official god

Chapter 481 Each has its own backhand

is not right. Beauty Zong Jin can find a handsome and talented man. No matter whether he is rich or not, she will fight with him. When she makes a lot of money in the future, won't she be completely satisfactory? Song Yifan is really simple and has a simple perspective when looking at the problem.

Gu Yu has a lot of experience and has a deep understanding of things. He laughed: "The problem is that in the face of handsomeness and money, most people choose the latter.

And beautiful women are often impatient and unwilling to bet on tomorrow. Isn't it better to enjoy the ready-made? Who is willing to fight for it? Speaking of which, or back to the beginning, men are used to rely on. It is useless to be handsome. Either they have money to rely on, or they have character to rely on. No matter what, they must be reliable.

"Well, Song Yifan seems to have been convinced. He took Gu Yu's hand and said, "Sister Gu is really awesome and knows a lot. Have you been in love many times?"

One sentence made Gu Yu blush.

The four of them had dinner together, because Song Yifan was present, and Song Chaodu did not ask Xiaxiang's next arrangement. Xia thought didn't say much. However, he and the Song Dynasty have a good sense. After temporary tranquility, Yan Province will usher in a new wave of high-rise dynasty.

For three days in a row, everything in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection was quiet. There was no rumor that the Commission for Discipline Inspection had any punishment for Gu Renjie, nor did he hear Gu Renjie make a profound inspection on the Commission for Discipline Inspection, as if the report letter thrown on the ground had not been born. Not only did Ye Shisheng not mention it again, but Xing Duantai seemed to be selective


No one knows what Secretary Ye talked about the last time he asked Xie Duantai to go to the office for a secret conversation. Gu Renjie goes to work and gets off work like a person who has nothing to do all day long, which is no different from usual. The discussion in the Commission for Discipline Inspection about the last incident of smashing the ancient secretary's office also slowly subsided, and no one mentioned it. It's just that everyone is now. Huang Lin and Liu Xu suddenly seem to have disappeared. I don't know where they have gone.

Everyone knows that the matter must be far from over. They are all competing secretly and guessing. What will happen in the end?

Xiaxiang also seemed to forget the unhappiness of being investigated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and even left behind the fact that others designed and framed him. He was busy all day long, but outsiders didn't know what Xia wanted to do. Because of the special approval of Governor Song, in order to facilitate Xiaxiang's work, he set up

Xia Xiang is now working alone. The door of the office is usually locked, and idle people are not allowed to enter. He is doing what work in it and never discloses to outsiders, which makes the people in the leading group talk about it. What big move is Director Xia brewing again?

Xiaxiang is indeed brewing a big move.

The joint venture between Taiwan Winery and Qi Group has signed a formal agreement, and the first batch of funds have been put in place, and the production capacity is being expanded intensively. The management has been reorganized, and under the control of the municipal government, cultural tourism projects have been bundled and promoted, and a large-scale advertising plan is being planned, waiting for the plan to pass the review of all parties. Put it on the market again.

Xia wants to deal with it from the middle, let Yan Xiao and Qi Yanan maintain close contact, and negotiate on the joint publicity. Of course, the advertising funded by Qi's on CCTV is only the advertising of the Taiwan winery, which has nothing to do with cultural tourism projects. The two are tied together to publicize the official publicity model based on the promotion of traditional culture, with the municipal government coming forward, mainly news publicity, supplemented by feature films. Xiaxiang also contacted Qiu Ai of the provincial TV station for them. Qiu Ai wanted to meet Xia because she saw her, so she naturally took it out.

Basically, all the work in a single city is going smoothly, and it can be launched to the market in about another month. I believe that the news of the joint venture of the Taiwan winery, together with the large-scale advertisement launched by CCTV, and the overall publicity of the bundling of cultural tourism projects, will inevitably cause a Move.

At the same time, Wei Xin also received the news that Mike's proposal for a joint venture with Baoshi has been approved by the board of directors, and the agreement can be formally signed in a while. Xia thought that he was not in a hurry and asked Wei Xin to tell Mike that after the merger of small and medium-sized enterprises in Bao City, the date of signing the agreement will be notified separately.

Xiaxiang didn't want to procrastinate, but he knew that if he signed the agreement now, there must be news. He intends to wait for the single city to be ready, when everything is ready, and then the joint venture between the company will be exposed, and the two blockbuster bombs will be dropped together, which will make the other party dizzy at the end


After Wei Xin told him, he called quickly, saying that Mike also needed time to prepare for the preliminary work. He was looking forward to the day when he wanted to shake hands with Xia. At the end of the call, Wei Xin suddenly said, "Let me tell you one thing. I think Chinese people still like it, so I can only be friends with Mike

Xia was stunned and then said, "I respect your choice."

Wei Xin didn't say anything more and hung up the phone silently.

Basically, after the preliminary work was ready, Xiaxiang began to prepare the third batch of rebuttal articles. This time, Gao Jinzhou personally wrote an article, listing the successful examples of the leading group with irrefutable facts to prove the correctness of the industrial structure adjustment. Mr. Gao was only responsible for the control of the article. After experiencing the fact that Xia wanted to be framed, he was extremely angry and wrote an article. He was ready to put on the battle in person and participate in the debate.

In order to launch the polem article and the news of the successful joint venture case of single city and treasure city at the same time. It also caused a sensational effect. Xia wanted to make a very perfect plan. Everything just waited for the time to come.

However, before the time came, that is, before the big meal, Xiaxiang also decided to give the other party a plate of appetizers first, which is so-called rude to come and go. There must be one last time I was framed. The result is,,

After the last incident, that night, Renjie cooked at night with Cui Xiang, Ma Xiao and Fu Shuangfeng! Go to the Jingxin Villa in the suburbs to discuss matters.

Jingxin Villa is located in the south of Yan City. It is a manor built on the mountain. The villa is not big from the outside. There are only a few parking lots in a few courtyards. In fact, after the car enters, there is also a gate inside. After entering through the gate and passing through a cave, the inside is suddenly bright and different from the normal business outside. It is a luxurious scene.

Cui Xiang frowned and took a look at Gu Renjie.

Gu Renjie knew that Cui Xiang cherished his reputation and thought that as a dignified deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, he was no longer suitable for the place of lust. He quickly explained, "Secretary Cui didn't know something. Since Jingxin Villa was named Jingxin, it was to let the laborious provincial and municipal leaders come to cultivate themselves. Few leaders have never been to Jingxin Villa. This place was opened by a princely party in the capital. Everyone came here to calm down, and to communicate and enhance feelings.

Cui Xiangcai didn't believe anything to say, but when he heard that there were not only the backstage of the capital, but also many colleagues came, he was concerated and said, "It's mainly about things, and there is no need to arrange other ways. You also know who I am."

Of course, Gu Renjie knew Cui Xiang's person, which may be because of his old age. He is really not a good woman. However, Gu Renjie guessed that Cui Xiang could not let go in front of outsiders. It is estimated that there are women around him behind his back. But compared with several provincial leaders known to ancients, there are different women around him. He does show that Cui Xiang is more self-disciplined in terms of women.

Jingxin Villa is very large. After passing through a red and willow green place, the car finally stopped.

The destination is a small courtyard of dozens of square meters, written with the three characters "the joy of the world", with a couplet on each side, and the upper couplet is the joy of the world first. The next couplet is the worry of the future world. Several people got out of the car. Open the door of the courtyard and go in. The fragrance of flowers hits people. It turns out that the courtyard is full of all kinds of fruit trees and flowers. Although the yard is not big, it is particularly neatly renovated. There is also a small stream flowing through the middle, and the stream is painted. With the special lighting effect, it is picturesque.

What is picturesque is not only the beautiful scenery, but also several beautiful women dressed in ancient costumes and planted among the flowers.

Chinese classical beauties are the most beautiful with melon seed faces, and the owners of the villa are also elegant people. Several ancient costumed women have melon seed faces and wear ancient costumes. The classical beauty is shocking. They were playing among the flowers again, and some people sat by the stream washing their feet, which made people feel like time went back and sighed at the scenery in front of them. What a picture of a lady playing.

When Cui Xiang saw it, he felt much more comfortable. He nodded secretly. He was elegant and elegant. Such an ingenious arrangement was much more elegant than a few women in **. Although he also knows that elegance must be vulgar, elegance depends on personal hobbies, which can make all kinds of leaders who are serious, unscrupulous and false. You can have your own place.

Cui Xiang just looked at the women in green, red, yellow and pink, and was not interested. He was so worried that he had no intention to deal with elegant or vulgar things. He only nod to the ancients. He said, "You can do whatever you want, since you are here. Just be happy and don't worry about me.

The ancient man had long taken a fancy to the woman in green, so he reached out and pointed to her.

Ma Xiao also ordered the woman in red, but Fu Xianfeng didn't. The two women who didn't click were still slob among the flowers and did not avoid it.

Several people entered the room, and the decorations in the room were the same as in ancient times, and even the light bulbs were made into lanterns. In addition to a desk in the room, there are also chess, guzheng and pen and ink. There are huge screens around. Needless to say, behind the screen. It's the quiet place of the winding path.

It is indeed a place of elegance and vulgarity, Cui Xiang thought. The owner here is also a person with a heart. With such a means, he can definitely make a lot of money.

Four people sat down to eat. Two women play the piano and dance with each other, which complement each other. Cui Xiang was happy to hear this. On a whim, he said to Gu Renjie, "Let the two people outside also come in to cheer up. Let's also enjoy the bell tripod food of the ancient high-ranking officials.

After the woman in yellow and pink came in, she was blessed first. Then a dance partner and a bell. It was the two of them who played music and danced. In addition, there are incense burners in the room to spread the fragrance. It makes people suspicious that it goes back to ancient times.

The four women are very smart and not far from the four, allowing several people to enjoy the wonderful music and dancing without affecting the conversation.

In the ancient dance of quiet Zhiyuan, Cui Xiang's heart slowly calmed down, tasting the delicious food while thinking about the current situation.

Xiaxiang's counterattack is sharp and deadly. There are so many things born in a day that are dazzling that it is difficult to get useful information from it. It was not until now that Cui Xiang straightened out all his thoughts and came to a conclusion.

There were three unexpecteds in this matter. First, I didn't expect that Xia didn't want to be greedy for money. Second, I didn't expect that Gu Yujie would have to interfere in Xia's thoughts. Third, I didn't expect that Gu Yu had the energy to mobilize the secret troops, which was so surprising.

Compared with the three unexpected, although Cui Xiang also paid attention to Zhu Jiyuan's report letter, he did not take it too seriously. He thought that a few report letters could not help Zhu Jiyuan, and he could not do anything about the ancient people.

Cui Xiang and Zhu Jiyuan are not very familiar with each other. I also heard from the ancient Jie that Zhu Jiyuan was more greedy and took a lot of benefits from others. Cui Xiang asked the ancient hero to warn Zhu Jiyuan. Recently, I have been restrained a little. In addition, if you can be less greedy, try to be less greedy. Just stop it, and don't make it out of control. Now, which of the officials in power doesn't take the opportunity to make some money? You also need to have a degree and a measure to make money.

If Xia wants to toss around, he must win Zhu Jiyuan without hatred? Don't think about it! Cui Xiangshou thought proudly. Is it too much of a joke to want to bring down a senior department-level official with real power just by leading the news? Although Xiaxiang's counterattack is quite smart. But it's just a bluff. If you don't believe it, just wait and see. Zhu Jiyuan was fine in the end, and the ancient heroes would not be implicated.

Gu Renjie and Cui Xiang agreed. Although Zhu Jiyuan was greedy for a lot of money, he was a cash handle between the two people. There was no third-party witness, and Zhu Jiyuan hid the money very secretly. Even if he was suspected, there was no real evidence. Even if Huang Lin and Liu Xu are copper bowl beans, it is most principled not to talk about human feelings in handling cases. They can't find a breakthrough, have nowhere to do it, and they are also busy in vain


However, after this incident, Cui Xiang and Gu Renjie have improved their understanding of Xia Xiang a lot. They didn't expect that the young man was really good at acting. He didn't play with money and beautiful women. He was really a rare self-disciplined official. But it is precisely because Xia Xiang doesn't have the shortcomings of their hope that Cui Xiang is even more worried about starting from the front and can't find Xia Xiang's problem. Start from the dark, and there is nowhere to start. Is Xia thinking that he is really a person who can't get into the water?

There are only two ways to deal with political opponents; one is the economic problem, and the other is the style problem. At present, it seems that it is impossible to start from the economic issue. You can do more about style problems. The last test did not succeed. Maybe Cong Yier is not Xia Xiang's type, or maybe Xia Xiang is a slow-heated person. Anyway, Cui Xiang doesn't believe that Xia Xiang doesn't like women.

Cui Xiang also knows that even if he stop now. No longer trying to kill Xia, Xia will not give up. After this incident, Xia Cang can definitely guess that he is behind the scenes. Xia Can't do anything to him for the time being, but Xia Cang will never let go of any opportunity to hit him. Thinking about the end of Gao Chengsong in those years, Cui Xiang couldn't help but be a little afraid. He really shouldn't have played a conspiracy with Xia earlier. Xia Xiang has a principle. At least he doesn't take the initiative. Now it's all right. Xia wants to be overshadowed by him, and he will definitely retaliate by any means.

Who knows what kind of backhand you really want to do?

It is difficult to guard against open guns, dark arrows and dark arrows. Xiaxiang and Song Chaodu joined hands, and even Gao Chengsong can't defend against it. How can he deal with Xiaxiang's means? Fortunately, Cui Xiang is confident that he does not have many economic and political problems of Gao Chengsong. Even if there are, it is not easy to be caught.

He is confident that he is impeccable, but Xiaxiang is also slippery. Cui Xiang always hung a boulder in his heart, and he felt that he might be hit by Xia Xiang's conspiracy at any time.

Just in time, Fu Xianfeng asked him out today, saying that there was something important to discuss. Cui Xiang also knew that he had to use the power of the Fu family at the critical moment, so he followed Fu Xianfeng's arrangement and came to Jingxin Villa.

Singxin Villa, you can really calm down. Be a rich and idle person for the time being.

Several people are talking at the same time.

After learning about the national treasure incident, Fu Xianfeng was also surprised and admired Xia's high adaptability. However, he was not as worried as Cui Xiang. Instead, he felt that although Xia wanted to escape the dilemma, it was just speculation. In the face of strong strength, any tricks were useless, because he had found that there was indeed an ambiguous relationship between Xia wanted and Lian Ruohan, and even Ruohan's child was not surprised, he was Xia's son!

Fu Xianfeng was overjoyed, as long as he told the truth to the old man of the Wu family, or to Wu Caiyang. How can you try your best to deal with Xia Xiang? When the Wu family is angry, Xia Xiang can still have a future?

Fu Xianfeng invited Cui Xiang to the banquet with a relaxed attitude, and he just wanted Cui Xiang to have a look. A real master disdains to confront his opponents head-on. What's more, it's not ashamed to design a plot against the opponent. The smartest scheme is to kill people with a knife.

Although Ma Xiao is a family member of Fu. However, Fu Xianfeng still disdained him and Cui Xiang's design Xiaxiang, and felt that their tricks were too bad to be elegant. As a princeling party, Fu Xianfeng has always liked to bully others by force or rely only on strength. But they did it, and he was willing to be optimistic about it. Anyway, even if the matter was exposed, it would not involve his reputation.

But the result of such a fiasco was also beyond his expectation, and he did not feel gloating. He just thought that Xia was more powerful than he thought, but he and Xia had never had a direct conflict. The urgency of suppressing Xia is not as strong as Cui's. But after hearing the exact news about Lian Ruohan, I was still very happy. It is also a good thing to use the hand of the Wu family to get rid of Xia Xiang and remove a stumbling block.

Fu Xianfeng was relaxed. While sipting the wine, he listened to the melodious ancient music and slowly told Cui Xiang his good news.

Cui Xiang was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed. He picked up his glass and touched a cup with Fu Xianfeng, and said, "The ancients said that the army was plotted, and then the second was the fight. Secondly, he attacked the soldiers and attacked the city. Compared with the vanguard's strategy, our previous strategy is at best a soldier's attack.