official god

Chapter 740 Stage 3: counterattack

Yuan Mingliang is still not at ease: "I always feel that Xia will definitely have a backhand. With what I know about him, he has never fought an unprepared battle, and he should have been wary of us for a long time. It's not his style to let go at the last minute."

"Don't care whether he has a backhand or not. Anyway, my pit has been dug for him, just wait for him to jump down. Even if he has any shocking means, a few days later, he will be trapped in the quagmire, regardless of his head and tail. Whether it is a bailman's hat or aimed at you, he can only choose the same..." Fu Xianfeng said very firmly, in a good mood, and laughed a few times.

Yuan Mingliang's doubts did not go away, but Fu Xianfeng insisted on his view, and Yuan Mingliang could not refute anything more. Although he did not agree with Fu Xianfeng's secret layout, he thought that if he wanted to win, he would win openly. But Fu Xianfeng was the leader, so he had to temporarily approve Fu Xianfeng's plan.

The key is that there is nothing he can do if he doesn't recognize it. In the past, he was in the dark, and Xia wants to be in the light. Now the situation is stronger than that of people. He is in the light, and Xia wants to be in the dark. In addition, although Yuan Mingliang does not agree with the practice of the black people behind Fu Xianfeng, it would be a good thing if he could really stop Xia from blocking his plan again. No matter whether he is behind him or not, anyway, the black hand is Fu Xianfeng, not him.

Two days later, when Xiaxiang was presiding over the middle-level cadre meeting of the district party committee, Huang Jianjun, the director of the Public Security Bureau, who was attending the meeting, suddenly changed his face. After receiving a phone call, he got up and came to Xiaxiang to whisper.

Xiaxiang also changed his face slightly. He turned his head to Zhuang Qingyun and said, "The next meeting will be hosted by Comrade Qingyun..." As soon as he finished speaking, he did not explain much, and quickly walked out of the conference room with Huang Jianjun.

The people who were in the meeting looked at each other and didn't understand what had happened, but they could faintly guess that something must have happened, because in their impression, although Secretary Xia was young, he was always calm, calm when encountering great things, and his face had never changed as he did today.

It is indeed a big event. Although it is not a big event, it is a major event that is easy to trigger a chain reaction - there is an accident on the farm of Siniu Group!

Since last month, cowstorms have begun to occur in the farms of Siniu Group, and several cows have died one after another, and they are all imported cows. The farm thought it was the reason why the cows were not satisfied with the water and soil. After veterinary examination, they did not find any source of infectious diseases, so they did not take it seriously. As a result, every once in a while, one cow died of illness. Until yesterday, five cows died of illness. The person in charge of the farm panicked and reported to the headquarters.

The senior management of Siniu Group was shocked. The dairy cow is related to the foundation of the Siniu Group. You can't be sick. In case of a large-scale collective diseased cow incident, it will shake the milk source of the Siniu Group! At the same time, the news should not be leaked, otherwise it will cause market panic, resulting in damage to the image of Siniu Group and a decline in sales, and no one can bear the responsibility.

Siniu Group is not only a star enterprise in Yan City, but also one of the largest groups in Yan Province. It also has a pivotal influence in the country and is one of the top ten in the domestic milk powder industry!

It can be said that once something happens to the Siniu Group, not only the municipal party committee and the municipal government will pay great attention to it, but also the provincial party committee and the provincial government will keep an eye on it, and it may also affect the prospects of the entire dairy industry, which is not trivial!

After listening to Huang Jianjun's report, Xia thought the first feeling was that there was something wrong with the water quality in the Xiama area? On second thought, it should not be that the lower horse area is close to Changshan County. In the last life, the breeding base of the Four Niu Group was built in Changshan County. The location of the current farm is at most more than 10 kilometers of misalignment, but with a difference of 10 kilometers, can the water quality make cattle sick?

However, Huang Jianjun's words immediately made Xia want to be vigilant.

"Leader, after the problem with the farm of Siniu Group, it was concealed at first, but later reported to the headquarters. After the headquarters learned about the situation, it immediately reported the situation to the municipal government. Now the municipal government is holding a meeting to study countermeasures. The phone call I just received was secretly from a buddy, because Mayor Fu had given a death order to strictly prevent the leakage of information..."

Huang Jianjun had a mysterious expression on his face, and he also wanted to ask Xia for credit for his ability to know the news as soon as possible.

Xia thought in his heart, and when he thought of the situation that was about to detonate in the disema qu, he immediately smelled a conspiracy. A good play performed by the Siniu Group bypassed the Xiama District Party Committee and District Government without reporting it, and directly poked the matter into the municipal government. Obviously, it was intended to embarrass the Xiama District, or deliberately set a trap for him.

Maybe when reporting to the municipal government, Siniu Group has come to a conclusion that it is not conducive to the dissipation area, and has prepared evidence to make the dissipation district party committee and district government bear all responsibilities!

Xia wanted to squint for a moment and instructed Huang Jianjun: "Mobilize immediately, mobilize all the police, and be ready to go out at any time."

Huang Jianjun was puzzled: "Leader, several cows are dead. It's not a big deal. At most, the district government will send a deputy district chief to inspect, comfort him, and then show a little compensation... Why do we still need to send police force?"

Xia said with a grim face, "It's not that simple. If Siniu Group wants compensation from the district government, it should notify the district as soon as possible instead of reporting directly to the city!"

It was the first time that Huang Jianjun saw Xia thinking like a big enemy, and he immediately became nervous: "Yes, go and do it immediately."

Huang Jianjun turned around and left. Xia wanted to immediately dial Hu Zengzhou's phone: "Secretary Hu, have you heard about the farm of the Siniu Group?"

Hu Zengzhou was talking to Yue Ming, the secretary-general of the Municipal Party Committee, in the office. Xiaxiang's phone called his desk directly to his desk - among the district and county secretaries, except for Sun Aiyong, the Secretary of the Municipal North District Party Committee, who can talk to him directly because he is a member of the Standing Committee of He licensed the ordinary district party secretary who could make his important phone call directly - seeing that it was Xia who wanted to call, he nod slightly at Yue Ming and answered directly.

"I just heard that the municipal government is in session, and the result may not come out until a while. What's wrong?" Hu Zengzhou heard that Xia's tone was a little anxious, and he was a little puzzled how Xia wanted to make a fuss about the death of several cows.

Xia thought for a moment, he still said: "Siniu Group did not say hello to the district, but directly poked the matter into the city, which may be a little misunderstood..."

Misunderstanding? Hu Zengzhou understood something, thought for a moment, and said, "I know what's going on in my heart. I will pay more attention to the things in the city. In the district, just treat it carefully."

Xiaxiang's original intention was to let Hu Zengzhou be wary of Fu Xianfeng's use of the topic. Seeing what Secretary Hu understood, he was also reasipated.

As soon as I put down the phone, I received a text message on my mobile phone. When I opened it, it was sent by Gao Hai. There were only a few words on it: "Siniu Group pushed the matter to the inaction of the dismama area. Mayor Fu was very angry and wanted to take down the horse area!"

It is estimated that Gao Hai secretly sent it at the time of the meeting, because Gao Hai has two mobile phones, and even if Fu Xianfeng is strictly guard against news, he can't prevent it.

Sing and one song, it's really going to take down the horse area. Xia wanted to not reply to Gao Hai's text message. He also knew that Gao Hai intended to give him an advance measure to make him think of a way to deal with it.

What should I do?

Xia wanted to fall into meditation.

He has been guarding against Fu Xianfeng's last move, and also knows that Fu Xianfeng should cooperate with Yuan Mingliang. He will definitely not sit and wait. There will be means to use it. Unexpectedly, Fu Xianfeng would talk about the farm of Siniu Group.

Is it to let him detonate the milk powder additive incident in advance?

As for when the Siniumen incident will start, Xiaxiang has been busy with the last battle recently and has not seriously thought about it. Unexpectedly, unfortunately, Fu Xianfeng actually took the initiative to provoke trouble with the Siniu Group. What he relied on was that the aura of the star enterprises of the Siniu Group was very dazzling. The city and the province had to worry about three points and look up. Therefore, if something happened to the Siniu Group, it would inevitably attract the attention of the provincial The leader must have a correct attitude, take it seriously, and can't relax at all.

What Fu Xianfeng wants may not only to distract him, but also make him overwhelmed and unable to distract himself and finally deal with Yuan Ming's procrastination, but also to make him anxious and tired of coping. Maybe he still wants him to fall after the incident of the Siniu Group to make him look better.

Why don't you take the opportunity to detonate the Siniumen in advance? Xia wanted to know that if the four cattle gate detonated, the consequences would be serious. If he left any tricks and feet in the incident and was detected by the Fu family, it would be equivalent to a deadly feud with the Fu family. If it is publicized by the Fu family, it will cause the other three families to beware of him. After all, every family has its own industry, and his action is to break the unspoken rules of the industry.

In fact, the milk powder incident of the Siniu Group in later generations had long been aware of the problem, but it was still forcibly suppressed by Yan City and Yan Province. Later, there were too many sick babies, and the national media could no longer cover it, and then it was all exposed.

At present, it is a great opportunity, because the matter was initiated by Fu Xianfeng. The exposure of the incident should be more natural, but there is a difficult problem, that is, Xia still doesn't know whether there are additives in the current milk powder of the Siniu Group.

The key point is to determine whether there are additives or not... Xia thought about it and made up his mind that the opportunity should not be missed again. Since Fu Xianfeng took the initiative to hit the muzzle of the gun, don't blame him for being rude. After a four-niu gate detonates, how much chain reaction will it produce when you see the bottom? As for how he is invisible in the event and unnoticed to complete the feat of lighting the fuse, I believe he can find the best entry point.

The phone rang without warning. Xia Xiang hurriedly answered the phone, and there was Fu Xianfeng's angry voice: "Comrade Xia Xiang, please come to the municipal party committee meeting with Comrade Li Han!"

The mayor called in person to convey the matter of the meeting, and his tone was not good. Everyone in the officialdom knew that it was a blessing or a disaster, but a disaster that could not be avoided. It was definitely not a good thing falling from the sky. Xia thought that he didn't ask much and immediately agreed: "Yes, Mayor Fu, I'll be there soon."

Putting down Fu Xianfeng's phone, Xia was stunned for a moment and made another phone call: "It's time to announce."

When Xia Xiang and Li Han rushed to the municipal party committee, they walked directly into the mayor's office. In the office, Fu Xianfeng and Yu Si sat opposite each other, smoky, and the table was full of cigarette butts.

The scene is quite enough. You smoke a lot, and you are not afraid of choking? Xia wanted to see Yu Si, thinking that Mayor Yu still came together with Fu Xianfeng. No wonder Mayor Yu went to Jiangshan Real Estate before and picked out a lot of problems in the name of inspection work. It turned out to be the leader of Fu Xianfeng.

On the way to the municipal party committee, Li Han only asked Xia Xiang, "What's the matter with Mayor Fu looking for us?" After Xia Xiang answered "unclear", he didn't say anything. As soon as he entered the room, he stood behind Xiaxiang in a measured manner and was still speechless. Xia wanted to look at his face, and he could more or less guess that Li Han's incident with the Siniu Group was also in the dark, and Fu Xianfeng did not tell him in advance.

The atmosphere was a little solemn. After Xia Xiang and Li Han came in, Fu Xianfeng looked at the two people with a gloomy face, but did not let them sit down. He just rushed to four o'clock: "Mayor Yu will introduce the situation first."

Yu Si pinched the cigarette and cleared his throat: "Comrade Xia Xiang, Comrade Li Han, there is a big problem with the farm built by Siniu Group in the Xiama District. Are you clear about it?"

Xia Xiang shook his head. Before he could speak, Li Han hurriedly said, "The Siniu Group will not report everything to us. If there is something, please ask the municipal party committee directly. Obviously, we don't pay attention to the disemeritation area. We won't know what happened to them!"

Fu Xianfeng was angry, stared at Li Han and shouted, "You still have a reason, don't you? It's your dismounting area that has to forcibly pull over the farm project of Siniu Group. When it is really built in your dismounting area, you won't take it seriously, huh? Comrade Li Han, how can you be the district chief? More than a dozen imported cows from the farm of Siniu Group have died of disease. After experts, the groundwater was extracted to test the water quality, and the cows were sick because the water quality was seriously stained. Finally, after investigation, it was determined that the source of the pollution was a new building materials factory at

The farm is a project that Xia wanted to come to face. The new building materials factory is also related to Xia. It is still the first high-tech industry in the disequity area he encircled. One is damaged and one is the culprit. Xia is really not a person inside and outside!

I have to admit that Fu Xianfeng's means are also very superb, which puts Xiaxiang in a dilemma. No matter how he handles it, it's easy for him to lose his head.

Fu Xianfeng scolded Li Han on the surface, but in fact, he pointed to the mulberry and scolded the locust. Of course, it was Xia Xiang.

Xia thought did not pay the panic as the vanguard imagined, but was just slightly surprised for a moment, and said angrily, "Is there really such a thing? Mayor Fu, don't worry. I will go back to the district committee now and order the hourly building materials factory to check the problem of dyeing sewage sources immediately. We must give Siniu Group a satisfactory answer. If you want to check, you must check it to the end. If the problem really lies in the hour building materials factory, I will ask the hour building materials factory to compensate for all the losses and apologize to the Siniu Group.

"Of course, the attitude should be taken out..." Fu Xianfeng took a look at Xia and thought that you reacted very quickly. He immediately shifted the responsibility to the hour building materials factory. It's not so easy to turn big things into small things. "But you know, Siniu Group is a star enterprise in Yan Province, a large taxpayer in Yan City One of the top ten in the product industry, the source of milk is built in the lower horse area. You should love it as much as you love your own eyes. What do you do? I ignored it and allowed some heavily polluted enterprises to pollut sewage sources. Not to mention, there are cow thefts on the farm. Xia thought, how is your district party secretary responsible for it? What did you promise to Siniu Group at the beginning? Now Siniu Group has raised a strong dissatisfaction with the Xiama District to the municipal party committee. As the secretary of the district party committee, do you have to bear the corresponding leadership responsibilities? Do you want to make a written review to the municipal party committee and the municipal government?

If the district party secretary makes a written review to the municipal party committee, it will be a big deal, which will cause an irreparable stain on Xia Xiang's political life. Yu Si subconsciously glanced at Fu Xianfeng and thought that the matter of Siniu Group could be big or small. Isn't Mayor Fu a little too fuss?

However, Yu Si had already heard the rumors of discord between Mayor Fu and Xiaxiang. In the past, he thought it was only because Xia wanted to stand in Hu Zengzhou's team. Now it seems that things are not as simple as they seem. Mayor Fu obviously wants to use the topic to play. He wants to take advantage of the situation of the

Before Xia Xiang said anything, Fu Xianfeng's phone rang first.

Fu Xianfeng stared at Xia and thought fiercely: "Don't try to pass this matter easily. Siniu Group is not satisfied, and the Municipal Party Committee is not satisfied with the Dismissaring District Committee!"

Xia wanted to sneer in his heart, what a business face. If he hadn't known the internal connection between Fu Xianfeng and Siniu Group, he would have thought that Fu Xianfeng was committed to the public, and he really thought for the Siniu Group. It's just that the first is an inexplicable interest alliance between him and the Siniu Group, and the second is the dead cattle incident on the farm of the Siniu Group. Is it true or false, real or man-made, or unknown...

But Xia also knows that now he has been caught by Fu Xianfeng, and Fu Xianfeng is a righteous boss. He must show enough attitude, with a respectful expression and bow his head to be scolded.

Fu Xianfeng answered the phone. As soon as he said a few words, he suddenly raised his tone: "Who penetrated the wind? Check it out to the end. No matter who it is, after it is found out, it will be avoided to the end. In addition, Minister Ma must be strictly guarded against it. No news is allowed to be released by the news media. The off-horse area can't stand the toss, and the city of Yan can't stand the toss!"

Put down the phone, Fu Xianfeng said angrily: "Just now, the Minister Ma of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee called. I don't know where I heard the news that he was going to interview the cow farm cow farm outbreak of the Siniu Group - isn't this to smear the faces Xia thought, Xia Ma District must ensure that there can't be any rumors, otherwise, the municipal party committee will ask you!"

PS: Urgent summon monthly ticket, please help me. V