, the achievements of the leading group are extremely dazzling. He was sure that the day when Kodak Group and Dafu officially signed the agreement was the day when Vice Premier He called the provincial government of Yan Province to congratulate them. At the same time, it may also be a day when Xia wants to officially enter the sight of Vice Premier He.

But we can't help it. Even if Song Chaodu and Xia want to continue to shine, it goes on like this. Not only is he getting farther and farther away from the governor's throne. And all the previous efforts have been in the past. When Song Mudu sits up, and when Xia wants to fly to the sky, how can he have any good fruit to eat? Political quests have always been a process of trade-off. Cui Xiang invited Fu Xianfeng and Ma Xiao to sit down together. Discuss the countermeasures.

Fu Xianfeng was also very surprised by the success of Xiaxiang's negotiation. Unexpectedly, Xiaxiang's ability was really not even the Yankees. Fu Xianfeng has always thought that he also has a unique vision in business. Xiaxiang's success made him jealous and jealous, so he intended to imitate him. At that time, he discussed with Tan Long to introduce foreign capital for Yan City. Fu Xianfeng used to contact foreign businessmen from various countries in the capital, and he believed that with his ability. It can also introduce a large amount of foreign investment to Yan City in exchange for the achievements of promotion. What's more, Yan City is also a provincial capital, and more enterprises can be favored by foreign investors.

Fu Xianqi's Ruyi Calculation Song and other famous fashion of Fu family opened in Yanshi! After that, I will look for a trip to invest in famous fashion. It can not only enrich the capital, but also become a foreign capital brought by Yanshi. The money is made by paying the family, and the political achievements are also his gain, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Before Fu Xianfeng's plan could be implemented, he was invited by Cui Xiang to discuss the matter, and he knew that Cui Xiang was in a hurry.

The place where several people met was a teahouse. The melodious light music sounded, which was light and graceful. Cui Xiang had no intention to appreciate it. He told in detail the positive and negative effects of Xia Xiang's investment, and then looked at Fu Xianfeng meaningfully and said, "Pioneer. Xia wanted to join hands with Song Chaodu, which was not only a stumbling block for me, but also a resistance for the Fu family to settle in Yan City.

Fu Xianfeng asked puzzledly, " Whether it's Xiaxiang or Song Chaodu, they are not qualified to fight against the Fu family. And so far, I can't see any reason why Xia wants to be with me?

Cui Xiang shook his head and smiled: "You don't know anything about the vanguard. The matter of Wujiaohua Building may also have something to do with Xiaxiang. The Wujiaohua Building is now in the Qi Group. And Qi's Group has a good relationship with Xiaxiang, and Qi Yanan listens to Xiaxiang's advice in everything.

Fu Xianfeng was stunned. As soon as he thought about whether Tan Long received a phone call from Fan Ruiheng's secretary, he asked again, "In addition to having a good relationship with the Song Dynasty, how is Xiaxiang's relationship with Fan Ruiheng?" Does Qi's Group have any contact with Fan Ruiheng?

"There is no relationship between Qi's Group and Fan Ruiheng. Fan Ruiheng is cautious and rarely gives people the impression that he has a close relationship with large groups. The relationship between Xia Xiang and Fan Ruiheng seems to be ordinary, but there seems to be signs of approaching recently. Cui Xiang also said with little certainty, "One thing that is certain is that Xia Xiang has always had a good relationship with Yan Xiao and helped her a lot. Yan Xiao is a relative of Fan Ruiheng. Her name is Uncle Fan Ruiheng."

"Is it possible that Tan Long let go of the phone? Is there also the shadow of Xiaxiang? Fu Xianfeng's heart faintly raised anger.

Xia thought was the first to stand up for Mei Xiaolin in the capital. In fact, it is not a big deal to hurt several marginal people of the Fu family, but it also gave Fu Xianfeng a bad impression, thinking that Xia wanted to please the Mei family. Deliberately bullying the Fu family. Later, when he heard that Xia Xiang had more or less relationship with the Qiu family and the Wu family, Fu Xianfeng began to notice Xia Xiang's name and felt that he had some ability to make three of the four families look at him.

But it is precisely because of this that Fu Xianfeng has no good impression on Xia. After all, among the three families, they basically don't deal with the Fu family, especially the Wu family and the Mei family, and the Fu family are entangled in many interests. Since Xia Xiang approached the Mei family and the Wu family. Naturally, he is the opponent of the Fu family.

Just because Xia wants to have a good relationship with Qiu Xufeng, Fu Xianfeng has also met more exquisite people. I think Xiaxiang is also a political speculator. I have a good relationship with all parties, and I have some ability. It's up to him. Anyway, there is no direct conflict of interest with the Fu family for the time being. Why do you have to pay attention to him? Fu Xianfeng is also optimistic about the leading group led by Xia. He also knows that some people in the upper class have a lot of support for the adjustment of the industrial structure. After the successful pilot of single cities and Baoshi, it will be Yanshi's turn sooner or later. At that time, he can also take advantage of this. Get enough political capital.

I just heard Cui Xiang say that Xia thought was the mastermind behind stopping the Fu family's entry into Yan City. He didn't believe it at first, and then speculated carefully, so he couldn't help believing it a little. Suddenly, the fireballs in my heart

What a summer thought, don't think that you have a good relationship with the Mei family and the Wu family, and if you get close to Qiu Xufeng, you dare to make trouble with the Fu family! It's easy for the Fu family to touch you as a small department-level cadre. And if the Fu family is really angry, don't think that the Mei family and the Wu family will fall out with the Fu family for you as a nobody. You are not enough to become the weight of the struggle between the big family!

"Qi Group and Fan Ruiheng have no friendship, so please don't come forward. If Xia wants to deal with it, everything will be logical. Cui Xiang was not sure whether Xia Xiang and Fan Ruiheng were close or not, but he was more clear. Xia wanted to work with Fan Zheng, Fan Ruiheng's son. In the past, Fan Ruiheng had lifted Xiaxiang in front of everyone. It can be said that they have a foundation for cooperation. And Fan Ruiheng suddenly made trouble at the last standing committee. Thinking of his current support for the leading group, it is not difficult to find that"

"Xiaxiang is indeed a little hateful" Fu Xianfeng was angry, "If Xiaxiang is really the person who supports the Qi Group behind the scenes. I really have to find a good way to win back the game, otherwise the loss will be too ugly.

After listening to the two of them for a long time, he suddenly interrupted: "It should be Xiaxiang. I also heard in the Propaganda Department that when Xia wanted to get married. Even at the wedding banquet held at the Yanjing Hotel of Qi Group, Cao Yongguo and Lu Yuanyuan had a good relationship, and many people in the Propaganda Department also attended the wedding.

Fu Xianfeng's face sank: "Since it must be what Xia wants to do, we have to find a way to treat him. What do you think of Secretary Cui?

Prevention: It's the last week. It's time for the brothers to vote. Guan Shen is a book that deserves the care and support of his brothers, because Guan Shen is about to stick to ten thousand words a day for a month! After all, it's all the credit of the brothers. If it hadn't been for your subscription, monthly tickets and rewards, Lao He wouldn't have been able to hold on for so long. Every time I was lazy and wanted to rest for a day, I had warm support, so I gritted my teeth and survived. Lao He believes it. With the support of his brothers, the official god will continue to maintain a state of hard work. I can even stick to the end of ten thousand words every day! If you want to know what will happen, please log in to the heart, there are more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!