official god

Chapter 723 In Reason

Just now, Zhao Xiaofeng sat in the car and hesitated for a moment. He was thinking about how to solve the problem in front of him. Did he send someone down to catch the man and teach him? If he didn't get out of the car, Fu Xianxian would not know that he was in the car. However, when he fixed his eyes and saw that the person standing next to Fu Xianxian was Xiaxiang, he was shocked!

Why is it Xiaxiang? Could it be Xiaxiang?!

If Fu first let Zhao Xiaofeng have some concerns, Xia wants to make him have scruples! Because Xia Xiang has a complicated relationship with the Qiu, Mei and Wu families, and he heard from his father that Xia Xiang seems to be deeply appreciated by the Premier. If he thinks of a direct dispute with Xia because of Hua Xiaoduo, once the matter is big deal, it will become a big joke.

Zhao Xiaofeng is not afraid of Xia, but doesn't want to be found by Xia. Because he has studied the battle between Xiaxiang and Bai Zhanmo, he knows that Xiaxiang is good at starting from a small place, grasping a very small loophole of the opponent, and then going down.

Although he and Xiaxiang have not crossed each other, and there may be no possibility of becoming an opponent, but because he has invested in the hands of Yuan Mingliang, and I heard from Fu Xianfeng that there may be a conflict with Xiaxiang because of investment problems, so he also regarded Xiaxiang as a potential opponent.

Not yet, if there is a handle in the hands of the opponent first, it is a fool. In addition, he also heard rumors that there seemed to be an ambiguous relationship between Xia Xiang and Fu Xianxian. Today, when I saw it, it was true that Fu Xian also fed Xia Xiang chewing gum affectionately, which made him speculate that there was indeed a relationship between Xia Xiang and Fu Xianxian. Thinking that Fu Xianfeng kept saying that Fu Xianxian and He can't help laughing. Fu Xianfeng and Xiaxiang are in the same situation. Unexpectedly, his sister has become Xiaxiang's lover. Fu Xianfeng must feel uncomfortable, just want to eat indigestible things.

After laughing at Fu Xianfeng, Zhao Xiaofeng made a decision, decided to pretend that nothing had happened, and turned around and left. Compared with major events, Hua Xiaoduo is just a woman who is spoiled again. Women will always get tired of playing one day. If Hua Xiaoduo doesn't agree, just forget it. She has to break Xia and Fu Xian's legs to avenge her baby dog. Zhao Xiaofeng became angry and slapped Hua Xiaoduo: "Jump the legs of the two of them? It's easy to interrupt, but difficult to connect! Don't say that you can't eat, even I can't end it."

Zhao Xiaofeng knows that he wants to fight with Xia. He wants to fight in the open place, and the method of breaking his legs behind his back is not his. What people with status should do. And Fu Xianxian's legs can't be touched by anyone. He cooperates with Fu Xianfeng. It's one thing for him to look down on Fu Xianfeng, but it's another thing to respect the forces behind Fu Xianfeng. His old man will retire clean after one term. The Fu family not only has people in the court, but also has a staggered relationship in the local area.

Not to mention breaking Fu Xian's leg, even if Fu Xian's leg is broken by a layer of skin, it may also mean that the Fu family will settle accounts later in the future.

After playing Hua Xiaoduo, Zhao Xiaofeng ordered the team to leave. When he went outside, he regretted that he had done too much just now, so he spent more than 100,000 yuan to buy a bunch of gifts for them, which made the beauty laugh.

Xiao Xiaofeng's thoughts and how he dealt with the aftermath, Xia couldn't figure it out and didn't worry about it, because he and Fu Xian were now tasting the delicious taste of roast duck while listening to Fu Xian's negotiation with him.

"Today, my beauty saves the hero. It's my free dedication, not a favor. Don't keep it in mind. Just take it as the compensation that I gave you the roast duck last time but was eaten by me. There are other things we need to talk about in exchange." Fu Xianxian has no food. Not to mention a lady, she is not even as good as Xia. Her hands are full of oil and her mouth is full of oil. Like a child, she is stained with a lot of oil stars.

Xia wanted to smile and said, "Tell me, I'll listen."

Today, Fu Xianxian's performance changed his view of her previous openness and trendy. It turned out that she also had a jealous side. Although she was more or less fond of pranks, no matter what, it was really helped him a lot just now. Otherwise, no matter who came forward, she knew that it was because of him. The tragedy caused by a woman and a dog is not very glorious.

It's different for Fu Xian to come forward first. After successfully solving the tragedy, there were no sequelae left, which made Xia Xiang feel very relaxed. He looked at Fu Xianxian's very imageless appearance with great interest and waited for her to speak with a smile.

"I want to work in the new building materials factory when I was an hour." Fu Xian wiped his mouth, took another sip of the drink, and then said, "What do you think? Are you surprised?"

Xia Xiang was indeed a little surprised. Seeing that Fu Xianxian didn't seem to be joking, he asked with a smile, "Or is it for Mei Xiaomu?" Naturally, he knows that Fu first goes to work in the factory first, but not to make money. She is not short of money, and she doesn't care about how much she earns at work. Except for Mei Xiaomu, he can't guess what the factory of Yan Xiaoxian is interested in.

"Guessed half right, Fu first reached out and took a tissue to wipe the oil on his mouth. Because of the excessive force, it made her delicate red lips more eye-catching.

Fu Xianxian's lips are very sexy, with a seductive perfect curvature. When Xia wanted to see it, the part that made her look the most charming was her lips.

Xia thought that there was still something else. Unexpectedly, Fu finished a sentence first, then closed his mouth, and then waited for him to answer.

"I'll give it a try, I can't guarantee it." Xia Xiang was not sure. Since he made a breakthrough in his relationship with Gu Yu, since he inspected the building materials factory at the time of the heavy snow last year, there seemed to be a tendency to drift away from Yan Xiao, because Yan Gang said, "There has been little contact with him for a period of time. To be precise, it is very rare. A few Gong Gong Words.

For what reason did Fu Xian first go to work in the building materials factory? Xia thought was not very concerned about it. He also knew that Fu Xian would not have any conspiracy. With her character, not to mention that she had no conspiracy, even if there was, she could not escape the eyes of Yan Xiao. Now that she has mentioned it, he will give her a favor and do her a favor. In return for her help today, it is also worth his call.

Gu Yu's shares in the hour building materials factory are at most small. If Yan Xiao doesn't agree, it's okay to show up through Gu Yu, but Xia doesn't want to have a deadlock in the relationship with Yan Xiao. When Yan Xiao fought with Gao Jianyuan, under his use, it was equivalent to secretly helping him a lot. After Just remember her generosity in your heart.

Xia wanted to take out the phone and asked again, "What's your major?"

"I don't know technology. I can be responsible for sales. With my ability and relationship, it is estimated that the age of bringing tens of millions of sales to the factory a year is about flying, but it looks different from the little girl who seems to have been young. She looks like an old girl, and she inadvertently shows the curiosity of a little girl, but she His chest was very turbulent, which reminded Xia of a word invented in later generations: childlike face**.

Fu Xianxian's words are you talking about Hexia's words. What he needs to pay back is the favor, not whether Fu Xianxian can bring any benefits to the factory. Of course, he also believes that if Fu Xianxian really does business with his heart, there will definitely be a market.

Yan Shi's phone was connected as soon as she called. Her voice was not cold or hot, and she asked directly, "Secretary Xia, is it a business or a private matter to call so late? What is the spirit of instruction?

Xia wanted to hear the strangeness in Yan's words and ignored it: "There is a man who wants to work in a building materials factory. Let's see if you can arrange it?"

"OK, no problem. Just let him come to me directly. Xia's pleasure was beyond Xia's expectation. She paused and asked again." Is it a man or a woman? What is the relationship between Secretary Xia and to what extent do I need to take care of him? Please make it clear, otherwise I will understand the wrong intention of the leader, and it will be my sin to make the leader unhappy at that time.

Xia wanted to smile: "It's outside, isn't it? She is Fu Xianxian. She doesn't need your special care. Just arrange for her to go to sales.

The end of the phone was silent for a moment, short of breath a few times, and regained calm. "Yes, please tell her that she is welcome to join the hourly new building materials factory!,, Secretary Xia, is there anything else?"

" Without Xiaxiang, I don't bother to guess what Yan Xiao's lukewarm attitude is for. Then I hung up the phone.

"I don't thank the leader for the face." Fu Xian smiled and pretended to be a punch to Xia. Just as she was about to say something, the phone rang. As soon as she saw the call number, she made a gesture to make a gesture to make him to silence.

Xia Xiang hasn't eaten a few mouthfuls of roast duck yet. Although he had eaten with Mei Xiaolin before, he was tired after tossing around, and just took the opportunity to eat a few more bites.

Just after eating two bites, he was stunned, because he heard that the phone call was from Fu Xianfeng. He did not deliberately want to listen to Fu Xian's phone call, but Fu Xian obviously did not go out, and he did not mean to avoid him at all when he spoke."

"Who do you care who I'm with?"

"I'm eating. What's wrong? Don't worry, if you don't sleep with others, even if you sleep with others, it may not be Xiaxiang. He is not the only man in the world. There are many men on the street!"

Xia wanted to spit out a mouthful of rice.

"Are you bored? Who told you that Xia and I wanted to be together? Well, even if I'm with him, it's none of your business? OK, you said it would be good to be together. Yes, we are eating. After dinner, we will open a room in the couple's room in the hotel in the capital. Welcome to visit and study.

Fu Xian hung up the phone and said angrily, "Fu Xianfeng is really annoying, like a fly. Do you think I am such an excellent person, will there be such a genetically impure brother? I doubt whether he and I are compatriots. "Little

Xia wanted to smile and didn't answer, but a trace of understanding flashed in his heart. Fu Xian was with him first, and Fu Xianfeng immediately knew the news and verified his guess from the side. The dog girl was really Zhao Xiaofeng's mistress. The person who did not get off in the car at that time was really Zhao Xiaofeng himself.

Coincidence is not a coincidence. It shouted "Xiaofeng" when holding the dog girl on the phone. After the car came, he returned the same way without any movement, and then Fu Xianfeng called to ask who Fu was with first, and everything was shown. It can't be a coincidence that there is another small peak. I know both Fu Xianxian and Fu Xianfeng, and I know who he is!

Although Xia Xi still doesn't know what deal there is between Zhao Xiaofeng and Yuan Mingliang, he knows that the meeting between Yuan Mingliang and Zhao Xiaofeng, as long as it involves the business of Changji business, as long as it involves the disemercial zone, Zhao Xiaofeng will not hear his name.

Fu Xianxian's sentence completely solved the doubt for Xia: "I want to tell you a secret. Don't tell Fu Xianfeng that I said it. Yuan Mingliang and Zhao Xiao's summit were led by Fu Xianfeng. Zhao Xiaofeng gave Yuan Mingliang Yiyi as an investment. I don't know what to do. Anyway, the rate of Four. As soon as I looked at it, I smiled. A huge amount of money falling by hundreds of millions. Zhao Xiaofeng was also trapped in the Xiama area and pulled him into the water. Zhao Xiaofeng is also really rich. As soon as he does it, he will plan it. However, Yuan Mingliang is also stingy enough to give him the return rate of Kiwi, which shows that Yuan Mingliang is cautiously optimistic about the situation in the disemercial zone, and is no longer blindly optimistic.

Could it be that Ke Mingliang heard something like wind and grass?

From Fu Xianxian's news, Xia thought was more determined to the fact that the dog girl just now was Zhao Xiaofeng's mistress. It should not be difficult to call Mei Xiaolin later and find out the name of the dog girl who lives in a community with her.

It's getting late. Xia wanted to see and talk about the matter between Fu Xianxian, so she said, "It's not early. We should say goodbye."

Fu Xianxian reached out and picked up her carry-on bag, and took out a bunch of keys from it: "Let's go, follow me. Anyway, you have to stay in a hotel by yourself, and you have to spend money. I have a house to live in, and I'm idle. I went to bed with me.

This is quite ambiguous. After Fu Xian finished speaking, he smiled and waved his hand: "I can't help it if you have to think crookedly, but I'm not interesting today. I won't take the initiative to tease you. You are very safe. Of course, if you want to seduce me and succeed, I won't object.

Xia wanted to say quickly, "I want to meet another friend, so I won't bother you." Thank you for helping me once and providing me with important information. Fu Xian gave him information for some reason. He didn't guess too much. With Fu Xian's arbitrary personality, he couldn't use common sense.

Fu Xianxian smiled proudly: "You are a big man. What are you afraid of? Do you still suffer from sleeping with me? I really don't have the guts. Even Zheng Yi is bolder than you. In order to pick me up, he shook out all the inside stories of the transaction between Zhao Xiaofeng and Yuan Ming. But I didn't like him"

It turned out that things were still bad on Zheng Yi. Xia wanted to laugh secretly. If Fu Xianfeng knew that Zheng Yi had revealed the news, he would probably be ashamed and angry. Then he knew that Zheng Yi was greedy for Fu first to be beautiful first, and he had an attempt to deal with it before taking the initiative to reveal it. It should be even more I told myself the inside story, but I don't know how he would feel?

No matter what the attitude of Fu Xianfeng will be, it's better to break up peacefully with Fu Xianxian first. Although she teased her words, Xia She is not interested in a one-night stand or something. She waved her hand and said, "It's not a matter of losing or losing, it's a matter of principle. Yanshi is looking for me, and I'll treat you to dinner again.

Fu Xian smiled first and waved his hand: "Ole that, don't find a reason. You're afraid that I'm afraid of me. Don't talk about the issue of principle. In front of beautiful women, few men have the same morality. You don't drink much today. You drink too much. You are strong and bold. Maybe you will take the initiative to follow my ass. Forget it. If you don't sleep with me, I won't force it. Goodbye."

Said to see, the two walked out of the door of the hotel side by side. Fu Xian was about to pick up the car. Suddenly, he staggered and almost fell on Xiaxiang's shoulder and said with a red face, "No, I may have a fever," you touch my head?"

I was fine just now. Why did I suddenly have a fever? Xia wanted to reach out and touch it. It was really scary on his forehead. He quickly helped Fu Xianxian: "I'll take you to the hospital."

"No, it's an old problem. Sometimes when I'm excited, and when I drink, I will have a fever for a while. After a while, the fever will subside. It doesn't matter. Just take me home. I can't drive now. Fu Xianxian didn't look like pretending, his footsteps were a little floating, and his eyes were still a little blurred.

Xia wanted to get in the car. Fufu first sat down first and then started the car. According to the location she said, she drove all the way.

I thought Fu Xian would be better in a while, but I didn't expect her to lean on the chair and fall asleep evenly.

Xia wanted to shake his head. He was really a heartless person. Just now, he laughed and fell asleep in a blink of an eye. It was so simple that people were speechless. When she came to Fu Xian's house, it was much older at night. Xia wanted to wake her up when suddenly the phone rang in a hurry. As soon as she saw the call, it was Xiao Jia.

A bad feeling suddenly flashed in Xiaxiang's heart. Xiao Jia rarely called late at night, and he just called her today. Under normal circumstances, she would not call him unless there was an emergency!

"What's going on?" Xia asked urgently when he wanted to come up.

"It's not good. The equipment is gone." Xiao Jia said in a panic, "She went shopping at night and agreed to come back before the old time, but she hasn't come back yet. She has always kept her word and never missed an appointment. I'm worried that when I called her, the phone turned off. She is not familiar with the people in the capital alone. If she doesn't come back, she can't communicate. Something must have happened.

Xia thought slightly: "Don't worry, give me Cong Feng'er's mobile phone number, and I'll contact her. I happen to be in the capital, so you don't have to worry about it. Have a good rest.


Xia wanted to speak easily, but his heart was very heavy. With his understanding of Cong Fenger, he also knows that Cong Yier's personality is not unreliable. She is very scheming and does things in a very measured way. She will definitely not go back for no reason, let alone turn off the phone!

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