official god

Chapter 589 Borrowing Chickens and Eggs

Fu Xian shook his head: "It doesn't count. I want to see him and explain it to him face to face.

Xia wanted to say, "Well, next time I see Mei Xiaomu, I will make it clear to him, let him show up, and make it clear to you. I can't always hide. It's not a thing to hide. Fu Xianxian was happy: "Sure enough, it's effective to compare your heart. I helped you before you were willing to help me.

Xia wanted to smile and said, "Thank you for your reminder, but Fu Xianfeng is your brother after all. Will he be angry if he knows that you are suing me?"

"It's up to him. I don't care whether he loves to live or not. But I explained to him about our going to bed, but he didn't believe it and thought it was you who encouraged me to lie to him behind his back. Fu Xianxian shrugged his shoulders and said with an indifferent expression, "Even if you don't believe it, I'm responsible for my body. He doesn't care. I can have sex with whoever I like, and it's good to see you. If he misunderstands me, I won't lose. Xia wanted to be thick-skinned, but he couldn't stand Fu Xianxian's quick words and left for an excuse.

On the way, he has been thinking that Wu Gang had to find a suspicious person in Fangbei Village. Just now, he reminded him that Fu Xianxian. Does it mean that Fu Xianzhen really wants to take risks and secretly do it? It is not impossible to think that if what really happened between Fu Xianfeng and Fu Xianxian, Fu Xian, who felt that he had been greatly humiliated, took action secretly.

The political situation in China is unpredictable, and there are incidents of pulling knives against each other in the officialdom. In later generations, there are even vicious incidents of subordinates shooting their superiors. Of course, the behind-the-scenes tricks of higher levels will always be hidden in the dark, will not see the sun, and the truth will not be revealed.

Xia wanted to fight with Fu Xianfeng, and he also knew that Fu Xianfeng hated him to the bone, and then if he took Fu Xianxian seriously, I'm afraid there might be a black hand... He had more sense of guard!

Fu Xianxian's reminder was very timely. What Xia didn't know was that it was really because he came to see Fu Xianxian today and listened to Fu Xianxian's reminder. In a major event in the future, under a flash of inspiration, he avoided a fatal blow!

After returning home, the girl and her son have fallen asleep, and the light is still on in the room of the blue socks. Obviously, she hasn't fallen asleep yet. After the full moon, my mother was persuaded by Xia to go back. After all, there was a father who still needed to take care of him. Cao Yongguo and Wang Yufen also returned to Baoshi. Usually there are nannies during the day and blue socks at night, which is enough.

Xia thought basically shook off the shopkeeper and rose - he was lazy, and it was indeed too many things to do. He came home too late, and he was also clumsy and couldn't do anything. No one let him do housework, and even didn't let him change the diaper. To be honest, Xia thought that this father was a little in

Xia also knows that he is incompetent. He is now the father of three children, and none of them is very competent! Whether I think of Xiao Lianxia, Xia Dong, or Mei Ting, I feel ashamed. Xiaxiang was not in a hurry to sleep, but sat alone in the study and meditated for a long time.

As soon as I arrived at the office in two days, I received a phone call from Li Qin, and the action of Changji Business increased!

Changji Trade sent a representative to meet with Changtian, the boss of Changfeng Real Estate, and proposed a ÷ cooperation agreement. Changji Trade will invest all the real estate under construction in Changfeng Real Estate in Xiama District at one time, a total of two mid-range communities, one low-end community, the total number is about 1 crackling residence, All in cash!

What is the most important thing for real estate developers? Repayment is the most important! Therefore, Changfeng Real Estate was stunned and confirmed that it was correct, and immediately signed an agreement with Changji Trade, and Changji Trade was also very straightforward. As soon as the agreement was signed, an advance payment was made. In this business alone, the turnover exceeds 200 million yuan!

Li Qin's news was revealed by Xiong Haiyang in private. Xiong Haiyang also learned about this from the mouth of his fellow villagers. At first, he didn't believe it, but later asked a few questions sideways. One of the workers was the hometown of Changtian, the boss of Changfeng Real Estate, who knew Changtian's lover. The final conclusion of the relationship is that the matter is true!

Otherwise, the confidentiality agreement signed between Changfeng Real Estate and Changji Trading will never be disclosed to the public. That is to say, at present, Changfeng Real Estate is still building three communities, and the external sales are also Changfeng Real Estate. On the surface, there is no shadow of Changji commerce, but in fact, the pricing and sales rights are all in the hands of Changji Commerce. Changfeng Real Estate has basically become the contractor of Changji Commerce, and Changji Commerce has The developer!

The smart means of borrowing chickens and eggs saves all kinds of troubles and the tediousness of land approval in the early stage. You can directly see which real estate developer has prospects for real estate development, buy it directly at one time, and then after mastering all the housing resources, the original real estate developer is only responsible for the construction, and Changji Have the pricing power.

It is also a profitable thing for real estate developers. First, the funds can be returned quickly, and the funds can be recovered as soon as possible for the next development. Second, the risk is small, all the real estate will be sold out at one time, and all the risks will be transferred to Changji Trade. No matter how high house prices rise in the future, real estate developers have at least made satisfactory profits.

I don't know much about Changfeng Real Estate Xia. I only know that it is an ordinary developer, which seems to have something to do with Hu Zengzhou. The boss, Changtian, is a 39-year-old young man. It is said that he has a banking background. After the entrustment approved the land, he then took out a loan, then raised part of the funds, and asked the construction company to advance the funds in advance. He urgently needed to sell the withdraw funds to relieve the pressure of the loan. It can be said that the action of Changji Trading is very targeted, that is, to choose small and medium-sized developers who are not very strong and eager to collect funds, to test the water in advance. The premise is that everything should be kept confidential and cannot be made public.

Fortunately, Xia wanted to have foresight, and Xiong Haiyang did pay attention to his affairs, mobilized the power of the workers to spread gossip among the grassroots, and learned about the abnormal movement of Changji trade at the first time.

Don't underestimate gossip. For a lot of time, the enlarged gossip is news. As long as it is a fact, whether it is a path or a road, as long as it is reliable, it is the right way. Xia wanted to think about it and immediately asked Li Qin to rush to the hotel of the rich family for a meeting as soon as possible, and then he arrived.

Zia Nan has reserved rooms and conference rooms for Xiaxiang in the rich hotel, which has basically become an office stronghold for Xiaxiang. Today's incident happened suddenly. Xia Xiang did not inform Shen Lichun, Sun Xianwei and others, but only let Li Qin and Xiong Haiyang come to the meeting.

When they rushed to the conference room of the rich family, Li Qin and Xiong Haiyang had already taken their seats, and there was one more person. It was Lao Cheng.

As soon as Lao Qian saw Xia, he stood up excitedly: "Xia... District Chief Xia!" He was used to calling County Magistrate Xia, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he almost called the wrong name again. Fortunately, Xiong Haiyang told him many times on the road, so he remembered it.

Xia wanted to nod and said, "Old money is also here? Sit down quickly. Well, are you still used to it on the construction site? Are there any difficulties?

Lao Qian quickly waved his hand: "No, there is no difficulty. I can eat and be capable, and I have the care of the mayor of Xia District. My heart is warm.

Xia wanted to sit down. After listening to Xiong Haiyang's introduction, he knew that he could successfully find out the internal information of Changfeng Real Estate this time, relying on Lao Qian's connections.

Although Lao Qian is just an ordinary worker, he is very popular. Basically, as long as the workers he has come into contact with, whether he knows him or not, he has a good impression of him. Lao Qian is righteous. Although he is a little stingy, it is also because his family is poor. Everyone can understand it. The main reason is that Lao Cheng is willing to work hard, and he has never been light and afraid of heavy. Whoever he works with, everyone says his good words. Over time, Lao Cheng's reputation spread among the construction team in the disema zone.

Old money is easy to make friends. I often go around when I have nothing to do, and I know more and more people. He also loves to tell stories. Everywhere he goes, he has to tell the deeds of Xia who wanted to save people with blood. As Xia Xiang's volunteer spokesperson in the folk, Lao Cheng is an extremely competent propagandist, sparing no effort to spread Xia Xiang's reputation to every corner. Xiaxiang didn't know how prestigious he was among the construction workers in Xiama District because of Laocheng!

The inside story of Changfeng Real Estate is what I overheard when Lao Qian Xie Changfeng Real Estate met his fellow villagers. The old man immediately realized that it was a major clue, so he tapped sideways while chatting, and finally found out all the inside information.

Today, Xiong Haiyang specially asked Lao Qian to come over, and also wanted Lao Qian to tell him more carefully, so as not to let him convey that there may be omissions. He missed the big matter of District Chief Xia, and he can't afford it.

Xia wanted to listen and pondered for a while and said with a smile, "Lao Qian, thank you for your hard work. The news is very timely and very useful. Thank you." Lao Qian stood up and said, "You're welcome, you're welcome. If you say thank you, I'll kill me too much

Nie wanted to smile: "Ok, don't be polite to me. I'm still Xiaxiang in the past. I'm not a district mayor or a leader." He turned to Li Qin and said, "Set up a special fund from the company to subsidize the workers' brothers, and give D yuan to Lao Cheng first. Don't let the workers' brothers work hard in vain..."

As soon as Lao Qian sat down, he stood up again. He stood so fast that even the chair behind him fell down. He was so anxious that his face turned red, and he waved his hand repeatedly: "Mr. Xia, you hit me in the face! Although I am old and poor, I am ambitious. You saved my life in those years. It's right for me to work for you. How can I ask for it? I, I can't take it, I can't say anything."

Xia wanted to see Lao Qian really moved his true feelings, and was also moved by the sincerity of the workers' brothers, so he was no longer reluctant. Instead, he walked to the bear ocean with a winny. The bear ocean agreed and immediately said, "Don't worry, leader. I'm here, Laocheng can't stand the grievance Xia wanted to be relieved. He reached out and pulled Lao Qian to sit down: "Okay, I won't force you. However, I have a request. If you have any difficulties in the future, you must tell me. In life and in the family, although the old money is suddenly twisted: "If you want to say difficulties, there is really one, that is, it is not easy to open 0 to the leader. R... Xia wanted to laugh and said, "Just say, I'll listen to what the difficulty is." My son wants to go to the School of Architecture in the college entrance examination today, but he is a few points away from being admitted. I don't know if the leader knows someone?

The School of Architecture is Xiaxiang's alma mater. Can Xiaxiang not know anyone? But it's January now, and the admission has been completed a long time ago. It's a little too late. However, since Lao Cheng mentioned it, he had to help a gang. Without saying a word, he took out the phone and called Li Zicheng, the student director of the School of Architecture.

"Hello, Director Li. I'm Xia Xiang. There is one thing to see if you can do me a favor..." Xia Xiang's tone was very polite. After all, he was his teacher in those years, although Li Zicheng's level is not as high as him now.

As the pride of the School of Architecture and the highest and most promising person since the establishment of the School of Architecture, Xiaxiang is already a banner of the School of Architecture and a successful example that all leaders of the School often talk about. Before Xia Xiang called, Li Zicheng was shocked at first, and then his heart immediately accelerated, with a thrilling feeling.

The head of the Xiama District, the youngest deputy department-level cadre in the city, wanted to call him for help. It's really a big face. Li Zicheng didn't dare to put on the teacher's airs airs and said respectfully: District Chief Xia, hello, hello. Don't hesitate to say anything. I will try my best." Xia wanted to ask Lao Qian about his son's name and tell him the situation.

Li Zicheng said with a little embarrassment when he heard this, "It's good for the school, but now the enrollment work is over, and it's more troublesome to involve the provincial admissions office."

Xia Xiang knew it: "Thank you, Director Li. As long as there is no problem in the school, I can say hello to the admissions office."

"All right, all right." Li Zicheng sighed in his heart that after all, he is a deputy department-level cadre. His tone of speech is different. He can also use the relationship in the province at any time. It's really not simple. In the future, he wants to walk around more with Xia. He is the deputy department. When he comes to the age of the department, he

Xia wanted to thank Li Zicheng and called Gao Jinzhou again. Gao Jinzhou is in charge of the Department of Education, and the Admissions Office is also in charge of the Department of Education.

On Monday, Gao Jin heard that Xia wanted to find a relationship for the son of a migrant worker. He was surprised. Xia thought it was really good. He used a relationship and thought that the other party was a powerful person. It turned out that he was just a migrant worker. He was really a temperamental person.

If it's someone else, Gao Jin and Zhou don't bother to care about these little things, but Xia wants to open his mouth. He must help, and he must also help attentively, so he agreed: "Special recruitment, I'll ask the secretary to handle it, directly file up, and let the School of Architecture be ready to receive it." Then he smiled and said, "You have the leisure to help others, but you don't have time to sit with me. I have a problem with you."

Xia wanted to see Gao Jin and Zhou Ting give face. Such a small thing asked the secretary to come forward in person. "It's just that other deputy governors begged him to do something, and he may not be so careful, so he quickly smiled and said, "You are now a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. I dare

Gao Jin and Zhou laughed and scolded: "Don't be careless with me! I'll visit my father in the lower horse area in a couple of days. Then you can also go there and have a casual meal.

Put down the phone, Xia Xiang said directly to Li Zicheng again. Li Zicheng was so scared that he almost threw away the phone. The son of a migrant worker went to the School of Architecture, which shocked the deputy governor of the Standing Committee, and the secretary of the deputy governor came forward to handle it in person. It's amazing. Xia Xiang really became the climate. Li Zicheng remembered the name of Qian Bo's son in his heart. He must take good care of him in the future. Maybe he is a bridge between him and Xia Xiang.

Lao Qian's son's name is Qian Tangjiang... Later, after entering the School of Architecture, he has been favored by the leaders of the college. It can be said that he takes care of him everywhere. Class cadres and student union cadres have a smooth journey. Fortunately, Qian Tangjiang also knew that his opportunity was not easy to come by. He had been working very hard. Finally, he lived up to the high expectations of Lao Qian. In the end, he succeeded in his studies and achieved a career in the future.

Lao Qian has no more knowledge, and he also knows how much effort Xia wants to spend on his son's affairs. Even the governor is shocked. How big is this? Lao Qian was moved to tears. He just mentioned it casually and didn't pay attention to it. He also had the courage to try it. He didn't think that District Chief Xia really thought it was a matter. He did it in front of him, so that he really couldn't find words to describe his gratitude, so he wanted to kneel down for Xia.

Xia thought was unhappy: "Lao Qian, don't kneel down at any time in the future. Men have gold under their knees. Be ambitious. Remember?" Lao Qianqiang endured tears: "Remember it, leader, Lao Qian will remember it for the rest of his life."

Xia thought just walked out of the love for Lao Qian and helped divination, but what he did not expect was that Lao Qian completely regarded Xia as a great benefactor. For Xia, he stood up in the face of a major danger, and was not even afraid of paying the price of his life!

Xiong Haiyang didn't say anything, but his heart was also blocked, full of emotion. What a good leader, he has never forgotten the worker brother in those years, followed the mayor of Xia, and will never regret it.

Even Li Qin kept secretly looking at Xia Xiang, feeling more and more difficult to figure out what kind of person Xia Xiang was. If Xia wants to have a lot of business acumen, political talent, and maneuvering over officialdom, like a fish in water, Li Qin may admire him a little. But Xia wants to treat the migrant workers who live at the bottom like old money sincerely. There is no hypocritical feeling. If it is to be pretentious and acting, it is not at all. If it is to buy people's hearts, there is no need to be so attentive. Is it possible that he has been in officialdom for many years, or is he a person with a sincere temperament?

is not the like. He does things rigidly and rigorously. When he arranges traps for Changji Business, he is very calm and ruthless.

I heard that when attacking political opponents, it is sometimes a fatal blow... Xia thought, what kind of complex and changeable... man is it? Li Qin found that she was more and more curious about the county.

Based on the first move of Changji Trading, Xia Xiang made a judgment. Changji Trading is just a small test this time. Next, there will be successive actions. He told Xiong Haiyang and Lao Qian to continue to keep an eye on the words and deeds of the workers, and always pay attention to the words and talk. After the two left, he asked Li What should I do next?

P: Three updates of ten thousand and ten thousand words, one dedication, just to make the brothers feel smooth in one go. Lao He has paid wholeheartedly. He only asks his brothers to give Lao He strength and confidence at the critical moment. On the first day of the month of IZ, he will support Lao He's l5D monthly ticket. In this way, Lao He will try his best to conceive and conceive the most wonderful story for everyone in the next chapter. The minimum guarantee is 153 monthly tickets, which can't be hit for a few months. In December, Lao He will be disappointed again. What's going on in the countryside? Please log in. M more chapters, support F