official god

Chapter 594 This situation

Fortunately, Gao Hai only sank for a short time and said, "After following the normal procedures, more than 50 million yuan has arrived in Xiaodou Village, and there are also 40 million. As for how to issue the Xiaodou Village Branch and how to arrange the funds, the municipal government did not ask too much about it.

Xia thought finally took a long breath. After the tax deduction, coupled with the appropriate interception in the city, the difference of more than 10 million is normal. That is to say, even if Gao Hai and some agents do something, it will be at most within hundreds of thousands of yuan. It is not too much for many people to fall on people.

"I see. Thank you, Uncle Gao." Xia wants to have a lot of feelings for Gao Hai. He is also afraid that Gao Hai will fall too deeply. At that time, he will still not investigate, and he will be in a dilemma. "But for the sake of a long-term plan in the future, he said more, "I have several projects that are not bad." If Uncle Gao has a little spare money in Yes, but there is no problem to ensure wealth.

Gao Hai understood the meaning of Xia's words. He also knew that Xia was a heavy person. He was sure that the Xiaodou Village incident was a lot of trouble. Maybe he would be investigated in the end. To carefully check the direction of each account, he immediately realized the seriousness of the matter and said hurriedly, "I heard that you have a business mind, When you are an outsider, tell the truth, you have millions of deposits on hand, and I will give them to you at that time." OK, no problem. You have paid off all the debts owed outside, and give me the rest of the money to ensure that there will be enough return. The so-called debt, Xia wants to believe that the high potential can understand what he means.

Hanging up the phone, Xia wanted to turn around and stand three meters away from Mr. Lu's stubbornness. He said with a sincere face, "Uncle Lu, I promise to find out what you said, but the sky and the earth are big, and the body is big. You must take care of your health. If your body collapses, what will Xiao Lu do? You have to think more about him. Shall we discuss it? Let's help Xiao Lu treat the disease first, because the condition does not wait for anyone, and then while treating the disease, we will slowly find out the brakes; who owes you money?" I don't believe you!" Mr. Lu was still stubborn and stared at Xiaxiang warily.

"When I was a child, my family was poor. My father went to work in the city and worked as a small worker. He started early from moving bricks. "Later, he was a technician, and later he was a warehouse custodian. It can be said that: = 1 life was hard, and I worked hard to raise my brother and I

" Xia wanted to sit down again. He knew that no matter how stubborn people are, there is also softness in his heart. The softest place for Mr. Lu is his son, who is family affection. He continued to say, "After graduating from college, I am ignorant. I have been wandering in Yanshi, doing business, making friends, spending time, and I didn't pay attention to it at all. I only knew that I was looking for fun. It was not until one day that I suddenly encountered a major change that I accepted my heart. Later, I got married and gave birth to a son, and then I really understood that I didn't know my parents' kindness if I didn't raise my children!"

Xia's words come from the bottom of his heart. He has been a person for two generations, and his feelings and understanding of life are much deeper than the stubbornness of Mr. Lu, who is more than 50 years old. Especially now he has children and is still the father of three children. Thinking of the last rebellion against his parents, he made them sad and Personally, he has hurt many of the closest people, including his parents and Wei Xin, who is indeed a very irresponsible person. That's why he strives to do his best in this life. He is not only responsible for his family, but also for the people he loves him and the people he loves. He is really responsible for his family and is useful to the country.

Xia's words have a very touching appeal, deep, powerful, and sincere: "I think I'm not a few years older than Uncle Lu's son. Xiao Lu should be the age to marry and have children, but now he is sick in bed and has no money for treatment. Thinking about it makes people feel nothing. It's more painful. But Uncle Lu, don't think about it. Your family has been turbulent, but you are entangled here now. What's the use? If you set yourself on fire, can your son be saved? Will someone come forward to treat him? What would he think? His biological father burned himself to death in order to save him. How can you make him feel? What else do you want him to have as a big man to live in the world? You're not saving him, you're hurting him, you're trying to use your death to force him to a dead end! For me, if my father died for me and I was sick, I would rather die first than involve my family!"

Xia's words were like a dagger that pierced Mr. Lu's stubborn heart. First, he was stunned, then his face was dull, and then he burst into tears. Later, he finally couldn't help crying loudly! At this moment, an old man cried loudly because of the pain from the bottom of his heart.

An old man who fights to death in despair uses tears to tell the injustice of the world and the ancient people's hearts. In the face of power, power and corrupt officials, there is nothing he can do. In the face of the hardships of life, there is nothing he can do. In the face of the stormy life, there is nothing he can do! What can he do? Except for 7 tears, he has nothing but an old bone!

Perhaps in the eyes of layers of skinned corrupt officials, a fart, a powerless and powerless old man, pulls down when he dies, and lives instead wastes social resources! How many people's public servants regard the people as nothing, regard the people as pigs and dogs as good as pigs and dogs, only know how to make money, only know how to raise a lover to make a mistress, only to send their son abroad, only know to let his wife use the power in his hand to make money, only to spend money, only know how

But in Xia Xiang's eyes, at this moment, in the desolation of the autumn wind and rain, he couldn't help thinking of his father. Not long after he was born, his father left his hometown alone to Dancheng. His mother depended on him for his life and raised him while doing farm work. Later, with a younger brother, the mother pulled two children alone, a thin woman, and picked up a family with her thin shoulders. What a sad period of time.

And my father went to the single city alone and entered the construction company. He started from moving bricks and climbed up little by little from the bottom. He is not familiar with the place alone. He is alone in a single city. When he is tired, he falls down his clothes and is hungry. He eats the black steamed buns on the construction site with cold water, just like the stubbornness of Mr. Lu in front of him. In the face of the hardships and difficulties of life, how many times have he miss Although the village is poor and dilapidated, it is full of family affection and joy!

Xia thought that if he and his brother did not grow up healthily, if he and his brother had a serious illness, the happiness of the family would be gone. Admittedly, there are too many unhappy families and unhappy lives in the world. Even if he is the highest official, it is impossible to cover everything. But seeing Mr. Lu's stubborn eyes and sad tears trembling in the wind and rain, as well as his gray hair and old face, his heart contracted with pain. Throughout the ages, the lowest-level people have been grazed forever. As long as the person in power loosens the reins a little and does not strangle the sheep before the shepherd grows fat, it is already fortunate.

Mr. Lu's stubbornness in this scene may be somewhat similar to the time when his father was lonely and helpless on the construction site, when he missed his hometown and his relatives. Xia Xiang was sad and inexplicable, and there was a kind of empathy.

"Tell me Xiao Lu's address. I asked him to go to the hospital. Now that the weather is getting cold, let him stay at home alone. In case the condition gets worse, it will be difficult to cure it." Xia wanted to make up his mind. No matter whether Mr. Lu's stubborn behavior is legal and reasonable, it is important to save people first.

Mr. Lu's stubbornness has been completely moved by Xia Qiang. He is in a mess, and nothing is important for his son. Xia Shen said what's on his mind in one sentence... Xia Shen doesn't talk about big principles, doesn't talk nonsense, lies and big words, and only talks about family affection with him, which makes him completely Live: "My house is under the Mianliu overpass. There is a bungalow, which is just around the corner. It's easy to find..."

Xia wanted to immediately turn around and dial Xiao Wu's phone number: "Xiao Wu, immediately go to the address below to save a person, take him to the best hospital, and arrange the best treatment."

Xiao Wu didn't ask who Xiao Lu was. Xia thought why he wanted to save people and directly agreed: "Do it immediately. Please don't worry, leader."

Xiao Wu's business, Xia wants to definitely let go', 0 he put down the phone, came to Mr. Lu's stubborn side, and helped the old man: "Let's go downstairs first, then change into clean clothes, and then go to the hospital to visit your son. He is now being sent to the second provincial hospital to arrange the best doctor, the best treatment ▲r, 11th" Mr. Lu is stubborn and suspicious: "Didn't you lie to me?" I never lie to the old man." Xia wanted to tell the truth and emphasized, "Especially the lonely and helpless old man like you, lie to them, I'm sorry for the conscience of heaven and earth!"

A sentence of conscience from heaven and earth made Mr. Lu cry again. He grasped Xia's hand tightly: "Little comrade, you are really a good person. Can you really save my son?" I can only say that I will try my best to help him. Whether he can cure his disease or see what the doctor says. Xia thought that he did not give empty words to Mr. Lu, but told the truth.

Mr. Lu nodded stubbornly: "This sentence is really, you are a real person, I believe you. If someone tells me that it will be cured, I will know that he is lying. How can a doctor say what a doctor should say? You are an honest child." Xia wanted to nod: "Let's go downstairs, Uncle Lu. The roof is too cold. Be careful not to freeze."

Mr. Lu completely trusted Xiaxiang, put away the lighter, and went downstairs side by side with Xiaxiang. Xia wanted to help Mr. Lu stubbornly and went downstairs while talking. When I came downstairs, I found that the wind and rain were getting worse. Many workers and villagers were so cold that their lips were blue. Fortunately, Wu Gang had basically controlled the situation, and the confrontation between the two sides weakened, and there were signs of loosening.

Chen Jinming also maintained the order on the workers' side with Hua San Shao at the scene. Jin Hongxin and Chao Weigang have been looking at the building, waiting for Xia Chang's appearance. Only Kang Shaoye simply sat in Fengli and refused to come out. Obviously, he was afraid of responsibility and cold. Jin Hongxin and Chao Weigang are very contemptuous of Kang Shaoye's style.

When Jin Hongxin and Chao Weigang saw that Xia wanted to help Mr. Lu out, they immediately exclaimed, overjoyed, and hurriedly greeted Qiankui. When the villagers saw Mr. Lu stubbornly going downstairs, some were surprised, some were disappointed, some were erratic, and some began to secretly call.

The workers all looked solemn, consciously making way for Xia Xiang, arranged on both sides, and staring at Xia Xiang, because they had learned that the person in front of them was the head of Xia District, who was rumored among the workers, and regarded the workers as brothers.

Kang Shaoye sat in Fengli in the distance, stared at what was happening in front of him, and couldn't believe his eyes. Did Xiaxiang really succeed? I really persuaded Mr. Lu to be stubborn. How could it be? A stubborn old man who wants to die, does he still have the ability to persuade?

Xia thinks you really have the ability. Why don't you work for the Women's Federation? It's really yours! Kang Shaoye was angry and hateful. He knew that it was impossible for Mr. Lu to set himself on fire in front of Xia. "I can only look at the next step of the plan. Y

Xia wanted to look at the faces of the workers around him who were young or no longer young, but he paid attention to him without exception. His heart was also moved and said loudly, "Workers' brothers, I'm Xia, your friend Xia, you have maintained restraint today. It's good to be a man. You should do something. No, I appreciate your ambition.

The workers were praised face to face by the governor of Xia, whom they had always respected. Many people blushed with excitement. Everyone whispered and couldn't hide their excitement.

Xia wanted to hand over Mr. Lu's stubbornness into the hands of the villagers, and said to the villagers present, "The problem you reacted to, I have learned the situation from Uncle Lu in detail on the roof just now. Next, I will send someone to find out which link is wrong and who deducted you. Land requisition? I have asked the specific amount of land requisition funds allocated by the municipal government to Xiaodou Village, but how much money did your village cadres pay to each of you on average? There are still doubts and need to be checked. Please go back first. Here I assure you that no matter which link goes wrong, you will investigate it to the end, give the villagers justice, and give the villagers an explain!" Who are you? Why do we believe you?" That is, you are a young man with red mouth and white teeth. Let the district chief come, let the secretary come, and we will believe what they said. Everyone talked and kept talking.

"Listen to me, listen to me!" Mr. Lu stubbornly drank a cup of hot water and felt a little better. He squeezed out the crowd and said loudly, "This young man believes him. I stubbornly guarantee that he is a good person. He tells the truth and doesn't talk nonsense." Lu Lao is stubborn, but Cun Xiaodou Village is quite prestigious. As soon as he speaks, the voice of opposition and questioning suddenly became much smaller.

"Listen to me, go home now, and talk about other things later. Now the wind is so strong and the rain is so urgent. Everyone is going in the wind and rain. It's not worth it. Believe me, Mr. Lu is stubborn, just come with me!" When Mr. Lu stubbornly saw that Xia wanted to appear, the workers cast respect, kindness and worship on him. He knew that Xia thought was a good person with a true temperament. No matter what kind of boss or official Xia wants, he just intuitively feels that the daylight is amiable and trustworthy, and he is a good person.

As soon as Mr. Lu spoke stubbornly, many people were shaken at the scene. It's true that the weather is cold and wet, and no one can bear it. Besides, the matter was originally stubborn at the beginning. Now he is discouraged and wants to go home. Who wants to stand up, right?

Mr. Lu stubbornly led the way, and the big stride meteor was about to leave. The villagers followed him one by one, retreating one after another. Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, a large-scale group incident did not cause a conflict, and no one caused vicious bloodshed.

Even Xia Xiang was a little relaxed. Maybe today's matter was really solved like this. Bai Zhanmo's plan failed, and he probably couldn't laugh... Just as everyone smiled and thought that today's wind and rain were about to pass, suddenly some of the villagers shouted: "I was fooled, the countryside. Dear friends, we have been fooled and been fooled as monkeys. The police came, and the workers also came. They surrounded us and wanted to arrest us and go to prison!"

The dust was flying in the distance, and several police cars rushed straight to the scene. Looking at the other highway, there are also several trucks coming, and the trucks are full of construction workers! Ah, do you really want to catch us?" Oh, my God, are you really fooled? Xia wanted to laugh or cry. It was a good time for police cars and workers to come!

As soon as the words fell, the villagers were restless, and someone began to shout: "Run, or it will be miserable if you are caught." I can't run away. I'm surrounded by them. Let's just fight with them!"

Xia wanted to take a look at Wu Gang. Wu Gang got it and immediately stood up and shouted, "I'm Wu Gang, the governor of the Xiama District Government. I promise everyone that there will never be any arrests. Everyone line up and disperse. Don't worry... "The deputy district chief, I don't believe you. It's you!" Before Wu Gang finished his words, a stone flew out of the crowd, hitting Wu Gang's nose, and suddenly his face was bleeding. Xia wanted to stand up, but was dragged to death by Jin Hongxin and Chao Weigang: "Leader, "You can't go, it's dangerous. Now someone deliberately broke it, and you became a target as soon as you went.

Before Xia thought broke free from the hands of the two people, he saw the young man who suddenly jumped from the villagers, rushed into the crowd of workers, punched and kicked. The workers were caught off guard and beaten dizzy. After a while, I realized that I could stand it. One by one, they took things and got together with a few people.

Today's young man shouted while beating: "Hometowns, fight back quickly. If you fight back, you have to be beaten. "You have to be arrested." Let's do it quickly, hit one enough, hit two to earn one, hit him, hit him ***! Hit him, son of a bitch!"

More than a dozen of the villagers rushed into the ranks of the workers. The workers were not convinced when they saw this and fought back one after another. In a moment, there was a scuffle.

Xia wants to know, hide. The people with ulterior motives among the villagers couldn't help taking action. At this time, Li Fei arrived. Before he could report to the reply, he hurriedly deployed the police to prevent the situation from further expansion. But the manpower he brought was so limited that he could not cope with the immediate crisis at all. The phantom policeman really couldn't control the situation in the face of the group incident of hundreds of enemy people...

P: I wrote very hard and tried my best. Today, I only asked for 4J monthly tickets, and there are only about ten tickets left. Brothers, please give me some strength. Lao He thank you. Tomorrow, it will be more wonderful... ∫ To be continued. If you want to know what will happen, please log in. More m chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!) F