official god

Chapter 592 Wind and Rain

Wu Gang had to have lunch at home. When he heard Xia Xiang's order, he immediately put down his bowls and chopsticks!" It will definitely arrive in 20 minutes!"

Wu Gangde's wife complained and said, "What's so tight that even people can't eat?

"Talk less nonsense, bitch." Wu Gang had to stare at his wife, "The governor of Xia District can think of me when he suddenly ** is his trust in me. Even if he let me jump into the river in the middle of the night, I don't have anything to say!" When Xia wanted to come to the Fire Tree Building, the situation was on the verge of the outbreak!

The fire tree building has been completely shut down, and there is a dark crowd below, and hundreds of people can't be seen at a glance. Hundreds of people are obviously divided into two camps. The young and middle-aged are construction workers, almost all of whom wear helmets and hold wrenches, shovels and other construction tools in their hands. On the other side, there are men, women, old and young. A group of people should be the villagers of Xiaodou Village, because the Huoshu Building expropriated the land of the villagers of Xiaodou Village. The villagers also had a lot of people holding tools such as shovels and wooden sticks. The two sides stood on both sides of the square downstairs of the Fire Tree Building, staring at each other angrily and tending.

Jinshu Group is not a real estate developer. When requisitioning land, it does not compensate the villagers' real estate like ordinary developers, but directly pays the land transfer fee to the city, and then distributes it to the villagers by the city. As for whether the land transfer in Jinshi is deducted or delayed, it is unknown, because the land of Xiaodou Village was requisitioned by the city, and the sub-district government had not been established at that time. In any case, there must be a cause for the villagers to make trouble.

Xia wanted to park the car. As soon as she got out of the car, she looked up and saw that under the roof of the Fire Tree Building, an old man was holding a lighter in his hand, full of gasoline, and there was a huge gasoline barrel beside him, shouting on the roof, "Give me back my house, I want to compensate!"

A huge banner hangs from the roof to the ground, written in white and black: "Unscrupulous developer, no money is paid for land acquisition. Poor villagers have no place to grievances, fight to the death! The handwriting is crooked, just like the handwriting of a primary school student.

The old man stood on the roof, windy and cloudy, pouring gasoline, and gasoline evaporated quickly

It made people's body temperature drop quickly. He only shouted a few voices on it and was weak. Later, he couldn't shout, so he simply sat on the roof and cried loudly.

As soon as Xia thought arrived at the scene, Chen Jinming didn't know where he came out. He took Xia thought's arm and said with an aggrieved face, "Mr. Xia, I pay taxes in accordance with the law, operate reasonably, and never evade taxes. Why does someone want to hurt me?"

There has always been no shortage of bureaucrats in the domestic officialdom that let entrepreneurs operate in accordance with the law. Yan City has had a lot of evil ** things that deliberately rectified private entrepreneurs. Perhaps in Bai Zhanmo's eyes, no matter how big the contribution private entrepreneurs make, it is a piece of fat that can be at his mercy. Xia thought that his heart was also burning with anger.

He suppressed the malice in his chest and asked, "What's going on? Let's talk about the ins and outs of the matter first. Now is not the time to complain!"

Chen Jinming is a little confused. He is just a businessman. The most successful businessman knows that he can't fight against the power of the government or the power of the villagers to make trouble. However, seeing that Xia wanted to be calm and not panicked at all, he suddenly felt that he had something to rely on in his heart, so he followed Xia to a secluded place and explained the story in detail.

Early this morning, two people came and asked to meet the boss of Jinshu Group, and the person in charge of the construction site naturally refused. The two of them just relied on not to leave, saying that the Golden Tree Group expropriated their land and did not give compensation. They wanted to ask for an explanation.

Chen Jinming did not mean to hide, but he didn't think it was necessary to face the villagers. At that time, the land acquisition work of Jinshu Group was dealt with the municipal government, which was handled by the municipal government. The land transfer money had already been transferred to the designated account of the municipal government. From beginning to end, Jinshu Group did not have a face-face negotiation with Xiaodou Village, and there is no need to talk to them about compensation now.

At first, Chen Jinming thought that it was just a few villagers who were unreasonable. He deliberately came to make trouble and wanted to get some advantage of it. Yu Bu met a villager who came to the construction site to make trouble in the name of asking for compensation. When he finally left, he took away some building materials. In fact, the original intention was to remove the oil.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the villagers gathered more and more, and slowly gathered hundreds of people from more than a dozen people. They gathered under the fire tree building, but they did not leave. There were also some people with umbrella sticks and shovels in their hands, with fierce eyes, and they looked desperate. Chen Jinming realized that the situation was serious, so he asked the villagers to send a representative, and he wanted to interview the representative.

The representative sent is an old man named Lu Lao stubborn, who is a respected old man in Xiaodou Village. On behalf of Xiaodou Village, he put forward two conditions to Jinshu Group: first, Jinshu Group is responsible for arranging the employment of 100 villagers in Xiaodou Village, and second, Xiaodou Village has a total of 858, each person to compensate 5,000

It was simply a lion's mouth, and Chen Jinming immediately refused. At that time, he was almost angry, because the land of Xiaodou Village was close to Xiahe River, and the price of the municipal government was very high. After some arduous negotiations and Chen Feng's relationship, the price was slightly reduced, but it was still frighteningly high.

Chen Jinming's business principle is to do something and do something. Since the two sides finally reached an agreement, although he still felt that the price was too high, after signing the agreement, he immediately transferred all the money to the designated account of the municipal government without any arrears. At that time, Chen Feng also commended Jinshu Group for being honest and trustworthy at a meeting and called on enterprises in the city to learn from Jinshu Group.

More than half a year has passed since the land requisition incident, and suddenly there was an incident of the villagers in Xiaodou Village asking for compensation. He knew that there must be someone behind the scenes to mislead the villagers. The first thing he suspected was Bai Zhanmo.

Because Chen Jinming did not stop the construction of the Fire Tree Building as Bai Zhanmo said, but continued the construction while perfunctory. In anger, Bai Zhanmo ordered the power supply bureau and the water supply company to cut off the power and water off the construction site of the Huoshu Building. Chen Jinming prepared his own generator and borrowed water from the Xiama River to stop the construction.

Then Bai Zhanmo had no follow-up for the time being. He thought that Secretary Bai had a lot of things to do and forgot to take it seriously with him. Unexpectedly, Mr. Lu suddenly took the lead in asking for compensation, which made him angry. At that time, Jinshu Group bought the land of Xiaodou Village at a high price and paid it quickly. The villagers of Xiaodou Village should have received enough compensation, but now it is unreasonable. They want Jinshu Group to arrange employment for 100 people for them and give them 4.29 million yuan for land requisition? There has been no such unreasonable thing in the world!

Chen Jinming, who had been met by Bai Zhanmo, finally couldn't stand it and rudely refused Mr. Lu's stubborn proposal.

Mr. Lu is old, but his temper is still stubborn. He said stinky and stiffly, "Hum, if you don't arrange your work, if you don't give it to me, don't want to build your building!" Chen Jinming also responded, "Whatever!"

Mr. Lu turned around stubbornly. Chen Jinming also knew that things would not be done well, so he looked out and saw that the villagers gathered together probably had 2D people. Many people began to knock on the construction equipment with wooden sticks, and there were many small conflicts with the workers. He hurriedly dialed the police number.

As a result, after the phone call, it was more than half an hour until Xia wanted to appear, and there was no sign of a policeman. Fortunately, when Chen Jinming called the police, he immediately called Jin Hongxin. He knew that Jin Hongxin was the housekeeper of the district government and Xiaxiang's former celebrity. The current situation can only be solved if Xia wants to meet.

Chen Jinming is a key step. If Xia hadn't wanted to meet today, maybe the situation would have developed to an uncontrollable point!

Before Xiaxiang arrived, Kang Shaoye, deputy secretary of the district party committee, rushed to the scene and had a fight with Mr. Lu, but he still didn't talk about Kui. Just as Kang Shaoye decided to coordinate in the middle and held a tripartite meeting attended by the District Party Committee, Jinshu Group and villager representatives, the situation suddenly changed. When a villager was pushed by the worker, he fell on a piece of glue and fell on a stone, and his head was bleeding!

The villagers were angry and grabbed things one after another and got together with the workers. When the construction workers upstairs saw the fight downstairs, they were afraid that their partners would suffer losses. They picked up the guys one after another and came down from upstairs, ready to join the battle group.

In the chaos, no one noticed that Mr. Lu stubbornly climbed to the roof alone, poured his own gasoline, and prepared with a lighter in his hand**!

Chen Jinming panicked and asked Kang Shaoye for help. As long as there was no life, everything was negotiable. Kang Shaoye was also helpless and anxious, but he couldn't think of a solution to the problem. He shouted stubbornly at Mr. Lu, but the stubborn old man just didn't listen and insisted on fighting to the death.

Someone upstairs wants **, and more than 100 workers downstairs and more than 200 villagers confront each other, which has been brewed into a large-scale **. After calling the police for a long time, he didn't see a policeman present. Chen Jinming knew that there was a lot of tricks behind the incident, and some people deliberately beat him up. And the behind-the-scenes manipulators have spent a lot of money, and even the police are within his control. Just as Chen Jinming was so anxious that he was at a loss, Xia wanted to arrive in time.

After Xia wanted to know the details of the matter from Chen Jinming, he also had a bad feeling in his heart. He took out the phone and called Sun Dingguo. As a result, he was told that Sun Dingguo was also holding a meeting in the capital. The meeting of the national public security system was held grandly, and the heads of the municipal bureau and Well, I only know the leader of the municipal and branch, and the deputy director below. He is not familiar with each other!

It's really a well-planned wonderful situation. It's time to have lunch on Saturday. It's time for dinner. Not to mention the traffic jams on the road, it's not easy to organize the police force. It's easy to calculate and thoughtful!

Xia wants to be more and more sure that today's group affairs are manipulated by someone behind the scenes, but he still doesn't know what Jian Feng refers to. Is it just forcing Chen Jinming to submit, or is it for another purpose?

What Xia thought clearly was that only Bai Zhanmo alone could not design such a smart chess game. He did not have such profound political wisdom and no means of command. If this matter is not beyond his expectation, there must be a shadow of Fu Vanguard. Fu Xianfeng took action. If it was just for Shifu Chen Jinming, it was to kill chickens with a cow knife. Then, Fu Xianfeng's plan was to lead the snake out of the hole, and he was the snake pointed by the real sword front?

Thinking of the reminders of Wu Gangde and Fu Xianxian, a trace of understanding flashed in Xia Xiang's heart. Today's things are very difficult and will never be solved easily. You should be prepared to fight a hard battle. He glanced at Chen Jinming and comforted him, "Don't panic. If I'm here, I'll give you justice."

Xia's words were neither impassioned nor soft. He just said it casually. Hearing it in Chen Jinming's ears, it made him calm down in an instant, as if Xia's words were magical, which made him believe from the bottom of his heart that as long as Xia wanted to meet, there was no disadvantage.

"Secretary Kang, please come here!" Xia wanted to tell Chen Jinming to invite Kang Shaoye, but he stood outside the crowd and observed calmly.

Needless to say, the workers are all the contractors of the Fire Tree Building. They are psychologically close to the Jinshu Group and instinctively resist the villagers who make trouble. At first glance, the villagers at the scene did not see anything strange. When they looked carefully, they could find that a few people who were obviously not villagers were mixed among the villagers, their eyes turned around, constantly walking in the crowd, waiting for the opportunity to move. Obviously, they were ready to stir up trouble and intensify the trouble at any time. Xia thought probably had an idea in his mind. Even if he knew that there might be a black hole trap waiting for him to jump where he could not see it, but since he was not, since he was the head of the diseping area, he was responsible for the disemertion area, the investors in the disemertion area, and the people in the dise When the situation bursts out, you should also stand forward without hesitation.

To be a person, you must have a personality.

To be an official, you must have official ethics. Personality is the foundation of life, and official morality is the foundation of asking for the people.

Kang Shaoye walked over in all directions, with an anxious face on the surface, and the gloating in his eyes could not escape Xiaxiang's keen eyes. However, as soon as he saw Xia, Kang Shaoye said eagerly, "The mayor of Xia is here. Secretary Bai is not here, so I'm waiting for you to host the university." Xia thought that the implication was that if something big happened, he would wait for him to take the blame.

Xia wanted to ask quietly, "Secretary Kang, who is on duty in the District Bureau today? Why hasn't there been a policeman at the scene yet? Also, have you notified the fire brigade? Kang Shaoye was stunned, opened his mouth and didn't say anything.

He does not have Xia Xiang's rich grassroots work experience. Xia Xiang has served as the deputy county magistrate in An County for two years. He is not in vain. He has shared joys and sorrows with the workers for a period of time. He has seen many emergencies and is full of confidence in dealing with emergencies. Of course, it's not that Kang Shaoye doesn't have any experience. He doesn't have any plans. It's not that he doesn't know anything, but that he doesn't want to deal with it at all.

It's impossible, it's really not. In the final analysis, he has to wait for Xia to think of it. If Xia wants to give orders, Xia wants to take full responsibility.

Xia wanted to see Kang Shaoye's expression and knew that he had come to Ning Tian. In fact, he didn't do anything. In addition to talking a lot of nonsense, there was no substantial help with the progress of the whole incident, and he couldn't help but feel angry. But now is not the time to argue with him, so he asked again, "Where is Jin Hongxin?"

"Leader, leader, I'm here." Jin Hongxin trotted all the way to Xiaxiang, followed by Chao Weigang, "I just went to explain to the villagers, but there was no effect... The fire brigade has been notified, and it should be there soon."

Xia wanted to take a look at Kang Shaoye with intention. Kang Shaoye did not dare to take Xia's eyes. He put his head aside and became an ostrich.

Ciao Weigang is also anxious to report to Xia Xiang: "District Director Wu has also arrived. He is contacting the Public Security Bureau to contact the two sides, persuading both sides to maintain restraint and initially stabilize the situation..."

Xia thought he took another look at Kang Shaoye, and then said, "Hong De and Hong Xin did a good job, reasonable, timely, and worthy of recognition. Chen Jinming, you can find the person in charge of the construction site. I have something to ask him.

The workers have a certain degree of discipline, which is better to control than the villagers. First of all, we must ensure the emotional stability of the workers in order to control things within an acceptable range. Once there is a large-scale armed conflict, bloodshed is still a small matter. In case of death, the fire tree building will not only start construction far away, but also his political future will be implicated!

Now someone upstairs wants **. The two sides of the downstairs are on the verge of confrontation, and God also took the opportunity to add chaos. After a gust of wind, the sky began to rain.

Although the weather in early autumn is not very cold, the autumn wind and autumn together, the temperature also drops extremely fast. As soon as it was cold and it was windy and rainy, the crowd was restless. Many people began to be ready to move, and the situation, which had just eased a little, suddenly became tense.

A worker looked only seventeen or eight years old, and his face was wet by the rain. When he wiped his face with his hand, the tool in his hand accidentally fell to the ground. After bouncing up, he began to be among the villagers opposite, which immediately attracted the villagers to shout. Damn, do you want to do it?" The workers are ready to beat people, villagers, copy the guys!" Damn it, outsiders dare to come to our small fighting village and beat him ***. Yes, if you occupy our land and don't pay, beat them away!"

A tall villager kicked over when the little worker was not paying attention. When he was about to kick the little worker to the ground, he rolled to the ground in pain. Several workers were furious and rushed to revenge against Wu Gang with shovels. They stood in the middle and shouted, "Shut up!"

He put his hands behind his back and sneered: "Look at you, ah, look at your bear, it's really not promising at all. If you fall to the ground with a wrench, you are so scared that you want to hit someone? Don't think you dare not to catch you into the detention center. There are so many empty rooms in the detention center. If any of you want to go in and eat in the prison with sand for a few days, just stand in front of me and try it?

Wu Mangang was born in urban management at that time. He has a way of playing tricks and slaundering people. He knows that it is necessary to use the method of squashocking and three toughness to deal with villagers and workers, which can usually shock the scene!

Today is no exception. With the combination of the city management spirit and official spirit, Wu Gangde burst out, which also looked like a ruffian. Suddenly, the workers and villagers present were shocked and couldn't help taking a step back. B