official god

Chapter 745 Mist

As soon as he went to work, the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee called one after another to find Xiaxiang, the secretary of the district party committee. Unexpectedly, Xia seemed to be missing, and no one could find him. Fu Xiaobin, director of the District Party Committee Office, didn't know where Xia wanted to go. Secretary Chao Weigang couldn't get through Xia Xiang's personal phone number. He asked Cao Shuyan, the wife of Secretary Xia, and replied that he had driven out early in the morning and was not at home.

I'm not at home, I'm not in the district committee, and I can't get through to the phone. Secretary Xia, where did you go? Who did you play hide-and-seek with?

Originally, I thought that only Xia wanted to be missing. When the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee couldn't find Xia, they wanted to find Huang Jianjun one after another. As a result, everyone found that Huang Jianjun was also missing!

Strange thing, two key people disappeared at once. What's wrong with the disema qu?

What's wrong with the disemuth area? Some people wonder, and some people don't know.

In the municipal party committee and the mayor's office, Fu Xianfeng was so anxious, like ants stuck on the hot pot, and the sweat on his head kept flowing down. Although the air conditioner in the room was fully turned on, he was still sweaty. It's not hot, it's caused by tension and uneasiness.

In the early hours of this morning, Tan Guanghong, the vice president of Siniu Group, was taken away from the quilt by Huang Jianjun. At present, his whereabouts are unknown. At the same time, he also heard about Xiao Laoquan jumping into the river, and Xiao Bo and Xiao Li disappeared at the same time. He didn't know where they were. Siniu Group panicked and no longer put on a nostrological attitude. Yang Guoying called Fu Xianfeng before dawn, told Fu Xianfeng the importance of Xiao Bo and Xiao Li, and stressed the potential storm that Xiao Laoquan's death may cause!

When Fu Xianfeng heard that Xiao Laoquan might have been forced to die by Tan Guanghong, it was because Xiao Laoquan loved to inquire, was nosy, and knew the inside story of some additives. He might not be able to stand Tan Guanghong's oppression and committed suicide with hatred, so he made him angry and scolded Tan Guanghong's bastard What did an honest breeder force him to do? It's over to lure him with interests. Now that he is dead, he has given Xiaxiang a key to open the situation justly.

What made Fu Xianfeng more frightened was that Yang Guoying immediately told him that not only Xiao Laoquan's sons and daughters had been controlled by Xiaxiang, but he didn't know where he was hiding, but even Tan Guanghong was personally taken away by Huang Jianjun, and now his whereabouts are unknown.

Fu Xianfeng was really anxious. For the first time in his life, he felt at a loss. He felt a cold sweat behind his back and felt cold all over his body. After making countless phone calls, he couldn't find Xia wanted to and Huang Jianjun. He knew the bad things. Xia wanted to be as smart as a fox. He hid early When the phone call and the pressure were taken away, they secretly interrogated Tan Guanghong and figured out the internal truth of the Siniu Group. When Xia wanted to meet again, it was the time for Tan Guanghong to confess.

In the face of the accusation of killing people, Fu Xianfeng is not optimistic about whether Tan Guanghong can withstand the pressure. Huang Jianjun is his husband, and there are many ways to make Tan Guanghong speak!

There were any tricks inside the Siniu Group. There were any things that could not be seen in the sunshine. It was because of this reason that he felt weak for the first time. After making all the phone calls that could be made and could not find Xiaxiang, he almost dragged himself and collapsed on the chair, as if his whole energy had been drained. I don't even have the strength to stand up.

It's over, is it really all over? Xiaxiang is the best at using the topic, and he is the best at making a fuss. Don't mention whether he finally found the inside story of the additives of the Siniu Group, just a reason for for forcing others to commit suicide is enough to soften Tan Guanghong, and at least he can break his layout, because Tan Guanghong knows the truth of the

The key point is, what is the connection between Tan Guanghong and Xiao Laoquan's death? What stupid thing did Tan Guanghong do to make Xiao Laoquan die with hatred? And Xiao Laoquan's son and daughter know something inside, etc., which are the key to whether things can be big or small. Xia wanted to suddenly disappear. Obviously, he had to withstand all the pressure and make the case bigger, so as not to let Tan Guanghong have any chance to turn over.

That is to say, Xia wants to make it clear that she wants to fight with the Siniu Group to the end. It is clear that she wants to break up with him and give tit for tat. He provoked trouble with the Siniu Group and forced Xia to think. Xia wanted to seize the opportunity now. Is it strange to be willing to let go? I will definitely fight to the end. I don't look at anyone's face, and I won't give anyone's face!

Fu Xianfeng simply turned off his mobile phone and dialed the phone line. He was still in the office for a long time before turning it on again. He dialed Zhao Xiaofeng's phone and informed Zhao Xiaofeng of the current situation.

After listening to this, Zhao Xiaofeng was speechless for a long time. Finally, he just sighed: "Do you play politics or economics, you have to pay attention to a rule, and it also depends on who is reasonable. Now that Xia wants to take advantage of the rules, what can you do with him? I can't get the whip. If I'm in the capital, I still have a way to deal with him. Now he's in Yanshi. Within the scope of his umbrella, I can only show you that I can't help... Tell Mingliang for me that I'm going to use money in the near future. I'll turn it around when it'

Fu Xianfeng was furious, but calmed down. What a Zhao Xiaofeng who withdrew in time. He was really a smart man. Seeing that the situation was not good, he wanted to retreat completely. Instead of refusing to help a little, he had the intention of retreating. He was really a short-sighted person. He couldn't make friends deeply. I thought that with his business ability in state-owned enterprises for many years, he could more or less help him come up with some ideas at the critical moment. Unexpectedly, he had no courage to stand up except to withdraw.

At the beginning, he was willing to think that Zhao Xiaofeng could exert some strength at the critical moment, but now it seems that he is really blind!

In fact, Fu Xianfeng was somewhat wronged Zhao Xiaofeng. Zhao Xiaofeng did not want to work hard, and he had been ready to help Fu Xianfeng at a critical moment. However, some time ago, his Hua Xiaoduo told him that she knew a bosom friend named Mei Xiaolin. Mei Xiaolin is kind and understanding, and she can talk to her very well...

Of course, Zhao Xiaofeng knew very well who Mei Xiaolin was. In surprise, he immediately asked Hua Xiaoduo if she had told Mei Xiaolin about him and her. Hua Xiaoduo said, "Of course, I told her and I are the boudoir, and we talk about everything."

Zhao Xiaofeng knows the relationship between Xiaxiang and Mei Shengping. As for the close relationship between Xiaxiang and Mei Xiaolin, he doesn't know much about it, but one thing is clear. Mei Xiaolin certainly did not accidentally know Hua Xiaoduo, but must be deliberately approaching, with some unspeakable purpose.

What is the ulterior purpose? Mei Xiaolin didn't let Zhao Xiaofeng guess for too long, and soon told Zhao Xiaofeng through Hua Xiaoduo's mouth: "Xiaolin said, let's sit down and get to know each other when we have time. The capital is big or small. Everyone knows the people in the circle, and they have something to say when they sit together..."

There is something to say, but the implied meaning is thought-provoking. Zhao Xiaofeng thought of the last conflict between Xia Xiang and Hua Xiaoduo, and he understood something in his heart. He knew that it might be Xia wanted to entrust Mei Xiaolin to send a message to him. It was best for everyone to have peace, otherwise, he would be dis

A flower Xiaoduo may not make Zhao Xiaofeng disgraced, but as Mei Xiaolin said, the capital circle is not big or small. With Mei Xiaolin's influence in the capital circle, she intentionally spread the story of him and Hua Xiaoduo. It's not good to say. It's also an embarrassing thing to spread it

The key is, who knows how much the open-mouthed Hua Xiaoduo has given Mei Xiaolin the secret between him and her. Maybe he even said some ** secrets. If he really wants to spread in the capital circle, it is also funny and generous. At least he is also an identifiable person. How can he look up and be a person?

Zhao Xiaofeng understood something. While warning Hua Xiaoduo and Mei Xiaolin, he decided to make money from Yuan Mingliang, but it didn't help.


Zhao Xiaofeng's curve is not clear. Now he is not in the mood to think about it. He hung up Zhao Xiaofeng's phone and called home again. After talking with his family for half an hour, he finally felt a little settled and his mood slowly calmed down.

Xia may not know the harm of additives, or he will not take it seriously. How can he understand the inside story and unspoken rules of the milk powder industry? All he wanted to break was that Siniu Group forced the bureau of the hourly building materials factory. He just wanted to take the opportunity to correct the name of the hourly building materials factory. At the same time, he could drag himself out from the Siniu incident so that he could spare his hand to deal with Yuan Mingliang.

The result of the discussion with the old man was that Tan Guanghong could not be guarded. He put all the blame on him alone, and he took the whole burden alone, and then exposed the Si Niu incident as soon as possible, which no longer attracted the attention of all parties. At the same time, Changji Trade has stepped up the tightening of the palace. It is better to make less money and reduce the price and promote it. It is also necessary to drag on in time. There will be no longer a protracted war, otherwise it is easy to be dragged to death in the off-horse area.

As long as the sell is in time, and the price is properly lowered to close, you can also make a small profit without losing money. Because in view of the current situation, the longer it is delayed, the more likely it is to be unfavorable.

Although he was forced to do this by Xia, although he was unwilling, Fu Xianfeng was also helpless. The situation was stronger than others. He once again realized the embarrassment and helplessness of being forced to the road, as well as embarrassment and sadness. Yes, a dignified mayor was forced to have no way out by a district party secretary. It's really a little sad, painful and a little embarrassing.

It's a pity that sadness and pain can't save the current disadvantage. Fu Xianfeng almost made the evil idea of stab Xiaxiang in the back again, but then vetoed himself. Not to mention that he can't find Xiaxiang now, that is, Xia wants to stand in front of him. It is still unknown whether he has the courage Not to mention the dark hands as before. If he does it again, he may not only help Xiaxiang, but also fall into a huge deep pit and can't climb up.

From time to time, Xia thought that although he is not a towering tree now, he also has a deep-rooted network, and he is smarter, more cunning and more difficult to deal with than before. He is not only witty, but also soft and hard, and often works together.

Not only did Fu Xianfeng anxiously look for Xia Xiang, the provincial party secretary Ye Shisheng and the provincial governor Fan Ruiheng also looked for Xia Xiang around, and they were furious because they could not contact Xia Xiang, because Yang Guoying complained to the provincial party committee that Xia Xiang was bold, and captured Tan Guanghong, the vice president of Siniu Group Xiao Hong and Xiao Li, the employees of the farm, led to a standstill in the work of the farm and brought great panic to the employees of the farm. The Siniu Group made a serious protest to the sub-mama District Party Committee and District Government, and reserved the right to move the farm out of the disemission area.

Before the water pollution incident of Siniu Group was inconclusive, Xia wanted to suddenly do such a ridiculous thing, which made Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng very dissatisfied. In addition, the two called to find Xiaxiang but failed, and they were even more angry. They solemnly told the lower horse district committee that once there was news from Xiaxiang, he asked There must be no mistake!

The secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor asked Xia to go to the provincial party committee in an extremely strict tone. The district party committee and the district government suddenly became a mess. They knew that the big deal was wrong. The secretary of the district party committee annoyed the secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor. This official was the end. Xia thought that there was Let's stand in the queue again.

Where exactly did Xia think? There are really few people who know about the lower part of the district committee, but Bian Xiuling, the firm supporter of Xia thought, did not move, because she believed that Xia thought was not a brainless person and would not disappear for no reason. He must have arranged some big action. Don't panic. When Secretary Xia appeared When the news of an explosion appeared.

Others, such as Zhuang Qingyun, still looked calm without a trace of panic. However, Zhuang Qingyun still made several phone calls in private to ask for verification, and also talked to Hu Zengzhou for a long time before he took a deep breath.

Although Fu Xiaobin also muttered a little in his heart, he was still convinced that Xia never wanted to do anything without a backhand. Before he disappeared, he must have thought that it would make Sifang angry, so he should have thought of a way to put out the fire long ago. Another one who disappeared with him was Huang Jianjun. Thinking of the river jumping incident last night, Fu Xiaobin vaguely guessed that there would be wind and waves in the Xiama River.

Chen Tianyu was a little anxious, but his anxiety was not that Xia wanted to leave without saying goodbye, but that Xia wanted to anger the first or second leaders of Yan Province. In case he couldn't finish, it would be difficult to do. Maybe if he really lost his future, it would not be worth the loss.

Li Han and others didn't say anything, but their faces flowed slightly with the secret joy and joy, which still fell into Chen Tianyu's eyes, which also made him sigh in the bottom of his heart. Well, how did Secretary Xia play a dangerous game? In politics, you can't take any risks, and it's too late to do it step by step. How can you play with your little cleverness? It's really good to lose a lot of things!

It can be said that the whole provincial party committee, the municipal party committee and the lower horse district party committee, because of Xiaxiang's disappearance, rumors are everywhere, rumors are flying. In just half a day, all kinds of news have been flying all over the sky. Some people even say that the reason why Xia wants disappeared is that it is double-reg Some people also said that Xia wanted to fall off the horse river and drowned. There is also strange news that some people saw Xia want to drive on the highway and go straight to the capital. I heard that he went to the capital to run for officials...

What's more, it is nonsense. It is said that Xia wants to be hijacked by aliens. Now it has flown out of the galaxy. It is flying at the speed of light on a spacecraft in space, and will never return to the earth... Of course, the person who spread this news was immediately scolded as

There are also good people who call the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to verify whether Xia Xiang has been double-regulated, which makes Li Yanhong and Su Gongchen laugh and cry. Later, they simply gave the order that anyone who calls, as long as they mention Xia Xiang's name, will respond by hanging up the phone.

Xia Chang, who made a huge wave, really disappeared silently, let the rumors fly all over the sky, let the secretary of the provincial party secretary and the provincial governor be angry, but his heart was not ungrate, he didn't know where Xia wanted to get the confidence, and he didn't know what Xia wanted to hide behind and what he was

What can be greater than the anger of the secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor? What can be greater than a person's future and destiny?

Many people don't understand.

Qiu Xufeng doesn't understand, Mei Shengping doesn't understand, but Yuan Mingming understands, and Fu Xianfeng can also understand. They can all guess what Xia Xiang is brewing behind his back.


Qiu Yao hasn't seen Xia for a long time. She is now the deputy director and popular host of the provincial TV station. She has gained a firm foothold in the provincial TV station. At the same time, she kicked away the deputy director who has been occupying her and returned to being single - although she has always been announced to the public that she has always been single It's the most relaxed feeling to really be yourself.

Occasionally, she will also think of Xia, Xia's handsome appearance, his kind personality, and his cold and indifferent side, and her heart is still faintly painful. In fact, she also knows that she doesn't have any feelings for Xia. She doesn't like her. At most, she just appreciates and has a good impression. But man is a strange animal. The colder Xiaxiang is to her, the more she stimulates her desire to conquer. How many rich and powerful men have fallen under her skirts? Only Xiaxiang disdains her makes her always have a faint regret and sigh for Xiaxiang. She is always eager for Xiaxiang to take a look at her, or Go further, look up at her, and she will get great psychological satisfaction.

It's just that the distance between her and Xiaxiang is getting farther and farther, and there are fewer and fewer opportunities to contact, and the regret in her heart becomes an eternal regret, which is irreparable.

After finishing a program in the morning, Qiu Yao was a little sleepy, so he planned to go to the office to sleep for a while at noon. As soon as he lay down, the phone rang.

It was a call from the Propaganda Department of Dacai Group. Qiu Yao didn't want to answer. Although Dacai Group is too powerful, she is not an on-call reporter now. She also has the power to kill in the provincial station, which can determine the life and death of a program, so she will not come forward easily in general interviews.

But the phone kept ringing stubbornly. Qiu Yu was a little impatient and wanted to press and refuse to listen, but suddenly she was shocked for no reason. She remembered that Dacai Group had not taken the initiative to call her for a long time, and now it was during lunch break. Maybe there was something important, so she reached out to answer the phone again.

PS: This is today's chapter. Why don't you play tricks and don't play jet lag? Today, if you say 10,000, it must be 10,000. Please supervise. After midnight, there is another update. Please recommend tomorrow's ticket, recommendation ticket, please support it! V