official god

Chapter 643 Just one step away

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"Is it a good thing or an emergency to call me so late?" Gao Jin didn't see it, so he came straight to the point and asked. Hello, Governor Gao." Xia wanted to say hello respectfully first, and then said, "Can you do private matters?"

"Private affairs are also divided into good things and urgent things, hehe." Gao Jinzhou was surprised and kind to Xia. Since he was promoted to the Standing Committee, he felt that Xiaxiang had been estranged from him a lot. "In the subsequent series of compliments, the place where he could help Xiaxiang was also limited, which gave him a feeling of drifting away from Xiaxiang.

Although the Wu family has not recognized Xia Xiang until now, Gao Jinzhou is determined that even if it is impossible for the Wu family to really recognize Xia Xiang's existence as Lian Ruohan's man, sooner or later they will accept Xia Xiang, which will incorporate Xia Xiang into the core system of the Wu family, and will slowly cultivate Xia Xiang into the backbone of Jiang's appreciation of Xia Xiang and Mr. Wu's love for Lian Xia, Gao Jinzhou concluded that Xia Xiang was likely to become the third-generation successor of the Wu family.

Although he also understands that his idea is a little too hard-working, judging from the ups and downs that Xia Xiang has experienced all the way, Xia Xiang often has amazing actions and magic strokes. This victimization incident has made him successfully occupy a place in Mr. Wu's mind. Who can guarantee that he will not be more pleasing to the old man Are you happy?

In addition, Gao Jinzhou has been in Yan Province for more than two years. He has seen with his own eyes that Xiaxiang is able to maneuver among all forces. Many promotions are not too much to be described by Youshensuke, which makes him more convinced that it is more in his interests to become friends with Xiaxiang than simply becoming a relationship between superior

Among other things, even his father did not allow him to put on the deputy governor's school in front of Xiaxiang, because his father really loved Xiaxiang.

Xia Xiang also heard the kind meaning in Gao Jin and Zhou's words, so he said directly: "I just talked to the third uncle on the phone. He said that you are familiar with Secretary Li?"

The third uncle's name came from Xiaxiang's mouth. Gao Jinzhou naturally understood the meaning and said with a smile, "You can still talk... Do you want me to pass the words, or do you want to arrange a meeting?"

I'm afraid it won't work if you just pass a sentence. Xia Xiang mainly wants to deal with Li Yanhong. After a preliminary contact, he said, "Provincial Governor Gao, do you know which Secretary Li is better?" Gao Jinzhou immediately understood what Xia thought meant and smiled, "Oy, you can leave after my arrangement. You don't have to worry about it." If it's convenient, please ask Mr. Gao to sit down with him. We haven't been together for a long time. I miss him very much. Xia wanted to add a sentence in time.

This sentence was very ironed. Gao Jinzhou was in a slight mood and said, "Well, my father always talks about you. We haven't talked together for a long time. It's time to take this opportunity to get together.

Putting down the phone, Xia wanted to stretch out and look out of the window. The snow outside the window is melting. Although Yan City is a northern city, it usually can't hold snow. No matter how big the snow is, it can't withstand the spring of the coming year...

Gao Jinzhou's work was also very neat. At noon the next day, he called Xiaxiang to say that he would meet in Chufeng Building at night. Xia Xiang expressed his gratitude, and then informed Chu Zigao and asked him to carefully arrange a thousand - so as not to make any mistakes, although he also knew that Chu Zigao had always been careful.

When he got off work, Xia wanted to arrive at Chu Fenglou early. Chu Zigao was already waiting at the door. As soon as he saw Xia, he greeted him warmly. Xia Shang was not polite to him. He directly said that he was going to come to a secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and a deputy governor to arrange the quietest room.

Because of Xia Xiang, there are often high-ranking officials in Chu Fenglou. Chu Zigao is no longer as shocked as before. After listening to Xia's instructions, he immediately began to arrange it. In a short time, everything was done. Before the two said a few words, Gao Jinzhou, Li Yanhong and Gao Lao came in.

According to the ranking of the Standing Committee, Li Yanhong is in the front, Gao Jinzhou is in the back, but today the three people come in, Gao Lao is the first, Gao Jin Zhou is behind, and Li Yanhong is in the end. From the details, it can be seen that Li Yanhong respects Gao Lao very much. At the same time, the personal relationship with Gao Jin and Zhou is not bad, and he doesn't care much about false etiquette. Xia wants to care about the umbrella.

Xia Xiang and Li Yanhong met for the first time. He greeted him and said respectfully and affectionately, "Good, Secretary Li."

Li Yanhong and Xia wanted to have a close contact for the first time. They secretly looked at Xia Xiang and thought that the time he had come to Yanshi was not short. Xia wanted to take the initiative to meet him until a genius. Xia Xiang was really a young man with more than enough weight. He was really calm.

Li Yanhong has always recognized his appearance and is very powerful. When he saw Xia, he also looked extraordinary, so he felt sorry for him. People who have always been good-looking are very conceited. People who are obscene or crooked in the village have no good impression. On the contrary, they will have an inexplicable good impression on people who are also good-looking. The first impression, based only on his appearance, Li Yanhong's evaluation of Xia Xiang is quite good.

"Xia think, I've heard a lot about you. Although it's the first time I've met you, your name is very refreshing to me." Li Yanhong took the initiative to reach out and shook hands with Xia, and said with a smile.

Li Yanhong's smile is eager and sincere. At first look, it makes people feel that he is amiable. But when he looked carefully, his enthusiasm and sincerity revealed a sense of indifference and alienation, and Xia thought about it. Whether it is Li Yanhong's psychological estrangement from him, or Xi Yesheng, who is engaged in the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, it will not prevent the two sides from further contact and understanding.

Xia Xiang smiled shyly and said, "If my reputation is thunderous and shocked Secretary Li's ears, it's my fault. However, I am not a person who pursues fame and profit. However, there are always people who like to play tricks on me with fame and fortune.

Li Yanhong also knew that although Gao Jinzhou came to invite him today, in fact, Xia wanted to have something to find him. What he said just now also proved his guess. Xia Xiang had something to say and implied.

"Let's not talk about us, we are the people here to eat. Who can escape fame and fortune?" Li Yanhong pointed to the guests in the lobby with his hand, "The officialdom is even more of fame and fortune. How many thousands of them have fallen on fame and fortune? Xia thought, you should guard against arrogance and impatience, and you can't be careless." Xia Xiang looked solemn: "Yes, I must keep Secretary Li's words in mind and take them seriously.

Seeing that the cold was almost noisy, Mr. Gao came forward and took Xia Shan's hand: "Let's go, don't stand at the door and talk. Get in the way of others. Go upstairs, go upstairs!" Xia Xiang and his party went upstairs. Li Yanhong and Gao Jin Zhou were side by side in front. Xia Xiang supported Gao Lao in the back. The old and the young were extremely intimate and kept laughing. Gao Jinzhou smiled helplessly at Li Yanhong in front of him and said, "My father wants to kiss me as a son to Xia, and he is also a little jealous when he sees it." Li Yanhong smiled and said, "It's the same as far friends and close attack... Gao Lao, wise. Gao Jinzhou smiled and said nothing.

After arriving at the room and sitting separately, Chu Zigao appeared in time. Xia wanted to introduce Chu Zigao again. Gao Jinzhou and Li Yanhong also gave face to face. They both shook hands with Chu Zigao and politely said a few words. They are all people who have seen the world and know everything about the scene. You have always respected me and I have respected you, so the guests are happy. After Chu Zigao disappeared in time, the dinner officially began.

With Mr. Gao, Xiaxiang saves a lot of trouble. Everything is up to Mr. Gao. Mr. Gao also said kindly, "There are no outsiders. You don't have to pretend. You should eat, drink, and say what you have to say. I'm done." Xia Xiang first gave Li Yanhong and Gao Jinzhou a toast. Then, Li Yanhong asked about the current situation of the disemoration area and said some weak words, which was the meaning of the initial contact.

After slowly drinking for three rounds, and the atmosphere was lively, Gao Jinzhou, as a middleman, asked the question in time: "Xia Think, I heard that Bian Xiuling, Secretary of the First Party Committee of Xiama County, also worked in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection?"

Xia wanted to know that Gao Jinzhou intended to stir up the topic, so he quickly answered and said, "Well, after Secretary Xing left, Secretary Bian arrived in the diseping area. Secretary Bian's work is not bad and reliable. If she is still in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, she can also become a capable subordinate of Secretary Li.

Li Yanhong knew that Xia wanted to invite him today. First, he wanted to contact him, and second, he must have something to say something, so he made the theme clear: "I have also heard that when Secretary Xing was in office, he handled many major cases, and Secretary Xing's style is vigorous and vigorous. Many people in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection We should learn from Secretary Xing. It's not a short time for me to save money. It seems that I haven't made any achievements. Xia thought, when it was convenient, let Bian Xiuling go to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to walk around more, and ask her to tell me some good traditions and working methods of Secretary Xing during his tenure.

Generally, successors will try their best to avoid the influence of their predecessors, establish their own style, and reuse their own people. What Li Yanhong just said is actually polite. He will not learn the leadership style of Xing Duandai. No one wants to follow others, especially at the sub-level level. Everyone not only wants to have their own style, but also wants to establish their own theoretical system, so as to lay the foundation for further progress.

Xia Xiang directly filtered Li Yanhong's polite words, but Li Yanhong pointed out that the "big case" seemed to be implied, so he nodded and said, "In fact, there is no shortage of big cases at any time, and the lack of it is an appropriate time. When Secretary Xing of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection was there, and Secretary Qin of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection was there. It was just the early stage of the implementation of industrial adjustment. The contradictions were relatively concentrated and prominent, and some major cases appeared. Now Secretary Li has come to Yan Province. Yan Province happens to be a rare period of stability. The industrial structure adjustment is on the right track, and all the work has been carried out smoothly, so it is much more stable..." Speaking of this, Xia Xiang smiled and looked at Mr. Gao, "If there is a place where the problems in Yan Province are more concentrated now, there is It's Ma District.

Gao Laoyi interrupted and said, "There are thousands of things in the lower horse area. As a new area, contradictions are concentrated, the personnel are chaotic, and the situation has not been fully settled. Maybe there will be many cases in the future." Li Yanhong just nodded with a smile, but did not answer.

He was hesitant and didn't know what to do next. The reporting materials about Bai Zhanmo are indeed in his hands now. The reason why he suppressed it was that when he was discussing this matter with Wu Caiyang, Wu Caiyang deliberately wanted to delay the time to see how Xia wanted to deal with it, and then decide whether to throw a bomb.

Wu Caiyang has always been related to the situation in the lower horse area. After hearing Li Yanhong's report, his first reaction was that Xia wanted to set a trap for Bai Zhanmo to jump in, and he wanted to look down three points for Xia. Because after watching the video and listening to the recording materials, with his many years of work experience in the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Li Yanhong can conclude at a glance that this is a premeditated and deliberately lure Bai Zhanmo to seduce people. The struggle between political opponents can be used to do everything, and the means of framing and planting are also common. He doesn't care about what others do, but Xia Xiang also wants to do so, which makes Wu Caiyang very disappointed. He always thought that Xia would use an open and upright means to deal with Bai Zhanmo to the end. Unexpectedly, he still used a disgraceful method in the end, which made him not happy, so he asked Li Yanhong to suppress it first, and so on.

What Wu Caiyang is not clear is that he has some expectations for Xia Xiang in his heart. In fact, he has a sense of identity with Xia Xiang. He wants Xia to deal with his principles, which is equivalent to his willingness to accept Xia Xiang in disguise.

Wu Caiyang did not realize his psychological change, but Li Yanhong realized that Wu Caiyang opened a crack in his heart to Xia. Although he detained the material according to what Wu Caiyang said, he secretly investigated the source of the material. In the end, he found that Bai Zhanmo's reporting material had nothing to do with Xia Xiang. Although he did not dare to say that there was no, at least it seemed that Xia Xiang did not know the existence of the reporting material, so he was sensed I wanted to feedback the news to Wu Caiyang in time, but Xia Xiang took the initiative to show up and proposed to meet him.

Li Yanhong muttered in his heart. Didn't he find it right? Xia Xiang was really the mastermind behind the scenes? It was also for the purpose of really getting to know Xiaxiang. When he came to the banquet, he wanted to think about it with Xia face to face to see what kind of person Xiaxiang was.

Just now, Xia wanted to sing with Gao Laoyi and pointed out a big case in the diseling area. The implication was even more obvious, which made Li Yanhong hesitate. Could it be that Xia really wanted to arrange others to frame Bai Zhanmo?

Xia wants to be cunning from Li Yanhong's slightly changed expression. He knows that Li Yanhong must have seen Cong Fenger's report material. No matter what the reason is suppressed, now according to Li Yanhong's performance, he can conclude that Li Yanhong may suspect that he secretly manipulated this matter. It's not good for Li Yanhong to misunderstand.

Xia Xiang shook his head and smiled again: "I'm not afraid of Secretary Li's jokes. I have had a lot of contact with the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Li Yanhong knew about Xia Xiang's two investigations by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, so he pretended not to ask clearly, "What's going on? I heard that you were framed?"

"Yes, I was framed once by a well-designed scam, and I almost fell into a trap..." Xia thought very implicitly said the process of being framed by Zhou Hong, told Zhou Hong's frame-up method clearly, and shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly, " Fortunately, I was firm and I was not fooled, The trap can't be climbed out anymore. But she is also a poor person, so I'm not angry with her. Later, I met her again in the lower horse area. She worked in one of my friends's company. She may have thought that I would fire her with the authority of the district governor, but I didn't expect her to be promoted in the end..."

Xia thought clearly and found out who Zhou Hong was sooner or later with Li Yanhong's wrist. Although he didn't know how Cong Fenger used to make Bai Zhanmo hook up, it was nothing more than the old method of framing him, and there were no outsiders present, so he confessed it in order to get Li Yanhong's trust.

After listening to Xia Xiang's story, Li Yanhong first smiled, and then stunned s1 with a thoughtful look, and then raised the glass again: "Come on, get up! I met Xiaxiang today. I'm very happy. I've heard Jin and Zhou more than once about Xiaxiang's deeds. When we met today, I was really a good young man.

Li Yanhong specially mentioned Yu Fanran. Xia Xiang knew it in his heart and knew that Li Yanhong should have believed him after a comprehensive comparison. Everyone picked up their glasses together, talked and laughed, and drank up.

At the end of the show, Xia wanted to send a few people outside. Li Yanhong seemed to have a slight drunkenness. He took Xia Xiang's hand and smiled: "Xiaoxia, it's almost the Spring Festival. If you go to the capital during the Spring Festival, don't forget to get together with me. I will also do my best

Xia Xiangxin's leader smiled: "Definitely, you must come to the door to ask for trouble. At that time, Secretary Li will not admit it.

"Haha, I can't afford a meal? I'm afraid that you don't dare to come to the door, or if you go to Caijiang and Jin Zhou, you won't come to me. Li Yanhong's words revealed kindness, which was different from when he first came here, and he had a trace of sincerity.

Xia Xiang expressed his gratitude in time: "Then I have to go. Oh, it's agreed that Secretary Li, see you during the New Year!"

He made an appointment with Gao Lao for the next meeting. He wanted to sit together to discuss the idea of Vision Group opening a real estate in the Lower Horse District. Xiaxiang sent several people away. Standing in the bright light in front of the door of Chu Feng Building, he was stunned for a long time.

The news that the date of the National People's Congress has been postponed again has spread to the Xiama District. There are different opinions about when the National People's Congress, which has been difficult to give birth. So some good people guessed around and got to Xiaxiang.

For Bai Zhanmo, as the secretary of the district party committee, he can be directly appointed by his superiors. Although he also serves as the director of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, compared with the position of secretary, it is just the icing on the cake. Xia thought it was different. He didn't get the right name without the appointment of the National People's Congress, and he couldn't get the word "generation" at all the time. In the officialdom, when the cooked ducks have flown, not to mention that Xia's ducks have not been cooked yet. Is it possible that someone deliberately postponed the meeting of the People's Congress in order not to let Xia want to help the correction smoothly?

ps: At the end of the year, there are a lot of things to do... Which brother still has free tickets, please support "support the author of this book to become the 231o writer of the year" Thank you.!

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