official god

Chapter 445 Argument

In a hurry, you have to be humble and laugh. Yi signaled him to say a few words. Just calm the fat!" In fact, with my qualifications, I don't deserve to talk loudly in front of experts and scholars, but I heard from Minister Yi that everyone is very interested in the negotiation process, so I reluctantly tell you about the situation at that time as a story. I am neither an economics major nor a theoretical knowledge. Fortunately, my tutor Gao Lao is on the side to guide me. If there is anything wrong, please criticize and correct it.

Has the Ministry of Confucianism become the tutor of Xiaxiang? All the experts and scholars cast doubtful glances at the teacher.

Zou Ru nodded and admitted, "Xia and I officially established the teacher-apprentice relationship yesterday."

Everyone looked at each other and thought at the same time. Who said that the Confucianism was high? Who said that Confucianism doesn't understand world affairs? He was very shrewd and accepted Xia as a disciple at the first time, which is equivalent to being the first to do it. If Xia wants to achieve anything in the future, it is equivalent to the achievements made under his guidance, and the tutor will also rise because of the students' achievements.

Many people can't help but be annoyed. Why didn't they think of receiving summer as a student in advance? Whoever accepts Xiaxiang as a student will immediately become famous in China, and it is even possible to cooperate with Xiaxiang to produce a book on how to negotiate, which will definitely sell well.

Everyone had different thoughts, but they all congratulated Gao Ru one after another. Gao Ru doesn't know whether other people's congratulations are sincere. He just doesn't refuse and accepts them calmly.

After the cold noise, everyone sat down in turn, and Yi Xiangshi made a brief speech, and introduced the experts and scholars present to Xia Xiang and the Ministry of Confucian Yiyi, including experts from the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, professors from major famous universities, and researchers in the economic field. All kinds of figures will gather together, and all of them will be A leader in the human industry. Invisibly, it brought a lot of pressure to Xiaxiang.

Xia wants to think that he is not outstanding in terms of knowledge. After all, no one is all-talented. He lacks a theoretical foundation in economics and knows his shortcomings, so he speaks very carefully. Gao Ru rarely participates in large-scale seminars. He is a little excited. He greets people he knows and doesn't know one by one. When he meets someone, he nods and smiles and doesn't know. Just exchange business cards. Ask each other's achievements and monographs.

Xia wanted to laugh secretly. In terms of dealing with people, his thoughts are still quite simple.

Unexpectedly, after a few more scholars came, and someone took the initiative to introduce them to you. When introducing a person with an indifferent and calm face and a superior self-right person, Xiaxiang was stunned, because he turned out to be Cheng Xixue!

Since Cheng Xixue made a question about the adjustment of the industrial structure in the National Daily, he must have come here this time. Xia can't help but wonder why Yi Xiangshi invited Cheng Xi to come here?

Cheng Xi learned to have a round face and thick eyebrows. The most eye-catching thing is a pair of eyes, the corners of the eyes are raised, and the spacing between the eyes is very wide. At first glance, it looks quite powerful.

He and Xia wanted to shake it gently and let go of Xia to measure it a few times, and asked quietly, "Are you Xia to think? Director of the Leading Group for Industrial Structural Adjustment in Yan Province? OK, OK, after all, young people, energetic and energetic. But it's still a little too young. I'd like to discuss some questions with you later. How about after your speech?

Before Xiaxiang answered, Gao Ru flashed out from the side, deliberately or unintentionally stood in front of Xiaxiang, and said, "Xue, Xiaxiang is my student and has just entered school. The knowledge is still shallow. As a first-class scholar, you bully my students in the name of discussion. Isn't it too kind?

Unexpectedly, Gao Ru was quite protective of his shortcomings, and his intention to maintain Xiaxiang was beyond words.

Cheng Xixue was stunned: "Does Xia want to worship you as a teacher? When did it happen? Why don't I know...

Bu sneered: "I don't need to inform you of the private affairs between Xiaxiang and me, right?"

Cheng Xixue was robbed by the Confucian and said with a bad face, "Giao Ru, there are different academic views between you and me that can argue and argue. You don't have to squeeze people with words, and you look very angry."

Gao Ru said again, "There is no problem with the debate. It's okay to argue face to face. The more you argue, the clearer the truth becomes. I really want to hold a public debate with you. I would like to ask you for advice on the pros and cons of industrial restructuring. I also saw the article you published. Most of the views, hey hey, I dare not agree

Cheng Xixue smiled instead: "It's a good thing to have an argument. Your retort can only prove the correctness of my point. As you just said, the more the truth is, the clearer it becomes. Welcome to argue.

The Confucianism said that it was not a process of Xixue, and he was about to get angry when he saw it. Xia wanted to gently pull the Confucianist's arm and interrupted, "Mr. Ministry, why do you have to fight? It's better to solve academic matters academically

Cheng Xixue looked at Xiayan in surprise. Don't say intentionally, "Well said, academic things should be solved academically, and political things should be solved politically. Gao Ru, I didn't expect you, as a student, to be calmer and more self-restrained than your tutor

Cheng Xixue thought that his words of provoking discord could anger the Confucianism. Unexpectedly, although Gao Ru was not very refined in worldly wisdom, one of them was to protect his shortcomings. When he heard Cheng Xi's theory that Xia wanted to be better than him, he was not angry. He laughed and said, "Green is better than blue. The biggest sad thing about a person is that no matter what he thinks he is an academic talent, he can't teach a talented student. If it goes out, he thinks he can't teach. To put it in a bad mood, I thought he was hiding his privacy and refused to pass on his true skills to the students

Although Cheng Xixue is famous all over the world, it is also a strange thing that his students have not become famous and have a family. It has always been the most regrettable thing for Cheng Xi's students. Gao Ru said strangely in front of Xiaxiang, which meant that he deliberately wanted to expose Cheng Xixue's scars.

Jiang steamedg's face was boiling, and he was about to attack. No Xia wanted to be light on the side of the clouds. Suddenly, he calmed down and waved his hand and said, "Don't have a meaningless verbal dispute with you. Academicism is academic. Politics belongs to politics. If you want to refute my point of view, you are welcome to argue. If you want to argue with me face to face, the time and place are up to you, and I will accompany you at any time

Xia Xiang thought aside. It seems that the debate between academic circles is also the same sword and shadow, but it is slightly better than political hostility. The academic debate is just a difference in concept. Winning or losing may only be about interests and reputation. It doesn't involve the life of the family. Political game, if it is a sworn enemy, it will end up endlessly.

After a short collision, basically everyone who should come arrived, and Yi Xiangshi made another speech. First of all, I would like to welcome everyone, and then I want to make a grand introduction to Fu. Finally, it is today's highlight. Please tell me how he won a smoke-free war with Kodak.

Xia wants to go to the stage. First, he bowed deeply to the people present, and then said a few words modestly. It's just that talent is not enough. Experts, please don't treat it as an academic report, just listen to it as a story. After correcting his attitude, he changed the topic and got to the point: "In fact, persuading Kodak to invest is not our victory. Investment has always been a win-win result. There is no joint venture project with only one winner.

So it is inappropriate to describe my move to persuade Kodak to invest as a victory. It also shows that we are not confident and immature in the process of attracting investment.

Xiaxiang didn't mean to make amazing words. But it's really a feeling. In later generations, among the call for investment attraction across the country, there are too many painful examples, especially in terms of foreign investment. The preferential policies given by many local governments are almost equivalent to giving each other autonomy! As a result, a series of events have stimulated the nerves of the people, such as the Japanese oppressing the workers to kneel collectively, the Japanese collectively buy spring in the cities of the massacre, and the Koreans have a sense of superiority in front of the Chinese people. Even after European and American enterprises, which are known for their high welfare, come to China, they also follow the local customs, and the oppression of Chinese people is the same as that of state-owned enterprises.

It's all about us who have lowered our posture too much. I was despised by outsiders. If a person doesn't respect himself, how can others respect you? Investment attraction is cooperation, not asking for investment, or selling resources and dignity in exchange for sympathy and pity. And in the face of the grim reality, there will be no investment because of pity and sympathy. It's just a pity. Many officials are trying to introduce foreign capital. Not to mention the servile smiling face and low-key pretentiousness, even when you know that the other party is not a rich foreign businessman, in order to put gold on your face, you have to cooperate with the other party to act, boast 40,000 US dollars of foreign investment, aim at 10,000 US dollars, and then the other party invest 40,000 US dollars, and secretly Ten thousand RMB. Anyway, it is the country that is losing money, but the political achievements have come into hand.

%, ten thousand

Xia thought that as soon as he said his words. There will definitely be a voice of dissatisfaction. Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, someone said unhappily, "Open the river


"It's still too young and impulsive."

Cheng Muxue sneered. He said, "The fallacy!"

Zou Ru didn't know whether it was idle or unintentional. He sat next to Cheng Xixue and said sneeratively, "The fallacy of Xia Xiang is based on the results of the second dollar, not on the same as us, talking about soldiers on paper every day"

Gao Ru's voice is not loud, but the conference room is a small conference room. As soon as he speaks, everyone can hear it clearly. Several people who just opened their mouths to attack Xiaxiang blushed. Although Xiaxiang's words were a little biased, they were indeed the winners of the actual battle. They were not just talking nonsense.

Cheng Xixue also showed his face. He wanted to say something and felt that it was inappropriate, so he put up with it.

Xia wanted to continue: "In fact, it was not me who persuaded Kodak to make the decision to invest back to the second dollar, but that I told Kodak that China's market will be the world's largest consumer market in the future. Investing in China is beneficial to Kodak's long-term strategy. Only by investing in China can we help Kodak get out of its current predicament. I just saw Kodak's eagerness to get out of trouble. And they have succeeded in convincing them that only investing in China is their only opportunity. I don't convince Kodak from the rate of return on investment, nor do I tell them how appropriate it is to invest in China from the perspective of preferential policies, let alone any inappropriate promises. I just saw Kodak's internal disagreement about the digital camera market, and found that a considerable number of directors are optimistic about the prospects of digital products. There are also market analysts who have considerable influence on the president's decision, and several people support the digital camera market, so. I seized the opportunity

Xia's chance to think about it is to have some noodles. Seize the most critical point.

People who already support digital cameras don't have to bother to impress. People who completely reject digital cameras don't have to think about how to convince them. Basically, he is doing useless work. He just needs to find ways to make the swingers believe in the market prospects of digital cameras, because among the three factions of support, opposition and hesitation, the hesitant centrists are the decisive force. Winning the support of the middle force is equivalent to winning the game.

Xia Shang also said the details that can be revealed in detail. The people here are all leading figures in the industry. I hope that his views can affect them more or less, so that their students will not do it for the sake of political achievements and data when negotiating with foreign businessmen in the future. And lose something more precious. How much can he do? Anyway, he also knows that a person's strength is clear-hearted after all.

Business machines that cannot be disclosed. As for his personal secrets. Naturally, the past will be hidden. Xia thought that drinking Chuanchuan 7 may make his story wonderful and instill his point of view into everyone here. Xiaxiang's concept is that attracting investment is a good thing. But blindly pursuing concave data is not a good thing. Sustainable development and the people's happiness index are the most important things to pay attention to. Pay too much attention to the amount of investment attraction, and pay too much attention to the concave data. I don't care about the national happiness index and per capita income. Even if Zhongxian Ao is one of the world, it is rich on paper. It's just a bunch of dry numbers. Chinese people can't feel the benefits brought by the wealth of the country, so they have no sense of belonging and identity

When China finally became the world's second largest economic entity, the national happiness index did not rise but fell, and the per capita output value was still ranked after more than four, and the world was not a good country! The country is rich, the people have no benefits, the outside can't flourish the world, the inside can't enrich the people, no matter how high the concave data is, what's the use? If it is only regarded as an indicator of the promotion of officials. As a vanity that has been praised by others in international news, not to mention the second in the world, even if it is the first in the world, it is useless not to be recognized in the minds of the people.

The country first of all serves its own people, not to show up in the world.

Of course, Xia thought did not insinuate the national policy, but only sighed at some of the conclusions he had made in the process of dealing with Kodak. Negotiations between businesses and exchanges between countries have something in common. Just like when I first came into contact with Kodak, the American strategy was. If you reason with him, he will be a hooligan with you. Our officials have always believed that we are a country of etiquette and can't be hooligans, but they don't know that once we are anxious in the United States. When they really want to play hooligans with them, they become extensifies again. Start to reason.

"The most missing strategy for us to negotiate with foreign businessmen is. Both government officials and the heads of enterprises speak with one voice. Not only the tone of speech is the same, but even the tone is the same. Americans are not stupid, on the contrary, they are very smart. I knew that we had unified the caliber. Once everything is unified. There is a huge loophole, that is, as long as we deal with one person, it is equivalent to dealing with a group of people. This is the important reason why we often fail when negotiating outside.

Xia wants to pay attention to the negotiation process with Kodak. He made a concluding statement, "We have a history of 5,000 years and have considerable experience in negotiation. Why is it not as good as the ancients now? It is appropriate to unify the caliber before the negotiations. But the problem is that it cannot be seen by the other party during the negotiation. The strategy of singing red face and white face. It will never fail, even if it is negotiated with Americans. The same is true. In the negotiation, I am the one with a red face. When it's time to pretend, I also pretend that it doesn't matter once. It doesn't matter to you, and others will pay attention to it. It's like falling in love. The person who proposed to break up. Always take the initiative. The person who was dumped. Whether you don't want to give up or don't have a face, you have to argue without mercy. As long as he doesn't give up. He was timid. Whoever shows timidity will be passive.

There was sparse applause at the scene. Xia wanted to know that many people may not agree with his point of view. The people here are all academics. In terms of foreign policy, they are all conservative and enterprising. It's strange to agree with his point of view!

Although I have been mentally prepared for a long time. However, seeing that most of the people present still disapproved, Xia thought was still disappointed. As scholars raised by Qin, they lack independent spirit and outspoken courage. Most of them have been reduced to the spokespersons of interest groups. It is also a pity that they do not have the backbone and position that scholars should have.

Fortunately, Yi Xiangshi nodded repeatedly. He said: "In the contact with foreign businessmen, there are indeed many embarrassing situations. The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade has also summarized the joint venture cases of various provinces across the country. Many of them have introduced foreign capital on the surface. In fact, even their own brands have been killed. It seems that a lot of funds have been introduced, but in fact, they have Instead of introducing technology, he even lost his controlling stake, which is really regrettable.

B Ru agreed: "Minister Yi's words are really thought-provoking, and Xiaxiang also alerted us with his own experience. In the process of dealing with foreign businessmen, we should be reasonable and well-founded, and we should not be humble or arrogant. People can do without money, but they can't do without backbone and principles

"How much is backbone worth?" Cheng Xixue smiled and said disapprovingly, "People are poor and short-sighted. At present, the situation in the world is that the strong are respected. Before becoming an economic power, China has no say in the world.

If you want to become an economic power, you must vigorously develop the economy. To develop the economy, it is not necessary to introduce foreign capital. If you try your best to deal with foreigners and introduce foreign capital, you should always beware of traps. It's better to vigorously support state-owned enterprises to create China's own multinational companies

After listening to Cheng Xi's words to support large state-owned enterprises, Xia almost laughed out loud.

Ratio: After midnight. The monthly ticket has doubled, and Lao He is here to ask his brothers and sisters. It's time to give Lao He a motivation to work hard. It has broken out three times this month. Will it break out for the fourth time tomorrow? It depends on your dear brothers and sisters, whether you can give one to Lao He. It's a big surprise, because for a long time, Lao He hasn't had more than 100 monthly tickets a day. What's more, I haven't experienced the taste of a monthly ticket for more than one day. Just take advantage of the opportunity to double tomorrow. You only need to cast the real four votes. It can give Lao He a feeling of ticket, and at the same time, it also gives Lao He the motivation to update three times! Take advantage of this east wind. As soon as the number zero is over, I will update a chapter first.