official god

Chapter 713 Let the Wind

Cheng's reputation and status in Yan Province. He has long stopped attending the opening of double doors, but now he appears at the scene of the mountain and water connection project, conveying an inspiring news. Cheng Dacai himself is also very optimistic about the prospect of the project connected by mountains and rivers. His appearance. It is equivalent to a free heavyweight promotion for the mountain and water connection project. It also gives all consumers a firm confidence that the mountain and water-linked project is bound to be a great success.

It is equivalent to injecting a shot of strength into the mountain and water connection project again. Of course, the premise is that if the opening price of the mountain and water connection project is unexpectedly low. It is bound to make a big sensation, which will bring great pressure to Yuan Mingliang!

Imagin. As the first person in the industrial and commercial community of Yan Province, he attended the opening ceremony in person and announced that the opening price was lower than everyone expected. How would it be a shocking scene?

Cheng Dacai guessed Xia's idea from Xia's expression and said with a smile, "You guessed it again. That's good. I'm here to praise you. Come to put pressure on others. Let's go, go to the stage to cut the ribbon, and finish the process first. Surrounded by the crowd, under the flashing flash around, and under the live broadcast of the camera of the provincial and municipal TV station, Xiaxiang and Cheng Dacai smiled and poisoned together to the stage. The ribbon-cutting and opening ceremony officially began"

A rapid phone ring woke up Yuan Mingliang, who was sleeping soundly.

Originally, Yuan Mingliang did not plan to sleep in today, because he also knew that there were two new communities opening today, although Wentai Real Estate was not in his eyes. However, the investment in Dacai Group's Shanshui-linked project is not critical that Dacai Group has a good reputation and has the energy to affect housing prices in the lower horse area. He must treat it carefully.

But I drank with Li Han and Fu Xianfeng last night and accidentally drank too much. Although Li Han looks relatively old-fashioned, he can't let go of his drinking. Neither he nor Fu Xianfeng are rivals.

Last night's party was that the matter of harvesting Pioneer's appointment as mayor has been finalized. In addition, he secretly promised Li Han's benefits. Li Han obviously expressed his closeness to Fu Pioneer, although Li Han was still a little reserved. But he also saw that it was only a matter of time before Li Han completely turned to Fu Xianfeng.

Yuan Mingliang's evaluation of Li Han is that he likes to play the official tone, not straightforward enough, and loves to look forward and backward. It's slody. The official is not big. Li Han not only has advantages, but also stubborn and old tricks. He is skillfully used in officialdom. If he and Xia want to make a move, he can't defeat Xia for sure, but he can also shrink into a ball like a hedgehog, so that Xia Xiang has nowhere to do it.

At least you can stand in a place of self- protection, and you don't have to be beaten by Xia Xiang like Bai Zhanmo.

Because I drank a little too much, it was cloudy and bright, so I overslept. After being woken up by the phone, he had a splitting headache and reached out to take it: "Hey, who?"

"I'm Fu Xianfeng. Why are you still sleeping? Something big has happened!" Fu Xianfeng's voice came in a hurry. Come on, turn on the TV to watch the news, save one!"

Yuan Mingliang suddenly woke up and immediately turned on the TV. The TV screen shows the scene of Cheng Dacai and Xia Xiang cutting the ribbon, and the reporter's voice is narrating: "Mr. Cheng Dacai, the creator of the Dacai Group, who has always lived in a simple place, unexpectedly attended the opening ceremony today, showing that Dacai Group attaches great importance to the mountain and water connection project. Cheng Dacai personally presided over the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and later he will personally announce the opening price of Shanshui Connected City. It is understood that it will be a very exciting price. Rumors have revealed it. The city connected with mountains and rivers will enter the market at an ultra-low price. Today, Mr. Cheng Dacai will come to the scene in person. It seems to confirm this. What kind of exciting price will it be? Let's wait and see. Don't go away. The answer will be revealed for you soon.

Yuan Mingliang held his breath in an instant!

His first reaction was that Cheng Dacai was definitely not good. The unexpected appearance of Cheng Dacai. It must be related to what the reporter just said about entering the market at a low price. Maybe the mountain and water connection project can really sell a shockingly low price!

Although the mountain and water connection city is a little far from the center of the district, it is at the junction of the Xiama River and the Xiama area. However, the landscape connection project is cleverly designed to give full play to the advantages of landscape, and if you cross the Xiama River to build a bridge, the two communities will be merged into one, and there are air corridors connected, which is definitely a unique idea in Yan City and even the whole Yan Province.

Creativity determines value, and it is invested and built by Dacai Group, which is deeply trusted by the people of Yan City, which can completely produce a siphon effect.

The real estate market in the disequitment area, which has just been carefully cultivated by him, has just risen to a certain profit. Maybe it can really be pulled down a lot by the city connected by mountains and rivers!

The key is that the land of the landscape-linked project is cheap, and Dacai Group has strength and has been in real estate for many years. There must be a set of business strategies to control costs. If the mountain city enters the market at a low price, it can definitely have a great impact on the layout he has just completed.

The most important point is that the Shanshui-linked project opened early, and its pricing will affect the opening price of several companies to a certain extent. That is to say, Dacai Group enters the market at a low price, and even if the later developers have already made plans to enter the market at a high price, they are bound to readjust the price strategy. In case, if even a big developer's new real estate enters the market at a low price, which is lower than his psychological expectations, it will have a direct and unpredictable negative impact on his next plan!

Yuan Mingliang is still a little sleepy. He jumped up from **. He lived in a villa by the river. Or the villa community built by Dacai Group immediately

citation. Dun gave Jiang Bin, who is responsible for market research at Changji Trading, and asked Jiang Bin Ma Bu to summarize today's sales data of Changfan Dongbei.

Jiang Cheng was very puzzled: "Mr. Yuan, there are too many now, and the sales data can't be summarized." "If you let me do it, just do it. Don't talk too much.

. Yuan Mingliang said angrily, "Report it to me in half an hour."

What Yuan Mingliang wants is to immediately observe how amazing Cheng Dacai's own influence is. As soon as he comes forward, what kind of impact it will have on the real estate market in the diseama area.

The picture on the TV flashed, and after the advertisement, Xiao returned to the scene of the opening ceremony. Cheng Dacai's face is big. There has never been a developer's opening ceremony that can alarm the provincial and municipal TV stations at the same time, and it also gave the highest treatment. The live broadcast is no exaggeration to say that Cheng Da The first hand.

Of course, it is unknown whether Cheng Dacai has any personal relationship with the director of the provincial and municipal TV stations, but at least his lineup is beyond the reach of many businessmen in Yan Province who self-proclaim to be star entrepreneurs.

Yuan Mingliang is not interested in Cheng Dacai's lineup and scene. What he wants to know is what kind of response the whole market will give to Cheng Dacai's appearance. In other words, it is in the hearts of consumers, how much they trust Cheng Dacai, and how much expectation they have for Dacai Group!

One more thing, what kind of low price does Cheng Dacai want to enter the market at? Where is his self?

It is said that there is also a good personal relationship between Cheng Dacai and Xiaxiang. A trace of uneasiness flashed in Yuan Mingliang's heart. Is it a sign that Xia Shang and Cheng Dacai are working together to deal with Changji's business?

Yuan Mingliang was scared out of a cold sweat!

Then I thought about it, and I still felt that I was too worried. Businessmen valued profits, and officials had the same name. Whether it was Xiaxiang or Cheng Dacai, there was no need to deliberately go against Changji Business, and Xia thought it was impossible to know the layout of Changji Business.

He was really cautious. Yuan Mingliang laughed at himself. He knew that his personality was suspicious and careful, and sometimes he made mistakes because he was too careful, but he couldn't change the caution of taking three steps when doing things. Therefore, it is precisely because of his personality that he can't do the feat of climbing Bingyi and directly killing the western province.

Pan Bingyi has no roots in the Western Province. It is too bold to dare to withdraw money to fry coal as soon as his eyes are blackened. He decided to come to Xiama District, but because he had known Fu Xianfeng for many years, he fully trusted Fu Xianfeng's personality and ability, valued the power of the Fu family, and made a detailed study of the real estate market in Xiama District before making a decision.

It's better to think more about everything. Yuan Mingliang still thinks that his approach is the safest. After all, it involves billions of billions of funds and can't act rashly.

Although Yuan Mingliang vetoed the idea that Xiaxiang and Cheng Dacai would join hands to deal with Changji's business, he still stared at the TV. Because he knew in his heart, Cheng Da announced the opening price. It is the top priority today.

A few minutes later, the picture switched to the podium. Cheng Dacai smiled and stood in front of the stage. Xia wanted to stand beside him with a smile on his face. The expressions of both of the two were indescribably relaxed.

Yuan Mingliang didn't know what the New Year was like in his heart. He always felt that under the gentle smile of Xiaxiang like a spring breeze, there was always a conspiracy to put him to death.

Cheng Dacai calmed down. First, he made a few speeches routinely, thanked Xia for attending the opening ceremony, and then a few words. Finally, the topic changed and said the topic that Yuan Mingming was most concerned about: "The positioning of the city connected to mountains and rivers is a high-end community, across the two sides of the Ma River, In the villa area, there is an air corridor in the middle. It is no exaggeration to say that the mountain and water connection city is the most beautiful, creative and humanistic area built by Dacai Group in the past ten years. It is definitely worth owning

In recent years, Cheng Dacai has lived a simple and simple career. He not only rarely attends various activities, but also rarely shows up in public and personally promotes his projects under construction. It is the first time in at least a few years, and he also talks about creativity and humanistic spirit, which makes Yuan Ming, who has always been very concerned about Cheng Dacai Liang was shocked, and an ominous foreboding occurred in his heart again. Xia wanted to work together to reach the idea of deliberately laying out in the dark, and once again abruptly rose in his mind!

Is it possible that Xia wanted to detect the intention of Changji Trade, so he asked Cheng Da to come forward and intend to suppress the rising house prices in the sub-commerce area? The idea in Yuan Mingliang's mind flashed by, and then he focused on Cheng Dacai's speech.

"The starting price of high-rise houses in the city connected by mountains and rivers is relaxed. Yuan, the starting price of the villa. Yuan. Cheng Dacai made a final decision. After directly quoted the opening price, he smiled and nodded to the crowd present. He turned back and whispered something to Xia, and then turned around and left, refusing to say anything more!

With demeanor and style" The scene was silent for a moment, and then thunderous applause broke out!

Some people thought that the applause was for Cheng Dacai to turn around and leave gracefully, but Yuan Mingliang knew that the applause was for the opening price just quoted by Cheng Dacai, which was lower than he thought!

Yuan Mingliang has the habit of getting up early every day to drink a glass of white water. After getting up today, he has been holding a water glass. He stared at the TV picture for a long time and forgot to take a sip of water. At the moment when Cheng Da just turned around and left after reporting the price, he lost his mind and the water cup in his hand fell to the ground, "Bang. It smashed to pieces.

also woke up Yuan Mingliang from a short distraction. He seemed to be frightened. He jumped from ** to the ground and almost stepped on the glass fragments. He couldn't care about wearing shoes, and hurriedly called Fu Xianfeng: "Secretary Fu, the opening price of the city connected with mountains and rivers is ugly. Yuan!"

Fu Xianfeng's disapproving voice came from the microphone: "I just read the news. Don't worry, it's just a normal business strategy. The first phase of the Shanshui Link City will last until the end of the year, and the second phase of the project is next summer. Now it is only the pre-sale price, and it

Compared with the urgency of the call just now, Fu Xianfeng now has an understated attitude out of Yuan Ming's accident. Yuan Ming was angry and laughed: "The real buyers are divided into two types, one is for self-use and the other is investment. No matter which one, both types of people have a significant feature, that is, they are greedy . In fact, all consumers care about price concessions, especially the real estate under the name of Dacai Group, which is more attractive. Buying a house is a big deal. If you can save tens of thousands or even ten yuan in a year and a half at night, everyone will wait.

Fu Xianfeng also heard Yuan Ming's anxiety. He also became nervous: "Do you mean that Dacai Group intends to calm down house prices?"

"It's just a guess, but I would rather believe that it is true and must come up with a solution. Otherwise, if the next few developers also follow up, the pace of rising house prices will inevitably slow down, which is not conducive to our next selling plan."

Fu Xianfeng pondered for a moment: "Let's meet at noon and talk about it in detail."

As soon as he put down Fu Xianfeng's phone, Jiang Bin called: "Mr. Yuan, today's sales data has been summarized, and it has been received"

"I don't want specific data. I just need to compare it with the sales data of yesterday and recent days. Will it maintain a normal upward trend or be flat?"

"Yes," Jiang Bin hesitated for a moment before saying, "It has dropped a lot. The number of customers who come to consult and pay the deposit has dropped sharply, and the consultation phone number has also reduced the old percentage point."

It's really awesome. Cheng Dacai's position in the minds of consumers in Yan City is indeed extraordinary, and its influence is extremely amazing.

After the sound of the construction of the city connected by mountains and rivers came out, the sales data held by Yuan Mingming showed that there was only a little fluctuation, and the gap was not big. However, after the news of the official opening of the mountain and water connection city, sales began to decline slightly. After the news of today's opening was broadcast, and Cheng Dacai personally announced the ultra-low opening price, which was even lower than the opening price of Wentai Real Estate, and immediately received an immediate effect.

Sales have plummeted!

On the surface, the mountain and water connected city is set for the price of Wentai real estate. Yuan Mingliang also had a momentary illusion that the pricing of Cheng Dacai is to deliberately suppress Wentai real estate. However, he has always been suspicious and cautious. Seeing the tacit understanding between Xia Xiang and Cheng Dacai from the TV screen, he became more and more firmly suspicious that the Dacai Group's move may be a counterattack against the layout of Changji business.

No, we must urgently discuss how to deal with it.

Yuan Mingliang immediately called Jiang Cheng and held an internal meeting. The so-called internal meeting is the middle-level and above management who knows the real intention of Changji Business among the original team of Changji Trading, including Jiang Bin.

And Jiang Bin was one of several people who had a conflict with Zhao Kang at the last dimensional Lantern Festival.

Yuan Mingliang's rapid reaction Xiaxiang is not clear, but Xiaxiang can also guess that after Yuanming's recommendation learns the opening price of Cheng Dacai, there will definitely be short-term panic and confusion, because compared with the slightly deserted sales center of Wentai Real Estate, the sales center in the city connected by mountains and rivers is full of people After the panic buying craze, even the radio and newspaper reporters who came to interview also joined the buying army one after another.

No wonder provincial and municipal reporters are so enthusiastic to come to publicize for the Dacai Group. I'm afraid they have also got internal information. Today's low opening price will be a huge surprise. Therefore, it is a big surprise to take into account both public and private. In the name of interviews, it is a set to grab a set.

Xia wanted to see the rush of buying. Looking at Cheng Dacai's car, he remembered that he had just mentioned that he had time to ask Ye Shisheng to sit with him. Cheng Dacai agreed. Cheng Dacai came forward to ask Ye Shisheng to come forward. Ye Shisheng was bound to give face. Thinking of the next stage of a series of operations A smile slowly appeared.

Yuan Mingliang should hold an emergency meeting now to discuss countermeasures, right?

How about Yuan Mingliang? Xia thought he could only guess one or two, and could not clearly know the inside story, but after Zhao Kang learned the opening price of the city connected with mountains and rivers, he immediately understood it clearly, because Zhao Kang called him.

"Secretary Xia, isn't Cheng always playing with me? I just set an opening price for Liekou, and he directly gave me a Mawei. Shanshui Connected City is more expensive than my Wentai Community, and Dacai Group is more famous than my Wentai Real Estate. But the price given is still lower, doesn't it make me have no way to live? Zhao Kang laughed, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction and helplessness in his voice.

If he is dissatisfied, what can he do? The market economy is valued by strength. If Dacai Group is clear, it wants to suppress Wentai Real Estate. Does Zhao Kang want to cry to Xia? It's useless to cry. Commercial games rely on strength. Reputation is the foundation. If you are not convinced, there is nothing you can do. No matter who says it. Consumers say it.

Bibi: I wish everyone a happy New Year! D