official god

Chapter 498 The Resurrection of the Storm

Entering the house, he threw all the eyes on Cao Yongguo. In the eyes of Governor Gu, Secretary Cao did not seem to receive much attention, but he was blessed. There was a son-in-law who was popular in front of the secretary and the governor, and the secretary and the governor nodded. When it comes to activities in the capital, the next step is that the sub-provincial level will not be able to run.

Xia thought that Fan Ruiheng also intended to lift him in front of everyone. When he sat in the car, he saw Fan Ruiheng saying seriously with a serious face: "The net received the news. The three articles of you and Fan Zheng were suppressed. The editor-in-chief was under pressure from the top and couldn't stand it, so he had to postpone the sharp hair

Xia's heart sank, and what he was most worried about still appeared.

If he remembers correctly, next year will be the most dazzling year of domestic political reform. First of all, the institutional reform of the State Council is eye-catching, and after Vice Premier He joins the State Council. The bloated institutions of the State Council have been drastically reformed, many ministries and commissions have been merged, and many ministers have been reduced, starting the first shot since Vice Premier He took office.

However, unfortunately, Vice Premier He's reform also angered many conservative forces, leading to the counterattack of conservative forces. Although Premier He is in charge of the State Council, the propaganda is in the hands of conservatives. As a result, many of the policies of the State Council and Premier He's remarks cannot be conveyed in a timely manner, which is greatly restricted.

The domestic political situation has always been so complicated. Even at the highest level, they still control each other. It is also a helpless thing not to let go of the ambitions in their hearts.

It is also the strength of the conservative forces that has always been tied up in foreign policy. When the embassy was bombed, when the territory was occupied, when the compatriots were landed on their own island to fish, the reaction was always slow, and finally there was a painless statement.

China is sometimes like a strong but timid man, scolding or fighting back. He was molested from time to time. Sometimes I'm forced to hurry. Just stamp your feet to show your height. All reactionaries are paper tigers. In fact, they should be the other way around. In the eyes of imperialism, the boss empire has always been a paper tiger.

The manuscript was detained and not issued. It is estimated that it was also because of the dagger's speech incident that the impact was too great, which made someone in the senior management angry, so he did not hesitate to use political power to suppress the manuscript of the three of them. Xia thought that he was more or less worried. Fortunately, with the popularity of the Internet in later generations, the control of publicity has weakened a lot, and many truths will be spread on the Internet at the first time, although there are also "Wu Mao" who keep pace with the progress. The appearance of. However, it is not its own judgment. After nearly ten years of online life, most netizens have the ability to judge right and wrong, and the Internet has become a channel for many truths to spread at the first time.

Even the first and third people in China often communicate with netizens on the Internet.

Although Xia thought that he was responsible for the book, he saw Fan Ruiheng's calm face and knew that Governor Fan probably had countermeasures, so he asked, "Gest Governor Fan, please tell me what to do next?"

"It's actually a good thing to have no media debate. Our industrial restructuring can be carried out unaffected. Fan Ruiheng smiled and said, "Your article has been suppressed, and Cheng Xixue's article has also been removed. Everything should be balanced, not to mention that Secretary Ye and I have our own connections in the capital, that is, between high-level officials. Cheng Xi will not be allowed to learn to sing a one-man show in the newspaper again,"

Is it possible that the polem has so to an end?

"But you should also be psychologically prepared. Maybe Cheng Xixue's article will suddenly appear again and suddenly throw out new ideas. Since the media is in the hands of others, the initiative is also in the hands of others, for us. It's a passive situation everywhere. Fortunately, the initiative to continue to promote industrial restructuring in Yan Province is in our hands, and others can't take it away easily, hehe.

Xiaxiang also laughed. Now the situation in Yan Province is supported by the secretary and the governor. Someone at the senior management can't do anything about Yan Province. It is not only too difficult to replace the secretary and the governor, but also has little feasibility. After tapping on the media for a while. Seeing that Yan Province was unmoved. Moreover, the counterattack is also very strong. I guess someone is also a little tired, and he doesn't want the debate to become a good opportunity for Yan Province to take the opportunity to publicize, so he wants the debate to temporarily slow down and wait for the next opportunity.

Xia doesn't want to argue endlessly in the media, which not only consumes energy, but also distracts energy. It is also easy to shake the production of leaf stone. Now it's all right. It's also a good thing to stop. Seeing that his second wave of ** is coming soon, after success. Then he can implement his second-step plan. As long as the second batch of pilot cities is put on the agenda, it will be a major victory.

When he was about to arrive in Yan City, Zhang Zhibin received another phone call and gave it to Fan Ruiheng after saying a few words. After Fan Ruiheng answered, his expression became solemn, and he hung up the phone after just a few words.

After a moment of silence, Fan Ruiheng said, "The action is quite fast. I just received a phone call from Secretary Ye and received a notice from the General Office of the State Council that Vice Premier Zhao Quanxin is coming to Yan Province for inspection

Zhao Quanxin is a conservative in the State Council. He has always been known for opposing the restructuring of the provinces, and has a tough attitude. It can be said to be the most powerful representative of the conservatives in the State Council.

During the

** period, I suddenly had to inspect Yan Province, and the visitors were not good!

Although Zhao Quanxin's ranking among the four vice premiers of the State Council is not high, he has always been relatively active and famous for being outspoken. It is said that when he inspects various places, as long as he does not meet his expectations, whether it is the secretary of the provincial party committee or the governor, he will point out all kinds of In contrast, his temper is straightforward and stubborn. Therefore, although he has a lot of inspection activities, because he is not appreciated by the secretaries in various places, there are few reports from the media in various places, and even the central media are also moved by the past. Very little publicity.

The media does not publicize, and the provinces have their own channels to know Zhao Quanxin's person, and who he hit in the face when he inspected in which province, etc. Some major economic provinces are dissatisfied with Zhao Quanxin, and often reduce the specifications of his inspection. Medium-sized provinces can't afford to take up their airs, so they have to receive them with full specifications. In some poor provinces, as long as they hear that Zhao Quanxin comes to inspect, they will feel helpless. Knowing that Vice Premier Zhao's inspection, he always only picks up faults and does not bring projects. But I have no choice but to put up with it. Who makes me the deputy prime minister?

Xia thought clearly knew Zhao Quanxin's intention of coming to inspect Yan Province at this moment. Either he deliberately hit Yan Province, or he was used as a gun by a high-level person, or he and a high-level person were the same person.

Xiaxiang is not worried about Zhao Quanxin's pick and mistakes. He was worried about Ye Shisheng's soft ears.

Sure enough, Fan Ruiheng has the same mind as him. He withdrew his eyes from the window and said: Xia, in terms of big problems and policies, Secretary Ye and I can deal with it. I estimate that Vice Premier Zhao may propose an inspection leading group. I believe you can also deal with it calmly. My only worry is that if Vice Premier Zhao's wording is a little strong. Will Secretary Ye

Fan Rui always clicked until he didn't say it clearly.

Xiaxiang was also worried that Ye Shisheng would retreat. After all, Cheng Xixue's naming and criticizing Yan Province in the national media can be regarded as an academic debate. However, if facing Zhao Quanxin's criticism and the denial of a deputy prime minister, it is still unknown whether Secretary Ye can withstand the pressure. Fan Rui's worries are also reasonable, and his problem is also implying that he should come forward to deal with it at the critical moment and not let Ye Shisheng retreat.

As the governor, Fan Ruiheng has many words that are inconvenient to say. Even if it is out of good intentions, he may be misunderstood by Ye Shisheng. After all, as the first or second leaders of the province, there are too many overlaps in power. It's easy to feel that you are fighting for power.

Xia Xiang nodded quickly: "I will report more to Secretary Ye in time, and now that the industrial structure has been adjusted to a critical period, I believe that Secretary Ye's political wisdom will not give in

Fan Ruiheng didn't say too much, but his expression was not too relaxed: "I hope so

There was a moment of silence in the car.

Xia Xiang's eyes turned to the window. The season at the beginning of the month is the last autumn harvest in the northern land. The fields are busy, farmers are harvesting peanuts and sweet potatoes, and large pieces of jade and rice are growing well, and they are spending the last autumn time.

Xia's mind was a little trance, and the pressure in all aspects was really endless, thinking that Cheng Xixue would be quiet for a period of time if he stopped the debate. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, Vice Premier Zhao came to inspect Yan Province again. There was a struggle for interests everywhere. No one would give up the slightest interest in their hands, even if they had got a lot, so much money that they had plundered the people of the whole country for countless years!

Just like the farmers in China, they were first squeezed by countless forces during the Anti-Japanese War. After liberation, they were suppressed by a non-agricultural household for many years. In order to ensure the quality of life of urban people, the price of agricultural products has been forcibly lowered for decades. In fact, the so-called happy life of the city people in those years was based on the exploitation of the surplus value of 800 million farmers. There was nothing to be proud of. Instead, it made the self-righteous city people look down on their food and clothing parents. Without the selfless dedication of the majority of farmers, where did the city people get the low-priced rice Where can I afford to wear pure cotton clothes?

As a result, the facts are often heartbreaking. City people do not know how to repay kindness, but look down on farmers, but do not know that without the poverty of farmers, there will be no prosperity of the city. This is also the same as more and more public servants who look down on the people now. It is originally a right given by the people, but it is used by some officials as a means to deal with the people. How similar to the situation that city people look down on farmers!

The same is true of the nature of the barrier industry. Natural monopoly industries include tap water, electricity, public transportation, tobacco, oil, natural gas, telecommunications, railway transportation, including banks, etc. The existence of these monopoly industries is inevitable, because there are scale effects, external effects and entry thresholds. Specifically, the monopolies are: State Electric Power Company, China Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corporation, China National Offshore Oil Company, China Grain Import and Export Corporation, China Coal Import and Export Corporation, China Telecom, China Netcom, China Railway


In short, in high-sounding words, it is an advantageous industry, an industry that is related to the lifeline of the people. What the people say is: the state says that if the price rises, the price will rise, and if you can't turn over for ten years, you can't turn over the industry!

Basically, industries or enterprises monopolized by the state are the same as government officials, with ugly faces and difficult things to do.

If government officials do not regard themselves as public servants, and monopolies do not regard consumers as umbrella parents, there will be more and more serious harm, resulting in the antagonism between the two classes. After the crisis is buried, it will break out one day.

Xia figured out that it was undoubtedly a fool's dream to break the monopoly by relying on him alone. But if what he did can bring a warning to the monopoly industry. If it can make them aware of the crisis, so as to improve the service and quality, it will be great!

It is impossible to break the monopoly in some industries. There is only one supplier in the market, which will inevitably cause problems such as low service quality, but it is also difficult to solve it by introducing competition. Usually, a conspired monopoly group and an oligopoly are formed in the end. Oligopoly also has a certain competitive mechanism. At this stage, it is the most reasonable mechanism, although oligopoly is also a form of barrier.

The so-called oligopoly means that the vast majority of the market share of a certain industry is monopolized by a few large enterprises. The most blaming and the public is the field of jaw letter. China Mobile, Zhongpu Shishi, China Telecom and China Netcom have monopolized almost all the communication market. The market pattern of the oligarchy is having an important impact on the marketization of China's economy, so it has become the focus of people's increasing attention.

PetroChina and Sinopec are also oligopolyes.

At this stage, Shi Dian and Sinopec have not yet shown a ferocious side. In later life, because of the car, Xiaxiang cares about how the appetite of the two families is getting bigger and bigger, more and more greedy, and the means are getting worse and worse.

In the last two years before Xia wanted to be reborn, Sinopec's behavior had been dishonest to the whole Chinese people. Billions of dollars have been invested in oil fields in Africa and South America, and tens of millions of yuan have been invested to decorate their own company's chandeliers, but they don't know how to understand the sufferings of the people. When the international oil price was at its highest in a year, the US oil price was in US dollars per gallon, and China's oil price was 6 yuan per liter. Later, the international oil plummeted, the U.S. oil was in dollars per gallon, and the Chinese oil price was up the dollar. After that, the international oil price rose slightly. The oil price in the United States was 10,000 US dollars per gallon, and the Chinese oil price broke through 6 yuan in one go. What to say is in line with international standards. China's oil prices have risen at all, but they have not fallen. Occasionally, it falls down and rises quickly! PetroChina stocks circled hundreds of millions of Chinese people's money, and oil prices robbed hundreds of millions of Chinese people's money. Later, natural gas forced the price to rise. He also said that national enterprises should be supported, if not monopoly operation. Who the mother is a fool to support such an unkind and greedy Chinese enterprise!

American companies think about social responsibility, reputation, return to the people, and sustainable development. China's state-owned enterprises want to do everything possible to rob money from the common people, big brands and small brands. Later, someone from Sinopec stood up to refute the rumor. In fact, the big chandelier in our room didn't cost 40,000 yuan. You really misunderstood our self-interested state-owned enterprise. We are very sad and disappointed. In fact, the chandelier is only worth ten thousand yuan, that is, the net is enough to make thousands of poor primary school students go to primary school to primary school to read. In fact, it is not a big deal. Whether they go to school or not has much impact, and if we don't have a chandelier, it will seriously affected our The image of the enterprise. It is understandable to believe that Chinese people who are kind and easy to be fooled can understand,,

After getting off the highway, Xia wanted to take back his mind. The industrial structure adjustment of Yan Province seems to have nothing to do with the oligarchy, but a single spark can start a prairie fire. He believes that the success of the point and the surface will eventually lead to the healthy development of the market economy, so as to gradually break all kinds of unreasonable monopolies and find more reasonable rules.

Vice Premier Zhao's inspection was faster than expected.

On the third day, dozens of Vice Premier Zhao and his party came to Yan Province, and all the standing committees of Yan Province, led by Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng, came forward to welcome them. After the regular welcome ceremony, Zhao Quanxin held a closed-door meeting with a member of the Standing Committee of Yan Province for several hours. Later, Zhao Quanxin suddenly proposed to inspect the leading group of industrial restructuring in Yan Province.

According to the original itinerary, there is no arrangement to inspect the leading group. However, the superiors have been inspecting the work, and they are always interested in changing the itinerary. Ye Shisheng had to let Ma Qiu go down and prepare. Unexpectedly, Zhao Quanxin said, "It's just a casual look. You don't have to notify in advance

Ma Qiu had to stop and wait for Ye Shisheng to speak.

Ye Shisheng also knew Zhao Huangxin's intention to suddenly visit the leading group. Although Zhao Quanxin had been here for a long time, he also listened to the implementation of the industrial structure adjustment policy in Yan Province during the closed-door meeting, but did not express any comments or criticize coldly. Ye Shisheng knew Zhao Quan's new temper, and his heart was always hanging, lest he be blamed face to face for any mistakes. Zhao Quanxin did not express any opinion on the industrial restructuring of Yan Province. Is it necessary to choose the fault of the leading group?

What made Ye Shisheng more uneasy was. Cheng Xixue actually visited with Vice Premier Zhao!

However, Ye Shisheng was not as worried as Fan Ruiheng was worried. He wavered as soon as the wind blew. He has made up his mind that even if Zhao Quanxin puts forward any criticism, he will accept it on the surface. As for whether to do so, as the secretary of the provincial party committee, he still has enough autonomy.

Ye Shisheng let Ma Qiu retreat and accompanied Zhao Quanxin to the leading group.

Xiaxiang also heard that Cheng Xixue, as an attendant, is also on Vice Premier Zhao's visiting list. In my heart, I wondered that the purpose of Cheng Xixue's appearance was to come to Yan Province to inquire about the truth, or to deliberately use the power of Vice Premier Zhao to make things difficult for him?

Risk: Ask for the comfort of the next monthly ticket. Lao He has been writing for many years. Before he came, he has also published a lot of articles in major magazines. In the past two days, many "enthusitic friends" have come to the book review area to "guide" Lao He how to write a good official god. Lao He never hangs out in other people's book review area. I just buried myself in writing my own book. Does my brothers vote for me for a monthly ticket, which also makes some people feel uncomfortable? To be honest, the weather is not good these days, very gloomy and cold. It is very uncomfortable to write sedentary, that is, in the spirit of being brothers, I try to stick to ten thousand words a day. Guan Shen's current performance is not very good, but it is not bad. If you write according to the guidance of "enthusithalous friends", the official god is the current official god, which is not the blessing of the brothers who like the official god. Fortunately, Lao He always understands that the official god is written for you, not for those who point out the country without even reading books. Please rest assured that friends who like and don't like the official god. The road of the official god will be wider and wider, and they will go far away. "D