official god

Chapter 546 Pay Back

If you want to see everyone, you will know how to scare them. You put on the film with a smile again. You decide whether to do it or not. If you don't do it, you can develop it step by step. Anyway, the money is not small, which is enough for everyone to spend.

"Dry! Why don't you do it?" Sun Xianwei first woke up, slapped the table and said, "The total assets of Jiangshan Real Estate are only 100 million now. Even if we lose all of our money, I believe we will start all over again. Taking advantage of the current good opportunity in the real estate market, we can rebuild a real estate in two or three years. But if you make money, it is at least equal to the advance of more than 5 years of profit. 400 million, calculate, how many affordable houses are built?

Zhu Hu immediately answered, "The profit per square meter of our affordable housing is controlled within Jinyuan" 400 million, that is, more than 40,000 square meters, almost dozens of communities. It's worth it. It's worth it."

Shen Lichun is still safer: "Is it a little too big to gamble? Leader, can you tell me what the plan is?

Xia wanted to meditate a little, but still revealed a little inside story: "If I guess I'm right. In the near future, hundreds of millions of hot money will pour into the real estate market in the Xiama District. Jiangshan real estate is to make a fuss and take hundreds of millions of hot money to start the operation.

Everyone took a deep breath, with 2. B fight is just like fighting between children and adults. The hope of victory is too slim.

But since Xia wanted to say it confidently. Everyone stared at Xiaxiang with big eyes. Listen to his further details. Xiaxiang can basically be sure that the so-called Jinyi investment of the vanguard should be hot money. Generally speaking, it is hot money. It is not the real estate that comes to do entities and real estate, but sweeping profits.

Xiaxiang intends to unite with Jiangshan Real Estate and Xiao Jia. With the help of Dacai Group, the three parties jointly echoed each other and locked the floating capital in the disemerged area, so that the vanguard paid for nothing!

Fu Xianfeng tried his best to help Bai Zhanmo take office. At first, Xia wanted to figure out his real purpose. But because of the current floating capital, he slowly figured out the truth, if it works properly. After the floating capital swept through the disequity investment from the disequited area, it was not a problem to take away the profits of 350 million yuan. For the sake of billions of profits, and the plan to kill him with the knife of the Wu family, it makes sense for Fu Xianfeng to help Bai Zhanmo come to power at the expense of his blood.

And the cleverness of Fu Xianfeng is that he used the hand of the Wu family to suppress himself, but he didn't want to be a secretary. Therefore, once Chen Feng compromised and re-nominated himself as the district governor, he agreed, showing the potential of a new politician. Because his goal has been achieved, as long as Bai Zhanmo is a leader, he can cooperate with his hot money to sweep away other people's profits and make huge profits by legal means.

It's a pity that Xia wants to take the advantage of rebirth and has always been scrupling with Wenzhou's floating capital. Not only did floating capital speculate on real estate at the beginning, but also grain and traditional Chinese medicine later, which led to a rise in prices. It seriously harms the interests of ordinary people. Now that he has met, and since he dares to come to the dismounting area of his administration, he has the courage to let go. Xiaxiang's sword has been raised high, just waiting for the sword to rise and fall,,

It is easy to return a grudge to Fu Xianfeng. But because he has a strong force behind him, it is difficult to beat him to pieces. Now, Fu Xianfeng wants to make full use of the advantages of the market economy. If you want to use hot money to legally get off the horse area to easily make huge profits, it is a good time for him to defeat Bai Zhanmo, together with Fu Xianfeng, in summer!

However, the inside information can't be disclosed in detail to everyone here. After thinking about it, he said, "When I'm sure I'm sure, I'll have a meeting with everyone to discuss it. At present, what everyone needs to do is to develop the second phase of affordable housing as soon as possible, and at the same time. It also started the construction of two mid-range residential communities. Strive to have tens of thousands of square meters of houses for pre-sale within two or three months

With that, Xia wanted to turn his head to Shen Lichun and said, "I will tell Mr. Cheng later, saying that I will treat him to tea when I have time, and discuss the relevant precautions of Wenzhou funds."

Shen Lichun basically knew that Xia wanted to fight the idea of Wenzhou Jinyi's funds, but how to implement it, and what is the comprehensive plan?" Xia didn't say anything, and he was embarrassed to ask. Now Xiaxiang is no better than before. Although among all of you here, Xiaxiang is the oldest but the highest, and he is also a core figure. He always seems to have some secrets that he doesn't reveal to others, but he often does amazing things at critical moments, and he can always get twice the result with half the effort.

Shen Lichun believes that Xia will not fight an unprepared battle. Several years of cooperation proves that Xia wants to take action. He has never lost his worship, even if it is just a gain, it is much bigger than he expected.

He agreed: "No problem, Mr. Cheng must look forward to meeting with the leader."

After listening to Xia Xiang's words, Qi Yanan dared to fight with hundreds of millions of dollars. He couldn't help but yearn for it and said, "Leader, Qi's Group has invested in the Taiwan winery. Now the prospect is good and the capital is running normally. There is no need for additional investment, just waiting to make a profit. If you need to use funds at that time, just tell me if there are more Qi's, and it's still not a big problem to raise 300 to 500 million yuan.

Xia thought that he didn't have the awareness of using other people's money. Instead, he smiled very calmly and said, "Anan, don't worry, I can't forget you if there are good things. With the strength of Jiangshan real estate alone, we can't play with this head-on collision. I estimate that at least tens of billions of funds will be used. In addition to Jiangshan real estate, there are also billions of funds from the capital. We also need to use the few judgments of the working capital of Dacai Group. If the Qi family spends hundreds of millions more, almost six outsiders want to take the money. There is no way. How can a great opportunity to make money be given to outsiders?

Everyone laughed and knew that Xia's move was not a painstaking effort**, but a hard battle that had been prepared for a long time. I can't help rubbing my hands, and the fighting spirit is high.

Xia wanted to pour cold water on everyone in time: "There is no 100% guarantee for things in the world. If anyone doesn't want to take risks, it's not too late to offer it now. You can withdraw the shares and let Xian Wei be responsible for distributing cash to him. If I don't mention it now, I'm playing outside to hear someone walk away. Don't blame everyone for not being friends.

Xia thought just deliberately put pressure on everyone to calm them down. He also knew that the people present were confidants and were absolutely trustworthy.

Sure enough, everyone shouted, "What did the leader say? Don't you believe us?"

"That is, if you lose all your money, you can make more money. If you can't do it, it's a lifelong loss.

Xia wanted to suppress his hand with a smile: "I know you are all reliable, just to play a joke on you, but you must remember that you don't tell anyone about this matter, not even your own wife." He deliberately pointed to Sun Xianwei with his hand, "Especially for several wives, none of whom can reveal a word, otherwise, I have a way to get your wives together to play mahjong for you."

Sun Xianwei said with a sad face: "Leader. I finally let several wives at peace. No one knows who. Do you have to let them make up a table to play mahjong? Then they don't play mahjong, it's trouble, and they will beat me to pieces.

Everyone burst into laughter.

It was 0 o'clock in the evening when Xia wanted to return home after the party, and the family had fallen asleep. He returned to the study lightly and couldn't help sighing that there were so many things that happened in a day today. It was really tiring.

The higher the individual, the greater the power, and the more things. The heavier the responsibility, the more he tried to stop Fu Xianfeng's floating capital, not only to return the defeat of the Standing Committee to Fu Xianfeng, but also for the idea of doing the country and the people. Because the harm of hot money and hot money in later generations has intensified, and even to the extent that it endangers the national economy and people's livelihood, even several major ministries and commissions of the country are not allowed to work together to formulate relevant policies to stabilize prices.

Otherwise, allowing floating capital to rage can ruin the achievements of decades of efforts in a prefecture. Big. Let a country's national economy go backwards for several years. Ran Wei's floating capital developed to the end, not only domestic capital, but also foreign financial giants with ulterior motives wanted to take the opportunity to make a lot of money in China.

Just like the financial crisis in Southeast Asia. The economy of the so-called four Asian dragons has been hit hard, and since then it has been depressed for more than ten years!

Teaching is painful and has to be prevented.

He was about to take a shower and sleep comfortably. As long as he came back later, the blue socks would sleep with Cao Shuhui first. He could only sleep in the study. Suddenly, the phone rang.

It's late at night. Who will call? Xia wanted to take a look at his mobile phone. Unexpectedly, it was Wu Caijiang's phone.

Wu Caijiang's voice sounded particularly loud on a quiet night, perhaps because he was a little excited. Anyway, Xia Xiang's ears buzzed.

"Xiaoxia, Fu Xianfeng returned to the capital and was scolded by him. Did you do it behind your back?

Fu Xianfeng also participated in the establishment ceremony of the Xiama District in the morning and returned to the capital in the evening. It can be seen that the matter is really urgent. However, Wu Caijiang suspected that he had done something wrong, and Xia Xiang disagreed: "Look, the third uncle's words are a little not very fastidious. I have never been behind my back. Fu Xianfeng was scolded by him. It's his family matter, and it has nothing to do with me.

Xia thought that he didn't admit it, but he knew what was going on in his heart. His plan must have worked.

Fu Xianfeng took the opportunity to help Bai Zhanmo take the position. Xia thought that he didn't have time to fight back at that time. I only want to protect myself, but after the appointment is settled. How can he let Fu Xianfeng be free?

Although Xia Xiang didn't guess whether there was any mystery behind Mr. Wu's action and whether there was any other purpose, he knew that if Mr. Wu knew that it was Fu Xianfeng who made trouble from it. Deliberately confuse the line of sight so that he can shrug his eyes and fish. The old man will definitely be unhappy and very unhappy," he asked Lian Ruohan to tell the old man a word.

Lian Ruohan soon gave Xiaxiang feedback, saying that after the old man heard it, he was furious and broke his favorite cup. Whether the old man was really angry or had a performance, Xia didn't want to bother to guess. All he knew was that the old man would not give up.

Because he told the old man: "The Fu family lit the fire, the Wu family set off the cannon, the Mei family stirred up the wind, and the Qiu family was lively. After the four families made a scene, the Fu family laughed.

Obviously, what he said meant that the four families were linked, and in the end, only the Fu family had a bumper harvest, and the other three families were busy in vain. Of course, as for whether the three families have achieved psychological expectations. Xia didn't know clearly. All he needed was to remind the old man not to let the Fu family get a bargain and be obedient.

At the same time, Xia thought did not forget to call Qiu Xufeng again. I thanked him and said something meaningful at the same time: "Because my matter has shocked a lot of people, I really feel guilty. However, after careful consideration, I found a noteworthy place to remind you. As a good friend, Xu Feng, I thank you for your help. Similarly, it is also because of the friendship between us. I think you have to be careful about a question. Fu Xianfeng has invested a huge amount of money from Wenzhou to the disequitment area, which is very likely to get a rich return. The reason why the Fu family wanted to take down the horse area of Zhejiang... sobbing. It is also to ensure that the investment of the embarrassing billion yuan can be returned to the conservative Lifu family and will get more than 30% of the profit from the disembargo area.

The interests of the four major families are complex. Generally speaking, competition is more than cooperation, which is the trend of trade-off. Xia wanted to tell Qiu Xufeng the truth, which was to remind Qiu Xufeng. The Fu family made a scene, and all three families accompanied them to watch the hustle and bustle. The Fu family finally gained more than just the throne of the secretary of the District Party Committee. There is also a huge profit of Jinyi's investment. In this way, the strength of the Fu family will increase greatly.

When the strength of the Fu family rises, the strength comparison of the corresponding several families will change. The Wu family is unhappy, and the Qiu family will also be unhappy, especially the lowest-ranked Qiu family. The most unpleasant thing is that the strength of the Fu family rises too fast.

If it's okay to say that the Fu family just made a fortune in silence. The key is that the matter of the Fu family has quietly moved everyone, and in the end, others are on the sidelines. Only the Fu family got the benefits, and letting others accompany the Fu family to watch the fun will definitely make people feel unha happy. Xia wanted to believe that even if Mr. Qiu would not be furious, he would be angry. Maybe he would talk to Mr. Fu. Then knock on the vanguard sideways. Just don't be too complacent.

Anyway, whether it is the same as Xia's conjecture, it is not clear how Mr. Wu and Mr. Qiu moved. Today, he heard the good news of Wu Caijiang, and he knew that the old man's anger was still very powerful.

When Wu Caijiang saw that Xia didn't want to admit it, he laughed and said, "Ok, I won't ask you. I know you're not telling the truth. The last time the old man and the second brother. Don't blame them either. Old man, you can't be blamed, and you are not qualified. My second brother, it's useless for you to blame him, and there is no reason for you to blame him. If your daughter follows someone like this, you will also be angry. But in the end, you also did a good thing after doing something bad. If it hadn't been for Xiao Lianxia, the old man might not have survived this serious illness. Although Ruohan and you made the old man angry, if she hadn't been with you, she wouldn't have made the old man happy even when Xia was born. Things in the world always have advantages and disadvantages. I'll take care of you for the old man.

Wu Caijiang can implicitly say something sorry to Xia. It's really beyond Xia's surprise. Xia wanted to say something. Unexpectedly, Wu Caijiang didn't give him a chance. The topic changed and talked about Fu Xianfeng.

"I heard that Fu Xianfeng was strictly ordered to reflect at home. It is estimated that I won't be able to return to Yanshi in a week. I will pay him back in his own way and use my strength. Wonderful." Wu Caijiang laughed and said, "But Xiaoxia's small means to treat the symptoms but not the root causes. You have to come up with a strong counterattack. Only when he is afraid of Fu Xianfeng will be honest. Otherwise, maybe he will have a means to get behind you at any time, because his hatred with you has been knotted, and because of the relationship between Bai Zhanmo, you and him are in the same situation. There is no possibility of cooperation

Wu Caijiang's concern is beyond words. After Xia wanted to put down the phone, he could not calm down for a long time.

Wu Caijiang clearly told him that it was impossible for the old man to accept him for the time being. What's more, Wu Caiyang still hates him to the bone and will not calm down for a while. And it is not convenient for Wu Caijiang to come forward to help him. Besides, he does not have real power in the Central Committee of the League now. It may be sent out to remote provinces in the northwest in the future. Basically, he has to work hard in Yan City by himself now, but Wu Caijiang also believes that he can do all the work well with his ability.

The night is dark, but Xia Shen is not sleepy. He looked at the north through the window, thinking that he didn't know what kind of suffering Fu Xianfeng was experiencing in the capital.

Fu Xianfeng is indeed being scolded by the old man.

Mr. Fu has white hair, wears a Tang suit, and is in the spirit, although it's already late at night. But he was still not sleepy at all. Instead, he was furious and pointed to the vanguard who stood with his hands down. You, you, you" can't speak.

In the Yanshi Municipal Party Committee, Fu Xianfeng, who was calm and always over the top, now has a panicked face, bowed his head, did not say a word, and let the old man's anger vent on him.

"You bastard, fight and fight. Why do you have to mess with Old Wu? You don't know that he protects his shortcomings the most. On the surface, he cleaned up Xia's thoughts, but now you know that you pushed it secretly. It's no wonder that he doesn't hate you to death. Do you have to interfere with the Wu family's family affairs? You won't use other means to deal with that Xia Xiang. Why did you borrow the power of the Wu family? Mr. Fu was so angry that he gasped a few breaths and sat back in the chair. He still said angrily, "It's not enough to provoke Mr. Wu, and he also shocked Mr. Qiu. Are you really good at it? Let the two old guys come to me. They were chatting with me and secretly knocked me for a long time. Where did you let my old face go? The two old men of the Wu family and the Qiu family squeezed me with words, but I couldn't speak. The two old guys who had competed with me all their lives finally found a reason to attack me. You caused trouble!"

Fu Xianfeng knows the old man's temper. He can't refute when he curses. No matter how many reasons you have, you can only bear it. When he finished scolding. After half of the anger, explain it clearly, and there may be room for forgiveness. Fu Xianfeng was even more resentful of Xia Xiang. He did not expect that Xia Xiang would do this. He secretly encouraged the two old men of the Wu family and the Qiu family to find trouble, which made Mr. Fu, who had lost his face, very angry. He had to call him back to Beijing overnight in a hurry and scolded him face to face! B