official god

Chapter 557 Timing is Important

Mu Xiaobin also knows, although he and Xia miss Lao Zhe. However, there is no need to show the old mantra. There has been a rift between him and Kang Shao's bombing, which does not mean that he also has a boundary with Bai Zhanmo. Unless there is an irreconcilable contradiction, it is necessary to stand firm. Most of the time, there is still a conventional rule.

After several people sat down with different thoughts. Bai Zhanmo said today's topic.

"I called my comrades here today. There are two things that need to be discussed. First, after Comrade Niu Qi, deputy director of the District Public Security Bureau, was transferred to the household registration office of the municipal bureau. There is a temporary vacancy for a deputy director. The candidate recommended by the Municipal Bureau is Li Fei, the captain of the criminal police brigade of the Municipal North Branch. I consulted Comrade Huang Jianjun. He has no opinion. Today, let's see if comrades have any opinions. If not, it will be approved, and then go to the Standing Committee to discuss them, and then give feedback to the Municipal Bureau.

Li Fei came to disema qu as the deputy director, which was also the result of Xiaxiang's operation behind the scenes. Xia's smart point is that he is only responsible for dialing on the key fulcrum, and then hides behind the scenes, waiting for the development, so that others can't see his shadow in it.

However, to his great surprise, he discussed the personnel issue today. He didn't invite Huang Jianjun to participate and talked about the past, but why didn't he invite Mu Yunshan, the head of the organization, to do it? Is there any secret? In my impression, Mu Yunshan should be closer to Bai Zhanmo. Bai Zhanmo is unnecessary and does not need to deliberately avoid him.

Among the few left, except for Bai Zhanmo, Xia wants the most. After Bai Zhanmo finished speaking, he looked at Xia Xiang with an expectant face.

Xia thought that he didn't say much, but nodded and said, "I agree with the nomination of the municipal bureau."

Kang Shaoye paused for a moment, looked at Xiaxiang with a questioning look, and then said, "It is said that the decision of the municipal bureau should be respected, but I looked at Comrade Li Fei's resume. His qualifications are a little shallower. Do you consider asking the bureau to choose two more people so that we can choose?"

Xia thought that he didn't say anything, but he also looked calm and didn't say anything about Kang Shaoye's temptation. He could guess that Kang Shaoye might be guessing his role in it, and doubted the relationship between Li Fei and him. How could he let Kang Shaoye see the abnormality? He didn't seem to have anything to do with him.

Fu Xiaobin looked at his face and saw Kang Shaoye's behavior. He also wondered why the personnel issue was discussed today. It was a little puzzling without Mu Yunshan's participation. However, many things in the officialdom could not be inferred from common sense. He thought about the novel: "I believe that the decision of the municipal bureau is a well-thought-out result. The employment standards of the public security system are If you don't express any more opinions, just agree.

"I mean the same. You don't have to be too distracted by small things. Bai Zhanmo doesn't pay much attention to other things because of the investment of hundreds of millions. What's more, it's just the position of deputy director of the branch. In his opinion, it doesn't matter at all. His focus is now on investment. "Comrade Shao, do you want to think about it again?"

Kang Shaoye couldn't figure out Xia Xiang's thoughts, and he didn't see the obvious interaction between Xia Xiang and Fu Xiaobin, so he stopped insisting and said, "Well, that's it. I agree. Just ask Secretary Bai to continue to the next topic.

Bai Zhanmo said with a smile on his face: "The second topic is Comrade Yuan Mingliang, chairman of Changji Trade, who officially signed an investment agreement with the district committee yesterday. Because of the emergency, I didn't communicate with the mayor of Xia District in time," he smiled and said, "Because of the huge amount of investment in Wenzhou, and Mr. Yuan and I have a good personal relationship, I decided that I will directly be responsible for all matters of liaison with Changji Business. I need the cooperation of the government. At that time, I will Say hello directly to the head of Xia District. Does the head of Xia have any objection?

Xia wanted to know Bai Zhanmo's thoughts for a long time. On the one hand, he was afraid that he would compete with him for credit, and on the other hand, he firmly controlled Wenzhou's investment in his hands. The government is not allowed to intervene in order to prepare for the layout in the future. Change it to someone else. Maybe you also want to fight with Bai Zhanmo. After all, the government dominates the economy, as long as it involves specific affairs. It is indispensable for the government to cooperate with the work, and at the same time, it is also good to divide the political achievements. But Xia thought differently. Since Xia thought had already had a plan and guessed the means of Fu Xianfeng and Bai Zhanmo, she would not care about the gains and losses for a while. The reason why he let Li Qin go all out to keep an eye on the real estate market in the sub-horse area and grasp the information of the housing resources in the whole sub-horse area is that as long as there is a huge capital injection, it is bound to attract Li Qin's attention immediately. Therefore, whether to grasp the capital trend of long-term business from the source is not the key to the problem. The important thing is that as long as an abnormal situation is found, he has enough ways to know!

"Everything is for the development of the disema zone, and everything is for the tomorrow of the off-horse area, I support Secretary Bai's decision." Xiaxiang's attitude was unexpectedly good, so good that Bai Zhanmo and Kang Shaoye looked at each other and didn't seem to believe what Xiaxiang said.

Because Bai Zhanmo's true thoughts want to completely exclude Xia from hundreds of millions of investments, not only does he not let Xia want to know the flow and use of investment, but he also does not want Xia to get a political achievement from it! Xia Xiang was not angry at all, as if he didn't know his intention. He agreed with a smile, which made Bai Zhanmo's heart mixed.

Fortunately, he thought that Xia thought he would try his best to oppose it, and at least had to argue with him before he agreed. He is even ready for Xia to clap the table, not only calm. It can be said that the wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful, and there are no twists and turns.

The worry is that he always feels that there is an unknown secret hidden under Xia's smile. He always feels that Xia wants to agree freely, and things are not right. But what's wrong with the specifics? He will also say that Yi Xunshu will show off the details for a while) different body clams

I can't find the key point.

Bai Zhanmo just glanced at Kang Shaoye.

Kang Shaoye also felt that Xiaxiang's attitude was too much to give in. He thought for a moment and felt that there were probably too many things to do with the district government, and Xia thought that he had no time to separate. Although the amount of investment is huge, Xia wants to first ensure that the investment projects he supports can be successfully completed, and he doesn't want to be distracted to get a piece of the pie."

But no matter what Xia thinks. It's a good thing that he didn't quarrel.

Fu Xiaobin also looked at Xia Xiang with slight surprise. My eyes are full of puzzles. In fact, if Xia wants to forcibly intervene in the investment of Changji trade. Bai Zhanmo had to give in in the end. After all, investment involves all kinds of procedures. It has to go through the hands of the government. Xia wants to disagree. One hint is that the people who do things below will get stuck in the neck of the investment. Such things happen from time to time in other districts of Yan City, not to mention in new districts like Xiama District.

Fu Xiaobin couldn't figure out Xia's thoughts, but when he saw Xia Xiang's face, he knew that he had made up his mind. Instead of pretending, he echoed and said, "From the overall situation, District Chief Xia has made a good start to our work and played an exemplary role. I suggest that the district government also specially appoints a deputy district chief to be fully responsible for the investment of Changji commerce and trade. At that time, there will be no need to bother the district chief Xia.

This is exactly what Bai Zhanmo said. As long as Xia wants to be excluded, there is a deputy district chief who comes forward and has to listen to his advice? Bai Zhanmo was secretly happy and thought that Kang Shaoye always said that Fu Xiao, Bin and Xia wanted to get close. Fu Xiaobin's words just now were obviously thinking about Xia's army.

Xia Xiang's eyes swept over the faces of the three people in turn, and finally fell on Fu Xiaobin's face. He smiled indifferently and said, "Director Fu's proposal is good, so let Comrade Xie Yuanqing take full responsibility. It just saves my heart, so that I can concentrate on other work. Fu Xiaobin saw something from Xia Xiang's eyes, so he only smiled and didn't say anything.

Bai Zhanmo saw that things were going very smoothly. Then he regained the self-confidence that everything was under his control. He said, "Okay, the matter has been settled. We have reached an agreement after the discussion and approval of the Standing Committee. Just do it."

After the meeting, Xia Xiang received a phone call from Fu Xiao'e. After a simple call, Xia Xiang put down the phone and smiled, thinking that Fu Xiaobin was a wonderful person. If you have a look, act when you meet, and there is a lot of room for cooperation in the future.

What Fu Xianfeng wants is Bai Zhanmo to master the effect of Jinyi's investment in one hand, so just give it to him. Why do you have to argue with him for a while? Besides, in fact, Xiaxiang also wanted to stay out of the matter, so that he could calm down and catch the vanguard off guard. Fu Xianfeng would not have thought that he had guessed his intention. And he set up a trap and waited for him to cast.

However, Xia wanted to know that the struggle with Fu Xianfeng could not be decided at one time, and he had to release at least half of the funds of the long-based trade before he could start. If it's too early, it's easy for the other party to be aware of it and evacuate in time. If it's too late, the tail may not fall off. Finally, the other party will become the climate and escape calmly.

Timing is very important, and it is also the key to winning or losing.

Basically, a lot of work in the early stage has been fully prepared. In addition to not having an interview with Cheng Dacai, Xiaxiang has almost completed the layout. Two days ago, he also passed the phone with Cheng Dacai. Cheng Dacai, as the leader of Yan Province, was also very dissatisfied with someone who wanted to sweep the profits in his territory. He and Xia wanted to get along with him, and promised Xia that he would cooperate with him when he thought of it and make a good plan to hide the world.

However, Cheng Dacai and Xiaxiang have been relatively busy recently. They can't find time to meet for the time being, so they make an appointment to meet again.

While thinking deeply, Jin Hongxin knocked on the door and reported a situation to Xia: "Chang Xia. I just saw Shi Changle, the director of the Finance Bureau, report his work to Secretary Bai, and then left by car

The Finance Bureau is the key institution of the district government. The position of the director is very important, if the director is not single-minded with the district chief, but keeps up with the secretary's footsteps. The power of the district governor is a great constraint. If the financial power is not in hand, it is equivalent to half the power is weakened!

Shi Changle's position is very critical. Xia Xiang didn't figure out who he was approaching at the beginning. He didn't want to wait for him to pull Fu Xiaobin and Huang Jianjun, Bai Zhanmo also silently took the Finance Bureau into his hands. It seems that the first move has its own victory or defeat, and Bai Zhanmo is not completely passively responding to the battle, but also secretly planning something.

Xia is not angry. He also knows that even the secretary can't control everything, let alone the district chief? However, since Bai Zhanmo has both the advantages of a leader and the power of personnel, he must control the Finance Bureau in his hands. Even if he can't pull Shi Changle into his own camp, he must place his own manpower in the Finance Bureau, otherwise he will be too passive.

Xia Xiang only meditated, and Jin Hongxin seemed to have guessed something. She said tentatively, "Cai District Chief. Let me say one more word. Don't be surprised. The executive deputy director of the Finance Bureau talks about Changtian and I have a good relationship. If you nod, I can have more contact with him

Jin Hongxin is really a competent office director. Xia wanted to take a higher look at Jin Hongxin. After thinking about it, he waved his hand again: "Don't worry. Before the matter becomes clear, let's observe and make a conclusion in a hurry. After a pause, he also recognized the good performance of Jin Hongxin. Hongxin's recent work is not bad. Keep it up."

Jin Hongxin is overjoyed. District Chief Xia generally doesn't praise people very much. Now it is the most powerful affirmation of his work to praise him. There was a burst of ecstasy in his heart, but he didn't dare to reveal anything on the surface. He still said very humbly, "The mayor of Xia's trodity is my part. I should do a good job for the leaders

At the same time, Jin Hongxin went directly to the secretary for Xia Xiang's arrival in Pei District Chief to learn that his subordinates were asking for him, "And obviously in the same building, but he did not enter the door. You must be furious. District Chief Xia was calm and calm, as if nothing had happened, as if he had mastered the self-confidence, which made him admire him.

As a leader, the self-confidence and calm attitude can best convince subordinates, especially those who are confident and do not slow, which will make subordinates always feel that the leader is the leader, controlling the overall situation and holding the power. It's good for Xia to see Jin Hongxin. Thinking of him everywhere, he deliberately made him feel his trust again, so he asked, "Red heart, according to your observation, let's talk about Huang Weigang's work attitude and ability,"

Jin Hongxin immediately looked cautious, bent slightly, and was silent for a moment before saying, "I think Comrade Weigang's work attitude is still serious, and his work ability is still slightly lacking. However, he also realized his shortcomings and had room for improvement.

Jin Hongxin knows very well that District Chief Xia is not asking casually, but testing his observation ability, and also testing whether his work is in place. Maybe it has a deeper meaning. It is to test whether he is telling the truth and whether he will favor Wei Gang because of his relationship with Fu Xiaobin.

So Jin Hongxin is very smart to tell the truth, without any bias. Completely from the perspective of objectivity and fairness.

Xia wanted to be very satisfied with Jin Hongxin's answer. She nodded and said, "It's very objective

Jin Hongxin knew that he had passed the test, and there was another weight in Xia's mind, so she said knowingly, "If the leader has nothing to do. I'm going to be busy."

After Jin Hongxin left, Xia Ren thought about the current situation for a long time.

The next day, the Standing Committee was held as soon as I went to work.

The topic of the Standing Committee is the content of yesterday's meeting. Bai Zhanmo presided over the meeting, first raised two topics, then expressed his attitude, and then let Xia want to express his opinion.

Xia also said a few words that were not new, and finally said: "Basically, Secretary Bai's arrangement takes into account all aspects of factors, which is very reasonable. I support it."

In politics, even if it is a sworn enemy, there will be concessions in their own affairs. It is impossible to do everything, otherwise there will be no political mind and will be included in the list of unavailable by superiors. Unless it is a major event related to one's own interests, it will generally show limited support when it is not insignificant or irrelevant to one's own interests.

Xia Xiang's performance fell into the eyes of everyone, which made many of the Standing Committee secretly suspect that it was the mayor of Xia who compromised with Secretary Bai? Otherwise, the mayor of Xia District has no reason to fight for such a major investment. Have you completely ceded to the district committee to make the decision? Even if it is an investment pulled by Secretary Bai, it is right for the government to intervene. Chief Xia is really easy to talk to, or choose under pressure


Even Bian Xiuling looked at Xia with a puzzled face.

Xia thought that her heart was clear, and she hinted with her eyes that Bian Xiuling didn't have to care.

After Xia wanted to speak, Deputy Secretary Kang Shaoye also expressed his position of support. Later, Fu Xiaobin, director of the District Party Committee Office, also nodded in agreement.

As the deputy head of the Standing Committee, Chen Tianyu is relatively at the top of the Standing Committee, but he generally likes to make a final statement, but today he expressed his attitude early and said, "After comprehensive consideration, although Secretary Bai's proposal is not conventional, there are also objective reasons. I still hold a cautious and optimistic support attitude."

An unconventional sentence made Bai Zhanmo feel that his face was gloomy, and he couldn't help but feel gloomy.

As the executive deputy district governor, it is also reasonable for Chen Tianyu to speak from the standpoint of the government team. However, his words were a little harsh, and several members of the Standing Committee cast a reproachful look at him.

Unexpectedly, Chen Tianyu's voice fell, and Xie Yuanqing smiled and said sarcastically, "Actually, I think Secretary Bai is more suitable for government work,"

The characteristic of Xie Yuanqing is that half of the words, but the sarcasm is really heard by everyone. The meaning of the words is that Secretary Bai is too involved in government affairs and looks too ugly.

In this episode, there was a lot of discussion at the Standing Committee. Everyone's eyes turned to Xie Yuanqing. There is doubt, disdain, anger, and luck and happiness.

Xia wanted to frown, said something and finally took it back. Well, it's not bad to let Xie Yuanqing stir up the situation, at least it also gives Bai Zhanmo an invisible pressure, and also makes others more suspicious, so it's regarded as an old obsession. Whether others think that Xie Yuanqing is his pawn, or let others doubt his control over the government team, in short, with Xie Yuanqing coming forward, Bai Zhanmo can't get in the way smoothly.

Xia wants to achieve the desired effect today. Xie Yuanqing's trouble is also a good appetizer.

PS: Timing is important, and updating is also important. The temperature difference varies greatly, so everyone should pay more attention to their health. Lao He fell asleep at noon today and caught a slight cold. When I lay down, I didn't want to get up, but when I thought of the promise that I couldn't break the update, as soon as I saw another friend throwing a reminder, Lao He got up again, drank hot water to drive away the chill, and continued to update. Continue to code words. Although I can't bear to disappoint every brother, I can only say sorry to my friend who threw in the update. I have been in poor health in recent days. I can only try my best to update, and I may not be able to do it. Let's wait for Lao He to work hard slowly, and the brothers should understand more. In recent days, everyone is very supportive of Lao He. Lao He is in mind that there will be rewards. Don't worry. ( To be continued), if you want to know what will happen, please log in to more chapters, support the author, and support the genuine version of H