official god

Chapter 549 Pulling and Differentiation

You want to see Kang Shaoye's face cooking and trying to keep calm. Mai put on his second head to chat. It seemed that he was just asking casually. He suddenly realized that he pretended to think of it on the net. He said, "I haven't decided on the secretary candidate yet. The main reason is that the two materials given to me by Director Fu have not been carefully read. I just glanced and remembered the name of Huang Wei Zhihuang Weigang and,,?"

Xia wanted to pretend that he couldn't remember Tang Wenju's name.

Kang Shaoye was jealous and understood that Fu Xiaobin must have tampered with the order and exquisiteness of the materials. Fortunately, Xia Xiang hadn't looked at it carefully. Otherwise, under the first impression, it must be the superior.

Kang Shaoye was so angry that he couldn't calm down. No wonder Fu Xiaocheng specially found him yesterday and proposed to sit down together. Fortunately, he didn't agree, and Fu Xiaobin definitely didn't have any good intentions.

He was angry and pretended to be nothing on the surface. Kang Shaoye shook his head and smiled: "I don't know. I also heard from Director Fu that one of the two is Huang Weigang and the other is Tang Wenju. It seems that someone said that Huang Weigang is a relative of Director Fu? Unconfirmed, maybe it's a rumor, hehe. However, it seems that he heard Minister Mu say that Tang Wenju's conditions are better in all aspects, and he is still a top student of a famous university, which is more suitable for serving as the secretary of the governor of Xia.

With the face of Mu Yunshan, the head of the organization, he hinted to him. Xia wanted to laugh secretly in his heart, but said directly, "The selection of secretaries should be cautious. It should not only meet the employment requirements of national cadres, but also meet my personal requirements, so don't worry, I'll think about it again. In addition, I also want to refer to the opinions of Comrade Jin Hongxin.

Jin Hongxin is the director of the district government office and the housekeeper of the district government. It is reasonable that the secretary of the district chief should be recommended by him. However, the Xiama District has just been established, and everything is not very formal. In addition, Xiaxiang's secretary is involved in personnel establishment issues, and it is reasonable for the district party committee to recommend candidates. But no matter who is decided in the end, you have to pass the golden red heart, even if it is a formality.

Kang Shaoshi is angry. How can a little thing disturb more and more people? He didn't expect that it was Xia who wanted to know the inside story. He deliberately tossed him and attributed all the roots to Fu Xiaobin, thinking about Fu Xiaobin. It will be a long time. You will be against me if it's a little thing. From now on, there will always be time for you to fall into my hands.

Tang Wenju is the son of an old friend of Kang Shaoye. He promised to help Tang Wenju enter the district government, and then Xia wants to stay with him for a period of time as a springboard. It will be much easier to transfer to the district committee in the future, which is an internal matter. Unexpectedly, Fu Xiaobin had the same idea as him and took advantage of his work. After secretly tampering with it, Kang Shaoye's impression of Fu Xiaocheng was extremely poor.

Kang Shaoye decided to find Fu Xiaobin's theory again. At the same time, communicate with Jin Hongxin again.

Xia wanted to sit on the spacious sofa chair. As soon as Kang Shaoye left, he carefully looked at his district chief's office for the first time. The office area is not enough for square meters, plus the outside; I'm afraid there are more square meters. Strictly speaking, it's a little over the standard. But when it was built. Chen Feng personally instructed to build the secretary and district chief's office in the lower horse area to be more luxurious. It is to have a good external impression. It is conducive to the development of investment promotion. In the long run, the Xiama District is likely to become an external window for Yan City in the future.

The office is spacious and bright, with brand-new tables and chairs and a full set of brand office furniture, which is quite high-end. However, the layout is relatively simple. Xia wants to dislike the too complicated office environment, and he doesn't like too many things in the room, so he let people clean up a lot of miscellaneous decorations, leaving only bookcases and computers.

Even some flowers and plants were not placed.

The simple environment is conducive to concentrence on the office. Xia Xiang was satisfied with the layout of the office and stood up and looked out of the window.

Yan City, which is approaching the moon, is the golden age of the construction market. Although the weather is hot, the heat gradually subsided. In the evening, construction can still be carried out, and the project progress is very fast. Outside the window, there are tall buildings and hot scenes everywhere.

The Xiama District is not all located in the wasteland, and a large part of it is the old city and the urban-rural combination. There is also part of the farmland in Changshan County. In the early stage, the municipal government also did a lot of work. The land acquisition and relocation were smooth. The villagers were better than the city, and the people were more talkative.

However, the issue of relocation and resettlement was handed over to the current district party committee and district government. The reason why Xiaxiang asked Jiangshan real estate to develop affordable housing is also a decision made for the sake of the villagers.

The original villagers were transformed from villagers to citizens because the Xiama area was transferred to the urban area.

Their ten places were requisitioned, and the compensation was in kind or in cash. Most of them want real estate, that is, real estate. As a graduate of architecture, Xiaxiang has a good understanding of the inside story of the construction industry. The relocation project undertaken by the developer, or all residential buildings built for the relocated households, is absolutely different from the normal quality of commercial housing.

It's good that the steel bars can't reach the label, and even the concrete will be mixed with low-label cement, not to mention the insulation bricks used for external walls, as small as a nail in doors and windows and seals for windows, you will choose the cheapest one! Finally, make a little effort in the exterior wall decoration. It looks no different from other commercial houses in the same place. In fact, it is earthquake resistance or thermal insulation effect. And the service life of doors and windows is not as good as the quality of commercial houses normally sold.

Developers for profit. In order to meet the various reasonable or unreasonable requirements of the relocated households, or to meet the various conditions put forward by the city, the cost of the relocated households will be strictly controlled. If all the inside information is exposed, Jue Ao said to throw Shanxun's book and display the umbrella. Six touches are shocking. So Xia wants to think about it in the long run. It's not just his responsibility as a concave fox. It is also one of his original intentions for establishing Jiangshan Real Estate. He asked Jiangshan Real Estate to develop affordable housing and relocation housing, and strictly ordered Xiao Wu to control the quality of the project. He should definitely treat all buildings equally, not to be inferior, not to cut corners, and so on.

Xia is very sad to think of the more and more revealing of the darkness of real estate in later generations. Not to mention that a high-rise building in an international metropolis is broken from the root like sugar cane, which is called a brittle building. After the research and demonstration of experts, it is found that most of the construction life in China does not exceed the blade year!

In the year of the blade, the people bought a house with their life's savings and hard-earned money. On the surface, the state promised to have the right to use the blade year, but who would have thought that the house would be forcibly demolished due to old and safety issues after the Spring Festival? If tens of millions of people's houses are suddenly uninhabitable after the Spring Festival, and they have to buy a new house, Xia can't imagine what will happen.

The common people have been cheated so much that they have completely become a piece of fat that everyone can cut a knife. Unfortunately, the Chinese people are not fat, and China has never achieved the prosperity of the country and the strength of the people since ancient times. The country has always been rich and the people's livelihood is not rich. Why? Because the money has flowed into the hands of a few people.

Since he became the head of a district and a real parent official, he should seek benefits for the people under his rule and take care of all aspects as much as possible. Even if there are some things that can't be taken care of because of his ability, at least he has to work hard, and at least he has to have a clear conscience!

Xia thought that his heart was full of ups and downs, and the people were out of breath by the new three mountains. There was almost no day when they thought of peace, and they deeply felt that there was a great responsibility on their shoulders. He is unable to change the system and the general direction, but at least during his term of office, he will not allow the industrialization of educational reform within his jurisdiction. The commercialization of the medical system and the commercialization of the real estate industry have overwhelmed the humble hope of every family.

is also the last hope.

While I was thinking about it, someone knocked on the door.

is Jin Xianxin, director of the district government office.

Jin Hongxin is not old, strong, and has a good official appearance. He also walks with his head high, which gives people a sense of power, but the smile on his face gives people the feeling of sincerity. In short, he is a person who gives people a good impression at first sight.

Jin Hongxin is the office director of the district government. He is one of the people who wants to have the most contact with Xia at work. Generally speaking, the head of the government office is the head of the government, even if he is not a confidant. It will also be a very trusted person. If you don't get the trust of the district chief, you will either be ignored or replaced.

Jin Hongxin knows that if he wants to sit firmly in the position of office director, he must be recognized by Xia. He has done a lot of work secretly, such as arranging the driver and special car for Xia, and arranging the office for Xia. In short, he must think of it in advance. What Xia can't think of, he also has to think of it. The position of the office director is very critical and difficult to do. It is the most test of a person's ability and exquisite vision. In one sentence, it is to carry a teapot with your left hand. Hold the document in your right hand and act at any time according to the leader's eyes.

Jin Hongxin was just called by Kang Shaoye to have a conversation. The deputy secretary had something to call, so he dared not listen, although Kang Shaoye was not his direct leader.

The content of the conversation was beyond his accident. The meaning of Kang Shao's explosive words hinted at Jin Hongxin, asking him to recommend Tang Wenju as Xia Shang's secretary in front of Xia Shang. As long as Jin Hongxin could pass the words, Kang Shaoye meant that he would remember his good.

Jin Hongxin knows who he should keep up with, and he knows what to say in front of Xia. He doesn't care whether Xia wants to have a deep background or not. All he knows is that the person who has just served as the district chief since Feisui must be a person with great political wisdom. And if he can't please Xia, don't sit on the throne of the director of the office.

So Jin Hongxin saw Xia's face. He said euphemistically what Kang Shaoye talked to him about.

Xia wanted to guess what Kang Shaoye would hint from Jin Hongxin. He deliberately proposed the name of Jin Hongxin to Kang Shaoye, which was intended to let Kang Shaoye test Jin Hongxin for him. Because he doesn't know the position of Jin Hongxin, does he follow in his footsteps, or does he have ulterior motives?

Basically, a simple secretarial candidate question, under the point of Xia's way to become a god. He successfully separated the relationship between Kang Shaoye and Fu Xiaobin, and also used the hand of Kang Shaoye to let Jin Hongxin express his position, which fully achieved the effect he wanted.

Xia wants to be satisfied with the performance of Jin Hongxin. He nodded and said, "Red heart, you are not young, and the name is quite interesting. Is it the meaning of a red heart and two-handed preparation?

Jin Hongxin was shocked and didn't understand that Xia Quchang's words were just joking about his name. Or is there something else, implying that his position is unstable? Jin Hongxin said with a serious face, "My father said that he gave me this name at that time. I really want to grow up and face major choices. Get a red heart and get ready with both hands. However, after my own growth and perception, I have summed up a truth, that is, a red heart, a firm position, and a sure direction can ensure that I will not go the wrong way

Xia wanted to nod and finally smiled: "Well said, very well, Hongxin, your opinion is very correct. Jin Hongxin saw that District Chief Xia agreed with him. Knowing that the District Chief Fu District Chief had initially recognized him, she was slightly excited.

Xia wanted to wait for him to speak, and said, "Do me a favor. Go upstairs and inform Fu Xiaobin to come to my office."

Guang Hong was stunned, and the district chief asked the district party committee to discuss matters. If there is any inside story, this is not what he should ask, so he must not ask the last question. He quickly replied, "Okay, I'll go right away."

When Jin Hongxin walked outside the door, she realized why Xia wanted to ask him to go upstairs in person? On a phone call, no matter how much Fu Xiaobin is a member of the Standing Committee, he has to stand up and meet the mayor of Xia. Can it be said that the governor of Xia District has a deep meaning?

Jin Hongxin guessed right. Xia thought that she did deliberately let Jin Hongxin go upstairs to invite Xiaobin, which was also a feat of killing two birds with one stone.

Jin Hong's heart is unknown, and Xia's intention is not clear. He came upstairs, came to Fu Xiaobin's office, and knocked on the door.

Fu Xiaobin's voice came from the room: "Please come in." Jin Hongxin didn't think much about it. She pushed the door and entered. As soon as she looked up, she found that Kang Shaoye was also there. I can't help but be stunned on the spot.

Fu Xiaobin was also stunned. He didn't expect that it was Jin Hongxin who came to him. His face was full of smiles and asked, "What's the matter with you, Director Jin?, little

Jin Hongxin looked at Kang Shaoye and hesitated for a moment. I don't know how to speak. However, Jin Hongxin did not know that the issue of a secretarial candidate involved many people's nerves. Fortunately, he had one. The biggest advantage is that there is not much to do. At the request of Kang Shaoye, he did not want to say what he should not have said to Xia.

So he hesitated. He didn't know what Xia wanted to do with Fu Xiaobin, so he nod to Kang Shaoye first and told the truth: "Director Xia asked Director Fu to come over."

Fu Xiaobin was overjoyed to hear that District Chief Xia was invited. He must have been selected as a secretary, but the current scene was a little embarrassing. He wanted to go downstairs, but Kang Shaoye was also present, which made him a little difficult. He couldn't help looking at Kang Shaoye.

Kang Shaoye understood something in his heart for a moment, and he was immediately furious.

He came to Fu Xiaobin just to talk about the conditions. Put forward the exchange terms to see if Fu Xiaobin can give in a step, and he can compensate in other ways.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, he was denied by Fu Xiaobin. When Kang Shaoye wanted to be with Fu Xiaobin again, Jin Hongxin came. Kang Shaoye thinks he is also a deputy secretary at least. He is the No. 3 person in the district. He is in charge of affairs and holds the power. Jin Hongxin is just the director of the district government office, and he will definitely be moved by his promise. I will say a few good words for him. I didn't think that the front foot Jin Hongxin made a promise, and the back foot Jin Hongxin was entrusted by Xia Xiangzhi to invite Fu Xiaobin. Obviously, Jin Hongxin not only did not speak for him in front of Xia Xiang, but also may also make an affair for Fu Xiaobin.

In addition to his anger, Kang Shaoye even hated Jin Hongxin.

Seeing that Fu Xiaobin and Jin Hongxin looked at him in different eyes and knew that it was meaningless to stay any longer, he said to Fu Xiaobin, "Congratulations, Director Fu." Then he looked at Jin Hongxin quietly, snorted softly, and said, "Director Jin, what a red heart. Both hands are ready. Congratulations."

Fu Xiaobin knew what Kang Shaoye's congratulations meant. He nodded with a smile and did not answer. Jin Hongxin also knew what Kang Shaoye's congratulations meant. It implied that he did not say a few nice words for him in front of Xia Xiang, but what Jin Hongxin didn't understand was that Secretary Kang complained about him. How could he listen to Secretary Kang's tone, as if he was also very dissatisfied with Director Fu?

Before Jin Hongxin could figure out the situation, Kang Shaoye brushed away.

Fu Xiaobin didn't know that Kang Shaoye had found Jin Hongxin. He went downstairs with Jin Hongxin, patted Jin Hongxin on the shoulder and said, "Hongxin. If you need help with the district committee in the future, please feel free to come to me, within the scope of ability. There are no two words."

Jin Hongxin is the housekeeper of the district government. The relationship between him and Xiaxiang must be good. In the future, Weigang will serve as Xiaxiang's secretary, and a lot of work will have to be arranged by Jin Hongxin. Moreover, Xia wanted to let Jin Hongxin come up to invite him. Fu Xiaobin was alert. I immediately guessed something and immediately decided to have a good relationship with Jin Hongxin.

Jin Hongxin asked Fu Xiaobin to be eager. There was no air at all, and he also responded enthusiastically, "It's good to say, it's good to say, maybe there will be trouble for Director Fu in the future. At that time, the leader will not give face."

He is also the office director, but Fu Xiaobin is a member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and a district leader. He can't compare with him, and it's normal to lower his posture.

"Sertainly, definitely, my Laofu's most important friend is the most important friendship." Fu Xiaobin was happy and had a relationship with Jin Hongxin. "In the future, Huang Weigang became the secretary of the governor of Xia. What are the shortcomings? If there are any disadvantages at work, Director Jin will criticize him for me.

Jin Hongxin stopped and understood something in an instant. He asked in surprise, "Hang Weigang is Director Fu's"?"

Fu Xiaobin nodded with a smile. He also knew that if he really wanted Jin Hongxin to take care of Huang Weigang, he would tell the truth. Otherwise, when he knew the truth from others, he would definitely blame him." He said, "It's his own people, as long as the red heart knows. Don't talk about it."

Only then did Jin Hongxin understand the real intention of District Chief Xia to ask him to come up and invite Fu Xiaobin. Did he deliberately make Kang Jianye unhappy? He didn't dare to guess. But there must be a hint to let him and Fu Xiaobin get closer, and perhaps a hint to let him entice Fu Xiaobin for the governor of Xia District.

Oral: I still ask for a monthly ticket. Please believe that Lao He has been working hard and is preparing for an outbreak. Brothers, please support a few more today. Let me write more today. Maybe it will break out tomorrow. Finally, I would like to thank the breeding consultant for their strong support to the official god and be promoted to the head of the hall. If you want to know what will happen, please log in to more chapters, support the author, and support the genuine reading! Yi Xun's book shows off the fine concave and says that Xunshan has a different body clam D