official god

Chapter 561 The Wind

After the conversation, I learned that Xiong Haiyang discussed the development of An County for a period of time, and he was at ease..." After being unable to adapt to his development, he came to Yanshi and prepared to contract a larger project. I happened to know the person in charge of Tian'an Real Estate Development of Sun Xianwei, so I immediately agreed with him and undertook the civil construction of Tian'an Real Estate and the construction of roads in the community. I didn't think of it. I happened to meet Xiaxiang here.

Bear Ocean was overjoyed.

Hearing that Xia wanted to need personnel to repair a section of the pit road at the gate of the Finance Bureau, Xiong Haiyang patted his chest: "The mayor of Xia District can rest assured to complete the task. With the experience of building mountains and waterways, the 100-meter section of the road is simply repaired to complete the task day and night. He turned around and shouted to the workers, "Brothers, can the task assigned by District Chief Xia be completed?"

"Can!" More than 100 people shouted in unison, which was very shocking, and the sound was earth-shaking.

"Can you disgrace the mayor of Xia District?

"You can't!"

Xiong Haiyang changed the board on the spot: "Do it, start to work now, and it will be completed at this time tomorrow. Please ask the mayor of Xia District to review it!"

With an order, more than a hundred people immediately launched magnificently, serving their respective duties and doing their own work. Everyone is energetic and doesn't need anyone to command. It is neat and uniform, the scene is spectacular, and the shock of action gives people a strong visual impact like a soldier!

Shi Changle was finally convinced. He knew that it was neither the power brought by Xiaxiang's identity as the district mayor, nor did Xia wanted to make any promises to them. It's Xiaxiang's personality charm that convinces the workers. That's why they don't talk about conditions, don't make difficulties, don't say anything, and work hard.

Shi Changle has not had ** burning years before, but has been in the officialdom for many years. ** and moved have been wiped out for a long time. Today, he was also moved by Xiaxiang and stayed aside. I couldn't say a word for a long time.

Jin Hongxin stood aside and was stunned in surprise. He has never seen today's scene, and he has never seen a leading cadre that can convince the workers so sincerely! There is only one thought in his mind that keeps swinging around. With Chief Xia, he will never regret it!

Xia wanted to see the matter resolved satisfactorily. She sighed in her heart that she saved people once in An County once, and until now, there are still human feelings available, which is really amazing. Seeing Shi Changle stunned on the spot, he couldn't help but scolding with anger and laughter: "Comrade Changle, don't be stupid. Go and prepare some tea. Do you let the workers work for nothing?

Shi Changle woke up and hurried down and ordered: "Go and prepare tea and food, and let the master of the canteen cook directly. The standard is according to the director level. It should be fast and timely."

Xia wanted to see that Shi Changle was still knowledgeable, so he nodded with a smile: "Okay, you have eyesight. I'll leave the rest to you. Can you complete the task smoothly?

Shi Chang was happy to see that Xia wanted to solve a big problem while talking and laughing. And the workers didn't mention the cost. I also have admiration for Xiaxiang. He hurriedly answered: "No problem, make sure to complete the task. If there is another mistake. Ask the mayor of Xia District to ask me

If you can't even do such a small thing, Xia Can really flattered Shi Changle. He said a few more words to Xiong Haiyang and left the scene with Huang Jianjun.

What Xiaxiang is not clear is that the handling of this incident made Huang Jianjun stand with him more firmly, and also had a far-reaching impact on Shi Changle,

When I got home, the house was already overcrowded. In addition to Yan Xiao and Gu Yu, there are also Song Yifan and Song Chaodu, as well as Li Dingzhi and Gao Hai.

Xia Dong hasn't been out for a full month. It is said that he hasn't invited relatives and friends to come to his house. However, Song Chaodu, Li Dingshan and Gao Hai wanted Xia to be his elders, so they no longer restrained on vulgar etiquette. They came together and came together in the name of visiting Cao Shuhui, and several families

Gao Hai was thinking about home for the first time in summer, and he couldn't help but feel a little excited. Although he is already a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, deputy mayor and the leader of Xiaxiang, he is still deeply honored to be able to approach Xiaxiang in a private capacity.

Others may not understand that a department-level leader will value a deputy department-level subordinate so much, but Gao Hai knows that he can have what he is today, and there is also the credit that Xia wants to deal with it many times.

He has a kind of heartfelt kindness to Xia.

Gao Hai's wife, Li Zhenxia, wanted to see her for the first time. He has known Gao Hai for many years and has never known Gao Hai's family. Today, when he saw Gao Hai leading his family, he also understood what he meant, so he greeted Li Zhen warmly.

Li Zhen didn't know how many times she had heard Gao Hai say Xia Xiang's name. Seeing that Xia Xiang was younger and more handsome than she thought, she smiled and said to Gao Hai and others, "You and Ding Shan, including Governor Song, were not as talented as Xia Xiang when they were young

Xia wanted to smile modestly: "Men can't be handsome, it depends on whether they are talented or not."

Several people laughed. Song Yifan came out of nowhere. He took Xiaxiang's arm and said, "No, men should not only be handsome, but also talented. He is handsome and talented, he is a real man.

Song Yifan has now grown into a big girl, graceful, but a little thin, slim and undulating. Standing beside Xiaxiang, she was already as high as Xiaxiang's ears, wearing a white dress, like a graceful fairy, which was refreshing.

Xia wants to smile: "Don't always want the best for everything. The best may not be suitable for you. Although the best for you is not necessarily the best, it is what you need the most."

Song Yifan tilted his head and thought, "Although it makes sense, I still want the best one, both handsome and talented, and then

Song Chaodu laughed at Xia and thought, "Fortunately, you gave birth to a son, so you don't have to worry about many problems with your daughters in the future."

Li Dingshan interrupted and said, "It's a little unfair to say this. Don't your son have to worry about it?"

Gao Hai also had a son, and he also answered, "That's right, in fact, the son is no less worried than his daughter."

Shi Jie suddenly said, "Don't argue, there is no comparison. If there is a person with both children, he has the right to speak.

Xia wanted to say that in fact, his mother-in-law had both sons and daughters, but Song Yifan smiled and said, "I think Brother Xia is a man of good life. He will definitely have both children in the future.

Xia thought that he almost broke out in a cold sweat. Song Yifan was too strange. In a word, the real situation is that he has both sons and daughters now!

Fortunately, Song Yifan just said it casually. I talked about other topics, such as why Cao Shuji didn't give birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins, and he would have sons and daughters at once. How nice. In fact, she also likes her son. Because the son kissed his mother, etc., he spoke in the same tone as an adult, and as soon as he spoke, he was endless. His eyebrows were flying, and no one else could interrupt.

Although Song Chaodu is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and deputy governor, and he is dignified in front of others, he has nothing to do with his daughter. Song Yifan doesn't listen to him at all. In the end, there was nothing he could do. Xia wanted to say, "Ifan. You are tired of talking for a long time. Let's go and have a chat with Gu Yu.

Song Yifan pouted very dissatisfiedly: "I know what you mean. You want to get on business and think I'm in the way, don't you?" She glanced at Song Chaodu with dissatisfaction. Dad, you don't criticize Brother Xia. He wants to kick me out. Do you leave it to him? I'm your precious daughter. Don't you look at me? Besides, I came to visit Xia Dong today. It's not for you to conspire here."

Song Chaodu's face was heavy: "Don't mess around. Adults have business and children's family are not allowed to cause trouble."

The authority of the governor can't control Song Yifan. She stared at Song Chaodu unhappily, but instead stopped leaving, so she sat next to Xiaxiang and didn't move. Xia wanted to be helpless. He smiled and whispered a few words in Song Yifan's ear. Song Yifan immediately opened his eyebrows and smiled. He even nodded and turned around and flew


Li Dingshan said: Xiaoxia has a way to deal with little girls. What did she say to make Xiao Fan happy again?"

Xia wanted to smile and said, "It's nothing. I just told her to see if my son is handsome or not. Is he more like me or more like Cao Shuhui? She became interested and left."

Song Chaodu laughed and said, "It's amazing. It's amazing that Xiaoxia has the wrist to deal with girls without a daughter. I have been Song Yifan's father for more than ten years, but you don't know her. It's really strange.

Xia wanted to wave his hand humbly: "Where. No, I just know that little girls have something in common. It's easier to make them happy than to make them angry. Only if you make them happy, they will be obedient.

Unexpectedly, Li Zhen listened to Xia Xiang's words and made a joke for Xia Xiang: Xiao Xia knows women's hearts very well. There must be a lot of girls who like you, right?

It's okay, Li Zhen said that Li Dingshan and Gao Hai's eyes subconsciously looked at the inner room. There are Yan Xiaoxiao and ancient jade in the inner room.

Xia thought that he was a little embarrassed and hurriedly said, "Yan Xiao is my business partner, Gu Yuxiao is a colleague, and his relationship with me has always been as pure as blue sky and white clouds

Several people couldn't help laughing when they saw Xia's embarrassment. After all, in their eyes, no matter how much Xia wants to be the district governor, even if he is promoted to the main hall, he is also their junior.

Li Zhen went to talk to Wang Yufen and Zhang Lan. Xia Xiang went upstairs with Song Chaodu, Li Dingshan and Gao Hai. Cao Yongguo returned to Yanshi and returned to Baoshi after only half a day. After all, there are too many things to do as the secretary of the municipal party committee. Besides, there are many people in his family. He can't help at all, and it's useless to stay.

There is no one upstairs, which is very suitable for conversation. Xia wanted to accompany several people to the south-facing balcony. The sun is shining brightly, and the dazzling light falls on the ground. Several people were also in a good mood. They sat around the coffee table, and Gao Hai made tea by himself.

Xia thought about doing it by himself. Gao Hai didn't let him say anything. He grabbed the teapot and said, "Now we are sitting together, regardless of level, only the age. Although I'm your uncle, because your tea is not as good as mine, I have to make it. Otherwise, if the tea you make doesn't taste good, it's your fault. Xia wanted to let go. He also knew that Gao Hai had always been not in a high posture in front of him, did not put on the position of the mayor, and did not even take the identity of an elder. Sometimes I talk to him equally. He also understood Gao Hai's thoughts, so he was no longer reluctant.

Gao Hai skillfully made tea. One person came to a cup and said, "I have always felt that making tea can nourish my self-cultivation, when I am at home. Just make tea for fun. Make a cup of strong tea, watch the news for a while, read a newspaper, and bask in the sun. It is also a rare leisure time in life.

As an official, he is not only busy with official duties, but also always in a high degree of tension. He should not only think about how to get promoted and get rich, but also worry about the exclusion of opponents or the framing of political enemies. We should also always think about how to drill, how to improve political achievements, and so on. What's more, they are always worried that the personnel of the Commission for Discipline Inspection suddenly appear in front of them. "If so on, it is rare for people in the officialdom to have a moment of leisure.

Unless you retreat to the second line.

Gao Hai was in the middle of the year, and now he has entered the Standing Committee. It can be said that it is a great opportunity to do, and there is also a leisure to make tea, which also makes Xia Xiwei sigh that he stole half a day's leisure in response to an old saying

In the life of a person, there are those who are busy, there are those who are busy, there are those who are busy, and there are those who are all chasing fame and fortune. He will be burdened by fame and fortune for the rest of his life. Don't live a long life. Whether it is an official, a star, or a so-called expert professor under the guise of academics, since they are chasing fame and fortune, there are still people who believe in immortals and want to live a long life or even disease-free. In fact, they are looking for fish.

fame and longevity have always been opposites. It is an irreconcilable contradiction. People who live a long life in the world. They all have no desire and are scattered all day long. Where can there be a long life of big fish, big meat, big wealth and noble? No. The disease is born from the heart, and it is always in the midst of anxiety and irritability. Over time, anger hurts the liver, sadness hurts the lungs, joy hurts sadness, thinking hurts the spleen, and there must be a disease.

Therefore, after the development of the Internet in later generations, it is not uncommon for senior officials to commit suicide due to depressed illness.

In officialdom, the most rare thing is to maintain a normal heart. But when it is easy to do and difficult to face one's own interests, who can do it without moving? Xia thought that he had seen through many things in the world, but he couldn't do it, let alone ordinary people.

It is also a good thing that Gao Hai can have a sense of leisure in his busy schedule. At least it can make him relax physically and mentally and avoid illness.

After drinking tea for a while, Xia thought of the news revealed by Lian Ruohan, and deliberately reminded Song Chaodu: "Ginal Song, have you heard the news that Governor Ma is going to be transferred?"

Song Chaodu was stunned and looked at Xia with a puzzled face: "No, I haven't heard any rumors at all. Where did you hear that?"

As soon as he said the words, he shook his head and smiled again. Thinking of something, he said, "Since you heard it. It should be true. What a Ma Wanzheng. It was hidden quite deep, and there was no rumor at all. Is it the governor or the secretary?

Song Chaodu naturally knows that with Ma Wanzheng's current level, a small step up is the governor, a big step is the secretary, and the lowest will be the governor. Secretary of a province in the northwest. None of the people here are outsiders. Xia thought, "Although it's just a sound of the wind, it's very likely. Governor Song still needs to get ready early. It's a rare opportunity.

Li Dingshan and Gao Hai both looked happy and looked at Song Chaodu with anticipation.

Song Chaodu was also slightly excited. The executive deputy governor is equivalent to the role of the governor's successor, with high power, and can stay in the top few in the ranking of the Standing Committee. The most important point is. As long as he sits in the position of executive vice governor. It's almost certain after the last term. You can become the governor in order!

So as to complete a qualitative leap in political life.

Song Chaodu couldn't hide his excited look. Ma Wanzheng's transfer not only made room for him. It also reduced him to a strong competitor, which was almost a rare opportunity.

The key is that Xiaxiang's reminder is very timely. It's better to start early than to do it after hearing the news. It must be much better, at least one step ahead of others. Taking the lead is the opportunity, and it may be the key factor in determining the outcome.

Song Chaodu patted Xiaxiang on the shoulder and said sincerely, "This news is very timely and very important. Thank you, Xiaoxia."

Xia wants to shake his head and smile: "You're welcome. No matter from which perspective, I hope that Governor Song will take over as the executive vice president, not someone else.

Xia's sentence is falling to the key point. Because Song Chaodu was also worried that others in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee would also operate the executive deputy governor's place, and may even parachute.

Cui Xiang, the biggest competitor competing for the governor's throne, should not have the possibility of serving as the executive vice governor. His current ranking in the Standing Committee is already higher than Ma Wanzheng's, and it is impossible to have a high position. Although it is not unprecedented to seek the position of executive vice governor, it is unlikely to be in Yan Province, a politically conservative province.

Looking at the resumes of members of various provinces in China, there are indeed not many examples of deputy secretaries being promoted to governor. Generally speaking, the full-time deputy secretary of the provincial party committee is mainly responsible for party affairs. The focus of the work is on the party, and the executive deputy governor mainly focuses on the administrative aspect. The environment of different provinces is People are also different, and they can't be generalized. But in general, in comparison. At this stage, the future of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Executive Vice Governor is better.

Only Cui Xiang wanted to win the position of governor in the future and come up with a strategy to save the country. He first served as the executive vice governor for a period of time, and then successfully took over as the governor. It was not a fantasy. In domestic politics, there has never been a shortage of very creative job transfers. There are even empty member of the Standing Committee.

Although the power of a member of the Standing Committee is not only a short member of the Standing Committee, but also sometimes not as profitable as an administrative deputy with real power.

Of course, the benefits are, on the one hand, the probability of promotion of the Standing Committee is much larger, and on the other hand, it is a problem. The domestic political environment is complex and changeable, and there are various possibilities that will happen, so we have to be careful.

Song Chaodu was suddenly faced with unbelievable good things, and it was inevitable that he would worry about gains and losses.

Xia thought that one sentence made him more nervous: "I suspect that the executive vice governor will have a fierce battle, and it may be airborne. It's better for Governor Song to do it early.

"What do you say?" The Song Dynasty was in a hurry. It's too late to think about the inside story. C