official god

Chapter 473 Negotiation and Heart Talk

After Ding Tian, Yan Province Daily Bu published the seal of experts and scholars. He ruthlessly refuted Xia Presumu Chonggang's female chapter, and even some experts and scholars, regardless of their identity, accusing Xiaxiang of having only a little practical experience and being complacent. It is beyond our ability to arrogantly pretend to be an expert. The attack on Fan Zheng and Yan Xiao was also picky about their young age and little knowledge, and accused them of being untenable. Later, the experts maintained a high degree of consistency in their views, that is, the industrial restructuring of Yan Province has been adjusted up to now. Although they have achieved a little, they are far from being successful. Even the investment of Kodak introduced is based on the previous negotiations between Dafu and Kodak, which cannot be attributed to the adjustment of the industrial structure.

After seeing the expert's article, Ye Shisheng was angry, but he still laughed and said, "The so-called expert is just a group of jealous people."

After Xia wanted to see the article, he smiled: "Take the initiative to jump into the pit. OK, just wait for the next step to come out and see how to hit you in the face!"

After a series of negotiations and consultations. Qi's Group and Jiangtai Distillery officially signed a letter of intent for investment. Qi's Group injected hundreds of millions of dollars into Jiangtai Distillery and obtained a 45% stake in Jiangtai Distillery. After the intention was signed, Qi Donglai began to raise funds. At the same time, at the behest of Xiaxiang, the matter has been kept secret, and the single city government and the Qi Group kept their mouths shut. No information was disclosed.

After the week, Mike, president of the largest solar energy manufacturer in the United States, flew to Baobao City for a commercial inspection. There was Wei Xin who came with Mike. Concave day, Kuangshan

Wei Xin was entrusted by Lian Ruohan to accompany Mike to China. Because after a period of contact, Wei Xin and Mike had the most communication and were most trusted by Mike. Lian Ruohan thought that being accompanied by Wei Xin would help to communicate happily between Mike and Xiaxiang. For the sake of summer. Even Ruohan did his best.

Mike speaks American English and speaks fast. When he speaks Chinese, Americans can't understand it. Chinese people don't understand it very well, and they also have a strong Cantonese style. It is estimated that the Chinese teachers hired in the United States are from southern provinces. And the Chinese Fanze invited by Baoshi also didn't understand many professional terms. Fortunately, Wei Xin was there, but he helped Xia think a lot.

Mike and his party were warmly welcomed by Cao Yongxing, Qiu Xufeng and others. After the ceremony, Qiu Xufeng, Xiaxiang and others accompanied Mike on the field trip. Xiaxiang and Xie Xufeng were responsible for the introduction. Wei Xin became the main translator, but made Mike and Baoshi's two majors idle. The two of them were also interesting, so they got together and learned from each other.

After visiting the small and medium-sized enterprises of solar photovoltaic, Maizhen did not express any opinions. After returning to the hotel arranged for them in Baoshi, Mike invited Xia to talk to Qiu Xufeng.

Xia wanted to go upstairs with Mike and held a small closing meeting in the small conference room upstairs.

When he went upstairs, Wei Xin deliberately fell a few steps behind. Walk around the rethinking. Wei Xin has graduated from college and has become a regular employee of Lian Ruohan, with a generous salary. She is much more mature, and her figure is much thinner and richer than when she was in school. She wears a professional suit, a pair of black-framed glasses, light makeup, bent eyebrows, long hair, and a strong waist recommendation. It is also touching


Xia wanted to see Wei Xin's daylight flash, guessing that she had something to say. He asked quietly, "Do you seem to have something to say?"

Wei Xin stopped talking and said after a while, "It's not convenient now. After the meeting, let's go outside and sit down, okay?"

Xia wanted to nod and agree.

The meeting with Mike was not very successful. It's not that Mike refuses to invest, but Mike opens his mouth. He not only needs policies and preferential tax policies, but also wants to annex all small and medium-sized enterprises. The price is not bad, but Mike's intention is to build a processing factory after the annexation of all small and medium-sized enterprises in Bao City, only investing gold and not exporting technology.

Xia didn't agree.

The purpose of introducing foreign investment is to improve the gap and promote employment. However, only foreign capital is introduced, not technology is introduced. It is a short-sighted behavior, which will completely become a vassal of developed countries in the future. Although it is also a way to turn China into a world's processing factory, even if you can drink the soup left after others eat meat in the future. Drinking more and drinking less also depends on other people's mood. It is completely subject to others, and it is not what Xia wants.

Mike's attitude is very resolute: "Solar technology in the United States is the first in the world, and the technological lead can ensure the lead in strength. Mr. Xia, the capital problem is not a problem, but the technical problem is not negotiable

Xia wanted to understand the cunning of the Americans. He refused to let go until the last moment. He smiled and said, "Mr. Mike has come to China thousands of miles away. There is an old Chinese saying that friends come from afar. I am very happy. I am very happy to meet Mr. Mike and I am willing to become good friends with Mr Making friends is important. I just want to tell you that the Baoshi Municipal Government is full of confidence in the restructuring of small and medium-sized enterprises and is determined to do a good job. I think Mr. Mike also learned more about China's national conditions before coming to China, that is, the government is very powerful, as long as the government wants to do one thing. There is almost no failure. Therefore, our greatest advantage lies in the strength of more people. I can also tell Mr. Mike clearly that what we need most is not capital, but technology. The municipal government promises that the funds invested by your company can be fully recovered in two years. I think there are such preferential conditions. The conditions we ask for technology transfer are the obvious requirements

Mike asked with a surprised face, "Zong Quan can take back the investment. If Xia Busheng has any good conditions, Ou Moneng Company will move when it hears the news, but as far as I know, it seems that the most solar company is in contact with you at present?"

"Ha ha, Xia wants to laugh, "As I said just now, making friends is more important than making friends, because Mr. Mike and Mr. Smith are good friends. I have old acquaintances with Mr. Norton. Mr. Smith and Mr. Norton are both my friends.

Chinese people are the most humane. It is said that clothes are not as good as new clothes, and people are not as good as others. It is based on thinking about the problem from the perspective of friends that they first invite Mr. Mike to visit China and come to Baoshi for inspection. In fact, German and British solar energy companies are also willing to invest, and they also promised to transfer technology, but to be honest, their technical strength is still a little worse than yours, so my attitude is very clear, that is, to introduce the most advanced technology

Mike did not say anything about the love card Xia wanted to play, but asked, "How can your government ensure that the investment can be fully recovered within two years?"

Xia also shrugged his shoulders like Mike: "I'm sorry, Mr. Mike, before you agree to the technology transfer, you can inform

Mike said unhappily, "Mr. Xia is not real. Gangwang also said that making friends is the most important thing to make friends with, and also said that you pay most attention to human feelings. Why do you turn against others?

Xia smiled when he wanted to. Mike's unhappiness proved that he cared. He said, "That's right. Making friends is important to make friends, but Mr. Mike and I haven't known each other for a long time. It's not a good friend yet. We need to keep in touch and improve our understanding

The negotiations have come to an end for the time being. On the surface, there is no progress, but both sides know the bottom line and advantages of the other party, so there is the possibility of further negotiations. And Xia thought clearly; since Mike came, he just wanted to make money. The so-called non-transfer of technology is just a bargaining chip. Although the manufacturing technology of solar products is high-tech, it is not too high-end technology, which is not within the scope of technology restricted transfer in the United States.

Mike, it's understandable that he just wants to maximize the benefits. Xia wanted to have the confidence to negotiate this business, because he and Lian Ruomu had enough tacit understanding, and Lian Ruohan asked Wei Xin to come. It is to imply that Xia thought that success or failure is tied to Wei Xin.

Although the treasure city at night is not as bright as the lights of Yan City, it is also full of traffic and prosperity. Xia wanted to walk side by side on the street of Baoshi with Wei Xin. It is the hottest season in Baoshi. Both of them are thinly dressed and crowded with pedestrians. They huddle together from time to time. Xiaxiang can feel the cool comfort of Wei Xin's arms.

Like the previous life. The concave is called Dianshan

Xiaxiang has been with Wei Xin for several years and has been in the same bed for several years. She not only knows Wei Xin's habits well, but also knows her physical characteristics. Although Wei Xin's skin is not as good as that of Cao Shuqi and Lian Ruohan, one of the greatest advantages is that it is comfortable. In winter, her body is hot, like a small stove. In summer, it is extremely cool. And it brings a sense of peace and comfort in the coolness. Because of this, Xia wanted to stay with Wei Xin for a few years and slept with her almost every night, and she didn't feel bored at all.

Now that he thinks about it, he feels that it used to be too realistic. He only knows how to enjoy Wei Xin's kindness and doesn't understand Wei Shi's heart.

Wei Xin's heart is the same as that of all women. Longing for a family to settle the love between the two. It's just that Xia wanted to never give it to her. She only knew how to ask for it and didn't pay. Therefore, in this life, he married Cao Shuhui without hesitation. A man was born in the world and should bear something. When a woman pays to you wholeheartedly, when you also love her, don't just think about not marrying her for the sake of freedom and not being bound by marriage. Women are more eager to get married than men. Only marriage can make them feel safe.

Although, marriage is becoming less and less safe, but marriage at least gives them stability. It gave them psychological comfort. At the same time, it is also a man's responsibility.

Xiaxiang looked sideways at Wei Xin, who bowed his head and said no, and there was a trace of sadness in his heart. He asked, "Are you still used to living abroad?"

"People have strong adaptability. If you live for a long time, you will get used to it." Wei Xin replied faintly. Looking at Xia, his eyes were full of complex emotions. Suddenly, he said, "Thank you. It's so kind of you."

The two came to a cafe and sat by the window. Each asked for a cup of coffee, and Xia wanted to take a sip of coffee. There is sweetness in bitterness and sweetness in astringency. Although I'm not used to the taste of coffee, after drinking it a few more times, I don't think it's so bad.

Life is a process of gradually adapting to getting used to it.

"Thank you for what?" After a long time, Xia thought he still asked the question just now.

"You know it yourself, ask knowingly." Wei Xinyu glanced at Xia with dissatisfaction, and the amorous feelings were revealed, as if they were separated from the world.

Xia wanted to quickly avoid her eyes.

No one will feel uncomfortable. After all, later generations are used to Wei Xin's smile. Now Wei Xin is becoming more and more mature, and he is getting closer to the time when Xia wants to know her in later generations. It also increasingly overlaps with Wei Xin in his memory.

Xia thought about it, but still didn't understand. I had to say, "I should thank you. You are by Ruohan's side and take care of her all the time

"Take care of her as my sister. I have a good relationship with her. It has nothing to do with you. There is no reason for you at all, and you can't thank me." Wei Xin didn't appreciate it. "I thank you because you helped me during my saddest time and secretly supported me a lot. I just know that you are really a good person. Although you are a little playful, it does not prevent you from being in my mind at all. It is still the image of a good person. Reading treacherous books are all in Jianshu.

Lianglai Weixin knew what happened in those years, and Xia wanted to shake his head with a smile. No, he also had nothing to say. Wei Xin said that he was careless, and he also admitted it. Because Wei Xin must know the real relationship between him and Lian Ruohan.

"I want to ask why, is it okay?" Wei Xin still couldn't solve the mystery in his heart, and finally asked from the bottom of his heart, "I'm thinking, if you are really playful and have any ideas for me, when my sister flew to the United States, I was alone in Lianju. You were so stunned, but there was no expression. I don't understand. You didn't know me at that time. Why did you have to help me? The concave said to be dumped

It's hard for Xia to answer Wei Xin's question.

He stirred the coffee in the cup and bowed his head and thought for a moment. He smiled and said, "Maybe it's a coincidence or an opportunity. When I went to the Conservatory of Music, I accidentally met you. I thought you were very much like my sister and that you were worth cherishing. It's worth taking care of. After learning about your situation, I tried my best to help a little. It's not a big deal. It's just a piece of effort. Don't worry too much about it."

"It's a matter of your hands. For me, it is the most important turning point in my life. Wei Xin suddenly bit his lips tightly. Tears flashed in his eyes, "To tell you the truth, I was rushed to the hospital at that time. Without your timely help, I had decided to be a drinking lady. Maybe I have been reduced now."

Wei Xin's eyes flashed with perseverance. Chongxia wanted to say firmly, "Thank you, thank you sincerely."

Xia wanted to shake her head and nodded again without saying anything. Being able to do something for Wessin in this life is also his true love for him in later generations. In the last life, the beauty earned me the wrong knife. How can I repay Ying Qiongyao in this life? He can get through the difficulties safely, and now he has a good job, which is also the most meaningful thing he can do.

Wei Xin doesn't know where the courage comes from. Suddenly, he grabbed Xiaxiang's hand and said in a trembling voice, "I know you're very playful, but I don't care. I also know that I shouldn't do this, because I have such a good relationship with Sister Lian. But I really can't control myself. I don't know why. I have always liked you and liked you very much. If you want, I would like to be like Sister Lian. Be the woman behind you."

The county was stunned.

Occasionally, he boldly reveals his feelings and dares to express his feelings. In line with Wei Xin's character, he was forced to marry by her many times in later generations. It is understandable that Wei Xin likes him. There is indeed a wonderful feeling between people. Many people may have no feelings in their lives, and some people can be born secretly as soon as they meet.


Wei Xin loved him to death in the future. I confessed to him again in this life, although it was reasonable. It also makes Xiaxiang quite helpless.

Xia wanted to gently pull back his hand and said, "I'm sorry, Wei Xin. I really don't want to hurt you again

Wei Xin looked disappointed and was in a turbulent mood. She didn't hear the hidden meaning of Xia's words. Just with a bitter face, he reluctantly smiled and said, "Just think of me as a shameless woman. I do this. In your eyes, you are very cheap. If even my sister knows about it, she will also look down on me

Xiaxiang was a little unbearable. He reached out and gently grabbed Wei Xin's hand and whispered, "You are a good girl. Really, if I hadn't had a wife and Ruohan, I would be willing to be with you. It's just that there are many things in the world that can't be turned back. If you miss it, you will miss it. What can we do? You are the woman behind me, which is unfair to you, to Shuhui, and to Ruohan. It will always make me feel guilty, and to be honest, I'm not as good as you think. When you get close, you will regret it

Wei Xin asked curiously, "What do you regret?"

"I like to roll when I sleep. If I'm not careful, I will push you out of bed. You will definitely regret being with me. Instead, it's better not to try. Xia didn't lie, but he did do the ebominence of pushing Wei Xin to the ground in the middle of the night.

Wei Xin smiled, pulled back his hand without a trace, and said, "Ok, I've been holding my mind for a few years, and it's easy. Just think of it as a little girl's dream. Now that the little girl has grown up, it's time to face tomorrow bravely

In an instant, the expression on Wei Xin's face seemed to be much easier.

Xiaxiang is also sincerely happy for her. As long as the knot is untied, the whole person will be relieved. He has experienced this feeling before. He hoped that Wei Xin would no longer live in his shadow. Now that I have decided not to be entangled with Wei Xin in this life, whether for her or for myself, I must stick to my faith and never provoke her anymore.

Wei Xin wanted to talk to Xia for a while. Lian Ruohan and Wu Lianxia. Lian Ruohan has decided to let his son call Wu Lianxia. Xiao Lianxia has an excellent appetite. She can eat and sleep, and grows very fast. As soon as Wei Xin said, he aroused the overflow of Xia's fatherly love, and thought that sooner or later he would pick up Lian Ruohan's mother and son, so as to tease the little guy. Let him call him Dad.

Prevention: I want to cry without tears. I habitually opened it in the afternoon, and suddenly the anti-virus software jumped out. It was said to have stopped a virus, but it was killed by mistake. The automatically saved files are annoyingly, and the processing methods are still very barbaric. There is no option to recover. I feel extremely depressed when I have worked hard for thousands of words all morning. I have been coding words for so long. It's the first time I've encountered this situation, and the words are all painstaking efforts. So it's too late to update today. Please forgive me. Just two more monthly tickets to support Lao He. The hard work has been in vain all morning. It's really speechless!