official god

Chapter 514 A Promise

Where the district party committee and district government is built is not the key. The key is to cry a few regrets for two villa areas, three multi-storey luxury residential areas, a short distance from the Xiama River in the north, and only a few hundred meters away from the small exhibition center of the new district in the south. If Mr. Chengzong takes the above The concept of production will come true in the dream of the riverside of the Dama. Xia wanted to throw the ground with a sound. He said forcefully. "" In addition to villas and luxurious multi-storey houses, a private beach can be built on an open space of one or two hundred meters by the river outside the villa area. Of course, there are also large areas of farmland to the west that can be bought at a low price, whether it is a racecourse or a golf course. It's more than ten times cheaper than the city. The problem is that in less than three or five years, the Xiama area may become an emerging central area, leisure, tourism, sunshine housing, and the popularity will more than ten times in a short period of time. A tenfold increase in popularity is equivalent to a tenfold increase in the value of sitting on the floor

"Once the new district is established, it is necessary to carry out large-scale investment attraction. Whether it is the settlement of many companies or the Dacai Group's own investment in the construction of a large-scale venue, relying on the policy support at the provincial and municipal levels at the time of the establishment of the new district, relying on the strong strength of On the blueprint of the Shimom River. It can accommodate more than ten Sunshine City!"

Xia wanted to finish speaking in one breath and looked at Cheng Dacai firmly.

Cheng Dacai's face was expressionless, but he just stared at the big place on the map. After a few minutes, he asked in disbelief: "The construction of the Huancheng water system may be realized in the near future. The addition of a new area is related to too many interest entanglements and conflicts. It will take a year and a half for the demonstration and planning alone, and it may take three or five years. In political affairs, ideas are always good, but when they are put into practice, they are often difficult. Xiaoxia, you drew a huge pie for me. "It's tempting. But it is out of reach

"I only ask Mr. Cheng one sentence, if it is feasible. How big can you take out your hand?" Xia thought is not much smarter than Cheng Dacai, and he is not more far-sighted than Cheng Dacai. He only knows that everything is man-made. In the end, everything will fall on people. The reason why many things have been delayed for a long time is completely human factors. And he has reason to push the new district on the agenda as soon as possible, because he is soberly aware of two key points.

One is the swallow sheep.

Needless to say, Chen Feng takes the middle line politically, but he is also more courageous than the general secretary. I am also willing to leave a strong stroke during my tenure. Hu Zengzhou is eager to take advantage of the east wind of industrial restructuring to do a big job to lay the foundation for him to move forward. Hu Zengzhou's foundation is unstable. There is no strong backstage in the province. He is more eager than anyone else to prove his ability. The establishment of a new area is an unprecedented opportunity, and he will never let it go.

The second is Yan Province. Ye Shisheng's attitude towards industrial restructuring has changed from negative to positive. Now that it is vigorously promoted, the idea of benefiting one party as an official has never been stronger. Moreover, after the high pressure and chaos of Gao Chengsong'song era, the successor wants to leave a name, and he also needs to do enough practical things and big things for the people to remember. The industrial structure adjustment policy is relatively general and has no specific concept in the minds of the people. However, if the water system around the city and the new area are added, Yan City will be gradually upgraded from a low-ranked provincial capital city, which will have enough influence in China. The citizens of Yan City have a sense of identity and pride in Ye Shisheng. Exciting and nostalgia can be imagined. Ye Shisheng will spare no effort to support the establishment of the new district.

Fan Ruiheng has no reason to object, and after he took over as secretary, the new district is the time to form a scale of initial results, and he can enjoy his political achievements. Even if he and Ye Shisheng have political discord, he will not obstruct the establishment of the new district. What's more, the two now have many interests in common.

Xia wanted to clearly realize that the pain in the new area is in the morning and evening, and now everything is ready, only the east wind, the east wind, is the promise of Cheng Dacai. Although he can attract a lot of investments, for example, Xiao Jia has at least five or six hundred million yuan, for example, Jiangshan real estate has two hundred and three hundred million yuan, such as Yuanjing Group. Qi's Group can also raise two or three hundred million yuan, plus other less close relationships, adding another two or three hundred million yuan is not a problem, and the total number is also around Chi Yi, but one is too scattered, and the other is not persuasive enough, which is not as good as Cheng Dacai. It can give great confidence to Chen Feng and everyone.

Only then did Cheng Da see Xia with a determined expression on his face. He turned his eyes to the map with half faith and half-heartedly. He pondered slightly and said, "If you want to complete the above projects, it will take at least four to Tian Yi. To truly complete the blueprint in my mind, the investment will not be less than 100 million!"

In Yan Province, only Chengda has such courage and tone at this stage!

Xiaxiang finally smiled happily: "With Mr. Cheng's promise, I can assure you that as long as you make the above investment decision. The establishment of the new district can pass the approval at the provincial and municipal levels before the year, and the location I just designated. It can all be owned by Dacai Group.

Cheng Dacai slowly smiled: "I kind of understand what you mean. I'm sure of your idea, but the premise of the city's agenda is that there must be huge investment commitments, so you convince me to make an investment decision, right?"

was seen through the mystery by Cheng Dacai, and Xiaxiang didn't hide it. He simply told the truth: "Mr. Cheng is right. The purpose of coming here today is to impress Mr. Cheng and invite Mr. Cheng to Dacai Group. The real industrial real estate project is placed in Yan Province. Put it on the face of Yanshi Fanzhen and Yin. Let Dacai Group take off, along with the start of Yanshi New Area, grow and grow together.

Cheng Dacai waved his hand and said with an unhappy face, "Don't say any more. I know everything, and I can't accept your proposal for the time being. It needs to be considered carefully.

Like a blow to the head, Xia wanted to be stunned: "Why? It was originally a good thing for mutual benefit. Why did Mr. Cheng refuse?

"No, the investment is too risky, and it will be put on hold for the time being." Cheng Dacai waved his hand impatiently, "You can think about the specific reason by yourself and call me when you figure it out."

It turned out to be an eviction order. Xia couldn't help but feel embarrassed and puzzled. Obviously, it was said well, but why did he change his face in a blink of an eye? But Cheng Dacai had already sent the guests off, and he couldn't stop leaving, so he had to say goodbye to Cheng Dacai and drive on the road. On the road, he kept thinking about the reason why Cheng Dacai changed his face.

Is it really a good thing for both sides, and he also made a solemn move? It is impossible for him to be mistaken for becoming a talent in later generations. Cheng Dacai unswervingly promoted his concept of industrial real estate. For this reason, he did not hesitate to go far away to other provinces. He made a large investment of nearly 0 billion yuan. Now there is such a good opportunity in front of us. He can't miss it!

But why did he suddenly say that the investment risk was too high? Cheng Dacai loves to take risks all his life. He is never afraid of high risks, and sometimes he is so stubborn that people can't believe that he is a business wizard. For the ideal in his heart, he will make unconventional investment decisions. And in fact. The risk of investing in a new area is not great. With the support of provincial and municipal governments, the new district of Yan City is not a castle in the air, which is likely to become a strong economic growth point.

If you become a talent, there is another point.

Cheng Dacai's Shameguang City is in the eastern suburbs, and Xia wants to live in the west of the bridge. He went west along the South Ring Road. When he reached the South Ring Bridge, he stopped his car and stood under the bridge overlooking the whole Yan City.

The Nanhuan Bridge is built across the railway, and the height is about meters. Standing on the bridge, you can have a panoramic view of almost the whole city of Yan. At the foot, there is a dense railway network and trucks parked together, and many idle railways have rusted. And it is overgrown with weeds. There are also some abandoned carriages falling to one side, and the rusty word "Oriental Red" can be faintly seen on it. In the distance, there is the freight station in Yanshi. Many workers gathered to chat. Smoke inferior cigarettes and drink water in a large enamel tank. Although it's winter, everyone doesn't seem to feel cold and laughs loudly. From afar, there is a feeling of distortion.

Xiaxiang felt an inexplicable heaviness.

Yan City is a young city, but the freight yard under the Nanhuan Bridge gives people an old and rotten gas county, like a dusk old man. Withered weeds, used trucks. Abandoned railway. The helpless Taoist workers, the low duty room, and even the slogans of the Cultural Revolution that had not been recorded on the wall made the county feel a kind of suffocation.

Look at the gray sky in the distance. A group of pigeons flew by, and the pigeon sentries arrays to add a slightly more alive scenery to the sky of Yan City in the unknown winter. In the distance, there are a forest of smoky white with black smoke, and several tall buildings under construction, if you look to the west again. Perhaps you can also faintly see Taihang Mountain, which is like a Wolong, through the heavily polluted atmosphere.

Xia thought couldn't help sighing, young Yanshi. Now he looks like an old man. I staggered and stopped. I couldn't move forward. Urban heavy industry is not developed, but it has serious pollution that is not commensurate with it. Although the city moves forward lightly, it does not show the vitality it deserves. As one of the youngest provincial capitals, it has not given full play to the advantages brought by youth. At the same time, it is the nearest provincial capital city, but it does not create a unique development model because of its own geographical advantages.

Yan City, as the outside world says, is indeed a sad and lost city.

Everything comes from the conservative and backward character of the people of Yan City.

People in Yanshi are contented and happy, and have a warm personality. They are not very enterprising. Since Yan City became the capital of Yan Province, it has been moving forward at a pace. It is neither fast nor slow, nor does it hold back the people of the whole country, nor does it take the lead. It has always been unknown to follow the trend of the capital. The policy is on the left, and the economy is middle and lower. It has always adhered to the idea of being rich and peaceful, and it is settled between Beijing and Tianjin. Just like a docile cat guarded by two giant tigers in Beijing and Tianjin, it never fights for anything, and never makes trouble, quiet and obedient.

In fact, Yan Zhao Dadi, since ancient times, has been a lot of generous and sad poets, such as Jing Ke, who stabbed Qin, also has many talented counselors. For example, Mao Sui, who has a three-inch tongue, is stronger than a million teachers. There are also powerful figures, such as Liu Bei, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun. And many famous heroes all over the world, as well as profound historical and cultural background. For example, the four major scholars in the prosperous Tang Dynasty were Cui, Lu, Zheng and Wang, two of whom were from Yan Province.

Yan Province has never lacked cultural heritage and historical foundation. There is no shortage of foundation to become a strong province. In fact. It is not Yan Province that lacks the spirit of forging ahead, but Yan City. It is Yan City, which had no background in a small town decades ago!

It's actually a good thing to have no historical burden, and you can move forward lightly. However, for various man-made reasons, the whole province of Yan is filled with a trend of thinking, especially in Yan City. It seems that after jumping from a town to a stunned public, he lost his goal and motivation. Yan people feel good about themselves. He pretends to be a self-imated eight. At least there is a sense of psychological superiority. In addition, the strength of the whole province has been gathered to build Yan City in just a few decades. Yan City surpasses all cities in Yan Province. Both the area and the output value jumped to the first place. As a result, the people of Yan City lost the way forward**.

Yes, the two largest cities closest to Yan City, one is the capital and the other is Tianjin. For Yan City, the gap is too big to surpass. Without the goal, there is no motivation to continue to work hard. Yanshi is moving forward in accordance with the original inertia.

Yanshi people are not lazy and do not lack talents. What is missing is just a driving force to work hard, a short- and medium-term goal that can be achieved through hard work, or a lack of a competitive mechanism to adapt to the current economic development.

In the final analysis, the reason why people are floating in things is not that people can't do it, but that the system is not good, but that the system is not good. Only someone dares to be the first in the world. Xia wants to believe that he has shown enough courage and determination to break many backward systems and let many motivated people who have not paid for their efforts. The workers sitting in the abandoned carriages basking in the sun will scramble to work hard, instead of chatting as they do now.

It's the same as not doing it. People are lazy and definitely don't do it. As long as there is a fair mechanism, those who can work more and those who work more will definitely receive completely different results. And it's man-made. If Xia wants to be in charge of the government, he dares not say how much he can do and how much political achievements he can make. At least under the premise of ensuring fairness first, within the scope of his authority, he should formulate a competition mechanism for those who can work more and those who work more, and ensure the most basic justice, so that the government order can be smooth The blueprint of the vision.

After thinking about it, Xia suddenly became cheerful and understood what Cheng Da was worried about. He immediately dialed Cheng Dacai's phone and said excitedly, "Mr. Cheng, please rest assured. If you make a decision to invest in the new area, I will take good care of every investment you and won't let anyone set any artificial obstacles to Dacai's project!"

Cheng Dacai smiled contentedly: "Dacai Group has never been afraid of artificial obstacles. I'm afraid that the investment is not entrusted to others. I made the investment decision to see if it was in line with the development ideas of the group. Second, let's see if the person to cooperate with is a real official. Only when the new district is under your leadership will the group make the decision to invest 10 billion yuan. Xiaxiang, there is a prospect in the new area. But if there is no capable concubine, the group will not invest"

Put down the phone, Xia wanted to ignite a blazing flame in his heart. Cheng Dacai's words are the greatest affirmation and trust in him. Cheng Dacai regards the 10 billion investment of Dacai Group as a prerequisite for whether he is in charge of the new district, which can be said to be a heavy gift. Although Xia thought that he had been appointed as the first secretary of the district party committee of the new district. It should not be a big problem, whether it is in the city or the province. Even if there is resistance, there is not much suspense under the promotion of grapefruit's achievements and everyone.

It turned out that Cheng Dacai was worried about whether he could be in charge of the new district, which made him false alarm.

However, Cheng Dacai seems to believe that Xia Xiang will have twists and turns in charge of the new district, adding: "I will mention this matter to Secretary Ye. The 10 billion investment of Dacai Group will be linked to your administration. In case of an unexpected situation, you can't take charge of the new district as you wish, and the group's

In order to strengthen the belief of becoming a talent, Xia said, "I have done a lot of preliminary work to be able to take charge of the new district and realize my picturesque dream. Mr. Cheng, I believe in the current situation. If you successfully enter the administration of the new area, there should be no accidents.

Cing Dacai is cautious and optimistic about this: "You have to think more about it. I have a feeling that after the establishment of the new district, the competition for the position will be extremely fierce."

Although Xia Xiang has always been relatively calm, he is rarely blindly optimistic.

But he is still too optimistic about being able to enter the new area. What he didn't expect was that the battle for position was more tragic than what Cheng Dacai said. And he also encountered the first dangerous promotion in his life.

After talking on the phone with Cheng Da, the next day. Xia wanted to go to the municipal party committee in person and relayed Cheng Dacai's words to Chen Feng. Of course, he omitted Cheng Dacai's request to link investment with his new district. No matter how good the relationship with Chen Feng is, he can't say threatening words to officials face to face. The rules in the officialdom still need Shi Xuan to abide by.

Chen Feng was overjoyed and then convened the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee for discussion. With the commitment of 10 billion investment of Dacai Group, it can almost guarantee the construction scale of the new district in three years, and there was no opposition from the Standing Committee. Fu Xianfeng and Tan Long not only strongly supported, but also praised Xiaxiang, praising Xiaxiang as a good cadre for the country and the people, and a good seedling worth focusing on.

Ershi's attitude was so thought-provoking that Li Dingshan couldn't help looking at them a few more times. He didn't know what the two of them were calculating.

Finally, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee unanimously formed a resolution. The construction of the Huancheng water system and the new area will officially start at the beginning of next year. The two major projects are reported and submitted to the provincial party committee for approval! C