official god

Chapter 576 Dispute

The golf course of Xiaoye Xiaozhong Shicai Group is also retouching the land! Medium. Who can be older? The investment of Dacai Group is a real investment, which is not only in place quickly, but also transformed into actual construction.

And his investment of 400 million, although the first capital of Blade 100 million has been in place, it is still calm and there is no sign of construction. Because the actual operator of the investment is Fu Xianfeng. It is also difficult for him to speak directly to urge Yuan Mingliang to do the construction as soon as possible. Compared with the hot construction scene of Dacai Group, the aura of his investment is weakening because it has not been implemented at all.

Bai Zhanmo is on fire.

Fortunately, Yuan Mingliang also saw the situation, so he pretended to start measuring the land of the golf course of Changji Trading, and put on a posture of preparing to start construction. However, at this time, Xiaxiang put forward the proposal to transfer the original square to Dacai Group. Although Bai Zhanmo was not willing to change the square into a wholesale market, he had to make concessions for the sake of economic construction. However, after Yuan Mingliang learned about it, he immediately found him and put forward objections.

The reason for bright yuan is sufficient, that is, the wholesale market will seriously affect the business of golf courses. Imagine that the cars around are constantly coming and going, and there is a lot of noise. How can the guests feel at ease playing on the court?

Bai Zhanmo thought that Yuan Mingliang really wanted to start the construction of a golf course, and immediately promised to find Xia to coordinate and see if he could re-plan the wholesale market. Yuan Mingliang promised that as long as the wholesale market was built elsewhere, the construction of the golf course would start immediately.

Bai Zhanmo decided to take the opportunity of the Standing Committee to put pressure on Xia Xiang, forcing Xia Xiang to make concessions. As long as Xia wants to make concessions and re-plan the business circle of the wholesale market, the new investment of 100 million yuan added by Dacai Group will not be in place immediately. At the same time, if the golf course of Changji Trading starts again, his light can overshadow Xiaxiang again.

Xia can more or less guess Bai Zhanmo's thoughts. But I don't understand what Yuan Mingliang means. Is Changji Trading really interested in building a golf course in Shimoma District? In his opinion, Yuan Mingliang did not have the idea of taking root in the Xiama area, otherwise the investment of Jinyi would have been delayed again and again. So far, he has only rented one floor of the Nongchao Building for office. He himself has only bought a villa for living, and Changji Trading has only applied for approval of one piece of land, which is The sign of the start of construction, regardless of whether a small disemission area has the consumption capacity to accommodate two golf courses at the same time, just Yuan Mingliang's rumor that he wants to build a golf course, which makes Xia Xiang feel that there is a lot of article in it. When Dacai Group wanted to invest in the business circle of the wholesale market, he somehow moved the interests of Changji Trade. Yuan Mingliang came forward to stop it, and he couldn't help but have a good impression of Yuan Mingliang. Obviously, you occupied a piece of skin for nothing and wasted. You only played the name of development, and you didn't want others to develop it. There is no such reason in the world!

Yuan Mingliang is based on what Xia can't figure out. I don't want to bother to guess. He just has an idea that the construction of the wholesale market business circle is imperative. Even if Changji Trade really wants to start the construction of a golf course, even if the wholesale market business circle has a negative impact on the golf course, it can be solved by other technical means, such as planting dense trees in the middle, setting up sound insulation belts, etc. In a word, the wholesale market business circle must start.

He didn't care about Yuanliang's feeling. Obviously, he went to the dissipation area to swallow profits, and he pretended to be a real big investor to show to anyone? Xia thought that he would not give him face.

Bai Zhan Moyan said, "Comrade Xia Xiang's proposal has just been distributed by Comrade Tianyu to everyone." The feasibility report is very detailed and in place, which is a very favorable measure for the disemerging area. On behalf of the district party committee and district government, I would like to extend a warm welcome. It's just that I don't agree with the replanning of the land of the People's Square into a wholesale market business circle. Although it can bring very obvious economic benefits to the Xiama area, doesn't it ignore the interests of the citizens too much? Economic construction comes first, but Xiama District really needs an iconic People's Square of Xiuran Entertainment. The existing location is located in the center of the district, with convenient transportation. It is in line with the fundamental interests of the general public. If it is allocated to Dacai Group to develop the wholesale market business circle, is it too eager for quick success and profit regardless of the voice of the citizens?

Bai Zhanmo is very smart to stand on the position of the citizens, taking the interests and demands of the citizens as the starting point. Instead of directly proposing that it is because of long-term business, there is indeed some confusion.

However, Xia Xiang had learned the root cause from Fu Xiaoqun, so he had a countermeasure in his mind for a long time, so he didn't speak first and watched the change.

Li Yingyong, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, made the second speech: "Secretary Bai said very reasonable. Although economic construction should be put first, it can't help but take care of the emotions of the citizens. Xiama District is a new district. It is located in the People's Square in the center of the district. It is of great benefit to gather the citizens's sense of identity with the district party committee and district government, so that citizens can feel the care of the district party committee and district government. If a wholesale market business circle is built in the center, how chaotic it would be if the four wholesale markets were gathered together? It is not only easy to cause traffic chaos, but also easy to cause public security matters, so I suggest choosing another address to build a wholesale market business circle!"

Li Yingyong had been firmly standing with Bai Zhanmo. He was the first to express his approval of Bai Zhanmo's proposal, which was expected.

Xie Yuanqing has always inserted a sentence coldly. Today, there is no replay of the old skill, but in a crying voice, he said! "What kind of good piece of land is built? The people have risen to the height of love for the people. Do you really think that after it is completed, there will be the effect of ** square? The big project invested by Zeyi actually said that he wanted to give up his seat to the People's Square. At first glance, he was really a good leader and a good cadre who was worried about the country and the people. He still sneered and shook his head and sighed, "If you have ulterior motives, don't be afraid, It's looked down upon."

Li Yingyong was coldly mocked by Xie Yuanqing and finally became angry. He slapped the table and said, "Xie Yuanqing, can't you say something well? Do you have to be weird to show your level? I'm sorry, I most despise people who only say a word!"

Xie Yuanqing was quite self-restrained and not annoyed. Instead, he smiled: "Secretary Li and I are exactly the opposite. I just like people who speak implicitly. I don't like rough people. Of course, liking subtlety does not mean that you like insidiousness. Insidiousness is elegant, and insidiousness is sinister. Obviously, I don't want to approve the land to Dacai Group because of the origin of Changji Trade, but it is said that for the sake of the citizens, it is also necessary to pay attention to the subtlety of putting gold on the face. Don't be too obvious, okay?

Li Yingyong was not very clear about the inside story. Hearing Xie Yuanqing's words, he couldn't help blushing. Looking back at Bai Zhanmo.

Bai Zhanmo's face was very bad. Xie Yuanqing said his true feelings in a sentence, which somewhat embarrassed him. The main reason was that he was caught off guard. He thought that things were very hidden and did not know. I don't want even Xie Yuanqing to know the inside story!

Bai Zhanmo did not respond to Li Yingyong's eyes. He can't admit it in public, otherwise there is no need to discuss it next, just let Xia think about it. Even if Xie Yuanqing tells the truth, he will continue to make mistakes, and seize the starting point for the citizens and don't let go of what Xia can do. If the concerns of Changji Trading are really put on the Standing Committee, it will become the confrontation between Changji Trading and Dacai Group, or the competition between him and Xia wants to invest in each other, it is difficult to persuade the members of the Standing Committee to support his proposal.

Because he believes that although Changji Trading has it. The aura of B's investment, but after all, it is an outsider. Psychologically speaking, the standing committee present will still favor the local Dacai Group.

When Li Yingyong saw Bai Zhanmo's eyes dodged, he knew that Xie Yuanqing was telling the truth, but he saw that Bai Zhanmo closed his mouth and did not speak. Knowing what he was thinking, he said, "That's just your irresponsible conjecture. Secretary Bai, as a leader, considers the problem from the height of the overall situation. Your opinion is too biased. It's not worth refuting.

Xie Yuanqing still stretched out his hands as usual and said indifferently, "It's up to you, I'm just stating the facts."

I have to say that Xie Yuanqing had a fearless and disapproving attitude, which made Bai Zhanmo very angry, but there was nothing he could do. Originally, the Standing Committee is a place to speak freely, and with the reform and transparency of the political system, the influence of the secretary's office is being weakened. The power of the standing committee is getting bigger and bigger, and it has become the most favorable authority to restrict the secretary's speech. In fact, the original purpose of the establishment of the Standing Committee was to balance the overly unbalanced power of the secretary.

The secretary's words are a historical regression and the tragedy of the political system. Therefore, only one person from the government team used to enter the Standing Committee, but now there are usually one executive vice president and a team of three people, which is also out of the consideration of restraining the excessive power of the party committee.

Bai Zhanmo had to come forward and reconcile and said, "Well, don't argue. Since Comrade Xie Yuan and Jiang have raised objections, other comrades should continue to express their opinions. I would like to remind everyone here that at the beginning of the new construction of the Xiama District, it is the time when people's hearts need to gather people's hearts and increase the heart. A People's Square can be used as a place of love set up by the district party committee and district government for the people of Xiama District

Bai Zhanmo also knows the art of sensationalism, which has once again raised the height of the People's Square.

Kang Shaoye stood up in time. He echoed: "At present, the people in Shimoma District do not have a high degree of recognition of our party and government team. If the site originally planned as a square is converted into a wholesale market, it can obtain short-term economic benefits. But in the long run, it will lose the hearts of the people. Moreover, I think the land in Fangbei Village is very good. Now that the overall relocation has been completed, it can be approved to Dacai Group to invest in the wholesale market business circle, and the transportation in Fangbei Village is also very convenient.

Xia wanted to laugh without saying anything, and was not in a hurry to refute Kang Shao's words. The reason why he insisted on letting Dacai Group get the land of the square is that the National Highway just passes through the square, and no matter how convenient the transportation in other places is, it is not as good as the advantage of a four national highways. Moreover, this place is also close to the highway that is about to be built. As a wholesale market, it is also a large-scale business circle, with developed transportation as the first priority.

Therefore, the land of the square is bound to be small and cannot be given in. Built in other places, the advantages are not so obvious. If the transportation is not convenient and the merchants from other places do not come, the wholesale market will not match the name.

Bian Xiuling refuted Kang Shaoye's words: "Fangbei Village is too remote, and because of the many remaining problems of land acquisition, there are still a lot of nonsense. After the Dacai Group passed. At least it will take half a year to start construction. In half a year, if the construction of the square land starts, it will almost be completed"

Bian Xiuling had contact with Wu Gang. I know some of the situation in Fangbei Village, and I also know that the situation in Fangbei Village is relatively complicated, and there is also a hidden evil force. Kang Shaoye's suggestion was actually sinister, which was to push Dacai Group into the fire.

Although political struggle is indispensable and inevitable everywhere, we should also pay attention to a basic principle. Dacai Group is kind-hearted and sincerely invests to bring economic benefits to the xiama area. Kang Shaoye, just because of his different political positions, ignored the overall situation of the disequited area and directly pointed out a trap to Dacai Group, which made Ka Xiuling hate him in her heart.

When Kang Shaoye saw Bian Xiuling's situation in the other party's North Village, he couldn't help frowning and looked at Bian Xiuling more. Bian Xiuling replied to him rudely, and her eyes were full of doubts.

Kang Shaoye looked away and was stabbed by the coldness in Bian Xiuling's eyes. He felt shocked and uncomfortable.

Chen Tianyu changed his previous serious expression, and his face was full of indifferent smiles. He said, "The People's Square is just a preliminary plan," and it was not completely determined to build the People's Square. District Mayor Xia proposed to build a wholesale market commercial circle in the People's Square, which was the result of careful consideration. First of all, the national highway crossed, and the convenient transportation conditions could not be compared with other locations in the region. The wholesale market is aimed at wholesalers across the country. I don't need to say more about the advantages of the four national highways as the north and south arteries. Secondly, the Yanshi North Expressway, which is about to start construction, is also within the People's Square. There are two major conveniences, the national highway and the highway, and the advantages of other locations are no longer obvious.

Chen Tianyu is very qualified as the executive deputy district governor. Many times he can think of what Xia thinks. He can also deal with many things for Xia. He is Xia's most powerful assistant.

The standing committee here also knows that Chen Tianyu is definitely Xiaxiang's confidant and the greatest help. Every time Chen Tianyu comes forward to be the vanguard of Xiaxiang, everyone will think of the He Jianghua incident again. If Xiaxiang becomes the biggest beneficiary, he will have more respect for Xiaxiang.

Prepare for a rainy day, before taking office, let Chen Tianyu surrender. Sure enough, there is foresight.

"That being said, I still feel that the most important thing for the people's hearts. The problem mentioned by Comrade Tianyu is actually not a problem, and the traffic can be solved. Fangbei Village is only 5 kilometers away from the People's Square, and the Dacai Group has a huge investment of 100 million yuan. The district government can fully invest in the construction of a special road for the wholesale market business circle. Since merchants from afar have come to the Xiama District for thousands of miles, they won't care about walking another 5 kilometers, right? The speech of the United Front Minister Qi Shengyong was also interesting, and he agreed with Bai Zhanmo's proposal from another perspective.

Subsequently, Guan Qiming, political commissar of the Ministry of Armed Forces, also echoed Bai Zhanmo's speech.

Surprisingly, Teng Fei, Minister of Publicity, also agreed with Bai Zhanmo's proposal: "I also think it is very inappropriate to build a wholesale market in the center of the district. Not to mention noise nuisance, it is prone to traffic chaos and public security incidents, and the gains outweigh the losses. I still suggest that District Chief Xia consider carefully and find the most reasonable place for the investment of Dacai Group.

Mu Yunshan pushed his glasses and didn't say what he wanted to say. He just looked at Xiaxiang meaningfully.

Because everyone has been arguing for a long time, Xiaxiang hasn't expressed a comment yet. No one knows if Xiaxiang has any tricks. With Mu Yunshan's preliminary understanding of Xiaxiang now, Xiaxiang is a person who has never fought an uncertain battle. Looking at his determined expression, there will definitely be a final backhand.

Mu Yunshan made up his mind. It's better to sit and watch the good play.

However, he was also puzzled by Xia's insistence on building a wholesale market on the land of the People's Square. Standing a wholesale market with a mixed flow of people in the center of the district will seriously affect the image of Xiama District. I don't know what kind of consideration the head of District Xia is. Can he have such a smart solution?

Mu Yunshan is vaguely looking forward to it. I want to see what tricks Xia Xiang has.

In fact, although there are many members of the Standing Committee. However, when discussing economic construction and government affairs, it is basically a dispute between several deputy district chiefs, secretaries and deputy secretaries. Because of the division of labor, other members of the Standing Committee either understand less and it is difficult to speak, or they know that their vote is to agree with the secretary or district chief, so the wind makes the rudder. Unless it involves its own jurisdiction, such as personnel issues. Mu Yunshan must make important statements, such as the issue of discipline inspection, and Bian Xiuling must be the main speaker.

The topic of today's discussion is economic construction, but because the issues proposed by each person are addressed within their own jurisdiction, there are different focuses and tendencies. For example, Li Yingyong, Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, just mentioned that the public security problem is not easy to solve, and Huang Jianjun, Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission and Director of the Public Security Bureau. But he gave a counterexample.

"In fact, building a wholesale market in the center of the district is conducive to management in terms of public security. The public security management in Fangbei Village is relatively chaotic and the police force is insufficient. If a wholesale market is built in Fangbei Village. I'm worried that the local villagers and some idle young people will think about out-of-town customers. Once there is a case of stolen, robbed or smashed, it is almost certain that the big dog will affect the reputation of the wholesale market. In my opinion, it is better to build it in the People's Square than to build it in Fangbei Village from the perspective of public security. That's all for my speech.

Risk: Thank you for the rewards of the brothers yesterday, so that Lao He can drink sweet dew like a spring breeze. Intoxicated all day! Congratulations to all the students who did their best to be the head of the official god, and Yao to be the helmsman of the official god!" Finally, shout again. In the last three or five days, brothers, I'm not afraid of hardship and fatigue, but I'm afraid that there will be no monthly tickets and recommendation tickets! ( To be continued)
