official god

Chapter 690 Control the Rhythm

"I also agree with Comrade Yuanqing's opinion. It's a good location in Chengxi Village. It's a little unfair to give it to an unknown developer of Wentai Real Estate..." Mu Yunshan casually looked at Xiaxiang. Seeing that Xiaxiang still seemed to be indifferent, he wondered what Xiaxiang's position was. He knew it What's the reason why there is a tendency to text real estate, but it is not clear? I can't figure it out. He still needs to make it clear, "Comrade Yuanqing said it well. Everyone is happy to go to Fangbei, and Wentai is looking for a suitable location."

"Everyone is happy? I'm afraid they are not satisfied. Li Han immediately refuted Mu Yunshan's proposal, "What is the main work in the dismounting area now? It's investment attraction j$. Now there is investment! $ Shang invested, but Comrade Yunshan vetoed the request put forward by the investment in Tianjin with a simple and rude attitude, which will not only chill the hearts of investors, but also smear the face of the dismounting area.

Li Han's words are very heavy, and he went straight to the line, which is equivalent to taking down the construction plan of the horse area to suppress Mu Yunshan. Obviously, Li Han is very dissatisfied with Mu Yunshan's attitude.

In any place, the last thing all the members of the Standing Committee want to see is to be consistent with one or two leaders. Because if one or two leaders speak in one voice, most of the resolutions will have nothing to do with the members of the Standing Committee, because some people can be at peace with the secretary or with the district chief, but no one is at the same time with the secretary and the district chief. If the secretary and the district chief can't see it, don't want to do any work.

At present, Xia Xiang's attitude is unclear about the land of Zhongda Group and Wentai Real Estate. "But the discerning person can also see that he prefers the position of Wentai Real Estate, and Li Han is also dedicated to supporting Wentai Real Estate to get the land of Chengxi Village. Thinking of Li Han's attitude of Zhongda Group a There are a lot of intriguing things in it. Li Han's attitude may not be clear to others, but Xia Xiang knows it.

The most important point, of course, is that Zhao Kang's tackling the key points are excellent, which has achieved the expected effect. Another important reason is that Li Han has a very bad impression of Zheng Yi, because Zheng Yi obviously played tricks in front of him and began to play around, which not only did not give him any benefits, but also let him lose. It's a person. It was Zheng Yi who concealed the strategy of the big group from him.

It is said that in business, casting a net widely is not a big deal, but a normal business method. But the problem is that Zheng Yi didn't say it clearly at the beginning, and he still pretended to be in a non-disengage zone! As long as the land is approved and the funds are in place, Li Hanxin will take it seriously. I didn't want to be coldly put on by Zhuang Qingyun at the last meeting, and then Chen Tianyu exposed Zheng Yi's shortcomings, which made Li Han feel a sense of humiliation, and naturally he didn't have any good impression on Zheng Yi.

Basically, it can be said that Zheng Yi lost power in front of Li Han, which was completely caused by Zheng Yi himself. Of course, there are also many reasons for promoting the waves and helping the moist. With a clever hand gently, it can achieve the desired effect.

Li Han's prestige in the dismounting horse area is not enough to fully convince the public, so his heavy words not only did not suppress Mu Yunshan, but also raised Mu Yunshan's anger. Mu Yunshan said with a little dissatisfaction: "District chief Li, don't go online all the time. Now it's a new era, and It's true, but it's not that everything is cast! The government should show the authority of the government, dare to negotiate with investors, and strive for the interests of the government. Investors are businessmen. In order to pursue profits by any means, the government must correctly guide them and seek benefits for the people. If the government makes concessions and investors have the final say, what else does the government have to do? Just press whoever has money and whoever is the boss!"

Mu Yunshan's words were also very sharp and strong. To put it bluntly, Li Han's face turned red and almost happened to the case.

Xia wants to look down: "Comrade Yunshan, pay attention to the way you speak, talk about the matter, don't talk angrily, and don't talk nonsense. Now we are talking about the ownership of the land, not the relationship between the government and investors.

Xia Xiang's voice was not loud, and there was no deliberate stern tone, but Mu Yunshan felt a pressure coming to his face, which was completely different from the feeling of full confidence when facing Li Han. In the face of Xia Xiang, he couldn't lift a trace of momentum. He just straightened his waist to show his toughness, and then The secretary was right to criticize. I was so impulsive just now that I apologized to District Chief Li. He said that he went to Li Han to apologize, but he just nod to Li Han, and there was no follow-up.

The people here know that although Li Han is nominally the second-in-command and the district chief, in fact, he still can't control the field and has not had enough prestige. Xiaxiang, from the strong district chief to the current secretary, although not as strong as the former district chief, is more immoving prestige and always controlling the rhythm of the sub-horse area.

Controlling the rhythm is higher than controlling the overall situation. Controlling the overall situation depends on power and prestige, and convinces everyone with a top-down pressure. Controlling the rhythm is the ability to completely convince everyone with a peaceful attitude. It only leads the general direction, regardless of specific affairs, but still allows everyone to move forward according to his pace, which is the quality that a secretary should have.

The secretary is in charge of the general direction. He only needs the obedience of a cadre of people. Whether it is absolute obedience or passive acceptance, it must be within the rhythm he can control, and there can be no one who plays the piano randomly to be a successful secretary. Xia, at least now in the Xiama District, is already a successful secretary. The land of Chengxi Village is ID mu. Wentai Real Estate is not strong enough, and one family can't eat it all. Besides, it is impossible to give him only one.

I have an idea that I don't know if it is feasible. Let me say it for your reference. Teng Fei jumped out to relieve Mu Yunshan in time. He was clear about Mu Yunshan's intentional temptation just now. He knew that Mu Yunshan wanted to see if the secretary and the district chief had joined hands. Obviously, Mu Yunshan's temptation did not have any effect. Xiaxiang's performance just now made people unable to see his bias.

Tengfei is also a little puzzled. Xia wants to give the land to Wentai Real Estate. Why don't she say it clearly? In fact, the current control of the Standing Committee is basically what he says. Unless there is Li Han's persistent opposition, the opinions of other members of the Standing Committee are for reference only, which is not enough to restrict him.

If you don't understand, his opinion must also be said in public: "Wentai Real Estate needs half, and Zhongda Group needs half. It not only takes care of the interests of the two families, but also achieves a smooth level. What do you think?"

Xiaxiang still smiled and said nothing. He just nod his head. I don't know whether he agreed with Tengfei's proposal or just said that he knew... In fact, many people have thought of Tengfei's proposal, but they didn't mention it because they still don't know the real idea of the first or two leaders, and What consensus has been reached? Today's standing committee is a little cloudy, so that people can't see the direction clearly.

"There are 1,000 mu of land in Chengxi Village, and Wentai Real Estate can eat at most 200 mu. If Zhongda Group builds a factory, it will eat at most 300 mu. The two families are divided into 1,000 mu. They can't eat it. Even if they barely eat it, it's a waste." Chen Tianyu spoke. As soon as he spoke, he immediately attracted everyone's attention, because everyone knew that Chen Tianyu was the most staunch follower of Xia Xiang in the government team. Most of his words represented Xia Xiang's own meaning.

Facing everyone's eyes, Chen Tianyu calmed down: "I calculated 1,000 mu of land, 200 mu of land for Wentai Real Estate, 300 mu for Zhongda Group, and about 500 mu. There are just a few new developers who applied for the project, and I also like the land of Chengxi Village, which are Nanxin Real Estate and Guang. Xiamen house production one one one one one r" As soon as Chen Tianyu's voice fell, it immediately caused a burst of discussion - 0

Just as everyone was expecting Chen Tianyu to say Xia's real thoughts, everyone wanted to know which one Secretary Xia focused on, whether it was Zhongda or Wentai. Unexpectedly, Chen Tianyu suddenly threw out a proposal to divide the land in the west village of the city and caught everyone off guard. Is what Chen Tianyu just said what Secretary Xia really thinks? Not only was everyone puzzled, but even Li Han was stunned.

Before the meeting, Li Han heard from Chen Tianyu that Nanxin Real Estate, Guangxia Real Estate, Dacai Group, Jiangshan Real Estate and Tian'an Real Estate all intended the district government to apply for a project, and they all planned to reopen the project. For the three places applied for by Dacai Group, Jiangshan Real Estate and Tian'an Real Estate, Li Han only took a brief look and had no opinion, because several developers are old friends in the dismounting area. They have made their second additional investment. He has no reason to stop them, and the three companies are also very powerful in the dismount area. The well-known big developer is the guarantee of quality and sales. The above three developers have been in Yanshi for many years and have deep connections. There is no need for Li Han to intervene and find himself uncomfortable.

And he also knew that Chen Tianyu meant Xiaxiang, and he had no reason to stop him, so he almost saw it and let it go.

However, Li Han was still concerned about the two new developers of Nanxin House and Guangsha Real Estate. He carefully studied the materials on the newspaper, which were very informative and legal. There was nothing to be picky about. And most importantly, the two developers entered real estate and did not need to apply for land from the district government, because The two companies took over the transferred land directly from Chen Jinming of Jinshu Group, and they only need to file with the district government.

The newly established developer is registered in the capital again. As soon as he arrived in Yanshi, he had an insider deal with Jinshu Group. No one would believe that no one secretly helped in Yanshi.

But Li Han is not good at talking about Nanxin Real Estate and Guangsha Real Estate, because the two companies are directly based on the land taken over from Jinshu Group, and the district government has no right to interfere. However, he still temporarily suppressed it and did not pass the project application of Nanxin Real Estate and Guangsha Real Estate. He wanted to wait and find out the background of the two companies.

At that time, Chen Tianyu didn't say much. He put down the materials and left without saying who was the backstage of the two companies. Li Han knows that if he can take over the land from Jinshu Group, there must be a deep backstage. Otherwise, it is impossible to know everything about Jinshu Group well, and things are still going so well &qu;ll llli -! 1l&qu;/ . . . . . . R

Li Han was surprised that Chen Tianyu suddenly raised the topic of Nanxin Real Estate and Guangsha Real Estate at the Standing Committee. What does it mean? Is it his personal idea, and did he still get out of his mind since summer? However, no matter who's idea it was, it made him feel uncomfortable, because not only because Xia wanted to control the Standing Committee more than he imagined, but also because Xia wanted to be in control of everything, and Chen Tianyu's sudden proposal.

Chen Tianyu did not discuss with him in advance, and suddenly threw out Nanxin Real Estate and Guangsha Real Estate at the Standing Committee, which also intended to divide the land of Chengxi Village, which made him feel neglected. Chen Tianyu definitely discussed the countermeasures with Xia in advance, so he wanted to force him to do it at the Standing Committee. He simply didn't take him as a cadre.

So, the backstage of Nanxin Real Estate and Guangsha Real Estate is Xiaxiang?

Li Han took a meaningful look at Xia Xiang, and then looked at Chen Tianyu dissatisfiedly. He said rigidly, "Nanxin Real Estate and Guangsha Real Estate have got two plots of land from Jinshu Group. The two are new companies, and then they have taken hundreds of mu of land in Chengxi Village. I'm afraid they don't It is necessary to study this problem carefully.

Zhuang Qingyun has never said anything. He bowed his head and studied the materials very carefully. As the second person in the district committee, his attitude is also very critical.

Zhuang Qingyun put down the information, reached out to take off his glasses, took out the skin of the glasses and wiped them a few times. He put on the glasses again before saying, "There is fog on the glasses. Only when you wipe them clean can you see clearly. If your eyes are black, you will have to fall."

There is something to say. Chen Tianyu looked at Zhuang Qingyun with great interest and made a gesture of listening carefully.

No aluminum, today's meeting was very scattered, and there were many accidents. It was indeed Xia Xiang's careful arrangement. What he wanted was to disrupt the order, disturb the sight, and not let Li Han and the vanguard behind him figure out the real intention.

Chen Tianyu is clear about Xiaxiang's thinking. If Zhongda Group wants the land of Chengxi Village, it is estimated that it has another intention, not really wants to build a factory.

As a dark chess of Fu Xianfeng, Li Han should have supported Zhongda Group, but for many reasons, he was prejudiced against Zhongda Group, so he turned to support Wentai Real Estate. Li Han's attitude was as early as Xia Xiang's preparatory course.

The situation that Xiaxiang wants is to divide the ID mu land into four and divide it up by four families. In addition to Wentai Real Estate, Nanxin Real Estate and Guangsha Real Estate also take this opportunity to win an extra piece of land, which is also a rare opportunity. Because of Nanxin Real Estate and Guangsha Real Estate! $ Quality and strength, it is difficult to take over the land of Chengxi Village directly, because Li Han will definitely make things difficult.

Of course, if Xia wants to support him, he can also suppress Li Han's concessions, but the problem is that Xia Xiang can't obviously favor Nanxin real estate and Guangsha real estate, otherwise it is easy to attract criticism, which makes people doubt the relationship between Xia Xiang and the two companies.

P: Please recommend me after midnight, try hard, ask hard, ask loudly, please be sure to help...D