official god

Chapter 673 Political Show

If you want to be a fulcrum, you must not only have political wisdom, but also have enough psychological tolerance and adaptability. Otherwise, the fulcrum is not a fulcrum, but a victim and the year before last.

But whether Xia wants to implicate Lao Gu or not, but the situation is better than others. Because of his sharp eyes just now, he had seen Lao Gu standing in the distance and looking here for a moment. He looked at it, but he couldn't come over. He just stood still, as if he was waiting for something.

Xia thought had a trace of understanding in an instant, which was probably the deep-seated idea that Lao Gu specially brought him to the venue today. Lao Gu is as wise as a fool. Although he claims to be old and rough, in fact, he has dominated the officialdom all his life, and his heart is as clear as a mirror. He must know that the old men of Wu, Mei, Qiu and Fu will come today. He specially brought himself here. Maybe he is still entrusted by others...

Lao Gu refused to come to relieve the siege, and Xia Xiang refused to let him go easily. Just as Wu Caiyang asked, he thought about it, then raised his head again and pointed to Lao Gu in the distance: "I specially sent Lao Gu to the venue. He brought me in and insisted that I wait for him at the venue for a while... Everyone followed Xia Seeing that it was Lao Gu, he couldn't help but change his face.

There are not many people who know the relationship between Xia Xiang and Lao Gu. At least Qiu Renli is not very clear about it. Mei Shengping only knows a little about it. Although Fu Boju and Mr. Fu have heard anything, they don't think Xia Xiang also has a deep friendship with Lao Gu. Wu Caiyang is the one who knows the most among

Several people have different thoughts. Seeing that Xia wanted to throw Lao Gu's heavyweight bomb at a critical moment, he couldn't help guessing in his heart that Lao Guken brought Xia to come. It is unknown whether Xia Xiang is regarded as the nearest person, but at least it also shows Lao Gu's trust in Xia Xiang. Xiaxiang is really an exquisite young man. Even a figure like Lao Gu can be so close. I really don't know what secrets he has.

Wu Caiyang took a look at Lao Gu and narrowed his eyes.

Fu Boju and Zhao Quanxin looked at each other and found surprise in each other's eyes. Unexpectedly, Xia thought that he came with Lao Gu. After a long time just now, he didn't say anything. He didn't say it until the last moment. He was really a calm person. At the same time, he is also a person with a deep heart.

Lao Gu saw that everyone looked at him, but he was still not in a hurry. He just waved to the crowd and did not move his footsteps. Everyone is puzzled. Since Xia wants to be the person brought by Lao Gu, it is obvious that he can see that Xia wants to need him to relieve the siege now. Why don't you just say it clearly?

I saw a man running to Lao Gu quickly and whispered a few words in a low voice. Lao Gu nodded slightly, and then strode to the crowd.

When he came to a few people, Lao Gu was rude and smiled: "A few old men gathered together and bullied a young man. Isn't it too old and disrespectful? When I'm old, I want to set an example for young people, especially you, Lao Fu, just now with a straight face is very scary. I've seen you with a straight face for many years, but I didn't expect to see you today..." Mr. Fu shook his head and smiled meaninglessly and ignored Lao Gu. Mr. Qiu and Mr. Mei also nodded and smiled without answering.

Fu Boju said unhappily, "The chief is coming soon. Let's go out to greet him quickly and don't waste any more time." He also knew that as soon as Lao Gu came forward, what Xia thought would be over. He took the opportunity to find a step and was ready to withdraw.

Zhao Quanxin didn't say anything. He just glanced at Wu Caiyang, which means that Lao Gu is coming. Let's see if Wu Caiyang still has the confidence to take what Xia.

Wu Caiyang nodded to Lao Gu and said to Xia, "Don't go first. When I'm done, I still have something to ask you." You don't have to ask him. Lao Gu waved his hand and smiled lightly, "Xia thought I brought it. If you want to trouble him, you have to ask him if I agree first!" This sentence was full of momentum, and immediately suppressed Wu Caiyang's momentum.

"It means that I, including Premier Fu and Premier Zhao, have to ask nothing because of your words? Xiaxiang should not have been in the spring venue. It's his fault before he is finished. If he is responsible, he has to be investigated!" Wu Caiyang's voice was not high, but his tone was very firm.

Wu Caiyang was also very interesting. He directly pulled Fu Boju and Zhao Quanxin down. His meaning was obvious. Fu Boju and Zhao Quanxin wanted to stand by and watch. Don't think about it, they had to make them contribute.

Fu Boju and Zhao Quanxin are at least the vice premiers of the State Council. General Wu Caiyang can't say that they didn't say at all. They had to scold Wu Caiyang in their hearts, and then followed Wu Caiyang's words and said down, "Yes, Xia Xiang's level is not enough. If he is not Punish..." Lao Gu smiled and said, "Who said that Xia didn't receive the invitation?"

In a word, not only everyone was stunned, but even Xia wanted to look at Lao Gu in disbelief.

When Lao Gu saw that the effect was achieved, everyone was shocked and laughed happily: "Xia Xiang, let's go, follow me. The Prime Minister just said that he was very interested in Zou Ru's research on several economic topics. Zou Ru recommended you to the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister will let you go there. He wants to have a Everyone will leave as soon as you want after Xia.

Xia thought about it. Finally, he was carefully calculated by Lao Gu, so that he had a trick with the four major families in advance. It couldn't be counted as a trick. It was a test of their respective bottom lines.

Since Lao Gu carried out the prime minister, Xia thought that he could only obey, nodded to a few people, and walked away with Lao Gu without looking back. It's not Xiaxiang who pretends to be a posture and has to put on a proud look, but Lao Gu's feet speeding up, his hands are almost pulling him to run, and whispering to him, "If you have to walk without hesitation, don't even look back, you have to leave them a stunned back!"

Not to mention that Lao Gu usually looks tepid, now he has a lot of bad intentions, and he has a narrow smile on his face and a little smell of an old urchin, which makes Xia feel funny when he wants to see it.

Lao Gu was really right. Not only Fu Boju and Zhao Quanxin were stunned by surprise, but even Wu Caiyang was shocked for a moment. He was stunned on the spot and didn't react for a long time!

The change is too fast. In a blink of an eye, Lao Gu appears. In a blink of an eye, Lao Gu leads people. In a blink of an eye, Xia wants to go away. After brewing the situation for a long time, it is disrupted by Lao Gu for a moment, and it has an unexpected effect.

A scene that shocked everyone even more appeared. Lao Gu and Xia wanted to run fast. When they came to the front desk of the venue, they happened to meet the Prime Minister coming in from the outside. When the Prime Minister entered the door, he saw Xiaxiang and actually took the initiative to wave to Xia.

Xia Xiang immediately moved forward, stood in front of the Prime Minister, and said hello respectfully. Because of the distance, several people can't hear what the Prime Minister and Xia want to say, but from the words and laughter between the two, it can be seen that the Prime Minister really seems to have something to talk to Xia! Wu Caijiang, Fu Boju and Zhao Quanxin were stunned.

Mr. Qiu, Mr. Mei and Mr. Fu were all surprised. Everyone's eyes flashed, their expressions were solemn, and everyone was thoughtful. Mei Shengping and Qiu Renli also looked at each other and saw the worry in each other's eyes.

A Xiaxiang, a small deputy department-level cadre, and a secretary of the district party committee far away in the Xiama District of Yanshi, have not only become the fulcrum of the four major families, but also the focus of all forces. Although everyone does not know what topics to talk about between the Prime Minister and Xia Shang and what is easy It can be seen from Lao Gu's maintenance of Xiaxiang that it can also be concluded that Xiaxiang is a dangerous road, and at the same time, it is an unprecedented road.

A scene that surprised everyone even more appeared, and the chairman also stepped into the venue one by one. Because today is an informal party, it has the nature of a party, and the requirements are not so strict. When the chairman came in, there was no notification to let people welcome one by one. Zong Changgui first shook hands with Lao Gu and listened to what Lao , he took the initiative to reach out his hand to Xia Xiang, and said a few words with Xia Xiang...

Xixia thought that in addition to his respectful face, there was also an eager attitude to report. After talking to the Prime Minister for a few minutes, he actually talked to the chairman for two minutes. The chairman and the prime minister took a few minutes to talk to him. Xia's face was really too much!

Of course, everyone also knows that maybe it's not Xiaxiang's face, but the face of the behind-the-scenes pusher. The pusher behind the scenes, Lao Guye!

A farce ended with no end. Everyone present knew that the situation was developing in an unknown direction. The beauty was that Wu Caiyang's daylight kept flashing. Suddenly, he remembered the last Xia wanted to say that the Wu family might not be able to take the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, and somehow a trace of uneasiness flashed in

On the highway back to Yanshi, Xia wanted to drive while thinking, "reckless of Gu Yu's chat-stop around.

Recalling the conversation with the Prime Minister and the Chairman, although it took less than two minutes, under the public and under the special arrangement of Lao Gu, he had received unexpected and very significant results. After he returned to Lian Ruohan's villa from the venue, he received Wu Caijiang, Qiu Xufeng and Mei successively. Shengping's phone call has already come to a conclusion that Lao Gu's careful arrangement this time has indeed received a shocking effect.

Old Guge's goal was achieved. The exceptional reception between the chairman and the prime minister greatly increased his weight in the minds of the four people, and at the same time, the four families had more doubts about him.

Wu Caijiang's phone call was okay, but he asked lightly how much contact he had with the Prime Minister, and how could the chairman know him? Wait, Xia Xiang answered vaguely, because he also heard that Wu Caijiang was entrusted, not his intention. Xia Xiang always felt that after Wu Caijiang was sent from outside to Ning Province and Wu Caiyang returned to the capital, he was no longer as interested in the expansion of family power as before, and seemed to focus on how to be a good governor.

Qiu Xufeng's phone call was much more direct. He first blamed the Fu family for the bad behavior of having nothing to do, and firmly expressed his attitude of standing with Xiaxiang. Then he asked how close Xiaxiang's relationship with Lao Gu was, and how he could he be punished by the general meeting. Li and the chairman met in person.

Xia figured out that Qiu Xufeng was entrusted by Qiu Renli to find out his reality, and he said that he was fooled by the past. In fact, he was indeed in the dark. If the conflict with the Fu family is purely an accident and is not deliberately arranged by Lao Gu, he is not sure whether the conversation with the chairman and the prime minister is intentional by Lao Gu. However, he believes that no matter where he goes, it will not affect the friendship between him and Qiu Xunian.

Qiu Jiefeng laughed a few times and understood that Nie thought may be an intermediate route that does not rely on the left and does not turn the right. He can't say anything more. Xia wants to help the Qiu family a lot, but he doesn't want anything in return. He has no qualification and reason to ask Xia Think. Moreover, Xia Think itself is No one can completely pull Xia to his own camp. Mei Shengping's phone call was even more direct. When he came, he asked Xia if he wanted to get close to the prime minister and the chairman, so he would not fall to any of the four families. Xiaxiang's answer was also simply powerful: "Xiaxiang is Xiaxiang, not someone else. I won't do anything that harms the Mei family, nor will I do anything that harms the country, and I won't do anything that Minister Orange is an elder. One, one, one, one, one"

Mei Shengping sank for a moment, and still smiled: "Ok, I still think you are the summer in the past, and I hope you will not change your original intention in the future. You will always be a friend of the Mei family."

To be fair, Xia Think actually has a deeper affection for Mei Shengping and Qiu Xufeng. For Lao Gu, he always has an inexplicable sense of alienation, because Lao Gu's feeling is so mysterious that he can't figure out the way out. Whether it's Mei Shengping or Qiu Xufeng, now in his mind, he is indeed as kind as a friend, and he can't know their character well, and he knows it in his heart.

But Lao Gu, on the surface, is indifferent and does not care about many things, but in fact, it may be the difference in personality, or the difference between the army and the place has caused a huge gap in thinking between Lao Gu and him. He always feels that there is a gap between him and Lao Gu, and it is relatively difficult to communicate.

Even if it is as unfathomable as Mr. Wu and as cold as Mr. Qiu, Xia Xiang doesn't feel difficult to deal with. There are always times when he can figure out their veins, but for Lao Gu always gives him a feeling that he has nowhere to work.

If he has his own path, Lao Gu must have Lao Gu's political ideas. There are overlaps between the two, and there must be places that do not intersect, but in general, it should be said that cooperation is greater than differences. Therefore, after Lao Gu specially arranged a political show, although he felt a little suspected of being used, Lao Gu was not entirely just to manipulate him, and also won enough political interests for him, so he did not complain much. On the contrary, he was a little grateful to Lao Gu.

Because he was not only able to meet and talk with the Prime Minister. Although the Prime Minister once visited him in the ward, this conversation was of great significance because the Prime Minister hinted to him that he might adopt Zou Lao's economic ideas. In other words, Zou Ru may become the Prime Minister's economic adviser!

And many of his economic theories are in line with Zou Ru's. Although they are not exactly the same, they also have too many similarities. The Prime Minister adopted Zou Lao's economic ideas, and at this time, when the four families were watching from afar, in just two minutes, If you have to mention it deliberately, obviously, it is a very obvious hint, implying that the Prime Minister has put on a broad road for him to choose!

Whether to take the family's political line or Zou Lao's line indicates whether to stay away from the family's forces or the Prime Minister's good intentions... Xia thought that there was no hesitation at that time, and gave the Prime Minister a positive answer one by one. He has also been practicing Zou Lao's economic theory.

At the same time, another major gain is that if the amiable attitude of Chairman Zong Changgui is not beyond Xia's expectation, then the first sentence asked by Zong Changgui as soon as he met really surprised him: "Comrade Xiaxiang, I have also heard about what you did in the Huoshu Building. Let's talk about it, If you have another choice, will you still want to save people?

Although Xiaxiang didn't know what Chairman Zong intended, his expression was kind and relaxed. Xia thought was neither heroic nor understatement, but said very cautiously: "Chairman, people don't think too much at the critical moment, but only think of no matter what method is used to save. People."

Zong Changgui was not satisfied with Xia's answer: "Only party members who always put the interests of the people first will save the people from water and fire at a critical moment. Xiaxiang, the common people will always be the cornerstone of the cause of the Party and the country, and they should always put their hardships first in their work!"

Xia Changgui's hint Xia also understood that the interests of the family represent only the interests of a few people. Real officials should put themselves in the right position and know that they represent the interests of the broad masses of the people, and there is a certain conflict of interest between the family forces.

Xiaxiang also answered Zong Changgui from the side: "I will always keep in mind the teachings of the committee members and always put the interests of the people in the first place!"

Although he only talked with Zong Changgui and He Dongchen for a few minutes, Xiaxiang also had a tone in his heart and basically understood the general position of the chairman and the prime minister. If he is right, entrusting the ancient man is one of the two.

No matter who it is, Xia wants to know that he doesn't need to show Lige in time, and he doesn't need to express loyalty urgently. If the slogan doesn't work, it still depends on action.

After coming out of the venue, Lao Gu sent him home. Lao Gu still didn't say anything clearly. Xia thought that he didn't ask, but only talked about some irrelevant topics. After going back, I saw Gu Yu. Gu Yu proposed to return to Yan City with Xia Nang tomorrow morning, and Xia Nang agreed.

Now Gu Yu is sitting next to him and telling him about the funny story of her shopping on the street. She is no different from a little girl. If Xia hadn't wanted to know her age, "I thought she was the same age as Song Yifan and was curious about everything.

When Gu Yu saw that Xia wanted to be a little bored, he thought he was unhappy, so he said dissatisfiedly, "With a face, don't you like to go back with me?"

P: Send the first update first, the second update will come out after about 23 o'clock, and it will come out before midnight at the latest. Now I'm working overtime to code words. I hope you can understand. Lao He is working hard to adjust and try to restore the regular update time from tomorrow. Thank you! A