official god

Chapter 612 Balance Point

The old man's eyes were far-reaching. He started early before the rain. In the early stage, there was Gao Puzhou's two years of silence in Yan Province, and now he has landed to Yan City in Yan City in a complicated manner. After Li Yanhong, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, slowly established his foothold in Yan Province, The province is the deputy governor of the Standing Committee, the city is the executive deputy mayor, and there is a secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection who sits and controls the braids of many officials. In this way, in time, a big plan can be achieved.

What Wu Caiyang admires is not the old man's layout. The old man immerses his life in the officialdom and calmly unfolds some layout. It is normal. What shocked him was Xiaxiang's reaction. To be precise, it was Xiaxiang who skillfully cooperated with the old man's actions, especially the opportunity to secretly inform the Qiu family and the Mei family. It was definitely the right magic stroke, so that the old man wanted to complete the family's plan seamlessly, and made the Fu family hard. I ate a mute with words of suffering! And I can't choose the reason of the Wu family!

Let Wu Caiyang take a high look at Xia for the first time and secretly admired in his heart that he was really a very smart young man. How could he see through the links? Wu Caiyang was convinced that the old man would not take the initiative to reveal his plan to Xia, nor would he have too many hints to Xia through Lian Ruohan. The old man's life dominated the officialdom and the storm was turbulent, so he disdained to surrender his identity. No matter what channel he hinted to Xia, it was not the

Xia wants to take the initiative to build a match for the Wu family. Since it is not inspired by the old man, it is natural that he has seen through the situation and seen the old man's intentions. Only at this point, Wu Caiyang has to admit that Xia Xiang really has a pair of wise eyes. With his current age and experience in the officialdom If you can see through the old man's means at a glance, you can't describe it with the word "not simple". It can simply be magical to describe his finishing touch.

It is precisely because of the timely appearance of Xiaxiang that the old man's whole car divination is perfect. Although the plan has always been planned and implemented by the old man, and there is nothing to do with him, what the old man wants is for the whole Wu family. In the final analysis, no matter how he and the old man are at peace, no matter how grudge there is, it is also a father-son relationship. The political legacy left by the old man a hundred years Xia wanted to help the old man, and he also helped him indirectly.

It's just the above things, and it's not enough to make Wu Caiyang's anger against Xia Xiang reduce much. What makes him have a little good impression on Xia Xiang is the fire tree building.

The fire tree building incident immediately reached his ears. At first, he didn't believe that it was true. He thought it was Xia who wanted to play a political farce, but it was just a fake incident to improve his reputation. He saw some clumsy means of local officials, or personally instructed his subordinates to arrange acting. Or the subordinates take the initiative to arrange what they want. In short, they are all fake news events.

How true can there be in the news? Wu Caiyang is in charge of the Central Propaganda Department. He knows the process of domestic news media concocting events well, and he knows some of the curves too well.

The conscience and fairness of domestic journalists are almost negligible. Of course, they cannot be completely attributed to the quality of personnel. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of the system. From the "one sentence to 100,000 sentences" in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China to the production of tens of thousands of catties of

In the news, there will always be a prosperous and prosperous peaceful era, and blood and sweat will always flow where the sun can't shine.

It was only after Wu Caiyang learned the truth that he was shocked by Xia Xiang's blood and impulse for the first time. A young man who did not hesitate, a brave district governor, and a deputy department-level cadre who saved people from water and fire, made his heart surging with a long-lost **, thinking of his green years in the frontier, thinking of his decision in remote provinces after he fell out with the old man, thinking of his decision to take He rushed into the rioting crowd and was the first to jump into the river that broke the embankment. The past was like yesterday, which made him have a sudden good impression of Xia in an instant! How similar this young man is to his impulse and blood in those years!

Then, when he learned that it was Fu Xianfeng who secretly planned everything, his anger ignited in his heart. Xia Xiang is a thorn in the side of the Wu family, but the thorn in the side of the Wu family can only be pulled out by the Wu family. How can they let others do it? Fu Xianfeng... It's too cruel!

Xia wants to be angry again and make him lose face again. He is also the man of his daughter, the only man, and the father of his only grandson, his biological father! Wu Caiyang was furious. When he heard that the old man came forward to attack the Fu family's forces to seize the Fu family's territory, he couldn't help but take the opportunity to take a position of the Fu family.

Normally, although he can also forcibly get the position that the Fu family wants, one is that there is no reason, and the other is to take into account everyone's mouth. After all, everyone must follow the rules. Now, the Wu family has enough reasons. It doesn't make sense if they don't clean up the Fu family. Besides, Wu Caiyang is really angry.

Especially when he came home, he heard the old man say that Xia thought that his back was not serious and almost died, he felt sad for the first time.

Although he still can't accept Xia Xiang emotionally, from the perspective of political interests, it is not impossible to cultivate Xia Xiang into the core figure of the Wu family. With the political wisdom and skill of rethinking, and the point and promotion of the Wu family, it is possible to win the throne of the secretary of the provincial party committee sooner or later. In any case, Xia Xiang is Lian Xia's father after all. He and Ruo Han also have feelings, and there are natural conveniences to be included in the Wu family's system. In addition, Xia Xiang has indeed secretly helped the Wu family a lot recently. Fu Xianfeng took action to deal with Xia Xiang, and it is not because Xia Xiang destroyed the revenge psychology of In public and private, the Wu family should take the lead for Xia.

Otherwise, after the incident comes, it will make the rest of the Wu family system feel cold, make Lian Ruohan hate him more, and make Xia Xiang feel sad. Maybe he will stay away from the Wu family and form an alliance with the Mei family and the Qiu family.

Xiaxiang is really an extremely key fulcrum. His existence has not only become the balance point of all forces, but also an irreplaceable person who has a complex relationship with several families in addition to the Fu family.

Only in the name of helping Xia Xiang, the Fu family suffered heavy losses, so they had to send Mr. Fu to bow to the Wu family and admit defeat in the way of visiting Xia Xiang. The Wu family can only accept it when it is good, otherwise it will become unreasonable. Originally, Wu Caiyang thought that he took the opportunity of Xia Xiang's injury to seize a lot of territory of the Fu family. As soon as the Fu family admitted defeat, the future struggle would go underground again. Unexpectedly, the Prime Minister unexpectedly appeared in Xia Xiang's ward and visited Xia Xiang.

The relationship between the Prime Minister and the Fu family is average, or the relationship with several major families is average. As a civilian prime minister, he is resistant to family forces. He suddenly appeared in Xiaxiang's ward. What was his intention?

Wu Caiyang had a thor in his heart. Xia thought that if he approached the Prime Minister, "it was equivalent to the opposite of the Wu family or even several major families, what kind of thoughts did he have? The key is, well, why did the Prime Minister visit Xiaxiang? No, not at all.

It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense. The Prime Minister and Xiaxiang are not familiar with each other and have no personal relationship. At Xiaxiang's level, how can the Prime Minister of Labor visit them in person? As the Prime Minister, every move will always touch the eyes of countless people. Even if the Prime Minister passes by inadvertently, he can completely ignore it, but he went to the ward to visit Xia Xiang. It is said that he stayed for about half an hour, talked a lot, and talked happily. Wu Caiyang can't help guessing what the real intention What?

It's a little ridiculous to say that the Prime Minister wants to close Xiaxiang. The Prime Minister won't like a local official at the deputy department level. But he doesn't believe that the Prime Minister and Xia want to have a common f6 statement. The Prime Minister has the world in mind, cares about the world, and has a high vision and realm. Xia Xiang can't be compared with it, but under all kinds of impossibilities, the Prime Minister talked with Xia Xiang. He heard that he also hugged Xia Dong, the son of Xia Xiang, and made a joke, which made Wu Caiyang even more confused.

The Prime Minister is not an ordinary person. All his words and deeds have deep meaning and purpose. Otherwise, how can the Prime Minister, who is full of opportunities, deliberately stay in Xiaxiang's ward for more than three minutes? If you pass by inadvertently, say three sentences and stay for a minute, it's already big news.

News may not be released. News that is not published is the most real and shocking news.

Wu Caiyang was inevitably a little depressed. He had just had a good impression on Xia, but there was news that the Prime Minister and Xia wanted to meet, which made him inexplicably a little upset. It happened that Li Yanhong also came to Beijing for a meeting, and he talked about the situation with Li Yanhong while playing chess.

"The Prime Minister is a warm-hearted Prime Minister. He likes a young cadre who has a practical spirit and dares to act..." Li Yanhong was clear about Wu Caiyang's worries and said, "It's not a big deal for the Premier to appear in Xia Xiang's ward. Maybe it's really just a coincidence. I passed by inadvertently. When I heard about it, I took a look, and then I felt good after talking about it, so I said a few more words. You also know the identity of the prime minister, although as the prime minister, he is also a temperamental person.

Although Li Yanhong's explanation still made Wu Caiyang dissatisfied, he could only think so. He pondered and said, "The main murderer king cannon has been forgotten now. As soon as the matter comes out, it has become the reason for all parties to compete. On the contrary, the major event of chasing the murderer has been thrown aside and has become irre It's a small matter.

"Wujiang, don't test me. Ha ha, Wang Cannon is not the main culprit. He is just an insignificant pawn." Li Yanhong smiled and said, "Xia Xiang is also a smart man. He has a lot of power to use. Why not urge all parties to capture Wang Cannon as soon as possible? Among other things, Lao Gu came forward and used the army to catch the king's cannon. He was sure to catch it. But Lao Gu just put Xiaxiang in the General Administration Hospital, and didn't mention the matter of arresting people. Why? Xia is not in a hurry. "Lao Gu is not in a hurry. They are all white people."

Wu Caiyang also smiled: "You mean, I don't understand people?" He got up and picked up the watering can to water a gentleman orchid. "Under the careful arrangement of Fu Xianfeng, Wang Cannon has long had a real place. Now it is not easy to catch him with great fanfare. If it is pressed, it may make the other party kill him. Presumably Xia wanted to have the same mind as Lao Gu. Besides, he caught Wang Cannon, but he couldn't help Fu Xianfeng..." "Wang Cannon was caught, at least it can pry the situation in the diselingement. I dare to say that Xia also wants to use Wang Cannon to make a big deal, but now is not the right

"What's the situation in the disema qu now?" As a national leader, Wu Caiyang generally does not pay attention to the situation at the district and county level, but the Xia Ma District has also affected his nerves because of Xia Xiang.

"It's a mess!" As soon as he mentioned the current situation in the lower horse area, Li Yanhong admired Xia Xiang's ability to control. "Xia Xiang is not here, Bai Zhanmo can't control the situation at all. At the same time, Kang Shaoye was hospitalized, and all the work in the lower horse area is almost stagnant." Wu Caiyang smiled slightly: "This boy is quite like my style in those years.

Li Yanhong knew what Wu Caiyang wanted to say, so he quickly took the opportunity to flatter: "Of course, Caiyang is in the northwest. He is alone. He is also a mayor. The secretary has also made concessions step by step, laying the foundation for future promotion." Don't mention it. It's all over in those years. It's okay if you don't mention it. Wu Caiyang smiled and said, "Tay it, when will the situation become clear?" Li Yanhong pondered for a moment: "When Xia wants to return to Yanshi, it is the day to break the situation."

After the turmoil on Monday and Tuesday, the xia zone temporarily ushered in a calm day on Wednesday. It is said to be calm, but in fact, it is not peaceful in the world, because a small thing still happened.

is a trivial matter for outsiders. Maybe after hearing it, you just say "ah" in surprise, or gloat and say that you deserve it, or shake your head and sigh, regret the young people in the accident.

But for Niuqi, r is a big event. He feels as if the sky has collapsed, and there is darkness in front of him.

When his son Niu Jinbiao was sleeping in the detention center, he accidentally fell from the upper bunk and broke his legs on the spot!

Who doesn't know that the upper bed is only more than a meter high from the ground. A big man mixed it down from above, and at most fell with a black nose and a swollen face. How could it fall into a fracture? Or is it a comminuted fracture of both legs? Niu Qi, who has been in the public security system for many years, knows that Niu Jin has been plotted. No matter who he is, he must be Xia's person, in order to revenge on what he did behind the fire tree building incident.

Niu Qi was so angry that he had nothing to do every day in the municipal bureau. In his name, he was still in charge of a mess of things. In fact, no one listened to him. Even getting an office supplies had to be angry with the people in the office. He knew that sooner or later he would be kicked.

Kick it away, and Niu Qi also risked his life. Anyway, his future is gone, and his son's life has been ruined. He has no hope for tomorrow, so he just wants revenge on Xiaxiang!

Unfortunately, in the fire tree building incident, Wang Cannon did not get it, so he made Niu Qi hate it. He wanted to kick Wang Cannon in front of him and scolded him as a fool and a bastard. However, Wang Cannon has disappeared since the accident, and he can't get in touch with him.

Although no one has found him yet, Niu Qi also knows that since Xia wants to be fine, when Xia wants to come back, it will be the day of his bad luck. If he becomes a king or loses the bandit, it's nothing. If he dares to do it, he admits. It's just that he was suddenly harmed by the cattle house, and Niu Qi was furious. If he couldn't stand it, he couldn't help but have an attack.

Niu Qi aggressively wanted to find Sun Dingguo and asked to find out the truth of the matter, but he was blocked from the office. He was told that the Sun Bureau was in a meeting and was deploying the next step of the work of the municipal bureau, and arranging ten pursuit work to chase the murderer. Of course, he was to chase the king's

Niu Qi was unwilling and made a lot of noise outside. He vowed not to give up until he saw Sun. Sun Dingguo came out of it and shouted sternly, "Is the director's office also a wild place for you? If you make trouble again, you will be suspended from work and reflect!"

Niu Qi couldn't help crying bitterly when he thought of his son's disabled legs: "Son Ju, my son can break his leg when he sleeps at the guard. There is absolutely black hands. You have to do justice for me... I have worked hard in the public security system for decades, but in the end, I came to such an end !"

Niu Qi's tears did not impress Sun Dingguo. Sun Dingguo said unmovedly, "I also heard about this matter. I also deeply sympathize with Niu Jin's misfortune and express my deep condolences to you. However, according to what Comrade Jiang Yuhan learned, the matter of Niu She was indeed detained in the prison of the North Branch of the City, and the director of the North Branch was Jiang Yuhan.

Jiang Yuhan flashed out from behind Sun Dingguo, looked at Niu Qi contemptuously, and said lightly, "It's normal to have a fall in the detention center. Comrade Niu Qi also worked at the grass-roots level of the public security system in those years, and also knew some situations at the grass-roots level. It You can't hang people. It's lucky to fall from the upper bunk more than one meter high and only break your legs..."

As soon as Niu Qi saw Jiang Yu's gloating expression, he couldn't help but be furious and scolded: "Jiang Yuhan, you're not a thing. My son has been harmed by you. It must be you. You, you, I'm with you!"

Niu Qi also faintly heard that Jiang Yuhan and Xia wanted to know each other. It is not clear whether the relationship is good, but since it happened in his jurisdiction, it is impossible for Jiang Yuhan not to know it. Even if you don't know it in advance, you will know the inside story afterwards. It's okay if he doesn't comfort himself, and he deliberately sneer. Niu Qi thought that maybe it was Jiang Yuhan's instructions, so he rushed over angrily.

How can ordinary people be wild in the public security bureau? The public security bureau is the umbrella of the people. However, at the door of the director's office, there were all the heads of some public security systems, none of whom were agile criminal police officers. Unexpectedly, Niu Qi suddenly rushed forward. Jiang Yuhan was caught by Niu Qi unexpectedly!

P: It's a little late. I'm sorry for the delay, guys! In addition, update a chapter after midnight and strongly ask for the recommended ticket for Monday. Next week, the official god will run naked, and the ice and snow will be cold. Brothers will smash more recommendation tickets. The last recommendation list is equivalent to a small stubble. Please give me a handle. Thank you very much. Finally, call a happy and worrying monthly ticket... F