official god

Chapter 525 In Yan City

I did a good job, no, it's my fault. If the office can remove me from office... The trade dredging office is a little unconvinced.

"No fault? Who am I from? Who is your son? How dare you say that there is no fault? Based on this, you said that the old man opened his mouth. Can Ye Shisheng let you go? Lian Ruohan laughed at Xia and said seriously, "Whether it's the old man or my father, I know. It's all a big deal

"It's not easy to do, and it can only be hidden for how long." Xia thought he shook his head and said, "When I get to the leafy day, let's see who else can do anything to me?" Now I'm a little weak, so I'll put up with it for the time being.

"Have you put up with it? You and his daughter have had children, bullied them, and said that you put up with it. I found that your ability to turn black and white upside down is not really convinced of you. Lian Ruohan continued to teass Xia and thought, "If the old man knew, it would be better to say something. At worst, if I threatened him with my son, he would also stop. If my father knew, it would be bad. He was so stubborn that he wouldn't listen to anyone's advice unless he figured it out by himself. So our focus on prevention in the future is my father, followed by the old man

He negotiated the offensive and defensive alliance with Lian Ruohan. In a blink of an eye, it was getting late. Xiaxiang led several people to a quiet and warm home-cooked restaurant outside for dinner. The next morning, he drove to the highway and was ready to return to Yanshi. When he was about to get on the highway, the phone suddenly rang. Xia Xiang was thinking about going back, but he didn't even look at the phone number. After answering casually, he said, "Hello, I'm Xia Xiang."

The phone was silent for a moment, and then Mei Xiaolin's voice came: "I'm in the Durui International Community. If it's convenient for you, come over."

Xia thought did not react in an instant. Then he realized that Mei Xiaolin was soft-hearted and agreed that he would see their mother and daughter. Suddenly, he was overjoyed. He hurriedly turned the front of the car and went straight to Durui International.

Durui International is also a high-end community in the capital. When it arrived, it was already old in the morning. Xia wanted to go upstairs in a hurry and came to the Po room. He calmed down his nervous mood at the door, and then gently knocked on the door.

The door opened, and Mei Xiaolin, who had not seen her for a long time, stood at the door.

Aunt Mei Xiao has gained a little weight, her figure has recovered well, and she looks good and her face is white. The figure is plump and more mature. It's just that there is a faint fatigue on her face.

When she saw Xia, she smiled and said, "It's the same whether you see or not, but after thinking that you have done half of your strength, you won't feel at ease if you don't see your daughter, just see her, so that you don't have to say that I don't care." He looked at him inadvertently. Looking at your dusty appearance, should you have turned back from the middle of the road?

Xia wanted to admit: "I came back from the highway entrance and was about to go back to Yan City."

Mei Xiaolin invited Xia to enter the house. Seeing that there was an urgency between the county's eyebrows, she asked, "What's the matter with you in a hurry to go back?"

Xia wanted to have nothing to hide from her, so he talked about the change of Fu Xianfeng's interference in important personnel issues in the horse area. Mei Xiaolin listened and nodded and said, "The common means of the Fu family is to take chestnuts from the fire. They are very good at speculation, but sometimes the timing is very accurate, otherwise the power of the Fu family will not rise so quickly. Since Fu Xianfeng has taken action, he will not give up.

While talking, Mei Xiaolin thought of the inner room. As soon as she entered the door, Xia saw a baby girl lying in **.

A small man like a pink jade carving is lying in the baby. There is a baby rack above her head, and there is a milk pancake beside her. She is staring at a pair of big and round eyes, looking curiously


The baby's eyes are large, and Mei Ting's eyes are particularly bright, which is almost a replica of Xiaxiang's eyes. Her nose is also very much like Xia Xiang's nose, but the curvature of her lips is like that of Mei Xiaolin, but other than that, other places are very imaginative with Xia Xiang. Sure enough, the daughter is like a father. Xia wanted to look at her daughter, and she couldn't help but feel excited.

He actually had a daughter, a little angel. Mei Xiaolin was indeed right. Whether for her or for him, the birth of her daughter is definitely an accident. A great accident is a great surprise and a gift from God.

"She is really like me, more handsome than me." Xia wanted to see it for a long time, and finally said something


Mei Xiaolin was amused: "Girls don't have to be handsome, they should be beautiful. My daughter is much more beautiful than you, and she is much whiter than you

Xia wanted to giggle for a while and circled around the stroller twice. He looked at his daughter for a long time. With excitement, he carefully said, "When the daughter grows up, she must be better than her son. The daughter is close to her father, but the older the son is, the more estranged from her father."

"It's nice to say nice words. When the net came back from my son and came to my daughter, I said that my son was not good, and you were also very exquisite." Mei Xiaolin didn't know whether she was jealous or competing for favor, and said dissatisfiedly.

Xia thought strangely, "How do you know what happened between me and Lian Ruohan?"

"I guess, at first I heard that she gave birth to a child, and then when I thought of the relationship between you and her, I thought that besides you, who can let Lian Ruohan be willing to have a child without saying who her biological father is? You are the only one with such bad ability. Mei Xiaolin laughed at Xia and said, "But if the Wu family knows your existence, you will be unlucky. Our Mei family is different. Even if they know that you are the biological father of the child. I won't do anything to you"

"Why?" Xia thought about it without thinking about it. He asked casually, and his mind was all focused on his daughter's knife. Originally, it was concluded that I was not fertile enough to get pregnant, and it was also an unexpected call and I would generously tell my family that I took the initiative to lure you. You just passively went to my bed. We had no feelings and no entanglement. It was just that after one night, everyone went their separate ways. If you really count it, I'm still in the light of you.

Xia wants to be ashamed. Mei Xiaolin is still the former Mei Xiaolin. She is sharp and unforgiving. He is unwilling to say, "Why do you say so unpleasantly? At least you and I know each other. Even if there is no relationship between men and women, they are good friends, right?"

It's okay not to say it, but after saying it, Mei Xiaolin was even more unhappy: "I knew I couldn't get into your eyes, far less than Lian Ruohan. You can't be like a fish in water in the officialdom, and you can't show your skills in the mall. You don't have to pity our mother and daughter. Even if we don't have great skills, we can support ourselves.

Xia wanted to persuade her: "Why is it criticized again? I didn't mean that. Don't get me wrong. In fact, it's not that we don't have any feelings, but if I have Cao Shuhui and Lian Ruohan, I have to stick to the principle and can't provoke others anymore. I can't bear so many responsibilities!"

Xia wants to tell the truth, it's the truth. Mei Xiaolin gradually calmed down and sat by the bedside. He said, "I don't blame you. Blame me for myself. I didn't want to be entangled with you anymore. But when you have a child, you can't help but have some bad ideas. But you have to understand that you have to come to see the child to provoke me. I have tried my best to avoid meeting you. Today's meeting was completely facilitated under your strong request. It's not my reason.

Typically, there are no three hundred taels of silver in this place. Xiaxiang didn't want to break Mei Xiaolin's self-deception, so he said, "It's my fault, I admit it. But since I have a child, I can't completely evade my responsibility. If I have a chance in the future, I will come to visit the child again, okay?

"Say it bravely in the future, it depends on my mood." Mei Xiaolin is still stubborn, "Okay. Don't say more. Aren't you in a hurry to go back to Yanshi to play tricks? Hurry up and go. If you can't get through any difficulties, go to your uncle. He will definitely help you.

"Did he know the truth about the child?" Xia wanted to ask in surprise.

"Not yet, but even if he knows, it's okay. He is much more enlightened than the Wu family, especially Wu Caiyang, so he won't blame you." Mei Xiaolin is inexplicably hostile to the Wu family. Remember. The Fu family will deal with you now. If there is a big family to hurt you in the future, it must be the Wu family.

Xia thought that he wanted to stay a little longer, but he was kicked out of the house by Mei Xiaolin, urging him to go back early and do business first. Xia thought that he didn't force him to stay, and he didn't even have lunch. I drove on the highway and drove back to Yanshi in one breath.

As soon as I arrived in Yanshi, I had a simple meal near the municipal party committee, then hurried into the municipal party committee compound, parked the car, and went straight to Chen Feng's office upstairs.

The appearance of Xia Xiang's idea, which surprised Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was listening to Gao Hai's report on the work progress in the lower horse area in the office. When he heard the secretary say that Xia wanted to be outside, he nod slightly at Gao Hai. I'm busy making Xia want to come in. Gao Hai is not an outsider, and there is no need to avoid it.

When Chen Feng saw Xia Chang's appearance, he was first shocked and smiled with the boat: "It's not a big deal. Your appearance is beyond my expectation. I'm a little impatient."

Xia wanted to laugh: "Secretary Chen, you are now a provincial leader, I am the department level, and now it is a critical moment for the department to be promoted to the deputy hall. There should be no accidents, otherwise there is no way to go back. It's not a big deal in your eyes, but it's a big deal in my eyes.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "It's the first time I've seen you panicked. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. I still think you have always been in trouble. "What you look like today is still in line with your age."

Xia wants to shake his head helplessly: "Secretary Chen, I'm here to ask you for help. Hello, I'll say a few words first when I meet you, trying to discourage my enthusiasm. Or do you want to criticize me for not being stable enough?

Chen Feng smiled more happily: "Okay, okay. You also complained to me, didn't you just mention one by Fu Xianfeng? Bai Zhanmo, as the deputy secretary in charge of affairs. Nominating the secretary of the district party committee is within your authority. Don't make a fuss. Zeng Zhou and I both nodded. There is no problem for the Standing Committee to pass your nomination. Are you worried about yourself or the ability of my municipal party secretary?

Gao Hai listened and was secretly surprised that the relationship between Xiaxiang and Chen Feng was indeed closer than that from the outside world. Even he was respectful in front of Chen Feng and did not dare to talk and laugh. Xia thought it was better. Not only was he very casual when talking to the standing committee of the provincial party committee and the head of the municipal party committee, but he also revealed kindness, but also listened to Secretary Chen's tone. Xia didn't think that he was an outsider at all, nor did he treat him as a subordinate. He was relaxed and easy-going when talking, just like chatting with his

Gao Hai is extremely envious. Xiaxiang is the department level. He is not only stunned by Secretary Ye's appreciation, but also has a close relationship with Secretary Chen. He is much better than his old officialdom in terms of dealing with the world. Thinking of his position as secretary-general and deputy mayor of the municipal government, it is difficult to take a step further, and he is also slightly moved.

Xia wanted to talk and laugh with Chen Feng, and then greeted Gao Hai kindly. Gao Hai stood up. He patted Xiaxiang on the shoulder and said with sigh: Although Xiaoxia's steps have crossed a little, it is still steady and a rare solid style. I believe you can preside over the work in the dismounting area."

asked a few more questions about Xia's situation in the capital. Gao Hai knew that Xia wanted to discuss some personnel issues with Chen Feng. As a deputy mayor, he was inconvenient to attend, so he said goodbye.

I wanted to send Gao Hai to the door for Chen Feng. I also felt that Gao Hai's career had not been smooth in recent years, so he said, "Sometimes opportunities are also very important. I believe Uncle Gao will also have a day to take off."

Gao Haijian Xia wanted to treat him as before, and his mood was somewhat relaxed.

Xia Xiang first reported his work in the Ministry of Commerce to Chen Feng and briefly told him about his gains in the capital. When Chen Feng heard that Xia Xiang had obtained a postgraduate degree, he said happily, "Another political score has been added. At least in terms of academic qualifications, no one will pick on your problems. Bai Zhanmo is a postgraduate degree. You Now I'm on the same line as him."

"What do you think of Bai Zhanmo?" Bai Zhanmo is a member of the municipal party committee. Chen Feng should know something about it. Xia wanted to ask.

"He is very steady and has not much to do. In the past few years in the municipal party committee, the tasks assigned by the superiors have been completed very well. He has not made any mistakes, and his personal resume is also very heavy, so that people can't pick out any problems. Chen Feng gave a high degree of recognition to Bai Zhanmo's He also said, "The only drawback is that you don't have the experience of being in charge of the local government. Compared with your experience as the deputy county magistrate and the deputy county magistrate of the Standing Committee, you still lack a little grass-roots qualification."

"It doesn't matter whether he has grassroots experience or not. The important thing is that his other qualifications are enough to make up for his shortcomings, and he still has a postgraduate degree. In today's promotion of young cadres and higher education, Bai Zhanmo's academic qualifications and work experience in ministries are very dominant. Xiaxiang also analyzed the problem from another perspective, "Of course, the foothold of the problem is not in Bai Zhanmo himself, but in Secretary Fu. The timing he chose is too **."

Chen Feng nodded and smiled after a moment: "Don't forget that Yanshi is in charge of me, Zengzhou is in charge of politics, and Jinjiang is also in line with me. No matter how Fu Xianfeng has the means, he can't get around the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee!"

As the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Chen Feng naturally has an indisputable authority and momentum to say this sentence. After getting Chen Feng's most powerful promise, Xia thought was still vaguely worried, but it was not easy to say more. Besides, it really became a distrust of Chen Feng. Although he has a good relationship with Chen Feng, he can't say what he shouldn't say.

Chen Feng is the secretary of the municipal party committee, and his authority is inviolable. Fu Xianfeng cannot be violated. Neither can he.

But no matter what, Chen Feng gave him a reassurance for today's meeting. No matter how calm and calm Xia wants to be, it is inevitable that there will be anxiety and worry in the face of a major turning point in the promotion from the position to the deputy hall. Because I have to listen to Yi Xiangshi's words. Even Yi Xiangshi did not dare to underestimate Fu Xianfeng, which shows that Fu Xianfeng is really extraordinary.

The question is, what kind of murder is hidden in Fu Xianfeng's backhand? The biggest mystery may be the biggest accident!

After talking with Chen Feng, it was about the reef in the afternoon. Xia wanted to say goodbye to Chen Feng and came to Hu Zengzhou's office again.

Hu Zengzhou was not surprised by the arrival of Xiaxiang at all. He got up and greeted him very politely. He took Xia's hand and said, "Xia. You are finally back, and there are still many problems that you need to overcome at this stage. If you don't come back, I'll call you directly.

Hu Zengzhou is worried about the implementation of the funds of Dacai Group. At the request of the municipal government, the funds of other companies have been in place one after another, and some have even begun construction. The expansion project of the Xiama River developed by Vision Group has completed one-fifth of the project volume. It can be said that the current Xiama area The scene of glory. Although Dacai Group, the largest developer, has signed an agreement with the city, the funds have not been available for a long time. There is no sign of the start of all the scheduled projects. As the mayor, it is no wonder that Hu Zengzhou is not worried.

Without the all-round investment and construction of Dacai Group, the construction of the lower horse area will be delayed for at least five years!

The municipal government also sent people to contact Dacai Group. The reply was that Mr. Cheng was on a business trip. When Mr. Cheng came back, he would definitely follow up the project in the sub-horse area in time.

But Hu Zengzhou knew in his heart that Cheng Dacai was in Yanshi.

He is in Yan City and deliberately avoids it. It is not Cheng Dacai, but Cheng Dacai who is waiting for the result of the appointment of the Municipal Party Committee to the lower part of the horse area. Although Hu Zengzhou did not know whether the investment of Dacai Group was linked to Xiaxiang's administration, he also knew that Cheng Dacai was looking at people's investment and was waiting for Xia to come out to invite him.

Hu Zengzhou did not expect Dacai Group to put all the early funds in place at one time. What he asked for was only part of the funds of Dacai Group in place. Then the construction began. Even if it is just a symbolic act, it is better than all the projects of Dacai Group. There is no movement at all, because there are all kinds of rumors that Dacai Group is not optimistic about the prospect of the disema qu, and it is possible to withdraw its capital. The rumors will affect the next investment attraction in the dise The work.

Hu Zengzhou is extremely eager to hope that Xia wants to return to Yanshi as soon as possible, so as to persuade Dacai Group to start action, which is also conducive to stabilizing the situation in the sub-ma area. Dacai Group is a weather vane with great influence. Almost all investors in Yan Province have doubts about the delay in the construction of the Dacai Group. C