official god

Chapter 489 Firm Position

In the middle of thinking, Yan took a shower when he was young. He dried his hair and changed his body before quietly coming out of the bathroom. The light in the room was dark. Xia wanted to sleep soundly again. Instead of wearing a bath towel, she only wore a three-point style, crept to touch herself **, quietly got into the quilt, and suddenly smiled again.

I was really stupid just now. What are you thinking about? I have a good daughter's family, and there are so many people who pursue it. Do I have to let him like it? Humph. He is a person with a family and a family, and he still fantasizes about what he will do with himself and what he really wants to do. Didn't it make him cheap for nothing? He followed him. What else can he give himself besides letting him take away his most precious things?

Don't let him always have a good and always be cheap!

Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad. Thinking about it, Yan fell asleep when he was a child.

In fact, how did she know that Xia thought didn't fall asleep at all. However, Xia wants to know that it's not okay not to pretend to sleep, or the two of them live together in the same room. What if you say it's just in case of confusion, what if the fake play is really done in the end? Xia is not a person with no backhand. To be fair, there are two people he loves most. One is Cao Shuji, the other is Lian Ruohan, and Xiao Jia has a special status in his life. He said that he has no feelings, but also has. It doesn't count if it's love. Xiao Jia is like a dream of his. Since he was a child, he has been in love with Xiao Jia, whether he is infatuated with her body, or with Xiao Jia, it is equivalent to making up for some regrets in his previous life. In short, he has no unforgettable feelings. But there is a feeling of helping each other.

After having three women in life, it is difficult for Xia to have feelings for other women. Even if you are tempted occasionally, it is a normal temporary smuggling of emotions. Of course, as a normal man, when he sees a beauty like a strict age and lives in a room, his physiological reaction is very normal, and it is abnormal if there is no reaction. And to be honest, Xia thought also had an impulse. When he closed his eyes slightly in the dark and saw Yan Xiao passing in front of his eyes in a three-point style, he also felt that his blood was open and his heart beat faster.

Yan Xiao originally had white and beautiful skin, as well as the laziness and softness of the beauty after the bath. Under the slight light, the whole body shines with deadly seductive light. Especially her straight and strong thighs, thin shoulders, and even a thin waist that can be mastered with one hand, and a completely symmetrical and tight figure that is not plump. When she walks lightly, her waist and limbs twist. The buttocks shake, giving people infinite reverie


Xiaxiang has a very hopeless physiological desire.

There are, that's why people are people. It is because of the ability of self-control. Xia didn't want to be entangled with the time of childbirth because of the impulse. The distance between men and women is sometimes far away. Sometimes it is close at hand, and the breakthrough relationship is often only in a moment. Before that, you may be able to calm down. After that, it is difficult to face it calmly. Just like him and Mei Xiaolin, of course, he has nothing. Mei Xiaolin always has an unnatural side.

Thirty-six tricks, sleep is the first plan. Xia thought about it and couldn't help thinking about it. Besides, Yan Xiao was not an ordinary person. Once it is contaminated, it will be difficult to disperse in the future, as if nothing has happened. There is a good self-talk. It is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down the mountain. In fact, it is also right to change the way to say it. It is easy to get out of bed.

Xia thought about tomorrow's speech again, thinking hard. I slowly really fell asleep.

If he had nothing to say all night, it would be good if he really had nothing to say, and there would be nothing to do in the future. When he wanted to sleep soundly in the summer, he was suddenly woken up by the ringtone of his mobile phone. He forgot where he was in a daze. He got up and answered the mobile phone,

"Hey, things have changed. Mike has other major activities, and the schedule is not available. He wants to ask for your opinion. Should the formal signing of the agreement be made in advance or later?"

Everyone's habits are different. Xia's habit is to encounter major problems. He likes to walk and think, so he stood up, put on his shoes and walked a few steps in the room. After thinking about it, he asked, "How many days in advance?" If it's wrong, how long will it take?"

"If it is in advance, sign it within three days. If it's wrong, at least half a month." Wei Xin's hoarse voice came across the ocean, and it was also as clear as whispering in Xia's ear.

Xia thought that there was a sense of chaos in time and space in an instant.

The second half of the month is too long, and now the online import month, the agreement is signed within three days, which is equivalent to about a week earlier than the original plan. The advertisement of the Taiwan winery on CCTV was broadcast on the old account, and there was a time difference in the middle. According to his plan, the old account and Mike signed an agreement. The old account was broadcast on the advertisement of the Taiwan wine, and the old account published rebuttal articles in the National Daily and the Yan Provincial Daily at the same time to create momentum. At the same time, a press conference was held in Yan Province, announcing the initial success of the industrial restructuring. As the most powerful major counterattack. With a two-pronged approach, you can decide the winner in one fell swoop.

But suddenly the situation has changed. If the agreement is signed in advance, it is inevitable that the news will not be leaked. As long as there is a rumor, it will not achieve the unexpected effect. Without surprise, it is difficult to receive the effect of giving a slause to Cheng Xixue and others.

Then the scene of winning or losing in his mind will not appear!

But if it is wrong, the time will be too long, and it will not work. Xia thought that he was inevitably in a dilemma. Before he had come up with a countermeasure, he suddenly felt a light in front of his eyes. I can't help but be surprised. Why is it dawn? Then he realized that it was the light and couldn't help laughing. He subconsciously looked back and was immediately shocked.

Yan Shi woke up in a daze. Her habit was to turn on the light as soon as she opened her eyes. Of course, she has another habit of ** all the time. Although she wears underwear when she sleeps today, she still feels uncomfortable when she is half asleep. She can still wear a bra in the lower body, so she can't sleep half asleep! Then he threw it at the head of the bed.

As soon as Xia wanted to make a phone call, she was woken up. Before he realized what was going on, he subconsciously reached out and turned on the light, and then sat up with a pair of white rabbits in front of his chest, staring at a pair of big curious eyes. Look at Xiaxiang boldly and enthusiastically.

And look straight!

Xia thought was stunned for a moment, and his eyes widened, and his brain did not react in an instant. Of course, Xia's black eyes were bigger than that of the little white rabbit's pink eyes, so it formed a stalemate similar to the big eyes. After watching Zhong Er, he reacted at the same time. Xia wanted to turn around awkwardly, but Yan Xiao blushed and scolded: "The pervert!"

Wei Xin heard it clearly at the other end and asked in surprise, "Is there a woman around you?"

Xia Think is worthy of Xia Think, witty and changeable; he blurted out, "Of course, I'm a married man."

Wei Xin was not stupid. He immediately asked puzzledly, "Where can a wife scold her husband for being a pervert?"

Xia wanted to smile and said, "It's just fun."

Wei Xin smiled and said, "I'm afraid to disturb your rest. I didn't expect that I'll call you at the afternoon. You're still in a boudoir. You're really energetic."

In the afternoon of U.S. time, which is equivalent to the early morning of domestic time, Xia wanted to smile awkwardly. Without answering Wei Xin's words, he had an idea in his mind: "Please tell Mr. Mike to sign the agreement in advance!"

It's better to sign in advance than to push back. As for whether there is a leak, I can't think so much for the time being, so I can only take confidential measures as much as possible. Xia Xiang made a decision in an instant. Before signing the agreement, he said hello to Yi Xiangshi and asked him to help keep it secret as much as possible. The most likely link to be leaked is the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade. As long as Yi Xiangshi nod, he should be able to proceed according to the original plan.

However, in this way, I owe Yi Xiangshi a favor again. Yi Xiangshi is a resourceful person. He owes him a favor, and he may know how he will repay himself. But there is no way. If you know it's a pit, you have to jump down.

Yi Xiangshi's pit is still behind. How to deal with it is the future. Now there is a big pit in front of you. You have to think about how to jump out. Xia wanted to hang up the phone and looked back. Yan Xiao covered his head with a quilt and hid inside and dared not come out.

But it's still hot now, and the quilt is just a thin quilt. Yan Xiao was in a panic and didn't have time to put on his bra. He only knew to be an ostrich and wrapped the quilt tightly around his body. The curve was more obvious, and his wonderful figure was benevolent and loving. It fell in the eyes of Xiaxiang. It's no different from not wearing clothes.

Xia wanted to take a sip of the tea in a hurry. Said: When I was a child, the light was too bright just now, and I didn't see anything clearly

"Your eyes are so big that you haven't seen it clearly for so long? You're lying to me. You're not blind!" Yan Xiao was shy and anxious. Only then did he know that it was okay for women to pretend to be bold sometimes. When the real thing came to the point, she was actually very timid. I was so nervous when I was just looked at. If he really did something, what should I do?

Of course, Xia thought that he didn't do anything. Instead, he turned off the light, went to bed, and said, "Don't tell Fan Zheng that you live with me tomorrow, or he will definitely think you." Go to bed early and have to attend class tomorrow. There is something important to do. Don't pay attention to what happened just now. I didn't do it. Don't you like grapes? I'll buy you the best grapes tomorrow. It's an apology for you."

What kind of grapes are mentioned? Yan Xiao was even more angry and shy. Xia wanted to deliberately be angry with her, didn't she? What a bad guy. As she thought about it, she felt hot all over, and the two grapes on her chest became more and more **.

I still wanted to say a few more words about Xia, but I heard a slight whisper in my ear.

Yan Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was really a heartless person. He fell asleep again in a blink of an eye. He was really angry and didn't care about his life.

At dawn, Xia wanted to have breakfast with Yan in a hurry. Drive straight to the Academy of Social Sciences. When he arrived at the door, he saw Fan Zheng standing at the door in high spirits, with an ambiguous smile.

As soon as he saw Xia, he asked, "Where did you live yesterday?" How many rooms have been opened? Xia wanted to teased him: "You leave us alone. How dare you ask? I haven't seen you as a cousin like this. Yan Xiao is your cousin. That's right. What kind of classmates are you going to meet impatiently? It must be a female classmate?

Fan Zheng smiled and said, "Of course, who will meet the male classmates at night? It's the one I used to be. Sister, I had a relationship. Now that she is about to get married, she will break up with me once or twice.

Yan Xiao said, "Phoh" and said, "A pair of bad guys."

Fan Zheng immediately pretended to be righteous and said, "Brother Xia, although we have a good relationship, you can't bully my cousin, can you? Hour, you say. What's wrong with Xia?

"I'll sg you." Yan Xiao was angry, blushing, and he came forward and twisted Fan Zheng. "You don't deserve to be my cousin. You don't have any responsibility. If you leave me, you will leave, and your mouth is full of nonsense."

Fan Zheng was twisted when he was a child and ran away with a grin: "Okay, I won't talk about it. You really think about Xia. I'm afraid of you, okay?"

While talking, Gao Ru arrived. He happened to see a scene in front of him and laughed and said, "I just like the vitality of your young people. Go, a three-swordsman, a master and apprentice four-person gang, directly kill Zhongda University."

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "Well, the Gang of Four has come out. Mr. Bu is really heroic, and his heroism does not let young people at all."

Several people got into the car, talked and laughed all the way, and went straight to Zhongda University. Mr. Gao briefly introduced the cause and purpose of Cheng Xixue's speech. Naturally, Cheng Xixue wanted to instill his ideas in college students and cultivate his firm followers. College students are the backbone of the next generation of society. Maybe many leaders will emerge from them in the future, so the sooner they instill their own ideological will, the better. Any form of control is not as good as ideological control that makes people obey unconsciously.

It can be said that Cheng Xi learned the same cause and purpose of this speech. He wants to get more people's recognition of his theory through this speech, so that he can win further victory in the debate. Of course, you can also use this speech. At the time of college students' questions and discussions, let the sparks of ideas from college students collide for him, and let him create more leaky and persuasive articles.

It is said that in addition to the professors of several most influential universities, there may also be some high-level officials who will also attend the meeting. Of course, it is unknown whether they will appear or not. They may hide in the dark to observe, or they may leave only one side, which is more symbolic than practical.

This meeting was initiated by CUN. After nearly a month of preparation, a lot of manpower and material resources were used to succeed. This move aims to further promote Cheng Xixue's fame, and it is also a useful attempt made by CUZhong University to cultivate its own brand scholars.

Of course, it is unknown whether Zhongda University has been forced to be pregnant under some kind of pressure, or whether Zhongda really wants to praise Cheng Xixue as the signboard of Zhongda University. In short, Zhongda University can take great pains to make this speech, human and financial resources, and strive to make this speech the most successful since the establishment of It is also the most far-reaching one!

When Xiaxiang arrived, the hall was already full of people. Under the leadership of Li Hua, several people entered through the side door and sat in the front row, which was not too forward. Probably in the appearance of Di Kun, they could clearly see the every move of the people on the stage, and if they asked questions, it was easy for the people on the stage to see their faces clearly. Xia Xiang also wondered that Li Hua could lead them to sit in the middle. In the large-scale event, it was also a good position. It can be seen that the master's mother was also a very heavy figure in Zhongda University. Unexpectedly, Li Hua proudly told the truth, which made Xia want to laugh and cry.

"The waiting professor who arranged the seat had an unclear relationship with one of his schoolgirls, which was discovered by me. Before I threatened him to tell his Lao Wang, he was so scared that he immediately arranged several good positions for me to choose from

Xia wanted to look at the old man sympathetically, thinking that his wife was so pitiful. Unexpectedly, Mr. Abe looked calm and did not feel sorry for himself at all. Instead, he said as if nothing had happened, "If the old king of the professor's family can have half of your wit, he will not be guilty of life style. It's a pity that I'm getting old, and the evening festival is not guaranteed. She was pulled into the water by a girl who was a knife for a long time.

"It's not the old man's fault, but the female graduate student Li Hua is self-in-law, "Nowadays, female college students and female graduate students are too casual. Do everything for the sake of academic qualifications and grades. So I have to pay close attention to you. Men are the most unreliable animals in the world, especially in front of women, with almost no defense ability!"

Sure enough, we have different positions and different perspectives on the problem. The teacher attacked the female students from the position of the professor, but in the view of public opinion in society. However, the morality of the professor was lost, and the female students had no choice but to sacrifice themselves.

The transformation from a professor to a beast, that is, from now on, there will be no more than a few years.

However, the conclusion of the last sentence was too idealistic. Xia thought of his firm position last night and couldn't help looking at Yan Xiao complacently. Yan Xiao was also peeking at Xiaxiang. At his glance, he knew that he remembered the ambiguous scene yesterday. He suddenly turned red and hurriedly turned his head, and his heart beat like a drum.

Fortunately, Fan Zheng was staring at the staff walking back and forth on the stage, looking deep-minded. He didn't notice the abnormality of Yan Shi, otherwise he would have been suspicious.

Li Hua said a few words and left. She still has a lot of work to do. As soon as Li Hua left, Mr. Gao took a long breath and sighed, "Your master's mother is the most eye-catching woman I have ever seen. Her intuition sometimes makes people feel creepy

Xia thought that he could fully understand the situation and emotion of the old man, but he couldn't think of any good words of comfort. He had to change the topic and ask, "Cheng Xixue's theory, how big is the market among college students?"

As soon as he heard this, he immediately frowned: "College students are not mature and easy to be radical. Cheng Xixue took this in mind, so he intends to systematically instill his theory into college students when holding a speech. As long as the method is right, college students can easily be encouraged and confused by him. So holding a speech is exactly what he is smart about.

"I also think he does have the means. He not only has real talent and learning, but also can hype and publicize himself. At the same time, he wears the guise of a scholar, under the banner of discussion and research, which is very confusing. If he is allowed to hold speeches in influential universities in China, his theory will confuse many people. I think Mr. Gao can also come forward to hold a lecture, and also contact colleges and universities to publicize your economic theory to college students and make things right