official god

Chapter 695 Focus

Xiaxiangxin's leader smiled and said, "Take away the elegant man, I will definitely not give vulgar gifts. But there will be small gifts. If you don't respect it, I just want to give it or not. It's my attitude whether the leader wants it or not. It's the leader's business..." "You, you..." Hu Zengzhou laughed, and the laughter was particularly loud on the quiet night, conveying a message of joy and expectation.

Xia wanted to put down the phone and look out of the window. In the dark night, there are still many people with shining lights in the distance, and obviously there are still people who have not fallen asleep. Yan City at night is like a sleeping beast. No one knows how many joys and sorrows and changes will happen in one night.

Hu Zengzhou was also interesting. Xia wanted to take back his mind, closed the window, shook his head and smiled. Hu Zengzhou, like many leaders, has two birthdays today, one is the lunar calendar and the other is the Gregorian calendar. Because of the Gregorian calendar, there are all the resources that can be checked. It is a public birthday. The leaders who want to collect money are all in a big fanfare, and the low-key leaders are secretly passing by.

In fact, there are still many leaders who have to celebrate the lunar birthday again at the same time as the Gregorian calendar birthday. The lunar birthday is not made public. Only a few people know that basically those who can participate are all recognized by him.

Being able to attend Hu Zengzhou's lunar birthday party before taking over as secretary, Xiaxiang is still satisfied. At least it shows that in Hu Zengzhou's heart, he has not been far away and has always had a place in Hu Zengzhou's heart. Xia wanted to go upstairs and fell asleep peacefully.

Unlike Xia Wants to fall asleep peacefully, after Hu Zengzhou answered Xiaxiang's phone, his mind was particularly clear, and his slightly excited brain made him sleepless and unable to sleep for a while. For Xiaxiang, he has always had a complicated and unspeakable mood.

From the earliest contact with Xiaxiang in the charter market, Hu Zengzhou has had an inexplicable good impression of Xiaxiang, and even secretly cited him as a confidant in his heart. Later, he came to Yan City to take office. At the beginning of his hesitation and adaptation period, it was Xia who wanted to take advantage of his deep relationship to help him in time, let him gain a firm foothold, and slowly opened the situation in Yan City. It can be said that Xia wanted to help him a lot. Although Yu Gong said that he was a junior, and However, Hu Zengzhou was secretly grateful.

If it hadn't been for the Wu family's incident that suppressed Xia Xiang, the relationship between him and Xia Xiang might have been going smoothly. However, a sudden incident broke the balance of Yan City. Out of his own future and long-term plans, he drew a clear line with Chen Feng in time. At the same time, there was also a crack in his relationship with Xiaxiang.

Xia thought that the relationship with Chen Feng is too close and unbreakable. He and Chen Feng are far away, and they will definitely be estranged from Xiaxiang. In addition, he withdrew his firm support for Xiaxiang at the most critical moment, resulting in Xiaxiang's failure to become the secretary of the district party committee as he wished, which also made him feel ashamed.

Yes, the superiors are ashamed of the subordinates, because Hu Zengzhou knows that Xiaxiang has always helped him a lot, and he did not give Xiaxiang substantial help. In fact, he wants to show his hands in Yanshi and offset the pressure from Fu Xianfeng's first series. Because of Xiaxiang's network, there are still many places to use Xiaxiang.

The situation is stronger than others. Chen Feng is about to leave office. Once Xiaxiang's most determined backstage leaves Yanshi, the power of Yanshi will be reshuffled. At the same time, the biggest gap between Xiaxiang and him no longer exists. Because Fu Xianfeng is expected to sit on the throne of the market, Hu Zengzhou suddenly The importance of thinking has once again been raised to the level of no replacement.

Yes, there is indeed no substitute. Who has more key people Xia wants to know in the municipal party committee? Who wants to have a deep connection in the municipal party committee? Needless to say, Li Dingshan and Gao Hai are the Secretary-General, the other is the Deputy Mayor of the Standing Committee, and Qiu Xufeng, the new Minister of Organization, who is also an old friend of Xia Xiang. The relationship with Xia Xiang is said to be very strong. Even Yu Fanran, the executive vice mayor, took the initiative to congratulate Xia Xiang's It shows the urgent meaning of entlessing.

Basically, the important figures of the Municipal Party Committee have more or less close relations with Xiaxiang. Usually, it's okay. As long as it involves Xiaxiang's major questions, no one can guarantee that the above heavyweight members of the Standing Committee will not join hands to make the same voice!

It's okay that Hu Zengzhou doesn't think deeply. As soon as he thinks deeply, he has a thrilling feeling. According to the key position of the Municipal Party Committee, people have come and gone, and a lot has been replaced in the past few years, so that the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor have a period of at a loss, not to mention other members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. Only Xia think, looking at the whole Yan City, there is only one person Impact.

made Hu Zeng and Zhou shocked. After thinking about it carefully, he found that the key point was that Xia Xiang had always looked at the future and completed a long-term layout far beyond ordinary people. It is not too much to use foresight to describe Xia to describe Xiaxiang or some elevate him, but it is not too much to use foresight to describe his political wisdom. Needless to say, Li Dingshan's relationship with Xia Xiang has always been firm. Gao Hai has not been promoted to the Standing Committee for a long time, and he has replaced He Jianghua. On the surface, He Jianghua took the initiative to resign at that time, and Hu Zengzhou also knew in his heart that Xia wanted to cooperate with Chen Feng to act. It is true that Gao Hai is Chen Feng's person, but the friendship between Gao Hai and Xiaxiang is deeper. As soon as Chen Feng left, the importance of Gao Hai became more prominent.

And Qiu Xufeng's position as the Minister of Organization is also a godsend. Hu Zengzhou also heard a little about Qiu Xufeng's thrill in the process of winning the Minister of Organization of the Municipal Party Committee, and also heard some rumors about the role of Xiaxiang in it. At that time, I didn't think how smart Xia wanted to be. I thought he was just trying to make it difficult for him. It seems that this may not be all the case now, because even if the Fu family does not want to take the position of the organization minister of the municipal party committee, Xia I'm afraid will persuade the Qiu family to take action.

The position of Minister of Organization of the Municipal Party Committee, whether it is the Zhong family or anyone else, is not as beneficial to Xiaxiang as Qiu Xufeng. Hu Zengzhou now understood something. It turned out that Xiaxiang had begun to lay out the post-Chenfeng era at that time.

As for Yu Fanran and Xia want to get close, Hu Zengzhou can't figure out the inside story, but he can also know a general idea, because Yu Fanran wants to make his voice at the Standing Committee. If Xia wants to help him sincerely, Yu Fanran can attract Li Dingshan and Gao Hai, and even Qiu Xufeng, an executive deputy If there is another Minister of Organization and Secretary-General, who are together in the Standing Committee, not to mention that he is now the mayor, even if he becomes the secretary of the municipal party committee, it will be a big headache. Moreover, Sun Dingguo, the director of the Public Security Bureau, also has an extraordinary relationship with Xiaxiang!

What's more, once Fu Xianfeng is the mayor, with Fu Xianfeng's personality and strength, there will inevitably be more conflicts of interest with him. He is weak at the Standing Committee. Even if he is the secretary of the municipal party committee, I'm afraid it will be difficult to beat Fu Xianfeng with a family background.

If the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee is still suppressed by the mayor, not to mention that he will be extremely depressed, even the superiors and subordinates will flatter him and no longer be optimistic about his future. Therefore, it is imperative that Fu Xianfeng must win over and unite the middle force and establish a solid alliance before he became the mayor. Xia thought, once again - become the focus.

As long as Xia Xiang is brought in, it is equivalent to directly pulling in Li Dingshan, Gao Hai and Qiu Xufeng. At the same time, it is equivalent to indirectly having a foundation for cooperation with Yu Fanran and Sun Ting State. The importance of Xiaxiang, not to mention the whole Yan City, looking at the whole Yan Province, is also a unique person.

Hu Zengzhou asked Zhuang Qingyun to gently release his goodwill to Xia Xiang. He was also worried that Xia Xiang would not accept his goodwill. Although he also knew that Xia Xiang could not get together with Fu Xianfeng, if Xia Xiang hated his behavior that he did not support him at the critical moment, he would have to take a neutral position in the factional It's a big trouble.

Xia wants to be neutral. Yu Fanran and Sun Dingguo support him on major issues. It's hard to say, but Li Dingshan, Gao Hai and Qiu Xufeng will definitely take care of Xia Xiangfu! ↑↑↑0 If Xia wants to have a position on some major issues, their position will probably be with 3., (;.. ( The temple is the same. And Xia thought that if he sincerely opposes him, he can really take advantage of the situation. When he and (\;;:: - Ten confrontations, take him ten!

It's okay. Fortunately, Xia wanted to accept Zhuang Qingyun's hint, so he let Hu Zengzhou breathe a sigh of relief, and his heart fell into practice.

If he just heard that Xia wanted to come to his birthday party, Hu Zengzhou was just a little relieved. The phone call in the middle of the night today made him completely relieved and understood that Xia was not a young man who must be rewarded. He has courage, insight and heart.

Because Xiaxiang's phone call tonight is a test and a sign of goodwill, the reason why he chose to call so late is to see if he has a relaxed and casual attitude. He also deliberately made his personal phone call, which also made a hint to repair his private sex. Xia thought that he wanted to be a subordinate who could call him at any time in the middle of the night to report his work, rather than a business relationship that he had to meet in the office during office hours.

... Xiaxiang's phone has been on the phone for half an hour. Hu Zengzhou has not been sleepy at all. He turned on the lights in the living room and kept smoking. He estimated the position of the standing committees of the municipal party committee. The more he thought about it, the more excited he was, the more he was, the less sleepy he was

Fu Xianfeng returned to the capital again. He knew that recently, Fu Xianfeng had little time in Yan City and ran to the capital in three days. No wonder many forces in the capital are willing to insert forces into the Yanshi Municipal Party Committee. Yes, Yanshi is the nearest provincial capital city to the capital. If you have any feelings, you can go back in two hours and have an interview. It's so convenient.

Officials pay attention to level, power, not good-looking on the surface, Yanshi is the best springboard, and now it has really become a place for all forces to compete for. The more so, the stronger Hu Zengzhou's desire to protect his acre of land is. What kind of meeting will you have with Xia tomorrow? I hope everyone is happy. C