official god

Chapter 629 Concerns and Foresight

Li...what does it mean? Li Qin was dumb, although she had never heard of Luo Li...

You can vaguely guess the general meaning. Is it a little girl?

Xia wanted to laugh: "That's probably what it means. In a word, don't worry that Changji Business will not accept me

your conditions. They will eventually make us a profit. Because of Jiangshan Real Estate, Tian'an Real Estate

and Dacai are not short of cash flow, and the capital chain is very strong. Not like some that are all supported by loans

Real estate developers. In a hurry to take action. Therefore, although the price we offered is high. Changji Business is also in the heart

There are numbers. Because of our strength. Coupled with our fame. And the location of the real estate is better than others

First class. The sales prospect is promising, and the absolute value is 8% of the price increase.

"I still don't believe that Changji Business will be fooled and feel that the price increase is too high. The risk is too high

some." Li Qin still shook her head slightly.

Xiao Wu said rudely, "Lean Xun's instructions, we just do it. How can it be like this


"The leader is also a person, and there are times when he makes mistakes, I kindly remind him. Overconfidence

It's arrogant!" Li Qin immediately refuted

Shen Lichun smiled and said, "Mr. Cheng told me - what Xia wants to say, you can do whatever you want

If he explains. If you don't understand, just follow and learn. Don't ask why again. Waiting for the knot

After it comes out, you can look back at the process and understand why others are better than you.

Li Qin is straightforward, and she has been abroad for many years. Develop the habit of arguing directly with your boss

customed. He still said dissatisfiedly, "I think the mayor of Xia District is sometimes too domineering. Listen

Don't enter different opinions. Proprietary and exclusive.

"Arguity has the advantage of arbitrariness. Sometimes in some major actions, it is necessary to unify the command and obey the order completely.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause the action to fail. Xia said carelessly

"Li Qin, I said that you have done it and made a stand, which is your credit. Failed, it's my mistake

, I will take responsibility, okay?

"All right, it's a deal" Li Qin didn't listen carefully to the loopholes in Xia's words, and it didn't matter at all

It's not good to defeat him. When she said something, she realized that although Xia wanted to be arbitrary sometimes

But what I said just now was still very manly, and she was embarrassed to say more,

"If it succeeds, I will admit my mistake to you.,

"Wrong? What's wrong?" Xia wanted to wave her hand generously. It's a good thing to have a race. Prove you

I also want to do a good job, but it's just a different opinion. It also reveals that you are bolder than them

Big. In fact, they are not very convinced. But if you don't dare to say it, you dare to contradict me to my face.

Sun Xianwei laughed and said, "But not including me, I'm convinced. I've always been convinced."

Shen Lichun smiled and said nothing. Xiao Wu and Qi Yanan nodded together and said with one voice: "I'm convinced

Li Qin smiled and said, "Okay, I will be silent. I'm afraid of you.

The meeting set the tone, guaranteed to raise the price by 8%, and the Qi Group officially entered the military house

Real estate, the specific matters are operated by Qi Yanan and Li Qin, and Xia wants to no longer care about the preparatory work in the early stage

. Return to the office in the afternoon. I received a phone call from Li Fei. It has been connected with the Henan Provincial Police

Touch, with the cooperation of the local police, after meeting with the local garrison, the other party also agreed to let him go,

I'm asking my superiors to say that there will be a reply tonight at the latest.

Li Fei is a little excited: "Leader, I have seen Wang Cannon and Niu Qi, Niu Qi

Don't say anything, stubborn, and don't say a word when you see me. Wang Cannon is a living treasure. When I see it, I still see it

A handful of snot and a handful of tears. To put it bluntly, I am a relative of the People's Liberation Army, grandma's, if there were no outsiders present,

I have to unload one of his arms! But I'm a little worried. Wang Cannon is a little brainless,

What he knows must be limited, if Niu Qi doesn't open his mouth again. It's really not easy to make a big deal.

Xia wants to know Li Fei's thoughts. He was also trying to avenge him, so he said, "Judge

Don't think too much about the case. Your task is to bring Wang Cannon and Niu Qi back safely.

Remember. You can't make any mistakes on the road!"

Li Fei cheered up. Xiang Xia wanted to make a guarantee

I hope you don't make mistakes on the way. Xia wants to be a little ruined by Wang Da Run now

tempered. I'm afraid that there will be other branches again.

He wanted to go home and be quiet after work. Think about the intention of Fu Xianfeng to delay the time

Where does the sword refer to? As soon as I entered the door, I received a phone call from Song Chaodu, saying that he wanted to come home to have a look. Summer wants to be natural

Welcome, let Cao Zhu* and Blue Socks prepare dinner, because he knows that Song Chaodu doesn't like to be outside

Eat noodles.

Blue socks are now basically half a family member, working during the day. Come here as soon as you arrive at night

First, she has a deep relationship with Cao Zhuhui, and second, she is more and more inseparable from Xia Dong. She is happy with Xia Dong

I'm so happy.

Although Xia Dong was just born. There are Yan Xiao and Gu Yu who want to be godmothers, but they want to see in summer

Come on, the most competent godmother at present is actually blue socks. Because Xia Dong likes to be hugged by blue socks now,

Although I occasionally do some indecent things to grab the chest of blue socks, it doesn't hinder blue at all

The socks didn't kiss him enough.

Cao Zhuhui's figure is light and completely timid, and her body shape is much more toned than before. After giving birth

The body is plump and fleshy, not fat or thin. It is even more called Xia's heart. She usually wears one at home

Pajamas with little girl's characteristics. Sometimes it looks like a student who hasn't graduated from behind,

If she doesn't hug Xia Dong, no one will think that she is already the mother of a child

, I thought she was a little girl who didn't even have a boyfriend.

The Song Dynasty was coming, and Cao Zhuhui did not dare to neglect it. Although she also knows the Executive Vice Governor and Xiaxiang

The personal relationship is very good, but it must also take into account his status as a senior deputy provincial official. Of course.

~~ She must be with her. She is still very happy. She has always liked the ancient temperament~~

Fan. From Song Yiyifan. She saw her own shadow in those years.

Cao Zhuhui, who was busy for a while, turned around and found that Xia wanted to sit on the sofa and close her eyes

Insuls the mind. I can't help but feel sad. He is so tired that he keeps turning like a windmill every day. Iron-sed

People can't stand it either. And it also has to bear the pressure of all aspects and deal with the intricacies of all aspects

Miscellaneous relationship. Thinking of the ups and downs he had suffered, she couldn't help but feel sad. Men do

It's not easy. They are beautiful on the surface. Who knows their loneliness and sadness behind people?

The blue socks gave Xia Dong to the nanny and helped Cao Zhuhui with her work. She saw what Cao Zhuhui saw in her eyes

tender, whispered, "Sometimes I think that the square is actually quite good, at least he is not careful

lung. Don't worry. It doesn't make people feel sad. Hui girl, do you think I should marry a talent, he

Proposed to me..."

"Marry, just marry." Cao Zhuhui seemed to be angry with someone, "You are stupid. It's not easy

Meet a good man. Why don't you get married quickly? Are you still waiting for others to shackle? You are charming and capable

Is it too strict? Can Qingli compare with ancient jade? When other women look at the upper grid, you will regret it

It's too late!"

"Ah, that's true

I don't think it's up to you if you don't say it. I really have a sense of crisis." Blue Sock Stand

A nervous face, "Listen to you, I will promise him tomorrow to be his bride."

"Giggle..." Cao Zhuhui smiled happily again, "Bride and bride, it means. You marry

He will not only be his wife in the future, but also take care of him like his mother. Bride, just

is the half of the newly married woman who entered the door! Men sometimes have to be raised like children, and they also need


The doorbell rang. Song Yifan and Song Chao arrived.

Song Yifan entered the door. There was only time to nod to Cao Zhuhui and the blue socks. Just jump to Xiaxiang's body

side. Take his arm and look left and right. He circled around him twice again. I just patted my chest. Grow out

Take a breath: "There is no shortage of arms and legs. I was not disfigured, and I was as handsome as before, which finally reassured me.

The appearance of the little adult makes people laugh.

Unexpectedly, she said another sentence. It made everyone laugh: "Brother Xia, do you recognize it

Who do you know me? I'll test you. Do you have a bad stomach?

"Bad you bighead!" Xia wanted to stretch out and bounce Ning Yifan's brain, "Are you

Curse me to become a fool? If it hadn't been for Governor Song, I would have had to deal with you.

"How do you want to deal with me?" Ning Yifan learned badly. She smiled evilly and smiled a little

Girl-like innocence, but there is cunning and provocation in her eyes. Do you still dare to hit me


"Cough!" Song Chaodu felt that he couldn't hang on his face, "Xiao Fan, don't make trouble, go

Go while playing.

Song Yifan is not afraid of Song Chaodu and Chong Song Chaodu made a grimace: "You are your father's

Do you talk to me as a deputy governor? Let me tell you. No matter which one

I don't even listen to my identity. Humph!

Xia wanted to coax Song Yifan: "Go and see Xia Dong. He can speak.,

"Really? Will you call me sister?" Song Yifan has no idea of when to talk to the baby

, immediately believe it. But then he realized that he had reduced his generation and changed it again

mouth, "not right. Xia Dong has to call me aunt. I'm not the same generation as the little boy.

Laugh for a moment.

Xia wanted to know that Song Yifan was everyone's joy. After laughing, he and Song Chao went to

Speak upstairs. The two first discussed the current situation, and then talked about the current Ye Shisheng and

Fan Ruiheng's deadlock, Xia Chang said Fan Ruiheng's conditions.

"Qiu Xufeng served as the Minister of Organization of the Municipal Party Committee?" Song Chaodu was a little puzzled, "Geach Governor Fan agreed to return

It's easy to understand. Can Minister May agree?

Ning Chaodu's incomprehension is not unreasonable. Judging from the current situation, the Wu family and the Fu family are in Yan Province

Each has its own layout. It is basically the two of the four with the most vested interests. And the Mei family is at this stage

Only Mei Shengping is in Yan Province. With the rise of the status of Yan Province. The Mei family will definitely not be full

It is enough for the current situation, and we are also ready to place our own people to the Yan Provincial Bureau.

The Organization Minister of the Municipal Party Committee is such an important position. Mei Shengping will give way to Qiu, the contender

Home? Song Chaodu didn't quite understand Mei Shengping's idea.

Xiaxiang also heard that Yan Province has answered with the State Council on the issue of the economic circle of the capital city

Touch. I believe it won't take long to put it on the agenda. Fast for two years, slow for three years, basically

fall into practice. Two or three years will be spent on completing the layout in Yan Province. Even if it is a family force, it is

It's a little difficult.

Mei Shengping's appointment of Qiu Xufeng is also based on the consideration of limited cooperation

In fact, the relationship between the four major families is that you have me and I have you. Existing differences

There is cooperation again. Among them, the Mei family and the Qiu family have the most cooperation and the furthest relationship with the Wu family. And Qiu Jiahe

The Fu family has the most cooperation, and the relationship with the Wu family and the Mei family is not far away, taking the middle way. And Wu Zong

As the first of the four recognized companies. The three families need to look up. They all want to swallow the power of the Wu family

Force, the cooperation between the Wu family and the three families is not close. I can't say who is far away from who is close. But with the three families

There is a direct confrontation. It is equivalent to the head of the Wu family. As long as the Wu family speaks, which one do you want to cooperate with.

Almost whether it's the Fu family, the Qiu family or the Mei family. They are all very happy, indeed because of Wu

Family cooperation has great benefits. It is also because the strength of the Wu family is much greater than that of the three families.

The relationship between the four families. Because of the current diversified society. Compared with the previous Three Kingdoms

The relationship between the Three Kingdoms in the era is much more complicated. Even if the four families are against each other. Also

~~The incident happened in Taiwan. But they will all be put in the dark. On the surface, it still needs to be maintained~~

The political situation of unity.

The fight between several families can't be too fierce. Otherwise, it will lead to political instability. High-level


, there are many people from the four major families, but there are also people from grassroots backgrounds who are resistant to family power and

Be vigilant. They will even secretly try to gradually weaken the influence of family power on the political situation.

During the hospitalization in Beijing this time. Xiaxiang has gained a lot, and has not only been comforted by the Prime Minister

Ask. I also have close contact with many people. Through the action and interaction between several major families. With

and rumors that the Prime Minister is not interested in several major families, let him fight against the political struggle between high-level officials

The complexity and cruelty have a deeper understanding.

Although he is not a senior official now, he is generally above the department level. Only then can it be regarded as officially entering

The ranks of senior officials. Prepare for everything, not to mention between him and the four major families, more or less

has all kinds of connections. In the officialdom, there are minefields and cliffs everywhere. I have to watch

We must take every step carefully.

The Prime Minister is one of the senior officials who are not very friendly to the family forces

After Xia Xiang visited the Prime Minister, he also thought a lot. Since the Prime Minister's unintentional way

It's Lao Gu's intentional co-row, is it? Is Lao Gu also one of the opponents of the family?

Xia couldn't figure it out and it was not easy to ask Lao Gu directly. There are some things that are not clear

And more meaningful, he also thought about watching the change. Anyway, with his current level and reality

Force. It is not enough to get involved in the high-level game.

But at present, he can no longer stay out of the game of the four major families in Yan Province.

The problem of Song Chaodu was also expected by Xia.

"Minister Mei may not have further thoughts on the situation in Yan Province. Also available for the time being

There is no suitable candidate to come to Yan Province. He raised the way of the Qiu family, which was also a smart choice,

The Qiu family will definitely return the favor in the future. Xiaxiang had a good relationship with Song Chaodu, so he said his


Of course, it's just a conjecture. He also knows that although he has a relationship with Mei Shengping on the surface. But

It's not enough for Mei Shengping to tell him the truth.

Xia can also make it clear that Mei Shengping is friendly and wary of him. After all, he and Lian Ruohan

The relationship between

is good for Mei Shengping. Qiu Xufeng is also good. They all have a certain degree of vigilance. Let's talk about it

Besides, when it comes to core secrets, no one will disclose them.

Song Chaodu nodded: "That's right." He stood up. I took two steps in the house and knocked

Knock on the forehead, "Politicians are politicians, and the economic circle of the capital is just a long-term plan, and there is already

All special forces have moved after hearing the news, and it is estimated that the situation in Yan Province will become more and more complicated in the future.

Then we talked about what kind of turbulence and shadow Wang Darun's fall will bring to the landing area

Ring. Song Chaodu and Xia think the same, even if they can't move the vanguard. It will definitely be involved

Some people in the disection zone. I'm afraid there will be some personnel adjustment in the off-horse area.

When he was about to eat, Song Chaodu suddenly remembered something and smiled, "Speaking of which, you

A district chief has not been legal. It has not been appointed by the People's Congress... The People's Congress in Xiama District

It's time to hold it.

"It's time to hold it. It's already mid-November. It should be held by December at the latest.

Xia wanted to shake his head with a smile. There have been so many things going on in the disema area recently. I guess everyone has no idea

I care about the people's Congress.

I believe that after the matter of Wang Cannon has come to an end. The meeting of the meeting. Get on the horse...

"The one who disemissed will also dise, hehe." Did Song Chaodu also make a joke

I finally waited for the long-awaited news at noon the next day. Li Fei and his party Wang Cannon and

Niu Qi successfully escorted back to Yan City!

The news was sent to the disemaqu, and the disemaqu was boiling. The news of wings from the district party committee compound

It spread all the way to the construction site in the xiama area, which immediately triggered a wave of workers' carnival, and many workers

To celebrate the holiday, many workers spontaneously bought firecrackers. A whole afternoon. Firecrackers in the lower horse area

The sound echoes one after another, resounding through the sky and shocking people's hearts.

The villagers of Xiaodou Village also help the elderly and the young to the streets. Some people beat gongs and drums, and some people salute

Flower. Some people also went to the Public Charcoal Bureau to send banners. They all rejoiced over the fall of the main murderer.

The disema area is as lively and full of joy as the Spring Festival.

In contrast to everyone's eyebrows, Bai Zhanmo frowned and closed the door

window. Hiding in the office, upset. There has never been the sound of firecrackers as it is today

He is very irritable. He just wants to catch all the people who set off the cannon.

But the sound of the whip still came in stubbornly from outside the window. Pass it to Bai Zhanmo's ears, let

The anger in his heart is getting stronger and stronger, and he is getting more and more restless.

It was not the sound of firecrackers that annoyed him, but the fall of Wang Dabao and Niu Qi annoyed him. Exactly

It is Kang Shaoye's condition that makes him irritable. Because he passed the second hospital as Fu Xianfeng said

The relationship found a familiar doctor, Pan's case. Under the circumstances of the certainty that the Pan case is reliable, Bai Zhanmo

said a hint that Kang Shao could not be rescued in time, but the Pan case refused!