official god

Chapter 707 Tighten the layout

"You have too many questions, no comment." Chen Feng made a joke and still had a satisfied smile on his face. Obviously, he was quite satisfied with his new position. Although he was a deputy director, he enjoyed ministerial-level treatment, and it was also a good thing to transition to the position of deputy director of the Development and Reform Commission. At least his resume was much better.

The Development and Reform Commission is a major ministry, and it has always been the easiest place for high-ranking officials. Of course, the reputation of the Development and Reform Commission in the people has always been bad, which gives people the feeling that it has not done any business except that the price will rise and pay from the pockets of the people. But from a political point of view, it is a good springboard.

When Chen Feng arrived at the National Development and Reform Commission, Xia wants to estimate that he will be released as the governor in the next step, and it is unlikely to directly help the National Development and Reform Commission. With Chen Feng's local achievements, he is more suitable to govern in the local government "rather than in the National Development and Reform Commission." Do you have the most suitable person in your heart as the next mayor? Xia wants to skip Chen Feng's whereabouts after the transition with a smile. After all, it is still a little far away, and it doesn't make much sense to mention it now.

"I don't count, so it's okay not to mention it." Chen Feng sighed, "Zeng Zhou served as a book; it is a good thing for you. For Yanshi, it is also a smooth handover, and the central government has reached an agreement. Mayor of Yan City... On the surface, Fu Xianfeng is most suitable to take over, but in fact, I still hope that one person will come over. There is the most suitable person. You know who he is.

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "The virtuous does not avoid relatives. I also know that my father-in-law's qualifications are enough. He has also served as the executive deputy mayor of Zhao City, which is the most suitable person, but now the candidate for the mayor of Yan City has shocked too many people, and the position is not easy to If you can't do it, you may be remembered. 8 It's on, and it has become a target.

"You, you have been thinking about it for a long time. After all, it's a family, and you really think about it for Yongguo." Chen Feng smiled and nodded Xia with his hand, "In terms of governance style and ability, it is indeed the most suitable for Yongguo, but you are right. There are also many disadvantages for Yongguo to be the mayor. I won't talk about the big aspects. It's easy to get Fu vanguard to stumble, and so on. It's really troublesome. After all, his father-in-law is the mayor, and his son-in-law is the district committee of the district under his jurisdiction. It's very embarrassing. This situation is almost unique in China. If Yongguo really serves as the mayor, I'm afraid you have to make way for him.

Xia wanted to nod, but did not hide Chen Feng: "My father-in-law may go to the Western Province...

Chen Feng was stunned, and then thought of something: "Lu: q Yuan's proposal?"

Xia wanted to shake his head: "No, it's Xing Duantai."

"Ha ha, Xing Duantai and Lu Yuanyuan didn't get to know each other when they were in Yan Province. When they arrived in the West Province, it is estimated that the two are still separate. He also played a good hand and let Yongguo pass. Obviously, he wanted Yongguo to be his bridge. Maybe the terminal is still the inspiration from you... It's not easy to go to the western province. At least the care of the terminal and the source, Yongguo will not be excluded. Chen Feng has been in officialdom for a long time, and many things can be seen through at a moment.

Xiaxiang did not know that Pan Bingyi, Yuanliang's partner, had focused on the coal resources of the western province and was ready to enter the western province and fry coal. The floating capital coal speculation is also the same as the real coal speculation incident in Xiaxiang's previous time and space. At that time, there were funds from Dandao Yiwenzhou in the western province, distributed among large and small enterprises.

Although Wenzhou's funds entered the coal market in the western province can be traced back to the end of the e period at the year, but it was not until the beginning that there was a huge injection one after another. The heyday lasted until the year of Medao q, and there were more than a variety of coal mines operated by Official!: Right, the annual output of coal is ∽ million tons, which plays a pivotal role in the coal industry in the Western Province.

However, at the beginning of Kuidao q, the Western Province began to rectify the coal market, and a large-scale small coal mine group movement was carried out vigorously. According to the integration plan of the Western Province at that time, by the end of ZDI, the total number of mines in the province will be reduced from 6r seats to 1 knife seat, and the number of coal enterprises will be sharply reduced from the current 22 to about l. This means that hundreds of small and medium-sized coal mines invested by literary merchants in the Western Province will be merged or closed, and the coal speculation group may withdraw from the historical stage from now on!

According to the compensation policy of the Western Province, the compensation cost of a coal mine worth hundreds of millions of yuan does not exceed ∽ million yuan, and it will not be returned to the enterprise at one time. For this alone, the investment of Mao Liuyi of the coal-frying group has shrunk by more than 50% overnight.

Before Xia wanted to be reborn, the Kui group's action was still in progress. Although Jiangqu Province, where Wenzhou is located, has made a serious protest to the West Province, the West Province still strictly implements the policy, and many coal speculators have voted! $ There is no return of blood.

If Guo Xia wants to know that Pan Bingyi has raised a huge amount of money and is preparing to enter the coal market in Xizhan, he will definitely remind Cao Yongguo to take preventive measures in advance and formulate relevant policies and regulations first. Zhao Xiaofeng... Do you know him? Xia thought about the meeting between Yuan Mingliang and Zhao Xiaofeng, thinking that maybe Chen Feng knew Zhao Xiaofeng's person.

Xia thought it was really right. Chen Feng actually knew Zhao Xiaonian: "I know him. I've had sex several times. I'm not very familiar with him, and I can talk to him. What's the matter? Do you need to ask him for help?"

It's not to ask him for help, but to say that he will make trouble for himself in the future. Xia wanted to smile and said, "I want to know his person." I don't know Zhao Xiaofeng very well, but I have a little opinion of him. Chen Feng didn't ask Xia much about the reason why he wanted to understand Zhao Xiaofeng. He said cautiously, "Zhao Xiaofeng is not easy to deal with. On the surface, he is straightforward. In fact, he likes to care about everything. I don't speak ill of people behind his back. Ha ha, if you have to make a conclusion for Zhao Xiao

Chen Feng also knew that Xia wanted to act cautiously. He would not ask questions for no reason, nor would he have nothing to talk about other people's wrongs. In addition, the friendship between him and Xia Xiang for several years, so he did not hide anything and tell the truth.

Xia wanted to nod his head to express his gratitude: "It is possible that I will have a conflict with Zhao Xiaofeng in the future. Let's learn about his person first, so that I can know myself and my enemy."

Chen Feng said "Oh" and reminded him, "Be careful when dealing with Zhao Xiaofeng. As far as I know, he is sometimes more difficult to deal with than Fu Xianfeng."

Xia Xiang talked to Chen Feng for a long time. Looking at the time, he was surprised that it was now in the afternoon. Why didn't there be any news from the capital? Suddenly, Chen Feng's phone rang.

Chen Feng just glanced at the phone number and suddenly looked serious. Xia wanted to avoid it when he saw this. Chen Feng waved his hand and motioned that Xia wanted to sit down. He reached out and answered the phone.

Chen Feng listened quietly for a moment, and then said respectfully, "Yes, I support the decision on the group and obey the organizational arrangement."

Putting down the phone, Chen Feng turned around and came to Xiaxiang and patted Xiaxiang on the shoulder: "It's bad news for you. Fu Xianfeng took over as mayor, and he has nodded."

Mom, hurry up, Xia wants to sigh secretly. The power of the three families is really great, and the power of the family should not be underestimated!

Political matters are really interesting, sometimes procrastinated, sometimes vigorous, and the determination and energy of all parties to play the game.

Chen Feng thought that Xiaxiang would be depressed, but Xiaxiang just smiled faintly: "Fu Xianfeng is determined to win the throne of the mayor of Yan City, and it is logical for him to win it."

Chen Feng nodded: "Many things in politics are the product of compromise. You don't have to be discouraged. Even if Fu Xianfeng is the mayor, he can't do whatever he wants. I also believe that your ability can solve difficult problems." On the surface, he comforted Xiaxiang, and he still sighed in his heart. Xiaxiang was really mature and initially had the demeanor of a politician.

He didn't even expect that Fu Xianfeng's appointment as mayor would be settled so quickly, but Xia thought was not impatient at all. If he had put him in Xiaxiang's current situation, it would be difficult to feel at ease.

Of course, Xia thought that he was not touched at all, and there was also a wave in his heart. Many times, imagination is one thing, and after things are implemented, it is another situation. Fu Xianfeng's appointment as the city's head is definitely more harmful than good for him, but it's not within his ability. No matter how headache or depression he is, it won't help. It's better to face it calmly. Besides, he had actually thought of this day for a long time.

In the process of fighting with Fu Xianfeng, he can't always fight passively, but he doesn't want to take the initiative to provoke trouble. What he can do is to weave a good relationship as much as possible. Once Fu Xianfeng wants to move him, once the network of relationships is launched, he can let Fu Xianfeng make a cocoon

The situation in the market is very complicated. There are both local forces, such as Li Dingshan and Gao Hai, and external forces, such as Hu Zengzhou. There are also family forces, such as Fu Xianfeng and Yu Fanran. In addition to Hu Zengzhou's next step to take over as secretary, he is highly assigned to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and has absolute authority in the municipal party committee. Fu Xianfeng wants to say the same in Yan City, which is still far from being restrained by Hu Zeng Next, it should be restricted by Fanran, Gao Hai and Li Dingshan, and the political achievements of the mayor of Yan City are difficult to come out, but they are easy to be suppressed. Hu Zengzhou is a precedent.

Of course, Fu Xianfeng's backstage is tougher than Hu Zengzhou, with strong family support, and it is bound to want to make a strong voice of the municipal government team more than the era of Hu Zengzhou, but unfortunately, the government team is not united, not only not united, but also has a lot of checks and balances.

Xia Xiang suddenly thought of the wonderful chess when Mr. Wu suppressed him, and placed Yu Fanran in Yan City as the executive vice mayor. Is it true that Mr. Wu has a far-sighted and has long seen that Fu Xianfeng wants to seek the throne of the mayor of Yan City, so he arranged Yu Fanran in advance to serve as the executive deputy mayor Identity to pay for the vanguard to create a problem?

Maybe it's true!

Xia Xiang admired Mr. Wu's foresight even more.

Just on the incident of the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, why has Mr. Wu always been sinking? Can't he see that the Wu family will eventually lead to Chu Ge on all sides because of the position of an inconsideless secretary-general of the Provincial Party Committee? Xia thought or asked, "Secretary Chen, is there any news about the candidate for the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee?"

Chen Feng shook his head: "I didn't say anything, and I didn't mention it. Naturally, it's not easy for me to ask. It should not have been decided yet, but now that the mayor's matter has come to an end, the choice of the Secretary-General should be perfect, but there is no rumor, and there should be one last procedure left.

Xia wanted to see that it was almost time. After all, Chen Feng was the secretary of the municipal party committee. He couldn't take up too much time at the head of the municipal party committee, so he said goodbye: "Before you leave Yanshi, I'll treat you to a few more meals, so that the next time I go to the capital, you

A joke made Chen Feng laugh: "I'm afraid you won't go to the capital to see me. As soon as I leave, I'll go to the tea divination"

He came out of Chen Feng's office with a smile. Xia wanted to see that it was still early, so he was ready to sit down in Hu Zengzhou's office again. After a few steps, the mobile phone rang. It was Mei Shengping who called. Fu Xianfeng became the mayor, the Qiu family won the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, the Wu family's hands were empty, and the matter has been finalized. Mei Shengping's voice revealed relaxation, "I just saw Wu Caiyang. He looked pale and left angrily. It was rare for me to take the initiative to say hello to him. He ignored it. It was too rude. Ha ha, tell him later and say that Mei Shengping has a problem with him..."

Well, Mei Shengping is cheap and obedient. Wu Caiyang lost miserably this time. It's strange to be in the mood to talk to Mei Shengping. The key is that Wu Caiyang's first important layout after returning to Beijing ended in failure, which was a big blow to him and should also greatly reduce his prestige in the Politburo.

Xia Xiang returned to the question just now. Why didn't Mr. Wu have any intention of dissuading Wu Caiyang's move against the trend? Who is Renyi, the secretary-general of the Qiu family's provincial party committee? Xia thought that he still didn't guess the intention of the Qiu family.

Unexpectedly, Mei Shengping laughed and said, "It's rare that you can't guess once, and I can't tell you. I'll be bored for two days."

Why is it like this? Xia wanted to smile helplessly at the hung-up mobile phone, as if he could solve his difficult problem, which made Qiu Xufeng and Mei Shengping happy!

Xia thought of Hu Zengzhou's office for a while, reported on the recent work arrangements in the Lower Horse District, and then talked about Chen Feng's where he went. Hu Zengzhou expressed his happiness as usual, talking about Fu Xianfeng as mayor, and the secretary-general's personnel may be promoted on the spot in Yan City or Yan Province, A little surprised: "It may be a municipal party secretary, I think

After meditating for a moment, Hu Zengzhou shook his head and smiled: "I can't remember the watch, hehe, and there is also a mute riddle. It's interesting. Forget it. Don't play hide and seek with them. 11 cities, one by one is too tired. Who has that idle mind? Anyway, it

Xia thought for a moment and also skipped the question of the selection of the secretary of the provincial party committee: "Mayor Hu, after Fu Xianfeng took over as mayor, Yan City had another vacant position as a deputy secretary..."

"I estimate that the deputy secretary may be transferred from other places, and now there is no suitable candidate in Yan City. It is said that Ding Shan has a little hope, but his seniority is still a little shallow. In those years, he directly mentioned the main hall from the main hall, and the crossing is a little big... However, it can block the provincial activities. The provincial party committee has the right to decide the candidate of the deputy secretary. I can also support Ding Shan.

Hu Zengzhou means that as long as someone proposes, after he enters the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Li Dingshan's appointment will vote in favor of the meeting.

Xia figured out that Hu Zengzhou meant to show his mother, and it was also an affirmation of him and Li Dingshan. He nodded and said, "Thank you, Mayor Hu, for your care. I will discuss it with the Secretary-General.

In the evening, Xia wanted to call Cao Shuzhen and tell her that she would not go back for dinner. He had socializing. Xiaxiang must step up the layout and minimize the negative impact of Fu Xianfeng as mayor as possible.

Cao Shuqi also knew that Xia was very busy in the recent period, mainly because the problem of personnel changes affected all aspects of nerves, and it was also related to Xia's vital interests. She also understood.

"Pay attention to your health and don't be too tired." The girl first asked with concern, and then said, "Dad called and said that he had an eyebrow with him. I want to ask for your opinion finally.

Don't miss the opportunity to step into the vice province. After that, it's hard to say. Besides, with Xing Duantai and Lu Yuanyuan in the Western Province, Cao Yongguo's situation will not be too bad. As an official, sometimes a good position and level can't be both. If you can occupy the same, you can get it first." OK, I'll call Dad. Don't worry."

"If Dad goes to the Western Province, he will be farther away from us, and the burden on your shoulder will be heavier."!! The girl reminded Xia to think again.

Xia figured out the meaning of the girl, which is to let him be a good official and be a decent person, because one of the daughters of the Cao family and a son, it is equivalent to giving it all to him. If someone else marries a wife and takes a sister-in-law, I'm fine. It's really a loss-making business to marry a daughter-in-law. Xia wanted to smile and tease the girl.

"Fare you, Cao Shujun can't worship you very much now. Do you still dislike him? Although he is a little lazy and naughty, on the whole, it's reasonable. If he doesn't cause trouble for you every day, he won't be aluminum."!! The girl smiled, and her voice was as light as before, which made people reverie, "You still want your sister-in-law. You really know how to dream. To be honest, do you think of Mi Xuan?"

Mi Xuan? The cousin of the girl in the charter city? There has been no news about Mi Xuan for a long time. The girl didn't mention it. Xia thought that she really forgot her.

When I think of Mi Xuan, I think of the green years in Ba County. Xia can't help sighing. He established an emotional foundation between Ba County and Cao Shuyu, and it was also in Ba County that he met Lian Ruohan, who was willing to stay with him for the rest of his life. Also in Ba County, he met his ex-girlfriend Yang Bei again.

Thinking of Yang Bei, Xia's thoughts were a little far away. In a trance, he couldn't help thinking about it. I don't know where Yang Bei went. Is there any fate to meet again in this life?

It's good not to see each other. It's better to miss each other than to meet each other. In fact, for Yang Bei, Xia Xiang is neither nostalgic nor want to see each other, just like floating clouds in the sky, occasionally floating by, only bringing a shade to the ground, and quickly disappearing without a trace. P: Try to add thousands of words before midnight. Brothers, please support me and give me some. mF