official god

Chapter 563 Talking and Laughing

Chen Feng and Cheng just met at the teahouse outside. The scratch card of the teahouse is very unique. It's called red sleeves to add fragrance.

Hongxiu Qingxiang is located on the most prosperous Huazhong Street. But it is entered by an alley that is only a few meters narrow. The alley is ancient and quiet, as if it is a step into ancient times from the prosperous modernity. Hearing the sound of bluestone slabs under your feet makes people feel inexplicably relaxed.

The fragrant decoration of red sleeves is like an ancient house, which is neither classical nor modern, and there is a kind of ancient and vicissitudes that are incompatible with the surrounding environment.

The owner of the teahouse is a woman in her 30s, named Chu Tong. She is very intellectually beautiful. She is not an extremely exquisite beauty, but she is definitely a beautiful woman who is durable and has experienced for years. A long dress with a unique style made her stand long, and her long shawl hair made her indifferent.

Even Xia wanted to see countless beautiful women when she saw Chu Tong. It's also a secret cry in my heart. The beauty of Chu Tong is quiet and lonely, lonely and independent. Just like an empty valley orchid, there is a kind of self-appreciation.

Cheng Dacai invited Xia Xiang and Chen Feng to Xiangyang's room on the second floor. After sitting down, he introduced Chu Tong to the two.

Cheng Dacai wanted to introduce Chu Tongshi to Chen Feng and Xia. He specially emphasized: "Chu Tong is the most suitable to be a confidant, as I call the beauty. It refers to a true spiritual friend at your fingertips. But always keep a distance.

Chen Feng smiled and didn't say anything. Xia thought and said, "General Cheng's realm can't be reached by ordinary people. The closest distance between people is the nose. The furthest distance is the soul. A friend in the heart is an unreachable dream. Cheng Da was stunned and puzzled: "What should I say?"

Chen Feng is also puzzled, because Xia's words seem to be ambiguous, and Xia's thoughts are not the same in his eyes. People who lose their temper when they can't walk when they see a woman. Why do today's words seem to be a little provocative to Chu Tong?

Even Chu Tong also frowned slightly and took a glance at Xia's contempt for poisoning.

Xia wanted to observe the reaction of several people. Knowing that they had misunderstood him, he shook hands with Chu Tong and said with a smile, "Two strangers can shake hands as soon as they meet, and the body is zero-distance contact. You can hold your hands together, but you can hold each other. The hearts of people. It is possible that two parallel lines will never intersect.

Chu Tong opened her mouth slightly. After being stunned for a moment, he smiled again: "The mayor of Xia's words are really as wonderful as beads. One sentence makes people open up. What a wonderful person."

The relationship between Cheng Dacai and Chu Tong seems to be a little complicated, giving people a feeling of closeness and alienation. Cheng Da just listened to Chu Tong's praise for Xia. He looked at Xiaxiang with complicated eyes and said with a smile, "There is indeed a common language among young people.

Xia thought that Cheng Dacai and Chu Tong were the so-called spiritual friends, so he said, "Age is not the key to the problem, and the common language is not the key. Sometimes there is nothing to say, and the two people can also achieve a tacit understanding."

Cheng Dacai was very curious: "Then I want to hear from you. What's the key?"

"The key is that sometimes people have inexplicably good feelings or boredom. To put it bluntly, the pure feeling is the right way, everything is easy to say. It feels wrong. No matter how many words there are, no matter how many things in common, maybe the distance in the heart can never be close to Xia's answer is a little small Everything was pushed to the feeling.

Unexpectedly, his answer won the approval of Cheng Dacai and Chu Tong at the same time, and they nodded together. He said with one voice, "That's right."

Chen Feng laughed: Although Xiaoxia is young, sometimes she has a deep understanding of life. I have a deep understanding of it.

In a short time. Chu Tong left, and Cheng Dacai did not hide it. Looking at her back, he said, "I have known Chu Tong for almost ten years. When I met her, she had just graduated from college. At that time, she followed me and became my confidant in another sense. A few years later, for some reason, she and I gradually became estranged. After a few years, we have come together again, but there is no relationship between the sex. There is only a faint aftertaste and feeling. Being together is to talk and talk about life. We have become good friends who have nothing to say. The physical distance is far away, but the spiritual distance is closer. Sometimes there are indeed many inexplicable things in life. I don't know."

Xia thought that Cheng Dacai, as a business wizard, would have an extraordinary side. Today, I heard him say what's on his mind and secrets, and I also know that no matter how great the legend is, there is a soft place. With the status and charm of talent, it is normal to be surrounded by women, and it is abnormal to have no talent. However, listening to his tone, it is clear that he has now gone through the initial stage of the relationship between men and women and has settled **.

Several people gossiped for a while before they got to the right and talked about the theme of today's meeting.

Xia wants to discuss the issue of Yuyi's floating capital with Cheng Dacai. Chen Feng is not an outsider, so there is no need to hide it. Chen Feng didn't meet just to have tea. It is to talk about the general direction and specific ideas of Dacai Group's industrial real estate in Shimoma District.

Although the industrial real estate is implemented in the Xiama District, it finally faces the market of the whole city and even the whole province, and many links still need the cooperation of the city. The idea of Cheng Dacai is, in addition to real estate. Dacai Group will also build a clothing industrial park and a large small commodity wholesale market in Shimoma District.

Yanshi's clothing wholesale is not particularly famous in China, but small commodity wholesale has not been listed as one of the top ten wholesale markets in China. Until Xia wanted to be reborn, although the wholesale market in Yan City was not as good as before, it was still popular, and the transaction volume could not be listed in China


However, the clothing wholesale has slowly fallen. After the closure of the youth street clothing wholesale market, several other clothing wholesale companies fell in love with it to a large negative impact, and the transaction volume fell significantly, which is far from comparable to the prosperous times of that year.

Although there are many reasons for the decline, the most important one of them is that it has not formed a scale advantage. First, it is too scattered, and the merchants do not have a strong sense of external competition. Second, the policy is not in place, and there is no priority to integrate resources, resulting in several scattered markets restricting each other and squeez The rise of the market has gradually fallen.

What hurts Xia most is the decline of the hardware accessories wholesale market, not the business reason. However, the municipal government lacks foresight. In the process of transforming the street, it did not make a plan in advance, and the traffic of the original hardware accessories market was completely blocked, resulting in the impact of both goods and shipments. The wholesaler had no way to do it and repeatedly petitioned the municipal government to arrange the road properly and reasonably, but the municipal government ignored it.

A year later, the road was repaired, and 80% of the wholesalers in the hardware accessories market closed down.

After resuming business, when the rested wholesalers were ready to do it again with great fanfare, they found that the original old customers were gone. It turned out that during the road construction in Yan City, a city in Qi Province vigorously built a large hardware accessories market and provided a very preferential policy. As a result, the hardware accessories market in Yan City, which was once very popular, was depressed, and the good prospects were destroyed.

Xia wanted to have a friend who was engaged in the hardware accessories business. Originally, he had a profit of one or two million yuan a year. As a result, after the road construction incident, the profit was sharply reduced to more than 100,000 yuan a year, which could hardly be maintained, so he had to close down.

The pain caused by the policy mistakes is amazing. It lasts for a long time, and it is also the most painful.

Cheng Dacai is indeed a business acumen, and he can see the advantages of scale now. He proposed a clothing industrial park and a small commodity wholesale market. It can be said that it is the specific implementation of his industrial real estate concept, and it is no exaggeration to say that it can bring far-reaching benignity to the Xiama District and even Yan City

It can even be said that Cheng Dacai's move may save many small and medium-sized wholesalers in Yan City, so that the wholesale market in Yan City will continue to maintain a leading advantage.

Chen Feng did not make a statement first, but looked at Xia and thought, "As the district head of the disestatement, you can talk about it first."

"Of course, I welcome you with my hands. At the same time, I would like to make one more suggestion to Mr. Cheng, that is, it is far from enough to build a clothing industrial park and a small commodity wholesale market. We should go to the hardware accessories market and the auto parts market project at the same time. The four wholesale markets are located in the Let the District Regulation and Development Bureau make a new plan to directly delimit one square kilometer of land to be used by Dacai Group. Xia thought that he did not directly propose that Dacai Group put on four wholesale market projects, at least the amount of investment was more than that of Xiyi.

Chen Feng asked puzzledly, "Isn't the hardware accessories market doing well in the city? "In addition to repeated construction, it is also possible to be idle after completion, resulting in a waste of resources."

Xia wanted not to answer Chen Feng's question first, but looked at Cheng Dacai with a smile.

Cheng Dacai pondered for a moment and said thoughtfully, "I have only studied the clothing industrial park in detail. I feel that although several clothing wholesale markets in Yan City have a certain scale, they are still too small and scattered, and the transportation is not very convenient. So you have to build a new one. Investing in the small commodity wholesale market is also based on the above considerations. At the same time, considering that the small commodity wholesale market in the downtown area of Yan is too old, and many facilities are still built in the 1970s and 1980s to meet the requirements of large-scale, warehousing and large-scale. After demonstration, after the completion of the garment industrial park and Benefits can be formed within two or three years

After taking a sip of tea, Cheng Dacai said, "I haven't thought of the auto parts market yet, after you said it. I also feel that there is room for operation. However, the prospect of the hardware accessories market does not seem to be very clear. The location of the existing hardware accessories market is not bad, and the transportation is also convenient.

Xia wanted to nod: "Mr. Cheng said it well. At present, it seems that there is no need to build a hardware accessories wholesale market without merchants, but the existing hardware accessories wholesale market can no longer be expanded. This is the first one. It is not advantageous to restrict future development. The second point is that the municipal government will soon broaden Huayu Road and close the road to the hardware market. The third point is that Kite City in Qi Province is launching a project to build a large hardware market for hardware accessories markets, which is ready to cover the Beijing-Tianjin, North China and Central China markets. That is to say, it is intended to replace the hardware accessories market in Yan City. Judging from the current scale and position of the hardware accessories market, they are all unfavorable factors, and there are no favorable factors.

Chen Feng was stunned. He lowered his head and thought about it. He took out the phone in disbelief and called the Municipal Planning Bureau. After a while, he put down the phone and said: Xiaoxia, just a moment, I thought you were the mayor of Yan City, not the district mayor of the Lower Horse District."

Xia Xiang smiled modestly: "The Xiama District is the Xiama District of Yan City. We must understand the trends of Yan City in order to make the decision that is most conducive to the future development of the Xia Ma District."

Chen Feng laughed and turned to Cheng Dacai and said, "No wonder Mr. Cheng insisted on linking investment to Xiaoxia's appointment at that time. Mr. Cheng's vision is really first-class. After knowing that Xia's business acumen is combined with the reality of the disemerging area, he can definitely make the most favorable judgment. My attitude is. It's feasible. The city supports the decision of the Xiama District.

Cheng Dacai smiled: "One is the secretary of the municipal party committee, and the other is the district chief of the lower horse district. Naturally, they have to think that the more Dacai Group invests as much as possible. No matter how rich the Dacai Group is, the funds are not enough." Erxiao. Cheng Da Caihuai played a great "(

After Pianhai, he hung up the phone and said, "The news that the kite market launched the hardware accessories market project is true."

Chen Feng also said: "The road construction is planned by the municipal government. It's also true."

Xia wanted to laugh: "Drink tea, drink tea!"

Several people laughed together.

Although it's not the ash and smoke between talking and laughing. But it can also be regarded as a discussion and laughter to determine the investment of more than one billion projects, and Xiaxiang has attracted more funds for the disema area. There is also a sense of pride.

After drinking tea for a while, he talked about the investment of Bai Zhanmo's Jinyi.

Cheng Dacai has also been paying attention to the investment of Jinyi. He also knows that Dacai Group is a leader in Yan Province, but in the developed provinces in the south, it is not a good climate. Although Jinyi Investment is not a huge amount of money in the eyes of Dacai Group. But being able to bet on the future of the horse area in one fell swoop is also a bold and discerning investor.

If it is an investor in this province, it is better to say. After all, it is the first to get a month, and there is also a lot of understanding of the policy trend of Xiama District and Yan City, as well as background and relationship, investment. B, I also have a bottom in my heart. However, the 400 million yuan in Wenzhou City has entered a new area of Yanshi, which is a little hard to figure out.

Cheng Dacai also has a network, and has also learned from many parties that the investment in Changji business is Bai Zhanmo's political achievement. And Bai Zhanmo is the person supported by Fu Xianfeng. Naturally, he knows the origin of Fu Xianfeng very well.

Nevertheless, he still doesn't believe that Wenzhou's investment is really optimistic about the prospect of the sub-horse area. Although Yan City is the capital of the province, it is only a second-tier city in China, and it is too close to the capital. Besides, the lower horse area is a new area. If there is an investment of 100 million yuan from other places, he will not feel strange, but there will be a lot of money at once. It has to make people think deeply.

Chen Feng also has doubts about the investment of Jinyi, but as the secretary of the municipal party committee, it is not easy to directly interfere in the political affairs of the disemerged area, and there is also the shadow of the vanguard. If there is any doubt, he can't turn away the investment, so he has an attitude of sitting and enjoying it. Xia Xiang can't be sure before there is any definite evidence. B's investment is the hyped of floating capital. He just implicitly expressed his thoughts: "At present, Jinyi's investment is firmly grasped by Bai Zhanmo, and he doesn't want the government to intervene. It is understandable from the perspective of monopolization of power or monopolization of political achievements. However, from the perspective of really wanting to make a difference in the Shimoma area and investing in the industry in the Shimoma area, the practice of Changji Trading is a little puzzling. If you want to invest in industry, you must deal with government departments. Even if it is an investment from Bai Zhanmela, it can't bypass the administrative affairs of the government

Cheng Dacai took a small sip of tea and nodded slightly: "That's right, Jinyi is not a small amount. It's not the product of hard work. No one takes out hundreds of millions to test the water as soon as their minds are hot. Help 100 million. It's not B, it's not Li Yi, it's not a joke number. If you really want to invest in the sub-horse area, you should have started field visits, divide the land, and even build projects immediately.

Xia wants to agree with Cheng Dacai's statement: "The initial investment intention of Changji Trading is real estate, and it also involves commerce, technology and health industries, which is almost all-enhended. But until now, I heard that it seems that I rented one floor as an office space in the Chao Building on Yuanjing Avenue. I haven't done anything else, but I have also applied for a piece of land. I heard that I want to develop a golf course"

Chen Feng shook his head with a smile: "Jinyi Investment, it sounds like a big tone, when it is really implemented. The movement is very obvious. Maybe it's a fake medicine in the gourd.

"I won't give them a conclusion." Cheng Dacai waved his hand proudly, "It's hard for others to say, but there is Xiaoxia in the disema area. Jinyi's capital is even an elephant, but after the Xiama River is flooded, the river is also very deep." I believe Xiaoxia has already had an idea. Let's talk about it. How can Dacai Group cooperate with you?

Xia wants to know that Chengda is a smart man and an idealistic businessman. He will not allow floating capital to dismount the horse area and Yan City to disrupt the market. If there is any abnormality in Jinyi's funds, he will not sit idly by.

Xia said, "If you need Mr. Cheng to take action." I would like to ask Mr. Cheng for two favors. The first is to cooperate with several real estate developers to control house prices. The specific price is to be determined at that time. There may be economic losses in a short period of time, but in the long run, there will be returns. Second, maybe I will lend money from Mr. Cheng to delete it"

Cheng Dacai asked, "How much?"

"Don't be 100 million, the most 100 million!"

After listening to it, Cheng Da didn't say anything. After thinking for a while, I agreed: "Okay, it's not a big problem. I don't care what method to use then. Even if it is a loan, I can also help you raise funds within 100 million yuan.

Xia Xiang expressed his solemn thanks to Cheng Dacai: "Mr. Cheng takes action, I have it all over the world."

Cheng Dacai laughed and said, "It's not flattering. Don't give me a favor by word of mouth. If I borrow it from you, I will be rewarded.

P: Thank you Hu Liao Blade for your enthusiastic reward. Thanks to several students for several monthly tickets at a time. By the way, I haven't seen two or three monthly tickets at a time for a long time. Brothers, in order to break out, can you have more motivation? The gods in front of them are single chapters one after another. Lao He doesn't want to compare with the gods, but the youngest official god will definitely spend the longest time with everyone in the future, and he also needs to take care of him to have the power to grow, so "I want a monthly ticket!" C