official god

Chapter 641 The Real intention

Xia thought found that since Yan was young and found Gu Yu and him, she had been much bolder and warmer than before. She always hinted at something, so she had to pretend not to understand and said, "Mande, the governor said that if you and Di Xiaomu can fall in love, it is also a rare good thing."

"I know what my uncle means, I want to borrow my marriage with the Mei family." Yan Xiao took a sip of red wine and smiled disapprovingly, "I have been in Yan Province for many years. He has not given me much help. I understand that for the sake of fame and the smoothness of serving as governor, I respect his hardships. Now that I am the governor, I don't need him to give me too much help. To be honest, over the years, his care for me has not been as good as you. In fact, the money I have earned over the years has gained a lot under your guidance. So no matter from which angle, I will not sacrifice myself to fight for his political interests.

In Yan Xiao's apricot's eyes, the amorous feelings were revealed. He stared at it for a moment, and then suddenly sighed: "Forget it, what's the use of telling you this? I knew you were an unintentional person. You care about your political and economic affairs. As for my feelings, you never pay attention to them.

Xia wanted to get to know Yan Xiao for a long time. It was the first time to hear her complain about what was on her mind, and the main body of her mind was obviously him, so he didn't know how to respond, so he had to settle down. Sinking is not an escape, but an appropriate way of expression.

Yan Xiao put away the tape recorder again, put it back in his bag, drank a small sip of red wine, and his face gradually became rosy. He asked Xia, "An enthusiastic citizen reported to the Municipal Party Committee and went to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection?"

Speaking of the report, Xia thought of Cong Feng'er's reminder and was shocked. If he guessed correctly, Cong Feng &qu;! \{_Report materials should have been sent to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, but there is no news from the Commission for Discipline Inspection at both levels. What's the reason?

Xu Su Gongchen's behavior is not very clear. He only gets a conclusion from the way he is full, that is, he is good at seeing the wind and steering. On the surface, he has a close relationship with Hu Zengzhou. In fact, he pursues a neutral position, and no one can be offended, but if anyone has something to If you look at Su Gongchen's choice from the perspective of an outsider, it should be a wiser decision.

Li Yanhong, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, was rumored to be from the Wu family, but Xia Xiang had not been personally confirmed by Wu Caijiang, that is, he believed it. But no matter who he is, in his position, he must seek his own politics, political affairs, small things can be transformed, but no one dares to suppress the major events involving human life.

So he believes that Yan Xiao's reporting materials will definitely cause an uproar. Whether it is the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection or the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, no one dares to detain it privately. However, because it involves the life and economic problems of the head of the district committee, some people may deliberately intercept or suppress it. Whether it is for personal reasons or waiting for the opportunity, there must be someone in the middle.

But on the other hand, Yan Xiao's report materials should not be handed over to the Commission for Discipline Inspection, otherwise it is easy to delay. It is not in line with the procedure, which will make people suspect that Chen Feng is suspected of deliberately suppressing Fu Xianfeng... Yes, Xia wanted to have an idea and said, "Give it to the Public Security In the hands of the Director of the State." It's up to you. I'll listen to you." Yan Xiao smiled very obediently, "I did everything you said, and you should also help me with one thing, right?" Xia wanted to nod. Take me home. The road is too slippery. I didn't drive.

Yan Shi lives in Qinxiang Garden, which is a white-collar community. It is said that they live in a single woman with high education, high income and high stature in Yan City. So they are not all beautiful women, so it's hard to say. Anyway, Xia wants to drive the car downstairs and send Yan all the At least I met seven jL women. Although it can't be described as miserable, in short, after watching it, it makes people feel pessimistic about the tragic world. In contrast, I feel that Yan's childhood is as beautiful as a fairy. Xia figured out that Qinxiang Garden is a famous leftover girl community. Yan Xiao lived here specially. Obviously, he had ulterior motives.

Yan Xiao drank a lot of wine today and was very drunk. When he entered the door, he reached out and hooked Xia Shen's neck: "Do you dare to stay with me?" Xiaxiangli shook his head honestly - "I dare not! If you have a good wife, you will not stay out. Yan Xiao smiled happily: "What an honest man. He is so honest that it's uncomfortable.

The small home in strict hours is quite warmly decorated, with light yellow and pink tones, and a faint feminine fragrance in the room. The aroma of each woman is different. The fragrance of Yan Xiao is the most attractive and easy to move.

So it's true that some women are born with charming bones. For example, Gu Yu, although she has a graceful figure and a strong fragrance on her body, she basically does not have an obvious emotional feeling when she is with her. She is sexy but not seductive. Yan Xiao is different. Her whole body exudes all kinds of amorous feelings and femininity all the time, which is easy to make men addicted and then confused.

There are many differences between women and women. From Xia Xiang's point of view, Yan Xiao is definitely not the choice for a good wife and mother in his mind. But it is undeniable that Yan Xiao is also the image of many men's dream lover.

Yan Xiao kicked his shoes aside and walked to the bedroom crookedly. Xia wanted to help her. Without holding her, she fell down on ** and kept saying, "I'm a good girl. I'm clean. There has never been a man who moved me, made me angry, and made me angry. I hate you, Xiaxiang!

Xia wanted to smile bitterly and hate him when he was drunk, as if he had done anything to her. On the contrary, he didn't do anything to her, and now he hasn't take the opportunity to take the opportunity to win the favor. It's really unreasonable for such a rare good man to be hated by women. Yan Xiao muttered a few more words, his head tilted, and he actually fell asleep.

Xia Xiang had to help her cover the quilt, and sat aside and waited for more than ten minutes. Seeing that she slept soundly, she was released. She got up and patted Yan Xiaoluo's back gently. He coaxed the child and said, "Good boy, sleep well. Don't kick the quilt at night. It's easy to catch

Xia wanted to go downstairs and start the car. When the taillights of his car disappeared in the distance, Yan Xiao stood in front of the window at some unknown time, with a smile on his face and tears in his smile. Looking at the place where Xia wanted to go, he said to himself, "You are so happy and interesting... I don't know what Yan

Within less than q days before the National People's Congress was held, the Xiama area was once again pushed to the forefront of the storm

Because Sun Dingguo, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, received a report material, which was a box of tapes, which clearly pointed out that Bai Zhanmo, the remaining Party Secretary of the Ma District Party Committee, had an inescapable responsibility for Kang Shaoye's death. One stone hits a thousand waves!

Sun Dingguo reported to Chen Feng as soon as possible. After technical identification, the tape was not technically processed, which ruled out the possibility of artificial fraud. After listening to the recording, Chen Feng's face changed greatly and he was furious. He instructed Sun Dingguo to find out the matter.

Sun Dingguo was ordered to leave. Chen Feng sat alone in the office, thought for a long time, and suddenly smiled meaningfully. It seemed that the weather was really going to change. Bai Zhanmo, Bai Zhanmo, and Xia want to set up a team, don't have to work, and still want to calculate Xia. It's normal to calculate Xia. The officialdom is to calculate each other, but you don't have a big handle. It's okay to have a handle, but you also let Xia want to find out.

Now it's done. Why bother to dig a hole and bury yourself?

Then Chen Feng's happiness did not last long. An hour later, the news came from Sun Dingguo that Pan's case went abroad for investigation a few days ago and suddenly left the team. Now the whereabouts are unknown!

Afraid of sin and absconding? Chen Feng was surprised. Pan's case did not testify. With just a box of recording tapes, it was really a little reluctant to bring down Bai Zhanmo.

Think about it, anyway, throw the bomb in your hand first, and see how the vanguard reacts. Chen Feng immediately decided to hold a meeting.

Chen Feng presided over the meeting, including Mayor Hu Zengzhou, Deputy Secretary Fu Xianfeng, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection Su Gongchen and Director Sun Dingguo, Director of the Public Security Bureau.

Chen Feng first made a speech: "Comrades, Comrade Dingguo has received a box of tapes involving an important cadre. I'm here today to discuss with you how to deal with this matter!"

Chen Feng's tone was very harsh, which scared Fu Xianfeng. What happened again? Recently, things have come up one after another. Fu Xianfeng has a little bit of a bow and snake shadow. He is afraid that there will be an amazing news at any time, which will make him dizzy. It's better not to have any extradigenous problems. Now the thing he is encouraging the representative is progressing smoothly, and he is preparing to embark on the next more detailed plan to ensure that Xia wants to be defeated.

Is it possible that something scary jumped out at this juncture? Although Fu Xianfeng didn't have a heart attack, he also felt that he was about to be scared by Xiaxiang! He didn't think about it. In fact, he didn't stop, but he scolded Xia in his heart that he wanted to miss you as an asshole. Can't you stop?

Fu Pioneer's eyelids kept jumping. He only glanced at Chen Feng, and there was a sudden ominous foreboding in his heart. It was broken. Is it the cause of Kang Shaoye's death?

He really guessed right. Sun Dingguo said solemnly, "According to reliable information, there is evidence that Kang Shaoye's death is an artificial reason..." He paused for a moment, inadvertently glanced at Fu Xianfeng, and said, "The evidence points to Bai Zhanmo, Secretary of the Lower Horse District Party Committee!"

Fu Xianfeng only felt that the blood was pouring up, and it was almost dark in front of him. He couldn't support it. How could Xia want to dig out anything? Xiaxiang is a little too amazing. Like a ghost, it can't be prevented! Xia Think, he is really a haunting bastard!

Fu Xianfeng was shocked and left his anger. At the same time, he secretly scolded Bai Zhanmo for being a stupid donkey. How could he be caught? I'm so stupid!

However, after being shocked, he forced him to lock and pretended to be surprised and asked, "Bai Zhanmo is the secretary of the district Kui and the head of the first-level party committee. If there is no definite evidence and criticize randomly, he will bear political responsibility." Of course, Sun Dingguo understood what Fu Xianfeng meant. He wanted him to come up with conclusive evidence without any evidence.

Sun Dingguo looked serious: "The evidence has been asked Secretary Chen to have a look." Does it mean that you don't even believe in Secretary Chen?

Fu Xianfeng refused to give in and looked at Chen Feng: "Secretary Chen, is the evidence convincing to let everyone see it?"

Chen Feng also knew that it was unfair to blame Bai Zhanmo only with his red mouth and white teeth, which was not convincing, so he nodded to Sun Dingguo: "Let it out for everyone to hear. Anyway, even if it is a white war in the end, it must pass the Standing Committee. Sun Dingguo took out the tape recorder and pressed the voice key...

... Secretary Bai said that after it was done, he would help me mention the chief physician, help my family solve the career establishment, and the remuneration of 200,000 yuan. Before I promised, Secretary Bai found him in person and told me about the stakes, but I was still not moved. Think about it, human life is at risk. I am a doctor. It is my responsibility to save lives and help the wounded. How can I deliberately delay the timing of rescue? I dare not harm others.

"... Kang Shaoye died later, but it's not that the rescue was not in time. It was his own physical function was broken, and it had nothing to do with me. At that time, I happened to be absent, and it was not the rescue operation I carried out... Hey, but for the benefit of Secretary Bai, I told him that I had done He was so stupid that he believed it and paid him directly without checking the hospital's operation record.

"Who is Secretary Bai? Bai Zhanmo, the Secretary of the Lower Horse District Party Committee, yes, that is, the famous Feng Shui Secretary recently, that's him, that's right... I don't know why he insisted on letting Kang Shaoye die. It's not the enemy who wants to kill people, right? There is - one point I don't understand, where did Bai Zhanmo get Xun Wan? Now officials are really rich, and they don't blink their eyes. They must be greedy, right? Fu Xianfeng's face was so gloomy that he could drip water. He knew that as long as Pan's case was caught, Bai Zhanmo would be finished! The problem now is that the Pan case has not been arrested?

Hu Zengzhou also looked angry. Although he approached Fu Xianfeng, it did not mean that he did not have his own principles. He asked angrily, "Is the source of the recording reliable? Who is the speaker?"

"It has been technically identified that the recording has traces of editing, but judging from the tone of the speaker, there is no suspicion of being forced, and the possibility of fraud is not high. The person concerned's name is Pan Case, and he is a doctor in the Second Provincial Hospital. Sun Dingguo answered truthfully.

Su Gongchen was also stunned, but his eyes were very complicated. He looked at Chen Feng, Hu Zengzhou and Fu Xianfeng, with a thoughtful look on his face, and one finger was still gently tapping on the table. Obviously, he was thinking about something important.

"Have you investigated the background and conduct of the Pan case, and have you carried out the next investigation and evidence collection?" Hu Zengzhou suppressed his anger. No principled person would tolerate a secretary's secret attempt to murder the deputy secretary, which was simply a provocation to the rules of the whole officialdom.

Fu Xianfeng's heart came to his throat. The incident happened suddenly, and he didn't hear any news in advance. It is also Sun Dingguo's ability to control the public security bureau too strongly now. If he can hear even a little movement in advance, he can measure it in advance, at least secretly carry out the means, so as to minimize the loss.

But now it's too late. It must be that Xia wants to do it on purpose, that is, to catch him off guard, and the intention is to kill him.

But the problem is that as soon as Bai Zhanmo fell, his previous achievements were abandoned in the layout of the disemerit area, and all his previous efforts were put into waste. It's not a pity for Bai Junmo's death. Who will take care of his investment?

Of course, the deeper concern is that if Bai Zhanmo is caught, will he be hot-headed for a while and give him up? At that time, even if he is not announced to the public for the sake of the overall situation, it is estimated that he will be punished internally, and even under the operation of all parties, it is possible to be transferred from Yan

Once you leave Yanshi, it will be difficult to reach the sky if you want to come back. Under the domestic political climate, it is impossible for him to come back in at least four or five years. In this way, the layout of sports families in Yan Province and Yan City will be completely destroyed.

Fu Xianfeng knew that such a thing would never be allowed to happen, otherwise, he would return to Beijing in a loss in Yanshi, and there would be no good end. Maybe he could really be left idle by his uncle. When the old man dies, he will really be beaten into the cold palace.

No, he must stand firm and fight the country while the old man is still alive. Otherwise, he may become the first tragic figure among the third generation of the four major families.

The Pan case is the key. Bai Zhanmo can protect it as much as possible, but it can't be kept. Who made him so stupid? Fu Xianfeng hates that iron can't become steel. Thinking about it again, you can't blame Bai Zhanmo for being too stupid, only because Xia wants to be too cunning. Sun Dingguo pondered slightly and did not immediately answer Hu Zengzhou's question.

He also knew that the fundamental reason for Secretary Chen's meeting was that the Pan case was at large. If the Pan case did not escape, the Pan case would be directly brought to trial and the first-hand evidence was controlled. At that time, the evidence and material evidence would be available, and Bai Zhanmo could not deny it even if he wanted to. But the problem now is that the Pan case has fled abroad, and it is also a headache for China's most indulgent country for fugitives.

Even if the recording is true, it is not easy to convict Bai Zhanmo if there is no evidence. If he can't be convicted, Bai Zhanmo may even escape. Although Secretary Chen did not say it clearly, Sun Dingguo also knew it very well. Chen Feng is now very disgusted with Bai Zhanmo and has moved his mind to remove Bai Zhanmo.

It is estimated that Secretary Chen's intention is to beat the vanguard and can't determine the crime of Bai Zhanmo, but he can use this as an excuse to transfer Bai Zhanmo out of the dismanding area and have an internal treatment. I believe that this is also the exchange for Secretary Chen and Fu Xianfeng, and also the real intention of today's magnetic head meeting.

Sun Dingguo cleared his throat and said, "Pan case fled abroad. We were a step late and didn't catch him. However, now the physical evidence is conclusive. Personally, I think that Secretary Bai has been punished and is suspected of harming Kang Shaoye. He is no longer the secretary of the district party committee... As for the Pan case, we will maintain close contact with Interpol and try to extradite him back to China as soon as possible..." P: Ask for tomorrow's recommendation ticket When running naked in the ice and snow, the warmth that most needs the support of the brothers. Not surprisingly, there will be a chapter after midnight D