official god

Chapter 632 Ups and downs

I got up and came to the window. Looking out of the window at the yellow fallen leaves. With the trembling grass, my heart is empty. Only a few months after the establishment of the Xiama District, the wind and clouds surged. There are constant disputes. In China, it is not easy to make a real difference and show your hands and feet. How many political enemies are waiting for you to make mistakes? How many people are looking at the booming real estate market in the lower part of the market, not really want to invest. Instead, do you want to sweep the interests? The sky and the earth are big, and the benefits are really the greatest. For the sake of profit, the disema qu has become a must-have place.

Originally, I thought that Wang Cannon and Niu Qi were caught and could win Kang Shaoye, but I didn't expect Kang Shaoye to die early. It made Wang Cannon and Niu Qi's fall into the trap less sensational. Of course, Xia also guessed that Kang Shaoye's death might have been done by someone, which was not bad. At least Wang Cannon was arrested, which scared some people. If there is really something wrong with Kang Shaoye's death, someone will put a shackle on his neck.

At the same time, Xia doesn't want to let go of Bai Zhanmo.

If the fight between him and Bai Zhanmo in the past is different from political opinions or different positions, Xia wants to be willing to put everything on the surface with him. However, since the incident of the Fire Tree Building, there has been the accidental death of Kang Shao's bombing, which made him look down on Bai Zhanmo's appearance and made up his mind to bring down Bai Zhanmo.

Lu Bai Zhanmo is in the diseval area, and the future is absolutely endless. Xia wants to have the idea of not to defeat Bai Zhanmo for the first time.

Defeating Bai Zaimo is equivalent to breaking Fu Xianfeng's arm in the dismounting area, which is also conducive to him to calmly deal with Yuan Mingliang in the dismounting area in the future.

Because of a series of events, the People's Congress of the Lower Horse District has been delayed again and again. In fact, up to now, he is only the deputy secretary, deputy head of the district and the deputy head of the Lower Horse District, and the deputy head of the district, which has been decided. The National People's Congress meeting was held at the end of the month, and now it has been postponed again due to the accidental death of Kang Shaoye.

Xia wanted to smile helplessly. Well, when will his substitute district chief complete the established procedures and become a veritable head of the district government?

The sky is getting darker and darker, after a while. Unexpectedly, the raindrops floated. It's autumn rain and cold, and the winter in the diseling area is coming.

However, compared with the winter in the season, Xiaxiang has reason to believe that the political spring in the Lower Horse District is not far away.

In a short time, the rain became more and more heavy, and the window became a vast expanse of white. It is rare to see such a big autumn rain in Yanshi. Xia was stunned for a while, and his mind was a little vague. It was not until the ringing of the phone woke him up that he shook his head and smiled. The absent-mindedness just now made him suddenly have a feeling of the previous life and this life, because his absent-mindedness just now in Lian Ruohan has returned to the capital. Before leaving, she called to talk about Wei Xin. Wei Xin specially let Lian Ruohan see that Guan Xinwang was a engineer who pursued her that Wei Xin said last time. Lian Ruohan's evaluation of Guan Xinwang was acceptable, so he agreed with Wei Xin's choice.

When Wei Xin heard Lian Ruohan's approval and Xia's attitude, she hesitated and said to Lian Ruohan that she would think about it again. She is still young and doesn't want to think about lifelong events. He also said women. It's okay to marry yourself before you are old.

At the age of the blade, if you can't find the right one, just be single.

Wei Xin in the previous life and Wei Xin in this life have changed time and space, and what remains unchanged is still an infatuation. Xia thought clearly that his previous life was also a great autumn day. Wei Xin quarreled with him for the first time. The reason for the quarrel was that Wei Xin wanted to get married, to be precise. Wei Xin wanted to marry him and wanted him to give her a name.

Xia thought still didn't agree. He said lightly that he hadn't made enough money and didn't want to get married. Wei Xin has always been small and gentle. Finally, she got angry with him for the first time, saying that she didn't care about money, even if he was just a beggar. After she had been with him for several years, she wanted to be a woman worthy of his name and didn't want to live with him inexplicably.

Xiaxiang is also popular, saying that he is a male chauvinist. If he doesn't earn 10 million in his life, he won't get married in his whole life. Wei Xin cried so much that he slammed the door and left.

It was windy and rainy outside. Xia thought that he was also born in happiness and did not know the blessing. He hesitated for a moment and did not chase it out, allowing Wei Feng's thin figure to disappear in the vast rain curtain.

However, after a few hours, Wei Xin came back and bought the fruit and steamed buns that Xia wanted to eat, cooked for him as if nothing had happened, and quietly cleaned up the house. As if nothing had happened. Xia wanted to comfort Wei Xin, but he saw Wei Xin's grievance with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes, and felt that all the language was pale. He just didn't want to get married, and he didn't know why. Anyway, he couldn't persuade himself to make up his mind to marry Wei Xin,,

Life is composed of countless regrets. In the previous life, he was with Wei Xin, and finally the fate of breaking up. Meeting again in this life is still a predestined ending.

Never mind, Xia wanted to sigh for a long time. It's not that he didn't give Wei Xin a chance, but that he knew that there was no result, so why did he make the same mistake? Don't make mistakes in your previous life. Let Wei Xin find a man who loves her for a lifetime, even if she doesn't love that man.

The call was made by Li Qin.

Li Qin said very sincerely in his first sentence, "I'm sorry, District Chief Xia, I was wrong. Now I solemnly admit my mistake to you. You have a sharp eye than me, and I'm still a little worse."

Li Qin's apology immediately made Xia figure out one thing: Changji trade compromised!

Sure enough, Li Qin immediately told Xia Xiang that Changji Trade accepted an 8% price increase, on the condition that it was strictly kept secrets to the outside world and was not allowed to disclose a little inside information to the market. In case of breach of contract, Changji Trade had the right to check out in full and pay them 10% of the liquidated damages.

Jiangshan Real Estate and Tian'an Real Estate were reserved and agreed to the other party's terms.

There is no ancient statement. The usual procedure of asking for instructions from Chengguchun did not arouse the suspicion of Changji Trade.

Shen Lichun not only asked for instructions from Cheng Dacai, but also for instructions from Xia, because he wanted to know how much hot money Xia wanted to put in the long-term business. Because after the three major real estate companies, Jiangshan Real Estate, Tian'an Real Estate and Dacai Group, were all annexed. Changji Trade has fully mastered more than 70% of the real estate market in the sub-horse area, and it has also caught up several major real estate companies with decisive influence, and has enough energy to affect the real estate trend in the sub-horse area!

And roughly calculate that if Changji Trading can really pay off the house in full, the influx of hot money has reached the horrible number of nearly fierce B. It is not even an exaggeration to say that the dismounting area, which is the weather vane of the whole real estate market in Yan City, will become a barometer of the real estate market in Yan City, and the quiet control of the real estate market in Yan City, which is equivalent to controlling the pricing power of the whole real estate market in Yan City. It is equivalent to kidnapping the whole real estate market in Yan City!

It can also be said that the Shimoma district government was kidnapped.

Although You Lichun believes in Xia's strategy and ability, he is inevitably a little flustered. Changji trade has a tendency to sit big, in case the tail is too big to fall, and it can't be controlled in the end. It's a big mistake.

Xia wanted to convey the spirit of three instructions to Li Qin. First, he let Shen Lichun not have to be nervous, but let Changji business come in according to the original plan. Second, he still has a trick, which will definitely control the situation within an acceptable range. Third, after the chaos in the lower horse area subsides, he will hold another plenary meeting to study the next work deployment, and he will also meet with Cheng Dacai in person and have an in-depth exchange of countermeasures with Mr. Cheng.

Li Qin did it one by one, and finally said, "I find that I admire you more and more, District Chief Xia. You are a rare wise-sighted official in China."

Xia Xiang ignored Li Qin's flattery and asked, "How is the progress of Guangsha Real Estate? There is also a real estate company in Yanan. Has it been successfully registered?" Mr. Xiao said that I will be the president of Guangsha Real Estate. The position of the general manager of Jiacheng Real Estate Agency Yanshi Branch was gradually handed over to Cong Baner. Ziyanan's real estate company is under financial review. He has a very tacky name, which is Nanxin Real Estate. Li Qin's temper is hard to change and always likes to be picky.

Xia Xiang ignored Li Qin's sarcasm and smiled: "The name is not important, but the strength is important. Well, I have something to do. I'll contact you later.

Li Qin had something to say and had questions to ask. Unexpectedly, Xia wanted to hang up and didn't give her a chance to talk at all, which made her extremely depressed.

Xia wants to do something important to do.

The memorial service site has been arranged. He and Bai Zhanmo need to be accepted.

Accompanied by Huang Weigang and Jin Hongxin, Xia Xiang came to the auditorium to inspect the layout of the memorial service, and was basically satisfied. Bai Zhanmo, accompanied by Fei Liguo and Fu Xiaobin, pointed out the placement everywhere. Compared with Xia, who rarely expressed his opinions, Bai Zhanmo had the spirit of pointing out the country. He expressed his suggestions for improvement everywhere and said in a sad tone, "Comrades, Kang Shaoye is our close colleague. Now we must be serious and cautious, not be a little careless."

At least on the surface, Bai Zhanmo has indeed achieved the deep affection of his friend after his death, which makes people unable to pick out his reason. Whether it is not from sincerity or false intention. At least his style makes people feel comfortable. Look, Secretary Bai is a friend. Following Secretary Bai, it will definitely not be wrong.

In contrast, Xiaxiang seems to be much more indifferent, which makes many people secretly guess that the mayor of Xia seems to have no more opinions on Kang Shaoye than death. After all, they are all dead. If there is another festival, they should put down their prejudices and give them a gift. Isn't it a little too affectionate to have a cold look now?

Xia thought but ignored other people's suspicions, and still went his own way and watched the scene indifferently. I didn't make any comments from beginning to end.

The next afternoon, the memorial service was held as scheduled.

The main party and government leaders in Xiama District and the deputy mayor of the municipal government attended the memorial service, which was presided over by Bai Zhanmo.

Bai Zhanmo first summarized Kang Shaoye's life with emotion. Although the tone was not high, it was generally affirmation and praise. If it hadn't been for the fact that the Municipal Party Committee had set the tone in advance, Bai Zhanmo would have wanted to raise Kang Shao to an unparalleled height.

When Bai Zhanmo read the memorial, he remembered the scene of work with Kang Shaoye in the past, and Kang Shaoye took full responsibility and lost his life after the accident. He was not a grass and tree. He was heartbroken because of his feelings, and he burst into tears of sadness in public.

Bai Zhanmo's tearful and sad and indignant speech really touched many people. Many party and government cadres in the lower horse area who knew or had been in contact with Kang Shaoye also felt that Kang Shaoye died suddenly. It's not worth dying. Although there is not much to remember Kang Shaoye's character that is worth remembering and nostaling, after all, it is a colleague, and it is finally the No. 3 figure in the diseping area, but he died young, and he can't help gasping.

There was a lot of sadness at the scene.

Xia wanted to look on coldly. There was no sadness in his heart, only sadness. One of the behind-the-scenes black hands, a victim of an interest group, is artificially exalted, and he is a heroic figure who speaks to be the death of the country in a high profile, which is simply ** naked satire.

Although Bai Zhanmo's eulogy did not dare to exaggerate too much at the request of the Municipal Party Committee, he still praised Kang Shaoye and almost said that he was the mainstay of trying to turn the tide, which made Xia Xiang sad and indignant.

In domestic politics, how many corpse vegetarian meals are there

After the death. Will he be artificially promoted to become a hero? In fact, Dao Zan'er is good, and his superior is good. He clearly knows that a person usually has nothing to do, but he has to set up a monument for him after his death. Why? It's just that the living people think about their own after-shi, and they want to leave a good reputation after they die.

It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. In his lifetime, he did not do practical things for the country and the people, but after his death, his superiors covered the coffin and concluded that he used a lot of praise to summarize his life. What's the use? If the eulogy after the death of officials across the country is not circled by the party committee or superiors at the same level, but by the people under his rule, it is believed that there will be many epitaphs that make the dead ashamed and let the living escape!

Xia wanted to look at Bai Zhanmo's performance coldly, and looked at it for four times.

Yu Si is the third-ranked deputy mayor in the municipal government, second only to Gao Hai in the municipal government, and is a more powerful deputy mayor. His ability to attend Kang Shaoye's memorial service also gave Kang Shaoye enough face. Of course, the Xiama District Party Committee and District Government has no face to say. Because of the death of a deputy secretary, it is in line with the rules to have the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee to express his condolences. In fact, only a deputy mayor came forward, which still shows that the Municipal Party Committee is not sure about Kang Shaoye.

It is estimated that Bai Zhanmo's mind is also complicated and unspeakable. He wants to be more high-profile. From the surface, Kang Shaoye has a good relationship with him, and everyone in the disembarkation area is clear. The high-profile mourning of Kang Shaoye by the Municipal Party Committee is also an affirmation of him. He also has light on his face.

But in the end, the municipal party committee only sent a deputy mayor to participate. He felt very annoyed and suspected that Xia thought that he had secretly tampered with it. Therefore, when reading the eulogy, he observed Xia thought's reaction many times.

Bai Zhanmo was very dissatisfied with Xia's indifferent attitude.

But there is nothing she can do if she is dissatisfied. Xia wants to definitely suspect that Kang Shaohua can't get rid of the incident in the Fire Tree Building, and it is estimated that she will also suspect him. Therefore, Xia wants to be patient and appear at the scene of the memorial service, which is already good. If it were him, he may not be

Looking at all the members of the Standing Committee present, almost everyone's expression is heavy, but Bai Zhanmo is not new to the officialdom. It can be seen at a glance that the vast majority of the Standing Committee members are just passing by. Few people are really sad for Kang Shaoye, let alone mourning.

In addition to the sadness of Li Yingyong, Qi Shengyong and Guan Qiming, Bai Zhanmo thought that he must take the opportunity of the memorial service to perform well and let others see his deep affection for Kang Shaoye, so that they all think that he is a person who is affectionate and friends, not just a politician. In this way, he Only in this way can we unite several members of the Standing Committee and increase their voice in the Lower Horse District.

People's hearts can't be separated. As soon as people are scattered, it will be difficult for the team to lead. Thinking of this, Bai Zhanmo performed even harder. He acted too deeply into the play. He didn't know whether he felt guilty or was infected by the atmosphere. He choked and finally turned into tears. He said with a sad face and tears, "Comrades, Comrade Kang Shaoye is our good colleague, good comrade-in-arms, good brother, we are We are not willing to let him leave us, but when the disaster comes, we have to accept the reality. We can only accept that our parents lack filial piety and son, accept that the good wife lacks the husband who helps each other, accept that the son loses the father's love, accept us without good teachers and friends, and accept that the society has lost Remember to taste his elegance and relive his diligence with missing. Accept that his kindness, intelligence and all the good customs and noble character that we can't forget are imprinted on our hearts with mourning!"

Bai Zhanmo is also quite talented. The last part of the battle, every sentence of tears, has indeed played a tearful effect. Originally, many members of the Standing Committee with a solemn face have also turned red eyes under the sad and exaggerated performance of Bai Zhanmo. Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei also took off their glasses and wiped their tears.

Li Yingyong, Qi Shengyong and Guan Qiming, who usually have a good relationship with Kang Shaoye, can no longer help crying. For a moment, the atmosphere of the memorial service reached **.

Suddenly, Yu Si's entourage hurried in and whispered a few words in his ears. Yu Si's face suddenly changed greatly. Because he was far away from Bai Zhanmo, he didn't have time to say hello to Bai Zhanmo. He just hurriedly said to Xia: "The situation has changed. The memorial service is cancelled. I'll go back to the city first

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Si couldn't wait to leave the venue. All the municipal party committee members who came with him also left closely. In a moment, they walked cleanly!

Everyone was stunned!

Vice Mayor Yu Si came to attend the memorial service. Next, he was supposed to speak on the stage, but he suddenly left the scene. Looking at his expression, there should be something big deal. It seemed to be unlucky to stay for another minute, which surprised the people who had been in officialdom for a long time. It must be a great event. Otherwise, the dignified deputy mayor would never be so gaffe and leave the venue regardless of etiquette,

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