official god

Chapter 748 A unique press conference

Most of the reporters on the scene are young people around the age. Half of them are unmarried bait. Although half of them are married, because their wives are not around, they are married young people who enjoy unmarried treatment. At first glance, the beautiful and capable Li Qin is actually the president of the mysterious Guangsha real estate, which makes them discharge They all secretly guessed who Li Qin was. He had hundreds of millions of dollars at a young age. Is it a personal effort, or is there a mysterious boss behind it?

Of course, many people are concerned about Li Qin's personal problems, whether she has a boyfriend, whether she is married or not, the criteria for choosing a spouse, etc. In short, today's news has brought too many shocks and surprises, so that all the reporters present have brains are short-deficient, some have brains, and some After typing, more people raised their cannon cameras and aimed at Li Qin with a wild bombardment.

Five presidents, although Cheng Dacai became famous very early and everyone present knows it, in recent years, Cheng Dacai has lived a simple and rarely appeared. It is not easy to see him with his own eyes. Although Tian'an Real Estate has risen rapidly in recent years, its boss, Sun Xianwei, does not know whether it is low-key or for other reasons. He rarely appears in public, and many reporters want to interview him exclusively. As for Xiao Wu, the president of Jiangshan Real Estate, it is even more mysterious. Many reporters only hear his name but don't see him. For Nanxin Real Estate and Guangsha Real Estate, which are only famous recently, it's okay to say something about Qiyanan. Some insiders in Yan Province know his origin, but for Li Qin, many people don't know what she looks like, even if she is a man or a woman.

I didn't expect that today's press conference will catch all the presidents of the most mysterious and difficult developers in Yan Province. It's really rare **. Well, it's the first press conference that many journalists have encountered since their career. Cheng Dacai smiled and came to the front of the stage. The other four people lined up and stood two meters behind him. Cheng Dacai first nodded to the stage, waved his right hand gently, attracted everyone's eyes to several people behind him, and introduced with a smile: "I'm Cheng Dacai. I'm sure many people here have heard of me. I have also met me, so I don't need to introduce more. Everyone should pay more attention to them. They are the business elites and the future. With them, I feel a lot of pressure

With a slight pause, everyone was full of appetite by Cheng Dacai. Then he smiled and said, "They are young, handsome, beautiful and beautiful. Standing with them, I can only hide my old age with maturity

"Haha!" Everyone laughed loudly and was amused by Cheng Dacai's wit. Of course, more people also know after laughing that today's bullying Dacai is refreshed and in a good mood. It can be seen that today's cooperation and press conference, although grand, are relaxed and humorous, which proves that the five families work together. Obviously, a complete agreement has been reached early on the scenes.

Cheng Dacai also smiled gently: "Let's get back to the point. Today, I would like to announce a decision to announce to you that Dacai Group has decided to invest in Zhou B. Tian'an Real Estate, Jiangshan Real Estate, Nanxin Real Estate and Guangsha Real Estate jointly invested 100 million yuan to gather the leaders of each family and work together In the barren mountains in the west, ten thousand mu of ecological green residential groups are built according to the mountains to benefit the people of Yan City and cool down the zeatical housing prices in the Xiama area!"

Cing Dacai said with an amazing voice: "The advantage of the ecological green residential group is that it is close to the disemp area. Back to Taihang Mountain, there are orchards, mountain springs, quiet scenery, fresh air, and more importantly, low house prices. Among the residential groups, there are not only villas, but also ecological parks, natural greening, intelligent and energy-saving houses, interesting communities, farmyards, and ultra-low prices with a starting price of no more than Lidaoyuan!"

If a good prospect requires a high price, the good value will be greatly reduced, and the sense of expectation will be reduced by more than half. Because no matter how beautiful the things you can't get are, they are just castles in the air. It is an ecological residential complex that integrates the size of the various buildings in the Xiama area. Although it is a little remote from Feng District, if the starting price is low enough, and after the scale effect is formed, it may lead the center of the Xiama area to The price of the blade is the top priority of all links.

A word was thrown out, and there was an uproar!

Imagine that you only need to drive to the west. In a place of green mountains and green water, where there are flowers, grass, orchards, trees, water and mountains and rivers, there is a large residential group that rises from the ground, and it only needs to work per square meter. This is not a reality. This is everyone's dream, the ideal child Words, a fantasy home, but now, dreams shine into reality. Cheng Dacai personally announced on the spot that the construction was about to start grandly. Such a shocking effect, such an unexpected price, and such a gripping scene are definitely worth remembering forever.

Always remember what Cheng Dacai said slowly next.

"When I was very young, I had a dream to live in a big house, a big yard, a tree in front of the door, a river under the tree, and flowers and plants by the river. In summer, I can enjoy the cool under the trees, and in winter, I can watch the snow by the river. In spring and autumn, I can sleep in the sun in the yard. Because when I was a child, my family was poor, and a family of more than a dozen people were crowded together. The space for survival was depressing, and I could only let go of my dreams and give myself hope

"When I grow up, I have always had my dream of being young. When I went into business, I did not hesitate to devote myself to the old industry. The purpose is to have a dream. Yes, Shen has realized his dream. There are villas, courtyards, flowers and plants, and fruit trees. The only regret is that there is no river. Now it's okay. In the Wanmu ecological housing complex, all dreams will come true!"

"Hehe, everyone will smile.

But after laughing, I felt heavy in my heart. Whether it's a high-ranking official or a powerful person. He is still a billionaire. He was not born to be a high-ranking official and a rich man. He also had dreams and pursuits when he was young and poor. It's just that when a person goes from a teenager to middle age, from poverty to a billionaire, who will remember the original dream and pursuit? Who will have the ideals and beliefs of sharing joys and sorrows?

To be rich and unkind is the lack of collective conscience of domestic entrepreneurs. How many entrepreneurs have hundreds of millions of wealth, showing off their gold watches, mansions and luxury cars to the world, and even a sack-like handbag worth more than 100,000 yuan, but no one compares who donates the most public welfare undertakings and who is the most charitable entrepreneur in China.

No more than charity than luxury, no more kindness than wealth, it is the pass of vulgar people, it is the commonality of entrepreneurs who have lost their collective morality, not to mention some businessmen who use illegal means to start their own business, involved in organized crime, illegal trafficking, and even human trafficking, smuggling, drug trafficking, etc.

Anyone who is familiar with Cheng Dacai's resume knows that Cheng Dacai has always been one of the top ten philanthropists in China, and the annual donation amount is among the well-known entrepreneurs in China. It is located in the top ten, although his personal assets are far from the top ten in China.

A person's conscience and morality, and the amount of money. It doesn't matter if it's a dime.

"Dacai Group has developed to this day. I dare to say proudly in front of you that no one has ever taken special care of Dacai, and Dacai has not destroyed a government cadre. Whether it is Yan Province or the whole country, no party member cadre has been ousted because of Dacai's gift and bribery. Why Because my ideal is that my personal ideals and social ideals should be consistent, Dacai has created a new model real estate that is beneficial to the country, the society, the people, and the enterprise itself. Cheng Dacai said emotionally. His eyes were slightly moist, and he obviously entered a state of personal talk. "It's good to benefit the country and the society, and it's easy to benefit the people. How to benefit the people, how to make the people get benefits? This is a question that any conscientious entrepreneur should think deeply about. My answer is that the simplest and most effective way is to minimize the profits of the enterprise, so as to build a 10,000-mu residential complex with the determination and courage to do public welfare undertakings, and repay the villagers in Yan Province, Quanyan City. The starting price of Li Daoyuan explains everything. More than any slogan, any bold words, it makes people feel the sincerity of Dacai Group!"

Boom, "

The applause was thunderous, and everyone was infected by Cheng Dacai's speech, because Cheng Dacai did move his true feelings. He was slightly excited, his eyes were wet, and the expression on his face was unprecedented excitement.

"When I was a child, I had a dream, and now I have a dream. My dream when I was a child has come true. Now my dream is that the people of Yan City can afford to live in a house with gardens, sunshine, trees and rivers!" Cheng Dacai looked firm and waved his hand, "My speech is over!"

After a short silence and cold scene, everyone was shocked by the ideal of Cheng Dacai. The businessman valued profits, but there were also affectionate businessmen, and he was also a famous Cheng Dacai, which made people unable to digest the complicated information for a while, but in a moment, everyone returned to reality. Cheng Dacai's leaky * point speech is based on the ultra-low starting price of the 10,000 mu ecological housing complex. Any doubt will be broken, because Cheng Dacai is not just talking. He has already done it.

Yes, really lead by example. There is no false bold words, no false big words, and do what you say. Don't delay at all. It is a real demeanor and responsible demeanor.

Such a conscientious entrepreneur. A businessman with a conscience can't do without applause. If you don't support it, you can't do it. After a moment of silence, the applause will last for a long time!

There are already anxious reporters at the scene. They quickly sent a manuscript back to their respective newspapers by phone and through the network provided by the site. As a result, the layout of many newspapers has been readjusted, because the news is too shocking, too unexpected, and too newsworthy. No one wants to fall behind, and doesn't want to be above tomorrow's newspaper. Without the news of the Dacai Group's press conference this afternoon, it will be too underlooked by its peers.

After Cheng Dacai made a speech, Sun Xianwei, Xiao Wu, Li Qin and Qi Yanan appeared on the stage in turn and delivered speeches respectively. Several people's speeches have their own characteristics. Sun Xianwei laughed and said that he was very optimistic about the prospects of cooperation with Dacai Group. Finally, he also said with emotion: "I am also a poor child. After I can sincerely do some practical things for the people and go back to my hometown, I won't let the previous seven aunts and eight aunts point You can say a word. OK, Xiao Weizi has a conscience, and I'm satisfied.


Sun Xianwei's speech also won bursts of applause. Since its establishment, it has been taking the civilian route. The goal of Jiangshan real estate is to build a house that ordinary people can afford and earn money worthy of conscience. I'm done with my words

Xiao Wu's simple speech also made many reporters here who had seen empty words sigh with emotion.

Zianan is very low-key: "I can do some real things and practical things for the people of Yan City, in my heart

Li Qin's last appearance. As soon as she walked to the stage, she was suddenly silent. Everyone stared at the legend of beauty, mystery and wealth.

Li Qin sighed slightly. Since she followed Xia Xiang, it has been almost a year today. Seeing the last move, it is not only the last straw that overwhelms Yuan Mingliang's plan, but also hides the careful layout for the people's sincere sake and the long-term interests of the people of Yan City, including Xia Xiang. A selfless heart for the country and the people, her heart is full of emotion and happiness.

What moved her is that it is her blessing and the people's blessing to meet a government official like Xiaxiang after returning to China. The happy thing is that being able to defeat Yuan Mingliang step by step with Xiaxiang, and pull the house price in the lower horse area back to the normal price, cool down the feverish real estate market, and think about the hard-earned money of the people. In addition to making money, it is a more thing that makes people feel at ease, physically and mentally, and

Those who have never done good deeds will never feel the warmth and beauty of doing good deeds, and will never feel the happiness and happiness of being thanked.

Li Qin thought that if one day she could really become a billionaire and have the ability to guide Jiang Rang, she must be the same as Xia Xiang. Although she may not always worry about the country and the people, she must be a diligent and fair-minded entrepreneur.

So although Li Qin's speech was brief. But among several people, the most poetic one is: "Happiness is rare and very simple. It's rare to see your beloved house as high as you can't reach it. Simply, with the 10,000 mu ecological housing group, the dream is no longer far away, but within reach

Applause came one after another. Since Cheng Dacai came on the stage, it has not stopped. Many people slapped red because of excitement, excitement, and shocking news.

The press conference was a great success and won the unanimous approval of the reporters. It was determined that the press conference was the largest, strongest and most exciting in the history of Yan Province.

In the afternoon, the press conference was successfully concluded. At 3 o'clock, all the press releases and on-site clips of the reporters at the meeting have been processed and handed over to the editor-in-chief for review. At 6 o'clock, basically all the news media have decided to see the newspaper tomorrow. There are even many newspapers that have decided to be on the front page tomorrow. The faster action is the provincial TV station, because of the relationship of autumn love. That night, it was broadcast on the news broadcast of the provincial station.

Because it was an ordinary economic news, after the director's review, he did not report to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee for review, and it was issued directly.

After a little bit, the news was followed by the advertisement, the weather forecast, and then the Yan Provincial TV station began to broadcast the provincial news broadcast. After routinely broadcasting the trends of the provincial party secretary, the governor and several members of the standing committee, it broadcasted the press conference held in the rich hotel this afternoon in the form of blockbuster news.

At this time, Ma Xiao was still on a business trip. After receiving a phone call from Fu Xianfeng, he opened Yan Provincial TV Station. Seeing that the provincial TV station gave Dacai Group a minute of press release, his face was getting worse and worse, and he was almost angry to the verge of getting out of control. He made a phone call angrily and asked the Executive Vice Minister Zheng Guanqun to immediately inform all the media in Yan Province that it is strictly forbidden to broadcast and publish any news about the press conference of the Dacai Group. Anyone who violates the regulations will be punished according to discipline.

Zheng Guanqun, who usually obeyed his orders, did not obey his orders this time, but said in embarrassment, "Minister Ma, this matter is not easy to do. First, the influence of Dacai Group in the province is amazing. Blocking Dacai Group is easy to arouse people's suspicion. Second, many central media attended the press conference, and there will be a lot of news published in the central newspapers tomorrow. If there is no movement of the media in this province, it will be easier for people to talk about

"I've considered the consequences. I don't need to do more. Just do what I say." Ma Xiao said angrily that he was the Minister of Propaganda and wanted the same authority.

"Minister Ma" Zheng Guanqun's voice is very firm. He was also very confident, "Before you called, Secretary Ye had called in person and instructed the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee to cooperate with the publicity work of Dacai Group. Escorting the practice of Dacai Group" small

. Ma Xiao almost choked. What does Zheng Guanqun mean? It took a long time to finally say that Secretary Ye had already given instructions. Why didn't he say it earlier? You have to make him feel ashamed on purpose, don't you? After gritting his teeth, he still didn't say anything unpleasant. He was afraid that it would be bad if it reached Ye Shisheng's ears, so he had no choice but to say, "Just follow Secretary Ye's instructions."

Put down the phone, and Ma Xiao wants to call Fu Xianfeng again. However, he found that Fu Xianfeng's mobile phone malaria method was connected, and he wondered, what happened to Fu Xianfeng?

Fu Xianfeng hasn't happened yet, but it's almost time. He and Yuan Mingliang sat opposite each other, speechless for a long time. The two of them were at the villa by the river in Yuanliang. After watching the news broadcast of Yan Province, there were more than ten minutes, and no one said a word.

The sound of the river in the Xiama River came from afar, which was particularly beautiful in the quiet night. Hearing Fu Xianfeng and Yuan Mingliang's ears, it sounded like a death knell ringing,

Prevention: We will continue to attack Wan Geng today. Please continue to give strength to Lao He. Thank you, brothers. D