official god

Chapter 668 One is one, two is two

"Well, I won't force you anymore." Gu Yu bit his lip and smiled again, "That Zheng Yi is strange and annoying. He sends flowers and gifts every day. I just don't like him. What should I do?

"As a woman, a beautiful woman, you should have your own set of skills to refuse the pursuit of men. I believe you also have one, so you don't have to teach you more, right?" Xia wanted to make fun of Gu Yu. In fact, he knew that with Gu Yu's cleverness, how could he not get rid of Zheng Yi's entanglement? She just took the opportunity to be coquettish and wanted to see her weight in his mind.

Hmm." As expected, Gu Yu didn't say much about Zheng Yi, but said something that shocked Xia thought, "The last time I was with you, it happened to be my dangerous period, and then my menstruation was delayed: i; . . . R. . . . "

"Ah?" Xia can't be surprised. Won't he shoot another ring and let Gu Yu get pregnant at once? Even he couldn't believe that he was so amazing that he hurriedly asked, "Are you all right now?"

"Of course, it's normal again. I thought I was pregnant, but I didn't. It scared me

"Gu Yu patted Xia's arm. "I'm still young, so I don't want to have a baby. In the future, you should pay attention to it. When you want to bully people, you have to count your life, otherwise you don't want to magnetize me.

Gu Yu ran away briskly. Looking at her carefree back, Xia thought couldn't help sighing. Sometimes thinking about the character like Gu Yu is also a rare kind of happiness. Everything can't be done. If you want to be angry, you will be angry, but if you are angry for no more than three minutes, and then it will rain and clear up again.

If you can regard happiness as a very simple thing, you can be much happier. It's just that most people can't do this.

Xia wanted to drive home, but it was still early, so she was not in a hurry. Basically, he has met everyone he should have met in the capital. He will attend a party with Lao Gu tomorrow, and then return to Yan City the day after tomorrow to start the layout of the sub-horse area. 7-Ma District, there are still a lot of things to do after the Spring Festival.

When he was about to get home, he saw that there were many fruit stalls on the roadside, so he got out of the car and bought some fruit. I remember that Xiao Lianxia loved apples the most, so he bought two boxes of apples and moved them to the car.

Xiao Lianxia is very much like him. He has loved apples since he was a child. Apple is known as the king of fruit without any side effects. It is a warm fruit. It is neither angry nor bad, and it is said that it can also improve intelligence, so apples are also called intellectual fruit.

Back home, Xia wanted to move to Apple upstairs. He was in a good mood today and decided to perform his unique skill of peeling apples in front of Lian Ruohan and Xiao Lianxia. When he first came to Cao Yong's country, he used the skill of peeling apples in one hand to make Cao Shuyu amazed.

Xia wanted to enter the door quietly. He didn't want to shoot, but wanted to surprise Lian Ruohan's mother and son. He raised his feet, walked gently, and quietly pushed open the door. When he saw the person sitting in the middle of the living room, he was stunned on the spot!

Even Ruohan is here, and Xiao Lianxia is also there. Lian Ruohan sat quietly on the sofa with a dignified face. Xiao Lianxia didn't realize the solemn atmosphere and was chasing the balloon on the ground. In the middle of the sofa sat an old man with gray hair, a tall figure and a square face. Although Xia Xiang had not seen him, he had only met Wu Caiyang and was familiar with Wu Caijiang. At a glance, he could recognize that the old man in front of him was Mr. Wu! God, Mr. Wu visited him in person, which was really a big surprise to him!

Xia thought that the move with the Wu family should have come to an end first, and there should be no connection in a short period of time, because when the forces of all parties were mobilized after the Spring Festival, it was a collision between several families. All he needed was to Xiang Ye Shi when he needed one or two watches in Yan Sheng and Fan Ruiheng handed over the words and made a look around. Basically, the unhappiness between him and Wu Caiyang last time will definitely make Mr. Wu angry. Even if he doesn't immediately suppress him, he may knock him again through some channels when the opportunity is right.

Moreover, after Mr. Wu hinted to Lian Ruohan, he did not take the initiative to visit him. Mr. Wu must also have a big problem with him. Maybe he will be re-ased to the corner. Unexpectedly, it was just that less than a day later, the old man suddenly appeared in front of him!

Or sat directly on the sofa of him and Lian Ruohan, which surprised Xia Xiang. He couldn't touch his mind a little. His brain was a little distracted in an instant. He didn't understand what Mr. Wu wanted to come to the door in person. Xia Xiang held a box of apples and was stunned at the door, looking extremely strange. Xiao Lianxia, who was chasing the balloon, found that Xia wanted to come back, and immediately jumped up happily: "Dad, Dad is back!" Then he rushed over and hugged Xiaxiang's legs. The deep affection between father and son can be seen. Xia wanted to put down the apple quickly and held Xiao Lianxia in her arms: "Son, do you miss your father?" Uh-huh!" Xiao Lianxia replied affirmatively, and then touched Xia's face with her hand, "Dirty.

When Xia wanted to move the apple, there was a little mud on his face. He smiled and wiped it with his hand. Then he came to Mr. Wu with Lianxia in his arms and said respectfully, "Old man, Happy New Year!"

The sentence "old man" has a rich meaning. Mr. Wu frowned, and a trace of unhappiness flashed in his eyes, but there was still no attack. He nodded: "Xia Xiang, I have something to ask you. Sit down. "No, it's better for me to stand. In front of you, there is no place Xia Xiang's attitude was very good. He stood in front of Mr. Wu very neatly and bowed his head slightly.

"You also know who I am, and we don't have to be between us." Mr. Wu didn't get up and sat still, and then looked at Lian Ruohan majestically, "Ruohan, you and Lian Xia go upstairs."

Lian Ruohan hesitated for a moment, looked at Xia Xiang, and still went upstairs with Lian Xia in his arms. Before leaving, he also signaled to Xia Xiang with his eyes, asking him not to be impulsive.

Xia figured out that he would definitely not be impulsive and would not have any conflict with Mr. Wu. If we really don't plan for each other, we won't have an unhappy ending like Wu Caiyang. Xiaxiang also made up his mind. What the old man said today? He didn't refute, explain or argue, let alone try to convince the old man. He just listened. After listening to it, he didn't do it, which was another matter.

The old man stared at Xia for a long time. He wanted to laugh, but he didn't laugh. Instead, he sighed = "In fact, you are really a good young person) It's a pity) It's too much. One by one, one, one by one"

He shook his head and sighed. Then he stood up again and pointed out with his hand: "Just walk outside." I'll help you." Xia wanted to help the old man in time. The old man did not avoid it. He let Xia want to help him, and an old man and a young man came to a foreign company.

The yard is not big, and it's afternoon again. The sun is setting and the north wind is blowing, which is quite desolate.

The real old man took a few steps, and the vicissitudes of life said, "The sunset is infinitely good, but it's almost dusk. When people are old, sometimes they think more, more complicated, and much softer than when they were young.

Xia wanted to listen carefully and smiled, which made Mr. Wu secretly appreciate it in his heart. He just said two "pity" in his position. If he was still in position, the two "pity" were enough to make a provincial party secretary sleep. Even if he is not in place now, if a provincial member is said to be "a pity" by him in person, he will be scared to sleep and eat, and at least he must respectfully ask him where it is...

Xia thought; $ There was nothing wrong, and he didn't ask why. He didn't pay attention to the conclusion he made, so he couldn't help but praise Mr. Wu. No matter whether Xia wanted to pretend or sincerely, this kind of quietness is unique among the young people he has seen at this level.

The yard of Lian Ruohan's villa was not big. The two took a few steps and stood facing the sunset. Their figures were oblique and long.

"I like Lian Xia very much. His appearance has made my condition better. I also know that if it weren't for Lian Xia, maybe I wouldn't be able to survive. In terms of this matter, the things between you and Ruohan are not all wrong, and they are also humming. The old man is different from Wu Caiyang. He starts directly from family affection. "Things in the world have both advantages and disadvantages. There are no perfect ones, so although I blame you, now I no longer hate you for Ruohan's affairs. You should look forward..." "Yes, you always say yes, thank you for your magnanimity." Xia didn't answer, but just expressed his gratitude appropriately.

Mr. Wu suddenly smiled and said, "Xia Xiang, do you want to take the middle route, support the right and the source, or do you want to rely on a family?"

Mr. Wu's question was very direct, and Xia Xiang had to answer directly: "I still have a low vision now. It is an important thing to control the disema qu first." In fact, Xia thought still had a careless look, which means that he didn't have any route.

But in officialdom, it is impossible not to take any route, especially Xiaxiang, although he is young, he has stepped into the ranks of the deputy hall level, and there must be long-term sunshine. Because when you reach the department level, once you are in charge of the government, you must have a firm line, otherwise you will not be able to go for a long time.

Seeing that Xia wanted to avoid the heavy, Mr. Wu said very unhappy, "You helped Qiu Renli, and at the same time, you cooperated with Mei Shengping, and also introduced Qian Jinsong and Qiu Renli. Everything is unfavorable to the Wu family. Can I think that you have stood on the opposite side of the Wu family, regardless of Do you have to fight against the Wu family to the end?

"Sir..." Xia Xiang sincerely called out "Sirty" for the first time, and then he shook his head slightly and said, "You're wrong. What I did not help the Qiu family or harm the interests of the Wu family, but just judged the situation and followed the trend. Just like when I was in Yan City, I helped Yu Fanran introduce Li Dingshan and Gao Hai's understanding. I just think that in the current situation, Yu Fanran's understanding with Li Dingshan and Gao Hai is conducive to maintaining the balance of the situation in Yan City, not to help Yu Fanran unite with Li Dingshan and Gao Hai to form a new force in In the same way, I help the Qiu family. I think that the Ye family has opened up the situation in Yan Province at this stage, which is more conducive to the balance of the situation in Yan Province than any of the Wu family, the Mei family and the Fu family to increase their strength in Yan Province, and can maintain the current political situation of stability and unity, so I helped the

"What a big tone!" Mr. Wu was half joking and half mocking. "I just said that it was just a small district party secretary. Now when it comes to the reason, I have the world in mind and care about the world. Let people listen to it and think you are the secretary of the provincial party committee! Review the situation? Follow the trend? Young man, do you know what the situation is now? Do you know what the trend will be in the future? Young people are not big talkers

Being ridiculed by Mr. Wu, Xia Xiang was not angry at all, and Mr. Wu's attitude was also in his mind. Today, Mr. Wu is not clear. He must be under the banner of visiting Lianxia. Visiting Lianxia may be one of his intentions, but it is by no means the whole purpose. The old man is still worried. He may also know that Wu Caiyang's attitude is not very good, so he condescends to come in person, in order to contact him again, lest he will not repent and be accidentally injured by the Wu family in the fight It can be seen that Mr. Wu really has a soft side in his heart, and perhaps he really cares more about himself than Wu Caiyang.

Xia wanted to stand beside the old man. He was in those years, and his figure was not much taller than that of Mr. Wu. It can be seen that when the old man was young, he was also a tall and powerful man. However, at this time, under the sunset and the north wind blew, the old man's back was bleak in The gray hair is blown by the wind, just like the grass falling in the cold wind.

In an instant, Xia's heart softened. He was very dove. He gave the old man a sweet comfort and wanted to give him a solemn promise.

But after a while, he regained his composure, knowing that his political position must be firm, and there must be no tenderness and retreat. In the face of major issues of principle, his compromise is not only irresponsible to himself, but also irresponsible to the Wu family.

What's more, he has promised the Qiu family, and it is impossible to go back on his word. Although the Qiu family and the Mei family have a good relationship with him now, as long as he repents once, he will be immediately beaten into the cold palace by the two families, and it is difficult to regain the trust of the two families.

The road has been halfway, and it is impossible to start from the beginning -$\}. What's more, even if he starts all over again, it is not his original intention to embark on the road of relying on the family.

Xia Xiang smiled at Mr. Wu's sarcasm: "Before seeing the final result, no one can guarantee that his choice is right. I have been thinking since I met Ruohan, is it a family route? Relying on a large family, you can certainly avoid many detours, and at the same time reduce risks. With the support of family forces, the speed of promotion will be faster and safer, but at the same time, it is easy to become a political victim of the family.

Mr. Wu waved his hand: "I don't have the ability. If I don't rely on my family, I will invisibly become a victim of others. It's a good thing that you can put yourself in the right position, but don't forget that Cai Jiang has a good impression on you in the Wu family. At least when I'm still alive, Caiyang won't touch you easily. With these two guarantees, you will enter the core system of the Wu family, which will be profitable but harmless.

The old man has indeed done his best to be benevolent to Xia. Without saying anything, Xia can also be good at the old man's real thoughts. He is really old, just like an ordinary old man, at the age of playing tricks on his grandson, and he doesn't want to lose Lian Xia. He is reasonable and emotional to himself. In fact, isn't he extremely reluctant to give up to Lian Xia? Fearing that he and the Wu family would really turn against each other, Lian Ruohan took Lian Xia to the United States in anger and did not look back.

Perhaps in the old man's heart, Lian Xia is regarded as the only reliance of his life. People who have been seriously ill have experienced life and death, care about life and death, and cherish the time when they are alive. Lian Xia is the lucky star of the old man.

"No matter where she goes, I will persuade Ruohan to stay with you. If she wants to go back to the United States with Lianxia, I will also stop her and let her and Lianxia stay with you." Xia thought that he did not answer the old man's question directly, but said what the old man was most concerned about.

Mr. Wu was finally moved. He looked up and down at Xia and wanted to say something, but it just turned into a long sigh: "You are really a very smart young man. The entry point when looking at the problem is very accurate. You can always know what everyone needs most. No wonder you have a wide range of difficulties in Lao Province. Network..." Xia Xiang just listened to Mr. Wu's words quietly, did not express his opinion, and did not say it down.

Mr. Wu knew that Xia Xiang was also a stubborn person. Like Lian Ruohan, sometimes there was a lot of respect and courtesy on the surface, but one is one, two is two. Once something is decided, it is extremely difficult to change. No wonder even Ruohan would come with him. It turned out that under his kind face, he also had a stubborn heart. Mr. Wu suddenly pointed to a bench in the distance with his hand: "Go, go and sit down."

Xia Xiang still smiled and helped Mr. Wu to sit down on the bench. Next to the bench is a swing, which is obviously a place to play in the summer.

If it were summer, there would be a green onion in the yard, and then there would be a real laughter in summer, what a touching scene it would be.

Xia wanted to sit on the old man's right head, but as soon as the north wind blew, the master's hand was sitting on the wind. He sat on the old man's left head and blocked the cold wind for him.

Although it is a very small detail, it also warms Mr. Wu's heart. Whether it's Wu Caiyang, Wu Caijiang, or the third generation of the Wu family, who can have the same tmanship and carefulness as Xia Xiang, and this valuable filial piety? He sighed slightly in his heart. It's a pity. It's a pity that it's a great pity that Xia Xiang can't be officially included in the Wu family's system.

But that's exactly what proves the value of Xia's thought. He does not ask for the gift of the Wu family, but he can still respect him carefully and thoughtfully. Ordinary people can't do it in this state of mind. Even Wu Caiyang and Wu Caijiang are not calm. Of course, it is also because of their high status and their identity. D