official god

Chapter 484 Paving the Road

And want to know that it is a rare opportunity at the moment. Since Ye Shisheng is not ashamed to discuss the next round of pilot restructuring with him, he must tell the ideas in his heart, otherwise there may be no such a good opportunity to impress Ye Shisheng in the future.

If you want to take the next step, you have to pave the way for yourself.

"The economic output value of Yan Province is medium in the country, but Yan City is among the provincial capital cities in the country. The ranking is very low, only a little stronger than a few poor provinces in the northwest. However, the economic scale of several backward provinces in the northwest is much worse than that of Yan Province, so it is comparable. The influence of Yan City as a provincial capital city in China is not in line with the ranking of Yan Province in China. The provincial capital city is the face of a province. The backwardness of Yan City directly affects the image of Yan Province. This is one of them.

"Yan City is the capital of the province, although success or failure is crucial. However, the industrial restructuring has achieved initial success and accumulated some experience. Anything new is on a first-come, first-served basis. If Yan coins are excluded from the second batch of pilot cities, when the third batch or full promotion is fully promoted, Yan City will be the last bus. At that time, the upsurge of industrial restructuring has passed, and the capital boom will also be attributed. In the end, the remaining funds may be few, and Yan City will be unprofitable, just one form. It's just like engineering. This is the second.

"Secretary Ye is the courageous and pioneering provincial party secretary in Yan Province, which has not been seen in the past ten years. Yan Province has always been more conservative and less enterprising. However, under the correct leadership of Secretary Ye and under Secretary Ye's drastic policy of industrial restructuring, Yan Province has made unprecedented achievements. It has also received close attention from the upper class. As the provincial capital of the upper class, if it can be successfully restructured within Secretary Ye's term of office, it can not only make Yan City become the provincial capital city with the fastest economic development in China, but also draw a successful end to the industrial restructuring of Yan Province!"

Xia wanted to finish his words and smiled modestly. Looking forward to seeing Ye Shisheng.

Ye Shisheng was excited by Xia's thoughts.

Which provincial party secretary doesn't want to make a difference and leave a strong mark in the historical development of a province? Gao Chengsong has been nailed to the pillar of shame in history since he took over as secretary. It is a great opportunity to reorganize the politics and economy of Yan Province. How can we miss such a good historical opportunity? Xia wants to be so right. Yan City is a very backward provincial capital in China. Not only is the economy underdeveloped, but the area population is also small. Now the urban population is only more than 10,000, and the progress has been slow in recent years. The urbanization rate is not high, the urban population growth is slow, the introduction is small, etc. When he attended a national conference last time and listed the comparison of provinces and provincial capitals of the country, the overall data of Yan Province can be seen, but Yan City is compared with other provincial capitals. The data is a little unbearable.

Ye Shiniu knew that there was not much time left for him. As the secretary of the provincial party committee, although he is responsible to the whole province and facing the whole province. But after all, he also works and lives in Yan City. He has a deeper affection for Yan City and wants to wait for him to leave Yan Province. Let the people of Yan City remember him and praise his achievements!

People who are officials cherish their reputation, especially at the level of the secretary of the provincial party committee. It is difficult for most people to take a step forward. What they want at this time is a good reputation that can be talked about by the people. If a person leaves a name, a person can't escape fame and fortune.

Ye Shisheng was moved.

He thought for a moment, and suddenly remembered the idea of the water system around the city and the addition of a new area that Xia wanted to mention when he was eating in the forest house and Xia. Now when he thinks about it again, he can't help but be moved. What is there any more effective project that can show political achievements and improve the living environment of Yanshi City more than the Huancheng water system? What can promote the expansion of the urban area of Yan City and promote population growth more than the addition of a new area? And improve employment. Is it an immediate idea to promote the economy? Xiaxiang is really a young man who can't be underestimated. Based on the leading group of industrial restructuring, he has a long-term view. He can even say that he is fully qualified to serve as the deputy secretary-general of the provincial party committee, and he is not old.

Long live the young man, with this vision and mind, as long as he is given a chance, he will not have to worry about not being able to do a big deal. Ye Shisheng thought that he would be old in two years. Either go up or go back. Anyway, you should also leave some connections in Yan Province. Fortunately, when you return to Yan Province in the future, some people will remember his good.

It's time to properly support Xiaxiang. Xiaxiang has contributed a lot to the adjustment of the industrial structure, and also showed that he was close to him, and his work was reported diligently. Whether it was his personal ability or life, he was more satisfied. In the long run, Xiaxiang has also won the trust of Fan Ruiheng. Fan Ruiheng will take over as the secretary without any accident. At that time, as long as Xiaxiang is still in Yan Province, he will still have deep contacts.

It's admirable to think about it. Xia Xiang not only has the ability and vision, but also has a long-term layout under the handling of interpersonal relationships. He is really a young man who makes people think highly.

Ye Shisheng admired a department-level cadre for the first time, which was good. It's admiration, because although Xia wants to have connections, he has never been arrogant or impatient, and still does things sincerely, as well as the practice of donating gifts to charity after receiving gifts. They are all valuable qualities, and Shi Xuan maintains a modest and cautious style, which is indeed a great talent.

Ye Shisheng looked at Xia Xiang's eyes. There is one more love, one more kindness from the elders to the younger generation.

"Your words are also a good idea. After the success of the second wave of restructuring, when the second batch of pilot cities is put on the agenda, if Yan City submits an application, I can consider it at my discretion. Ye Shisheng did not show the authority of the handle by not expressing his position. Instead, he wanted to say it directly to Xia, Yahan Shan. After all, Yan City is the provincial capital. First of all, Yan City intends to report to the provincial party committee, and then the provincial party committee will study and decide. It is estimated that there will be resistance in the provincial party committee

Xia wanted to know that Ye Shisheng was worried about the strong opposition of conservatives, so he gave Ye Shisheng a reassurance: "I believe Governor Fan is also supportive."

Ye Shisheng was really relieved. He nod his head slightly and said, "At that time, it is necessary to have specific contact with the Yan Municipal Party Committee. I'm afraid there are also voices of opposition in Yan City."

Yan City is a sub-provincial city. The province should also give three points to Yan City. You can't order everything directly, but in a consultative tone.

Xia figured out what Ye Shisheng meant and said, "Secretary Chen's opinion is more conservative, but Mayor Hu has a positive attitude. However, I have the confidence to persuade Secretary Chen that I have known Secretary Chen for many years, and I know more about his temper.

Everyone knows the relationship between Chen Feng and Xiaxiang. Xia Xiang didn't have to hide in front of Ye Shisheng, but directly said that he wanted to persuade Chen Feng, which also showed that he and Chen Feng could talk at will.

Ye Shisheng was greatly comforted. Xia didn't want to put forward difficulties and didn't mention conditions. Instead, he had to overcome difficulties everywhere and create favorable conditions, which was equivalent to giving him a gift. How could he not be gratified or unhappy? He said with a smile, "I hope that before I leave Yan Province, I can see the shining scenery of the Xiama River and between Yan City and Changshan County. There is a new area rising up, and you can see the dirty wings of Yanshi's flying..."

While talking, Ye Shisheng's eyes were full of yearning and looked out of the window.

In fact, to be fair, anyone who sits in a high position will have the idea of asking for the people for the benefit of the people, but in the process of implementation. In the process of governance, there is always more or less resistance, or something like **. Many people will give up because of resistance, and deviate from the original ideal because of **. Ye Shisheng went from the last political career without merit but seeking boundless stability, to being forced to implement industrial restructuring, and then to being forced. Get up and fight. Now, encouraged by Xiaxiang and encouraged by Hai Dechang, he faced it bravely and decided to draw a perfect end to his political career, which can be said to have gone through a ups and downs of the heart.

Now that he has listened to Xia's imagination and remembered the ups and downs of his life, he couldn't help sighing with emotion. From the county party secretary to the high position of the provincial party secretary, how many times have you given up your political opinions because you are afraid of your political enemies? How many times have you been under pressure to uphold justice? Now that we have come to this day, whether it is for another step, or for the real ideal of being an official and benefiting one side, we must unswervingly implement the adjustment of the industrial structure to the end.

Xia wanted to see Ye Shisheng fall into deep thought. He didn't dare to disturb him, so he waited quietly. Suddenly hearing the door ring, Ma Qiu pushed the door in in a panic and said, "Secretary Ye, something happened

Ye Shisheng was interrupted and slightly unhappy: "What's the matter?"

"The Internet received a phone call from Secretary Xing. Zhu Jiyuan had a car accident on the highway. Because of nervousness and excitement, Ma Qiu's voice was a little distorted. Naturally, he knew who Zhu Jiyuan was. It is also clear that this news plays a heavy trick on Ye Shisheng. There was nothing wrong with people, but the car crashed a little badly, and it was found when the police checked the scene. There is 50,000 yuan in cash in the trunk of Zhu Jiyuan's car.

"What?" Ye Shisheng was shocked. Advise ten thousand cash?"

Ma Qiu nodded quickly: "That's right, in the face of the police's questions. Zhu Jiyuan can't explain the source of the huge amount of money. Now the matter has been reported to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Because Zhu Jiyuan's identity is special and the amount of money involved is huge, Secretary Xing asks you for instructions on how to deal with it?

After Ye Shisheng was surprised, he looked at Xiaxiang suspiciously. Seeing that Xiaxiang was also surprised and unbelievable, he no longer doubted that it was Xiaxiang's handwriting. Also, how could Xiaxiang be so powerful that Zhu Jiyuan was exposed in a car accident? How could he know the time and place of Zhu Jiyuan's delivery of huge sums of money? The idea flashed by, and Ye Shisheng was overjoyed. It took a lot of time to win the Zhu Jiyuan, but I didn't expect it to take any effort.

"Okay, I know." Ye Shisheng nod to Ma Qiu. Ma Qiu didn't say much and closed the door and went out. Before closing the door, he also took a meaningful look at Xiaxiang.

Xia wanted to sit upright and looked calm. He couldn't see what he thought about Zhu Jiyuan's car accident.

Ye Shisheng picked up the phone and called the evil platform directly.

After listening to Xing Duantai's brief report quietly. Ye Shisheng made three instructions, the first. He hurriedly controlled Zhu Jiyuan and dug deep into Zhu Jiyuan's problems. Second, the Commission for Discipline Inspection should keep this matter confidential for the time being, and do not disturb irrelevant people. Third, Xing Duantai is personally responsible for the Zhu Jiyuan case, and will report to the provincial party committee at any time as soon as there is a situation. If necessary, a joint case handling team shall be set up with the procuratorial organ.

Zhu Jiyuan is a department-level cadre and wants to touch him. Even if the Commission for Discipline Inspection has conclusive evidence, it should be submitted to the Standing Committee for discussion. But as long as the evidence is conclusive. No one dares to speak for a person who embezzles and takes bribes of more than 100,000 yuan. Ye Shisheng is an old official. He knows that there are the most people who fall in love at the beginning of the case. Once convicted, no one will say anything.

Xia wants to leave Ye Shisheng's office. When I returned to my office, I found that there was a cup of hot tea on the table. The fragrance was so fragrant that I couldn't help but take a sip and praised: "Da Hong Pao" Who knows that I love to drink Da Hong Pao?"

"Who else is there besides my carefulness?" Gu Yu pushed the door in with a smile, and then crept to close the door. One, he said, "Zhu Jiyuan has an accident. Have you heard of it?"

Seeing that she looked guilty, Xia thought it was funny and said, "Don't gloat. It's good to feel sorry for Comrade Zhu Jiyuan. What a good child from a poor family, he was trying to make progress. It's a pity that he was promoted from the director to the director of the department and had a bright future. In the future, it is still necessary to strengthen the education of ideological and moral values, strengthen the moral construction of party members, and strive to cultivate

"All right, all right." Gu Yu stretched out his hand and paused to break Xia's thoughts; "The tone of your voice is becoming more and more bureaucratic now. I don't like it very much. It's better than the secretary. Let's talk about our step-by-step action. Should we add oil to the fire or add oil and vinegar?

Xia thought that Gu Yu also had a bad side. I like to fall into the well, so I said, "Our next step is to focus on industrial restructuring. How to deal with Comrade Zhu Jiyuan's topic and how to collect evidence is the matter of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, so you don't have to worry about it. I want to ask you, do you have any acquaintances on CCTV?

Qi Yanan asked about the advertising price of CCTV. Naturally, the public quotation was very high. If he wanted to negotiate the price, he didn't know anyone, so he turned to Xiaxiang.

"I don't know, but I know someone I know, and you also know her?" Gu Yu was also interesting. He immediately stopped thinking about Zhu Jiyuan's affairs, but was led to CCTV by Xiaxiang. "What are you doing? Do you want to appear on CCTV and be a celebrity?

Xia wanted to shake his head and smile, and said that the Taiwanese winery wanted to advertise.

"It's right to find Mei Xiaolin. One of her classmates is the director of the advertising department of CCTV. As long as she speaks, she can basically achieve the 30% discount of the external quotation. The advertising channel of CCTV is clear, and her jade business has also been advertising a lot.

Since Mei Xiaolin was transferred back to the capital, she has not talked to Xiaxiang on the phone. Xiaxiang always felt that there was a gap between her and her, and she was embarrassed to take the initiative to contact her, so as not to be told that she had ulterior motives. But the advertising matter is very important, and it seems that I have to call Mei Xiaolin again.

The work Xia wants to arrange for Gu Yu is to let her be responsible for close contact with Yan Xiao, contact with the relevant media in the province on the matter of bundling propaganda in a single city, and make a matchmaking. Gu Yu preferred Yan Xiao's character, so he happily arranged it.

Xia wanted to stabilize his mind and picked up the phone and called Mei Xiaolin.

Mei Xiaolin's voice sounds lazy. A little listless: "Hey, which one?

"Can't you hear my voice, or didn't you write down my phone number?" Xia wanted to smile and saw that it was 3 p.m. Did she just wake up from a nap? Just say, "I didn't disturb your rest, did I?"

"No" It turned out to be you. What's the matter?" Her voice was faint, not far or near, not cold or hot.

"Don't say, I really need your help." Xia thought that whether Mei Xiaolin's attitude was deliberately alienated or deliberately pretended, anyway, he had no grudge in his heart, so he said directly, "I heard that you know the director of the CCTV Advertising Department? A friend of mine wanted to advertise on CCTV. He heard that if you find the right person, you can get a 30% discount of the public quotation, so I asked Mei Xiaolin's voice that there were no ups and downs. But she still paid attention to what Xia thought and said with a smile, "Do you think Tang Xinmin? Of course I know. She and her classmates are in the same class, hehe. No one can get a 30% discount. But if I come forward, it won't be a big problem. But you have to tell me whether the person you want to help is worth helping him

Xia wanted to think for a moment and said with a smile, "You don't know him, but since I called you, it proves that I think it's worth helping him. Are you coming forward? Just look at my face.

Mei Xiaolin was silent. After a long time, she said helplessly, "Can you find another reason for me to help you in the future? Don't complicate the simple relationship between us!"

This was a little inexplicable. Xia wanted to say innocently, "I don't understand. It's a simple relationship between us, but it's what you think is complicated. Now we are clean between us. There is no involvement, only an innocent friendship. It is common for everyone to help. Why do you speak a little strangely?

"You don't understand." Mei Xiaolin wanted to say what she wanted to say and took it back in time. Suddenly, there was a stir in her heart and she almost lost her guard. She hurriedly endured to regain her calm and said, "Since you have opened your mouth, I will definitely help. You will fax me the advertising plan of the winery. I'll have dinner with Tang Xinmin in the evening and have an interview with her.

Thank Mei Xiaolin and hung up the truth, but Xia thought felt a faint loss. She always felt that Mei Xiaolin had changed, but where was the specific performance? I can't say it again. After thinking about the essentials, I had to stop thinking about it. There are many things to do. I can't think about Mei Xiaolin's thoughts.

After all, Mei Xiaolin is not a woman in his true sense.

On the third day, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection set up the Zhu Jiyuan task force with Xie Duantai as the team leader and Huang Lin and Liu Xu as the team members. At the same time, the Provincial Senior People's Procuratorate also transferred elite forces to join the Zhu Jiyuan task force. The intervention of the provincial high prosecutor means that Zhu Jiyuan's problem has passed the stage of investigation and evidence collection and entered the judicial stage!

P: It's mid-term, let's ask for a monthly ticket. I feel a little confused recently. Is it because of the weather? It's late autumn. Friends should pay more attention to their health. Anyway, it's easy to get sick at the turn of autumn and winter. I drink a lot of hot water every day, hoping to resist the past