official god

Chapter 638 Brewing

Without thinking that there might be a problem in the election, he expressed his heartfelt thanks to Yu Fanran: "Thanks to the mayor for your reminder. I really didn't think of this layer. As soon as you said it, I thought of it, and I really need to pay attention to the election process. I will pay attention to it."

Yu Fanran finally smiled heartily. He also saw that Xiaxiang's gratitude was indeed from the bottom of his heart, so he was very happy. Finally, he moved Xiaxiang once with his heart.

Help people, you need to help the idea, so that people can remember. In order to impress Xia Xiang, Yu Fanran took great pains to finally get Xia Xiang's recognition, and his heart was also full of expectations. His mother knew for him that Xia Xiang was a person who voted for the favor. As long as he recognized you, he would definitely have something to say.

Sure enough, Xia Xiang looked at his watch first, then took out his mobile phone and said, "Uncle Gao has always eaten late. He doesn't live far. Let's see if he has time to come and sit down?" Yu Fanran nodded with a smile: "Okay, it's good to sit with Gao Hai and increase communication. Xia wanted to make a phone call, said only a few words and then hung up the telegram: "Uncle Gao will come in a moment."

Yu Fanran nodded with a smile: "Shall we wait for Gao Hai to come before ordering?" However, the influence of Xiaxiang in his heart is one point higher. Xia wanted to be just a district mayor, and he invited the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee with one phone call. Even if he calls now, Gao Hai may not give him face and be willing to come immediately.

What made Yu Fan surprised was that Gao Hai not only came quickly, but also didn't come alone. Li Dingshan actually walked into the forest house with him

Yu Fanran was both surprised and happy. Today's harvest is really great. He has been seeking opportunities to get close to Li Dingshan and Gao Hai. Today, he just happened to remind Xia Xiang and won Xia Xiang's favor. A phone call helped him solve the problems he had always had, which made him ecstatic.

At the same time, he is more determined to win over Xia's idea of taking his own route. As long as he wins the support of Li Dingshan and Gao Hai, he will become another backbone in Yan City. Of course, there is a long way to go, but he has confidence and patience.

Li Dingshan's appearance was actually a coincidence. He was with Gao Hai. He heard Gao Hai say that Xia wanted to propose to sit with Yu Fanran. He knew it in his heart, so he came with Gao Hai. He also wanted to make contact with Yu Fanran and test Yu Fanran's position.

Although Li Dingshan and Gao Hai have always had a close relationship with Chen Feng, things in the officialdom are not a zero-sum game. It doesn't mean that they have a good relationship with Chen Feng, so they can't get close to Yu Fanran. Moreover, Chen Feng will not stay in Yan City for too long. Sooner or later, Hu It's time for a solid alliance.

Li Dingshan appreciates Yu Fanran's person. He thinks that he is calm, and what is valuable is that his working ability is very outstanding, and because he and Xia Xiang also have some kind of connection. In Li Dingshan's opinion, he and Yu Fanran have a foundation for cooperation.

Gao Hai has also long been because Xia wanted to introduce him to him too much, and because of this land acquisition incident, Yu Fanran also secretly helped him cover. He had a good impression of the complicated, and he also intended to walk around with Yu Fanran.

Therefore, as soon as the three of them met, they talked happily. In addition, Xia wanted to be in the middle to mobilize the atmosphere. Today's party has achieved a satisfactory effect for everyone.

Finally, Yu Fanran once again raised the election issue cautiously. Li Dingshan and Gao Hai said that they would take this matter seriously and beware of Fu Xianfeng's secret tampering. At the same time, they also reminded Xia to have more contact with deputies to the National People's Congress before the election It is also easy to prevent problems before they happen. When he got home in the evening, Xia wanted to be in a good mood and was not sleepy, so he sat in the study to meditate.

Cao Shuyu and the blue socks have fallen asleep, and there is silence all around. Only the north wind outside the window blows the branches and the sound of rustling. Xia wants to know that Yan City has really entered winter.

Will Fu Xianfeng really, as Yu Fanran said, prepare to make a big deal in the election and let him pass the election? According to Xiaxiang's recent understanding of dealing with the vanguard and the recent tricks with the vanguard, he has given him a deeper understanding of dealing with the vanguard. He knows that the possibility of Fu vanguard manipulating the election is extremely high, which is also in line with his character. Moreover, it is also an open and upright conspiracy to let him lose the election He lost a great opportunity to be convinced. It is also a rare opportunity to blow him down.

Fu Xianfeng is a smart man. How can he let go of the great opportunity in front of him? Not only will he definitely find a way to manipulate the election, but he may have begun to implement the preliminary work now.

With the character of the vanguard, he can't accept the recent series of defeats. He believes that he comes from a big family and thinks he is extremely high. How can he be willing to fail? The failure of fashion without nominations, even the fall of Wang Cannon and Niu Qi must have made him taste a deep sense of frustration, not to mention the death of Kang Shaoye and the recording door incident of Bai Zhanmo, which was lost and Bai Zhanmo was punished! Fu Xianfeng must be going crazy.

However, it's just a small fight in front of us. The selection of the organization minister of the Municipal Party Committee is probably the top priority that makes Fu Xianfeng crazy. Although Xia thought that he could not guess the real idea of Fu Xianfeng, he also knew that Fu Xianfeng must think that his shadow was behind all the events, so Fu Xianfeng would definitely spare no effort to seize any opportunity that could hit him and put him to death.

The issue of the National People's Congress election is indeed a crucial level. If you really lose the election, it is a very important stain in political life. No matter where you go in the future, you may be mentioned. Such a thing must not be allowed to happen!

The light of the desk lamp did not turn on, reflecting on Xiaxiang's face, showing that his face was unprecedented perseverance and courage. Xia figured out that he and Fu Xianfeng, no, to be precise, the decisive battle with Bai Zhanmo is coming!

Xia thought that he really guessed correctly, or Yu Fanran's prompt was very timely, and Fu Xianfeng was indeed thinking about the election.

When he got off work, Bai Zhanmo left the office an hour earlier. He is a little afraid to see anyone now, so he leaves early to avoid anyone greeting him, because in his opinion, almost everyone's eyes when they look at him are very different from before, including some more complicated and unspeakable things.

Is it contempt or ridicule? Bai Zhanmo doesn't want to guess or face it. He is the party secretary of the district party committee and the first person in the lower part of the lower part of the horse district, but at the same time, he is the only person in the main party and government leaders in the lower part of the lower part of the area. Such a contrast itself is a great irony. Now he is walking in the courtyard of the district party committee, Mocking.

Although the secretary's punishment is not unique in the domestic officialdom, it is also extremely rare. The depression in Bai Zhanmo's heart can be imagined. The key is that he became famous all the country and became the only feng shui secretary in China. The recording door incident is definitely an indelible stain in his political life.

Bai Zhanmo was even discouraged and thought that there was no future anyway. He simply agreed to finish one term, and then transferred back to the capital to do something bad. Why do you have to suffer from this idleness in the dise-horse area? He was also forced by Xia to do everything!

Fu Xianfeng made a phone call and gave him a new fighting spirit: "Zhan Mo, don't be discouraged. You just carried a punishment. If Xia wants to lose the election in the National People's Congress, do you think he will be more painful than you?"

Bai Zhanmo felt like a trace of sunshine in the fog, and suddenly overjoyed: "Why did I forget Xiaxiang's position as district chief? It's not an official legal identity yet, and there is still a pass? Ha ha, Secretary Fu has a good strategy, but..." He is not without political wisdom. He hesitated and said, "It is not easy to manipulate the election. With so many representatives, it is almost impossible to persuade one by one." Fu Xianfeng smiled and said, "I have a way. Let's talk about it when we meet in the evening."

Bai Zhanmo is still of great use in Fu Xianfeng's mind. He doesn't want to give up Bai Zhanmo for the time being, so at the critical moment, he must give Bai Zhanmo enough support so that he can re-establish confidence.

Of course, if he wants to give Xia Xiang a fatal blow in the process of the election of the National People's Congress, it is not that Fu Xianfeng casually comforts Bai Zhanmo, and he does have a plan and has come up with a countermeasure, a clever plan to ensure that it is safe.

As the only candidate for district mayor, Xia wants to be elected, he must have the support of more than half of the representatives. Since Xia thought of using the Internet to darken Bai Zhanmo once, he can also use an anonymous method to send anonymous letters to all representatives, whether by email or by sending letters. In short, he will do anything to smear Xia Xiang and let him leave a greedy, arrogant and domineering person in the representative's mind. And the impression that you don't have the ability to work is enough.

Of course, there are still some specific details to be discussed, and it is only the preliminary plan of Fu Xianfeng. He still has a backup to defeat Xiaxiang in the election, so that he can't really get on the horse.

Although Fu Xianfeng also knows that the consequences of election manipulation are very serious, once found, he will bear serious political responsibility. But he is not afraid, and his plan is also very detailed. Even if someone doubts him, he can't find specific evidence to prove him. Just as he suspected that Xia wanted to make people beat him violently on the highway, no matter how much he hated it, he thought it was Xia's black hand, but there was nothing he could do.

He just wants to do this, so let Xia think that he knows that he did it, and there is nothing he can do about him. As long as there is no real evidence, guess casually, it doesn't matter, just don't open his mouth to blame. Since it is a game, everyone abides by a conventional rule. With the support of family forces behind him, the municipal party committee can't touch him. For major events, Cui Xiang and Ye Shisheng protect him. On the surface, he and Chen Feng can coexist peacefully. Who can deal with him? What Fu Xianfeng needs to do is to become Xiaxiang's place to dise.

A few days later, the first People's Congress of the Lower Malaysia District entered the final preparatory stage and is scheduled to be officially held on December 15, and all the work is basically ready.

In the past few days, Bai Zhanmo changed his previous work style. He first personally inspected the construction site of the Fire Tree Building, expressed his cordial condolences to Chen Jinming, and personally presided over the opening ceremony. Subsequently, Bai Zhanmo visited many construction sites, walked to the workers, asked them for warmth, and instructed the developer to do a good job of keeping the workers' brothers warm, so that they could not be affected and frozen.

At the same time, Bai Zhanmo also presided over several poverty alleviation work meetings, requiring the implementation of the distribution of poverty alleviation funds. For the housing resettlement of returning households, it is necessary to make an advance amount, and be careful and thoughtful. When winter comes, as long as the newly built community lives, it is necessary to ensure that the heating is normal. Remember the side of loving the people.

In any case, Bai Zhanmo's practice has also won the favor of some people, which has improved many people's impression of him, so that he lowered his image score after recited the punishment and rose a little.

Xia wanted to see it in his eyes, but he just smiled. Bai Zhanmo's approach is obviously due to the teaching of Fu Xianfeng. Although it is a little routine, it can also play a certain role and save some images.

It's just that Xia wants to make it clearer that after a short period of calm, the dismounting zone will usher in a more fierce turbulence, because he is now incompatible with Bai Zhanmo. And he knows better that Fu Xianfeng hates him so much that he will definitely not let go of the good opportunity at present. Once he really sits on the district governor's throne, it will be more difficult for him to move than to ascend to the sky.

And since Kang Shaoye's sudden death, he has been very disdainful of Bai Zhanmo's character. Of course, he also has a deeper understanding of the vanguard. Now whether he compromises or insists, there is no possibility of reconciliation between him and Fu Xianfeng. Xia thought that he had to cut off the giant hand of Fu Xianfeng reaching down to the horse area one by one. We can no longer let Fu Xianfeng interfere in the affairs of the disema qu and obstruct the economic construction of the disema qu.

Since they were arrested because of Wang Cannon and Niu Qi, and because of Kang Shaoye's accidental death, they may have left behind, why not check them carefully?

Xiaxiang had already started to secretly investigate Kang Shaoye's accidental death, and also initially contacted the case of Pan, Kang Shaoye's attending physician!

Xia wants to have reason to believe that if he digs deep, there is likely to be an amazing inside story. However, Pan's case is relatively timid and uncooperative. He also knows that Xiao Wu can investigate, but the questioning is not good. Who will take over with Pan's case and tell him the truth? Xia thought it was difficult for a while.

Since Xia Xiang has made up his mind to compete with Fu Xianfeng and Bai Zhanmo to the end, he will naturally be secretly wary of what they will do during the National People's Congress. Fortunately, the father-in-law of Fu Xiaobin and Jin Hongxin are both deputy directors of the National People's Congress. Although they are not the deputy directors With rich experience in communicating with deputies to the National People's Congress, Xia Xiang was very relieved to leave it to Fu Xiaobin and Jin Hongxin to handle this matter.

In the afternoon, the sky floated and snowflakes rose. Xiaxiang still led Chao Weigang and Jin Hongxin to inspect the new building materials factory in Fangbei Village under the company of Chen Tianyu according to the original plan.

The hourly new building materials factory is constantly under construction, and it has a preliminary scale. When Xiaxiang and others arrived, Yan Shi, Gu Yu and Mei Xiaomu all stood at the gate of the factory to greet them.

Xia wanted to get out of the car, went forward, and took the initiative to shake hands with the three people: "I just came to have a look. Look at you, and I'm still queuing up seriously. All of them are serious, which surprised me."

At this time, the snowflakes are flying, getting bigger and bigger. Looking around, in the fields in the distance, there is a vast expanse of white, and the sky and the earth are infinite. In a blink of an eye, a layer of snowflakes fell on people's bodies. There were people holding umbrellas behind Yan Xiao, Gu Yu and Mei Xiaomu, and Chao Weigang also held an umbrella for Xia and followed him.

As soon as Xia wanted to open his mouth, Gu Yu smiled, and his eyes turned around on Xia wanted's face, but he didn't say anything. Mei Xiaomu also rubbed his hands and took a breath: "It's really cold. Originally, Gu Yu said that the head of Xia District was not an outsider, and there was no need to greet him at the door. Mr. Yan said that the head of Xia District was the parent officer of the disema District, and he must correct his attitude. Otherwise, the head of Xia District would be stuck in the neck of the building materials factory.

Yan Xiao looked straight and didn't smile at all: "Welcome the leaders to inspect the hourly building materials factory. The leader also came to inspect the work on a snowy day. He was not afraid of cold and tired. We should welcome the leader in the wind and snow for a while...

After Xia wanted to come back from the capital, she had only seen Yan once in Lao Qian's ward. At that time, she was also cold and speechless. She only sent flowers to Lao Qian and turned around and left. Later, when he talked to Fan Ruiheng, Yan Xiao was also there. At Fan Ruiheng's request, she did not talk to him. Although Xia thought that he was not a man who knew women's hearts well, he also knew that Yan Xiao was angry with him.

As for the reason for his anger, Xia thought that he didn't want to guess carefully, so he politely said a few words and did not show too much enthusiasm, so he entered the factory with several people.

The wall of the hourly building materials factory has been built, the pavement inside has also been paved with floor tiles, and rockeries and ponds have also begun to take shape. It can be seen that Yan Xiaolan is heart-like and wants to build the hourly building materials factory into a garden-style factory.

The office buildings, factories, laboratories and staff dormitories in the distance are under intensive construction. Although it is a snowy day, the construction has not stopped, and the workers are working hard. Now there are many new materials. After adding antifreeze, it can also be constructed in winter. Moreover, the coldest winter in Yan City is only a few degrees below zero, rarely more than ten degrees below zero. Some indoor construction can also be carried out without much impact.

When Xia wanted to pass by an office building site, he saw that the office building had reached more than three floors. Many workers were tying steel bars and supporting templates under the heavy snow. He also had a period of time working on the construction site. When he saw the workers working, he was particularly kind, so he waved to them: "Everyone must pay It's easy to slip under your feet. Do some indoor work first, such as hitting the wall, plastering, etc. When the snow stops, then pour concrete..."

As soon as the workers heard it, they knew that it was an expert, so they wanted to give a thumbs up: "That's right, I know that you are an expert and know technology."

A man next to him, with sharp eyes, recognized Xia Chang, and exclaimed, "District Director Xia? Oh, it's really the mayor of Xia District. Brothers, the mayor of Xia District is not over yet!" C