official god

Chapter 585 If the command is determined

Double call, Fu first get off the treadmill. Sweat all over. The asthma mobile phone was thrown on the sofa and muttered, "It's inexplicable! As a brother, how can you think about your sister sleeping with a man? Is it too unhealthy? It's so annoying!"

Fu Xianxian was still angry. She drank a drink to supplement physiological saline. After thinking about it, she suddenly smiled again: "Just let him be angry. I guess he thinks Xia and I want to have sex, hehe. No matter what he thinks, the more angry he gets anyway. The happier I am. Fortunately, he could figure it out. How could I want to have sex with Xia? Although Xiaxiang is still handsome, I think he is still not as good as Mei Xiao, Mu!"

Fu Xianxian didn't know what she said casually. But it provoked the Tianfu's trouble!

Two days later, Yu Fanran officially inspected the diseama area.

Several party and government leaders in the lower part of the horse area accompanied the whole process. Unlike the last inspection of Chenlong, Yu Fanran did not command or speak indiscriminately, and took a positive attitude towards all the work in the disemerate zone. In particular, Xiaxiang's recent plan for the disemeratement area is full of praise: "Comrade Xiaxiang's newly proposed regulations for the disemeratement area has been reported to the municipal government. After reading it, I only mentioned one. The opinion is that the rule is so good, it's too timely. If the steps are bigger, it will be better, hehe.

Bai Zhanmo looked at Xiaxiang in a complicated way, thinking that it was too annoying. Tan Longwang came to the front foot to criticize Xiaxiang, and after the back foot was transferred. Yu Fanran, the new executive vice mayor, praised Xia everywhere. The contrast was so big that everyone would have bad ideas and thought that the transfer of the dragon was because of the serious consequences of criticizing Xia.

But no matter how uncomfortable Bai Zhanmo was, Yu Fanran didn't look at his face, and he still laughed and wanted to talk and laugh with Xia. He was almost ignored. It made his heart extremely unbalanced. Originally, he felt that the dark hand was a little immoral, and he was a little sorry for Xia. Now under the cultivation of jealousy, Bai Zhanmo has completely lost his principle. He thought that Xia wants you not to be proud first. There is a day when you can't laugh, let's see. Kang Shao saw the psychological change of the white war, and an imperceptible smile flashed at the corners of his mouth.

Yu Fanran's inspection and high-profile support for Xiaxiang immediately triggered the conjecture of many people in Yan City. Many people began to think that after taking office, they may be very low-key and pragmatic, and will not cultivate power and win over the relationship between all parties. Unexpectedly, at the beginning of taking office, they went to the controversial and poorly rumored disemissioning area inspection work. Obviously, they did not care about the rumors of who went to the disemissioning area The key is that his strong support for Xia Xiang is equivalent to sending a very obvious signal to all parties. He intends to attract Xia Xiang.

Chen Feng had long known that Yu Fanran was going to inspect the disema area. When he heard the rumors, he laughed. He was very confident in Xia Chang's political wisdom. I am also very relieved about Xia's thinking.

After Fu Xianfeng heard it, he sat for a long time and couldn't say what it was like. He vaguely felt that the Wu family seemed to have signs of entowing Xia Xiang. Did the Wu family forgive Xia Xiang? No way. Before Xia wants to be accepted by the Wu family, he must suffer, otherwise he will have the Wu family to rely on in the future, and he will not fly to the sky? He was more determined to rectify Xiaxiang once, because he already thought that Xia wanted to definitely have slept with Fu Xianxian.

Hu Zengzhou also knew in advance that Yu Fanran was going to inspect the diseiling area, but after hearing Yu Fanran's argument, he could not help shaking his head and smiling bitterly. It is true that Yu Bandan took the middle route, but his support for Xiaxiang far exceeded his expectations. He felt that in the government team, he, as the mayor, is really a little uncomfortable now. If he wants to walk around with Xia, he should be able to get the support of Xiaxiang indirectly, but he really can't take the initiative to find Xiaxiang. After all, the full moon wine that Xia thought about last time has been divided into far and near.

Hu Zengzhou was very depressed.

Xia thought that he didn't have time to pay attention to Hu Shanzhou's current situation and thoughts. Because the range of Changji's business actions suddenly increased, he had to keep his eyes on Yuan Mingliang.

After work at noon, he drove alone to the rich family hotel. Because Changji Business was also working in the Chao Building, it was not convenient for him to meet Li Qin in the Chao Building, and changed to the rich family.

When he arrived at the rich family network, he parked his car and saw Li Qin dressed in professional women's clothing. He stood in the hall and waved to him. He stepped up the steps. Before he entered the door, he heard a loud roar from the opposite road.

Xia wanted to look back and saw three or five cars driving by in a row. The speed was so fast that it absolutely exceeded the field kilometers! More than a kilometer of land in the city is simply a road killer. At the beginning of the line was an Austrian train, followed by several cars such as Passat, Santana, etc., flying all the way and screaming all the way.

Xia wanted to frown. Who is too lawless? Is it the black gang of Wang Cannon? Then he remembered that there have been too many things recently. In a blink of an eye, he forgot to discuss with Huang Jianjun how to deal with Wang Cannon and others. Now he has realized the pain of being weak, which is really too busy. After all, it is the length of a district. It is indeed not easy to take care of all aspects of things.

Later, I will definitely come up with a plan with Huang Jianjun on the problem of Wang Cannon, and we can't let them do any more nonsense.

Li Qin Jinyu's dress shows the demeanor of a professional woman, and the most common professional clothes are worn by her with brilliance and unique charm. Xia wants to see" Liao secretly praised, as a professional manager, Qin is his sight! The most state in the province

When the two met, they just shouted and went upstairs together. When I arrived at the elegant room that had been set for a long time, I ordered a few dishes at will and began to talk.

Li Qin's business was very suitable for Xia. She never dragged her with water. She took out a piece of information, looked over a few times, and said, "Changji Trading is just working downstairs, which gives us a lot of conveniences to observe them. Originally, they didn't have many office staff, but more than a dozen people suddenly increased to many people after the National Day.

"In the past, they worked indoors every day, and few people went out. In recent days, new ones have been added. Many people go out early and come back late every day, which is very busy. Combined with the feedback from several real estate intermediary markets distributed in the Xiama District, and the information obtained by Cong Fenger secretly led people to the real estate site, it can be concluded that Changji Trading is beginning to take action.

Cong Songer? Cong Fenger's thin shoulders and haggard face appeared in Xia Xiang's mind. She thought that the impact of the Zhu Jiyuan incident on her was not because her sister was in prison, but also seemed to be accompanied by civil compensation. It is estimated that Cong Ban'er worked hard to make more money to pay off the debt.

Zhu Jiyuan's recovery of embezzled and bribery was carried out very smoothly at that time. In addition to spitting out the stolen money in her hand, part of the previous squandering was also sentenced to repay. Where does Cong Ye'er have the ability to repay? Although she pleaded guilty with a good attitude. However, he was sentenced to 7 years and thought that he did not pay attention to the fate of Cong Yeer. Later, after meeting Cong Fenger, he asked when he was having dinner with Bian Xiuling and learned the above information.

Taking back his mind, Xia wanted to ask, "Is there any abnormality in the major hangings? Compared with the usual, is there a sudden wave growth in the transaction volume?

"No." Li Qin shook his head. Then he smiled. Yuan Mingliang is very shrewd. How can a large number of purchases attract the attention of the outside world? To be sure, Changji Trading has bought some real estate, but the trading volume is not large, and the range of action has basically not caused any fluctuations. In fact, the whole real estate market in the sub-horse area has been showing a rapid expansion of development. New properties are opened almost every day, and the turnover is increasing every day. Even if the transaction volume is suddenly increased by 5%, it is normal, and no conclusion can be drawn from it. The key is that the transaction volume of each real estate is confidential data, which can be observed from the periphery. Only one can be speculated, which is not accurate enough. Moreover, the customer's information is also in a highly confidential state, so unless Yuan Mingliang buys a large number of real estate, it is difficult for us to make the most accurate evaluation.

Li Qin told the truth, which is also a key step that Xia Xiang has been secretly arranging. After Li Qin raised a question, she looked at Xia with beautiful eyes, meaning that even if you are the district head. It is also impossible to know the sales data and customer information of several buildings, so it is impossible to determine how many properties Changji Trading has sold.

There may be no way to know if it is another district governor. After all, it is impossible to use administrative power to check the accounts of each developer. It is not in compliance, and there is also a suspicion of disrupting the market. But Xia thought is Xia thought. He is not an ordinary official. He is familiar with the construction industry. He also has a group of friends in the construction industry. And it also owns a real estate!

Xia thought about it and thought that it was time to push Li Qin to the front of the stage, so he took out the phone. They called Xiao Wu, Sun Xianwei, Shen Lichun and Xiong Haiyang in turn. Yes, it was Xiong Haiyang of the marine engineering team.

Li Qin didn't understand his meaning. But Xia didn't want to explain, and she didn't ask much. She just buried her head in eating, begged for a while, and then waited for Xia to solve the mystery.

Xia wanted to make a phone call. After a while, Xiao Wu, Sun Xianwei and Shen Lichun arrived in a hurry, but Xiong Haiyang was the last one to come. Xia wanted to see him dressed and knew that he had hurriedly bought a new clothes. He couldn't help laughing.

Sun Xianwei found Li Qin as soon as he entered the door. Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide and whispered, "The beautiful women around the leader are always endless, which is really enviable, and the one in front of me is obviously a uniform **. I'm convinced, completely convinced."

Xia thought that he had long been used to Sun Xianwei's buoyancy. He directly ignored his lustful expression and said with a smile, "Put away your lust. There is something important to talk about today. Don't be sloppy. In addition, Li Qin is very rigorous. She doesn't like to joke.

Sun Xianwei looked serious: "Yes."

Xia wanted to ignore him and asked everyone to sit down. Then he introduced Li Qin to everyone: "Li Qin, the general manager of the Yanshi Branch of Beijing Jiacheng Real Estate Agency, is now responsible for sorting out the relevant information of the real estate market in the Xiama District. Basically, she dares not know the information of the real estate for sale and pre-sale of each real estate in the Xiama District, and she can

Sun Xianwei naturally didn't believe it and asked, "Dare to ask Mr. Li, how many houses are on sale and pre-sale in Fucheng Garden?"

Li Qin felt uncomfortable with Sun Xianwei's very masculine eyes, and he didn't have much good impression on him. He said coldly, "The sales situation of Fucheng Huaguo is not bad. The specific data is a trade secret. Of course, I can't know, but compared with several developers around, the idle rate is no more

Sun Xianwei opened his mouth wide: "God, it's amazing. I admire it. I admire it very much." Xiaxiang smiled: "Sun Xianwei, the boss of Tian'an Real Estate" Fucheng Garden was developed by Tian'an Real Estate."

Li Qin looked at Sun Xianwei with a little surprise, but there was still contempt in his eyes, meaning

The real estate name of Chuanji Jiu'an is not small. Why can't the boss cry? If there are eight mountains, it can't be hit?

Then Xiaxiang introduced Xiao Wu and Shen Lichun: "Xiao Wu, the boss of Jiangshan Real Estate.

Shen Lichun. Vice President of Dacai Group.

Then he pointed to Bear Ocean with his hand: "Bear Ocean, the head of the marine engineering team."

The surprise in Li Qin's heart was beyond words. Xia wanted to make a phone call. She thought there would be several bureaucrats to accompany her. Unexpectedly, all the people who were called were calling for wind and rain in the real estate market in the Xiama area, and it seemed that. The relationship with Xiaxiang is extraordinary.

Judging from the respect and intimacy of several people towards Xia Xiang, it has obviously exceeded the relationship between ordinary entrepreneurs and district governors. It seems that they are still vaguely led by Xia Xiang!

Xiaxiang's influence is too amazing. There is a group of real estate tycoons around me.

But what puzzled Li Qin was. Why is there a head of the engineering team? Xiaxiang was not in a hurry to explain. After everyone sat down, he said, "Let's meet today." It's because Changji Business has begun to take action recently. Li Qin is in charge of the matter. Real estate information in Xiama District, but after all, it's just a look at the flowers in the fog. I only know one and don't know the other. If you want to understand the real sales data of major real estate developers, only by sitting together, cooperating sincerely and integrating resources can we know ourselves and the enemy in the next war."

Xia's idea is to unite the power of several real estate companies. Pay close attention to any abnormal movements in the data. If Li Qin integrates the resources and information of other real estate, he can know it. Even if you don't have 100% of the information of the real estate market in the xiama area, it has almost reached more than 70%. Therefore, you can basically have a panoramic view of the real estate market in the whole xiama area.

The role of the bear ocean is also very important.

Xiong Haiyang is the representative of the most basic construction workers. He knows many workers, and the friendship between the workers is very strong. As the most basic construction workers, the workers can also learn some basic sales data from the foreman. In the summer, he intends to let Xiong Haiyang contact all the workers he knows, and systematically find out the whole real estate market under construction in the xiama area, combining the two. When you come down, you can basically control the overall situation.

Because not all developers Xia wants to know, and there are also developers who are not friendly to him. For example, Qiao Baitian of Jitian Real Estate, several developers in Fu Xianfeng's relationship, and developers in Hu Zengzhou's relationship, he can't know the details or intervene. However, with the bear ocean's workers' foundation, we can give full play to the strength of workers and arrange a large network at the grassroots level, at least we can collect more useful information.

Xia Xiang said what he was thinking directly. After saying that, he looked at Li Qin with electric eyes: "Li Qin, several people in front of me have mastered about 50% of the real estate resources in the lower horse area. In the same way, they have also mastered 50% of the real estate information, and their specific sales data can be given you nothing to With this guarantee, can you give me timely and effective feedback on market changes?

Li Qin was shocked. Unless it was a strong friendship, not to mention Xia Xiang was the district governor, or the mayor, the major real estate developers would not disclose business secrets to him. Sales data is an absolute trade secret, and no one can disclose it to the public. All the information in the newspaper is processed untrue data. The real data is only in the hands of a few people.

As soon as Xia finished speaking, Sun Xianwei, Xiao Wu and Shen Lichun said with one voice, "When you need the data, I will provide it to you whenever you need it."

Li Qin couldn't describe her mood with shock, so she had to nod repeatedly: "Okay, okay" No problem."

When Xiong Haiyang learned that Xia wanted to give him a very important task, he said excitedly, "Ocable, in the middle, no problem. Please rest assured and ensure that the task is completed. If it doesn't work, my old bear will have no face to see you.

Sun Xianwei laughed and said, "Old bear, it doesn't matter if your old face has no place to put it on. You have missed the leader's big deal. Think about it. How can you be worthy of the deep affection between the leaders and you in those years?

Xiong Haiyang can't say that Sun Xianwei was squeezed by Sun Xianwei. I can't wait to say from the bottom of my heart, "If I delay the big things of the leader. I jumped off the Ma River by myself!"

Xia wanted to stare at Sun Xianwei and said with a smile, "Don't listen to Xianwei's nonsense. Although the task entrusted to you is important, you should pay attention to safety first. Don't let the workers be suspected. You have to pretend to inquire about the news as if nothing happened can you receive unexpected effects."

"I understand, I understand." Xiong Haiyang still blushed with excitement. "The workers spread some news very quickly, and no one paid attention to anything. When everyone is free, sitting together is chatting. They say everything and say too much. If they fall into the ears of people with intentions, it will become useful information.

Xia wants to see that Xiong Haiyang's comprehension ability is quite high. He praised: "The old bear is not simple, and he has fully understood what I mean. OK, I'll leave it to you. Don't worry."

Xiong Haiyang was flattered and full of smiles: "Thank you for your trust. I'm full of vitality."

One sentence made everyone laugh.

PS: It's the last day, and the monthly ticket expires. If you think it's old. The monthly performance has not been done yet, and the brothers who have not yet voted for the official God's monthly ticket, please take action! ( To be continued)
