official god

Chapter 665 If things are slow, it will be round

Executive Vice President Qian Jinsong smiled and was obviously very satisfied with the position of Executive Vice Governor of Lingnan Province. Of course, I am satisfied. Lingnan Province is a major economic province. Secretary Haide is a member of the Political Bureau. As the executive vice governor of Lingnan Province, if it is possible to be promoted to governor in the future, from governor to secretary, it will be a qualitative leap.

Maybe Lingyu Province is the place where Qian Jinsong took off. In order to take the position of executive vice governor, he took a lot of effort. Now that his dream has come true, of course, he is very happy.

Xia thought to himself that he had set a good foundation for Jinsong to go to a good position. He only cared about the prospect and no longer cares about who will take over the vacancy after he left. The reason why Lujinsong came to him urgently is that he still value the good relationship between him and the Qiu family. However, Haide Chang is the core figure of the Qiu family.

Obviously, Jinsong wanted him to come forward and introduce Qiu Xufeng or Qiu Renli to get to a closer relationship with Haide. As a member of the Political Day Committee, Chief Hyde is definitely a strong provincial party secretary in Lingnan Province.

Qian Jinsong can take the hierarchical route and can be transferred from Yan Province to Lingnan Province as the executive vice governor. However, after arriving in Lingnan Province, how to carry out his work, how to stand on the feet, and how to have a good relationship with one or two leaders have become the issues that Qian Jinsong is most concerned about.

It's good for the governor to say that even if it's not in harmony, it's okay to get by. But if you are at peace with the secretary, and the secretary is a member of the Political Bureau, it will be a big deal. Not only is it difficult to carry out work in Lingnan Province, but it may also be trapped in the quagmire of Lingnan Province and become Waterloo in political career

Moreover, Qian Jinsong also learned about Haide's personality from the side. He is strong. He is not sure if he dares to do anything. After thinking about it, he still feels that it is better to get to know Qiu Xufeng or Qiu Renli through Xia. It is guaranteed to lay a good foundation for communication first. If possible, it would be great to take the opportunity to meet Director Hyde in the capital. During the Spring Festival, Hyde was also in the capital. After Qian Jinsong made up his mind, he couldn't wait to contact Xiaxiang.

Qian Jinsong saw that Xia thought a little bit. Before he could say what he was looking for him, he had already guessed that he was going to be transferred. He thought that he was indeed a thoughtful young man. I guessed that he also guessed the original intention of looking for him.

Of course, Xia thought that Qian Jinsong, as the executive vice governor of Lingnan Province, has finally taken a gratifying step. If he walks well in the future, the sky will be high and the birds will fly. Seeing Qian Jinsong's happy and expectant face, he smiled: "I just met Minister Qiu yesterday...

In a word, Lu Jinsong was overjoyed. Xia Shang was indeed a wonderful person. He not only refined his meaning, but also took the initiative to lift Qiu Renli's name. It is much better to have a direct interview with Qiu Renli than to meet Qiu Xufeng. After all, Qiu Renli has the weight to speak.

Xia wants to meet Qiu Renli, which shows that the relationship between him and the Qiu family is a little closer than he thought.

"But Minister Qiu seems to be worried about one thing..." Xia wants to know that Qian Jinsong can succeed in his activities, can go to Lingnan Province to take office, and has connections in the capital. Originally, the political thing is mutual benefit. He asked Qiu Renli, and also needs to show appropriate sincerity to "Minister Qiu intends to arrange people to Yan The provincial party committee took over the position of secretary-general, but it seemed to be a little troublesome... Xia Xiangtan was responsible for the message and clicked.

Qian Jinsong was overjoyed. He did not expect that the Qiu family would be moved by the position of the secretary-general of the provincial party committee. He happened to have a little relationship to use it. In this way, it is equivalent to taking what he needs. There is no need to lower his posture to show something to the Come and go"

Qian Jinsong smiled and was in a good mood: "The food in the restaurant is very distinctive and tastes different. Xiaoxia, you have to taste it today. You can't eat it anywhere else. So the two began to eat and gossip.

As he spoke, the topic shifted to the situation in Yan Province. Qian Jinsong intentionally or unintentionally mentioned several names of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee. For example, so-and-so's work is quite serious, but his ability is limited. So-and-so is good and relatively upright, and so-and-so has the In addition, although he is closely related to Secretary Cui on the surface, in fact, he is Secretary Ye's person, and so on. He has clearly explained the details of a group of key figures in the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee.

Xia Xiang knew that it was Qian Jinsong who voted for the favor and told him who was available, who could not be used in the general office of the provincial party committee, who could be used in limited use, and so on.

Xia wants to remember them one by one.

"Secretary Ye's temper, hehe, sometimes it's really hard to figure out." After talking about the general office of the provincial party committee, Fu Jinsong brought the topic to Ye Shisheng. "In fact, I think Secretary Ye is a good person, but sometimes the situation is complicated, and he is easy to hesitate and make up his mind. Secretary Ye is a good man, but unfortunately, a good temper of a good person is not suitable to be a leader.

It is said that slandering the head of the provincial party committee in private is definitely a very taboo thing for a senior official like Qian Jinsong, but Xiaxiang didn't think much about it, because Qian Jinsong is about to leave office, and Qian Jinsong is a smart man. He said this, not just to talk about Ye Shisheng's A reminder.

Sure enough, Qian Jinsong smiled again and said, "Some people eat soft but not hard, some people eat hard but not soft, Secretary Ye's person, I have been with him over the years, but generally speaking, he still value human feelings, sometimes more important than interests. Moreover, he has a small heart and is easy to be passive in doing things. In fact, if a person often talks with him and talks about leisure and elegance, Secretary Ye may not be single-minded. Maybe he will rest and rest with the situation.

Qian Jinsong's words are rich in meaning. Xia wanted to hear it and smiled secretly. He thought that Zai Jinsong was also an exquisite figure. He said that he didn't know much about Ye Shisheng. In fact, he knew the most. He didn't even see through Ye Shisheng's emotional side. Then he thought that When he won over Ye Shisheng, when Ye Shisheng hesitated and could not decide to come down to the Minister of Organization of the Yan Municipal Party Committee, Qian Jinsong did not move, sat safely on the mountain and watched the tiger fight, and did not help each other.

In fact, if Zai Jinsong came forward at that time, no matter which side spoke for, it would definitely settle down in one fell swoop. However, Qian Jinsong did not go out of the matter, showing the potential of an excellent politician and a powerful figure.

Xia thought was also a fluke. If he hadn't had some friendship with Qian Jinsong in those years, if he hadn't been well-te-temples, in case he had offended ruthenium Jinsong in any matter before, as long as Qian Jinsong said one by one for the vanguard in front of Ye

Fortunately, Qian Jinsong did not become the last straw. Of course, he did not speak for himself, which was also his role that he neglected at that time. It was not until today that Zai Jinsong implicitly expressed his understanding of Ye Shisheng, which was also a big gift for himself, so that he could know more about how to deal with Ye Shisheng in the future to get the greatest benefit.

Xia Xiang was in a good mood and threw Wu Caiyang's girl out of the sky. He believed that if Mr. Wu couldn't think of the key of his reminder, he would understand the correctness of his bystander, until Wu Caiyang hit the wall. Xia wanted to raise his glass and signal to Qian Jinsong, "A toast to the Secretary-General!"

Qian Jinsong and Xia wanted to clink glasses and drank it all. They said, "This year is the most meaningful. Xiaoxia, my biggest gain in Yan Province in the past few years is that I have learned a lot of truths from Secretary Ye, and second, I know you. I have been rolling around in officialdom for decades. It's the first time I've seen a young man like you, who is both admirable and can't figure out..."

This is not like a compliment. Xia Xiang said quickly and modestly, "Don't praise me, Secretary-General. During the Spring Festival, let's say some auspicious words, say something good, and stop talking about me, okay?"

"Hahaha..." Qian Jinsong laughed and said, "I'm leaving Yan Province, that is, I feel like talking to your temper and a few words from the bottom of my heart. I'll give you a message, Xiaoxia. It doesn't matter whether you listen or not. Anyway, I think you're a friend, and I believe you won't talk nonsense.

Xia wanted to nod silently, with a solemn face.

"Song Chaodu was unfathomable and promising, but he was too cautious to trust others easily. You can't make mistakes with him. If you have ten mistakes, you will be abandoned by him... And in the whole courtyard of the Yan Provincial Party Committee, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers, but Secretary Ye is not the most scheming person. What you should be wary of most is Fan Ruiheng!" Zai Jinsong didn't know that he had drunk too much and was too excited to leave. I don't know if Xiangxia really wants to make friends with him, or he deliberately talks about alcohol. Anyway, what he said today is scary.

It is said to be scary, because as the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, he should never say the above. If some words are spread, Fan Ruiheng will definitely be endless with Qi Jinsong. No one wants others to slander themselves behind their backs, especially the bad words of their colleagues behind their backs, which is the most annoying.

But Qian Jinsong said to Xia Xiang today regardless of his identity. I'm afraid it's not as simple as trying to get Xia Xiang's favor. Whether Zai Jinsong pretended to be drunk or intentional, he said it bluntly to his face. It should also be out of concern for Xia Chang, and he must have a big problem with Fan Ruiheng's style.

Xia Xiang is not very clear about why Jinsong has an opinion of Fan Ruiheng. He is either a person who listens to the wind or the rain, and he also knows that the interpersonal relationship is very complicated. Fan Ruiheng is okay in his eyes. In the eyes of others, he may be useless. The reminder of Qian Jinsong also holds an attitude Out of good intentions, it is not intentional to sow discord.

"Thank you for your kind reminder from the Secretary-General. I'll write it down." Xia wanted to continue to talk more on this topic, and said, "I'm calling Xu Feng now to see when he has time to arrange it." Qian Jinsong smiled and nodded. Xia thought that was exactly the result of his waiting. Xiaxiang dialed Qiu Xufeng's phone in front of Qian Jinsong.

"Xu Feng, Qian and the book manager are having dinner with me. Do you have time to join in the fun now?" Xia thought that it's better to be early than to be early. Now it's still early, so it's better to set things early.

Qiu Xufeng hesitated slightly = "Guests at home■■■■■■■" Suddenly, the voice of the phone went down, obviously covering the receiver. After a moment, his voice rang again, "Ben-, I'll be there right away, tell me the location." Xia wanted to guess that it was Qiu Renli who immediately asked Qiu Xufeng to meet Qian Jinsong after hearing it.

Seeing that Xia wanted to do things easily, Qian Jinsong laughed and said, "I like to deal with cheerful people the most. Come on, have a drink. Even if I'm not in Yan Province in the future, I'll make a friend of you." It's rare to see Cheng Jinsong's cheerful and proud side, so Xia wanted to let go and drank a few more drinks. The room is well heated, and a few glasses of wine are a little hot. Xia thought it was a little boring, so he got up and opened the window. As soon as the window is opened, you can see the scenery outside.

In the capital in winter, to tell the truth, there is no beautiful scenery. And at night, except for the lights outside, it is a paper drunkenness, and there is nothing to arouse Xia's interest. Xia wanted to make a crack in the window, took a breath of fresh air, and wanted to return to his seat... Suddenly, two familiar figures came into his eyes.

Although it was night, although it was far away and not real, the two were too familiar to Xiaxiang. At a glance, he still recognized that it was Fu Xianfeng and Yuan Mingliang!

It's true that life is everywhere. Fu Xianfeng and Wu Mingliang are talking and laughing, and they are accompanying several guests into the gate. Yuan Mingliang said that he was laughing, but the expression on his face Xia wanted to see it in his eyes, and it was clear that he was pretending to be drunk. Fu Xianfeng's eyes were blurred, and he was really drunk. I don't know what happy happened to him. Looking at his smile, there must be some plan to be realized...

There is nothing to talk about with Fu Xianfeng in a short period of time. It's time to have a good talk with Yuan Mingliang. Xia wanted to stare at Wu Ming's back for a while and smiled silently. Half an hour later, Qiu Xufeng arrived.

Without a few words, Qian Jinsong went straight to the point and said his intention. Qiu Luofeng pondered slightly and looked at Xia. Xia thought a little bit and expressed affirmation.

Qiu Xufeng can't say that he is obedient to Xia, but he still trusts Xia in the affairs of the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee. Seeing that Xia wanted to nod his head, he made an excuse to go out and made a phone call outside.

After he came back soon, he looked happy: "When will the Secretary-General have time to sit at home?"

It's only about sitting at home. Obviously, Qiu Renli wants to have an interview with Qian Jinsong in person. As for whether to introduce Qian Jinsong to Hai Dechang, it depends on whether the conditions offered by Qian Jinsong are full of sincerity.

However, Xia thought clearly that his task had been completed. How Qian Jinsong and Qiu Renli talked and how to exchange interests had nothing to do with him. He was a little tired and really wanted to have a good day off.

Although Zai Jinsong and Qiu Xufeng are not very familiar with each other and a little can't let go, they still express enough gratitude to Xia. What Xia wants is not a few words of thanks from them. What they want is to remember his good...

Farewell to the two of them. It's past q o'clock in the evening. It's cold in the capital in the middle of the night. Xia wanted to turn on the electric heating seat before she felt better. She drove all the way home and returned to Lian Ruohan's warm quilt, and then slowly

Although he has a fighting ability far beyond ordinary people, today's meeting with Wu Caiyang broke up unhappily, which still made him feel a little chill in his heart. He believed that Wu Caiyang would eventually bow his head in the face of the facts, but at least the collision at this stage still made him feel uneasy. He was not worried about what Wu Caiyang did to him, but did not want Lian Ruohan to make it difficult to do. Even if the body is in the middle, it will definitely be in a dilemma.

As soon as Xia wanted to lie down, Lian Ruohan opened one eye and said with a smile, "I originally wanted to turn a blind eye and not to express any opinion on the dispute between you and your father, but as a woman who loves you the most, I should express serious concern and strong dissatisfaction with my father's rude behavior and condescending attitude At the same time, we reserve the right to take further action.

Xia was happy: "You thought you were the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and you spoke the same way. I'm fine. Don't worry, I'm a copper pea..." He thought of something and asked, "Is it grandpa's call, or your father?" Lian Yuehan already knew the result. Someone must have called her.

"It's all beaten." Lian Ruohan sighed, "First, my father wanted to teach me a lesson. I pushed him back, and he was so angry that he made a phone call. Then it's Grandpa. Grandpa said that he can accept you emotionally, but if you do something detrimental to the Wu family, he won't look at Lianxia's face one by one r

The old man's meaning is that if he gets in the way of the Wu family, the old man doesn't care about suppressing him again? Xia Xiang smiled helplessly, and the old man's attitude was also expected to him. On the surface, Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang were at peace, but in the final analysis, the two were still a family. In the face of common interests, they would definitely work together. The discord between the two is mainly reflected in their way of doing things and dealing with the world. What will never change is the bond between father and son whose blood is thicker than water and the common interests of the Wu family.

However, Mr. Wu has not found that some high-level people are wary of the growth of the family's power for the time being, which somewhat puzzled Xia. With Mr. Wu's political wisdom, it should not be without long-term consideration. Then I thought about it again and figured it out.

Mr. Wu has dominated the officialdom all his life, and he is almost invincible. He believes that with the strength and huge influence of the Wu family, as well as the connections among the senior management, now to get the position of the next Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province should not be a problem, nor is it a big deal.

After sitting on a high position for a long time, there are few people who realize that the heights are extremely cautious. There are many people who cultivate the small mountains. Unfortunately, the height of people on the top of the mountain is brought by the high mountains, not their own height. When people are on the mountain, there is always a time to come down. After going down the mountain, I thought I could see the small mountains at a glance, so I made a big mistake C