official god

Chapter 750 Crossing the River and Demolition of Bridges

; Brother Feng's phone number. It's out of summer's surprise. He expected that Fu Xianfeng might call him when he arrived, but he didn't expect that Fu Xianfeng was in a hurry and couldn't wait to call him tomorrow.

Xia Shang was sitting on the sofa holding his son in his arms. He pulled Xia Dong with one hand and answered the phone with the other hand: "Hello, I'm Xia Shang."

"Xiaxiang, I'm Fu Xianfeng." Fu Xianfeng's voice was very low, and what was revealed in the depression was lowness and helplessness. He was silent for a while, as if he was brewing emotions, and it seemed to be difficult to speak. He held the phone in one hand and teased Xia Dong in the other.

Xia Dong was not honest, and he wanted to grab the phone with Xia, but was gently pushed aside by Xia.

Xia Dong quit and rushed up dumbly. He rushed to Xia and wanted to play tricks on Huaifeng.

Xia Dong's giggle was transmitted to Fu Xianfeng's ears by phone, which was originally an extremely common thing, but it made him feel particularly uncomfortable. Xia wanted to be too arrogant and despised him too much. At least he was also a dignified mayor. Besides, there was no final victory or defeat between the two. Xia wanted to laugh with the child when he answered his phone, completely treating him as nothing. It's really unbearable.

It's a pity that I can't stand it. I can't stand it. Xiao Fu Xianfeng suppressed the anger in his heart, and still said, "Xia, I want to talk to you. Do you have time now?"

Xia thought that he didn't think so much. He played with his children because at home, it was normal for children to laugh at home, but he didn't know that an unintentional act became a sign of contempt for the mayor. If he knew, he would definitely be wronged.

But now when he heard Fu Xianfeng's appointment, he still hesitated for a moment and politely refused Fu Xianfeng's request: "Tomorrow I'm going to report to the Municipal Party Committee, and then I'll come to your office to see you

Fu Xianfeng felt cold in his heart. He knew that the meaning of Xia wanted not to agree to interview him was that on the issue of Changji business, he would not die. He simply gritted his teeth: "Xia think, let go when you have to let go. Don't overdo things too much."

Xia wants to laugh: "Let go, I will let go. Tomorrow, Huang Jianjun and I will hand over Chen Guanghong to the Municipal Bureau for trial

Fu Xianfeng was stunned. He didn't expect that Xiaxiang would cleverly change the topic and directly threw out Zhu Guanghong. After thinking about it, he still properly thanked Xia for the kindness he wanted to release, and then said reluctantly, "Yuan Mingliang came to the dise horse area to invest. I came here with sincerity, maybe you and him

At this time, hasn't Fu Xianfeng ever died? Xia wanted to smile secretly. He didn't give up until the Yellow River. In fact, he has now reached the edge of the Yellow River. Hearing the roar of the Yellow River, he saw the rushing Yellow River water in just one step, but Fu Xianfeng thought that there was still room for redemption? Although he is the mayor, when it comes to his own interests, and when it comes to the success or failure of huge capital, he is also in a mess and loses his due judgment!

The current situation is that under the attack of Vision Group and Dacai Group, and under the disturbance of Zhao Kang and Zheng Yi, the order of the real estate market in the Xiama area has been chaotic. If you want to get back on the right track, it not only takes time, but also a reasonable price. There is no way to regain the confidence of consumers with empty promises and turbulent advertisements.

That is, he has no way to artificially raise the housing prices in the lower horse area. The psychology of consumers is not a roller coaster. As soon as the electricity is turned on, it can go up and down. It is easy to destroy confidence, and it is difficult to build confidence. It takes time, and we need to show enough sincerity.

Anyway, from the current stage, it is reasonable for the housing price in the Xiama area to be maintained at about Feikou yuan. Most of the real estate under the name of Changji Trading is about 14,000 yuan. With the current consumer confidence index and the market price of Vision and Dacai, Zhao Kang and Zheng Yi, two spoilers spare no effort to perform, almost the housing prices in the diseping area in the minds of consumers. About yuan.

is not only reasonable, but also slightly lower.

has also reached the psychological price of Xiaxiang. At least when he was in power, it was his greatest ideal for a slightly capable citizen to live in his own house! The low price can be maintained as long as possible. House prices will rise sooner or later. He can't stop the general trend, at least within his ability. Wherever his eyes can see. We can take care of the interests of the people as much as possible.

The reason why he did this. And he can succeed, not only because he is the secretary of the sub-horse district party committee. If he doesn't have a group of loyal friends to follow him, and if he doesn't have Cheng Dacai's trust in him, even if he is the secretary of the municipal party committee, he can't do it. It is also that Xia wants to understand the ideal of Cheng Dacai and the humanistic spirit of Cheng Dacai. It is clear that Cheng Dacai has never pretended to be an entrepreneur, but has always been shown to the world as the faces of philanthropists, philosophers and educators. On the road to success. He has pinned too many humanistic ideals and the dream of world harmony. It was also Xia who wanted to have an in-depth and profound understanding of Cheng Dacai that invited Cheng Dacai to come forward and hand over a wasteland in the western part of the Xiama District to him, so that Cheng Dacai can play the blueprint in his heart and let his dream shine into reality.

Perhaps there are fewer and fewer entrepreneurs with real conscience and dreams. Many businessmen have no meaning to survive except making money. Cheng Dacai once said that. A person's wealth and the people around him are all poor is not happiness, but a kind of sadness. If you want the world to be beautiful, you must make everyone rich and civilized. If a person lives in a luxurious villa, the house is full of gold and jade. As soon as you go out, you will be fine. Dust is all over the sky, and garbage is full of mountains. This kind of feeling is not to stand out from the chicken level. The sadness and helplessness of Hui Ma Shen.

A person who has hundreds of millions of wealth, and then points out thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, in the face of the desolate eyes, where does the happiness come from?

It's just a pity. Many people who are rich and unkind like to have hundreds of millions of wealth, and others feel that they are poor and superior.

Therefore, Xiaxiang will not let Yuan Mingliang succeed and sweep away the hard-earned money of countless people. The people worked hard to save their life's savings, and spent about 10,000 yuan to buy a house with an old cost of 10,000 yuan. Among them, the profit is as high. Ten thousand, the old ten thousand returned to the government, and the old ten thousand returned to the tenants. What a misfortune!

Fu Xianfeng wanted to have an interview with him, just to let him go and let him go, but from the beginning, Xiaxiang did not intend to let Yuan Mingliang go, and from the final layout of Vision Group and Dacai Group, he did not leave a backhand to let go at any time, because with his personality, the principle could not be discussed, There is a possibility of compromise.

Not to mention that the problem of Changji trade is impossible to give in, it is the problem of Quan Guanghong. On the surface, the first step is also to take retreat as progress, and in order to better get justice in the future. It's at a critical juncture. At the last moment, Fu Xianfeng still wants to sit down and discuss it again? It's better not to meet. If we don't meet, it's good to meet in the future. If we meet, maybe if we don't agree, we may turn against each other on the spot.

It's better to keep a trace of affection for everyone. After all, they are all scene people. In the future, I really want to go to the municipal party committee often, and I don't want to make a big mistake with the mayor in private.

Xia wanted to stand up, came to the study, closed the door, and the surroundings suddenly calmed down. He calmed his mind. After a moment of meditation, he said word by word, "Yuan Mingliang and his capital. The only purpose of coming to the disema qu is to sweep the construction achievements of the disema qu and destroy the economy of the disema qu. Leave it to Xiama District, and then take away the windfall profits and go away. Mayor Fu, you are the mayor of Yan City, and Xiama District is the new district of Yan City. You should also know that if Yuan Mingming is in the way. You should also know what the prospect of the lower horse area is! Standing on the standpoint of the lower horse area, do you still think that the misunderstanding between me and Yuan Mingliang is so simple?

Fu Xianfeng was speechless!

Opening the window, Xia wanted to take a turbid breath in his chest. Fu Xianfeng served as the mayor of Yan City, which is by no means a blessing to the people of Yan City. He is selfish. He had an interest entanglement with the Siniu Group, turned a blind eye to Yuan Mingliang's intention to destroy the economy of the horse area, and tried to persuade him to let Yuan Mingliang go. In his heart, did he really regard himself as the head of the people of Yan City? Have you ever thought about the responsibilities of a mayor? Is there a parent's awareness and conscience?

Xia wanted to smoke two cigarettes in a row before closing the window.

When you go to bed at night. He originally wanted to have sex with girl Hui, but Xia Dongfei wanted to play tricks on the cot, sleep in the big bed, and also slept between the two. Xia wanted to have no choice but to let him do it after he fell asleep. Unexpectedly, Xia Dong fell asleep. But he held Cao Shuji's arm and grabbed Cao Shuhui's chest with one hand. He couldn't move. He woke up as soon as he moved.

Xia wanted to be angry and smiled. He gently patted Xia Dong's buttocks twice, and finally had to sleep with hatred.

The next day. Xia Xiang showed up to the Xiama District Committee and after he handed over some necessary work. He went to the municipal party committee with Huang Jianjun to hand over Tan Guanghong to the municipal bureau.

Xia wants to reappear in the district committee. If nothing happens and the command is determined, it will make many people mutter in their hearts, which makes the provincial party secretary and the governor angry. How can there be nothing at all? Chen Tianyu didn't know what other people were thinking, but he knew Li Han's thoughts. As soon as Xia Xiang appeared, Li Han was obviously absent-minded, and he was a little distracted, with a deep disappointment in his eyes.

Political affairs have always been like this, Chen Tianyu sighed secretly. No matter how incompetent and mediocre Li Han is, he also wants to replace Xia, and he also hopes that Xia can make mistakes, so that he can successfully take over the leader. It's not a talent to be envied by others, but Li Han has no brain and no knowledge. He sits in the position of the head of the lower horse district based on his old seniority. If he really serves as the secretary of the district party committee, what are the development prospects after the lower horse?

What Chen Tianyu didn't expect was that he was unintentionally worried that it would almost come true in the near future!

After Xia thought of the municipal party committee, he first reported the situation to Hu Zengzhou. Originally, he wanted to report his work to Fu Xianfeng in accordance with the usual practice, but Hu Zengzhou proposed to hold a small meeting to let Xia want to make a report in public, so that he would not have to report one by one. It is also Ma

Xia wants to ask for it naturally. Thank Secretary Hu for his love.

Hu Zengzhou really loves Xiaxiang, because he also knows that his supporters in the municipal party committee are all Xiaxiang's network. Of course, the above is not the main reason. The most important point is that Xia Xiang has won his heart whether he is in the world or his speech and behavior. Moreover, Xia Xiang has never had a trace of pride in front of him. He has always had a correct attitude and a low posture. He has not shown any arrogance because of his deep network with the municipal party .

A small meeting was then held. Hu Zengzhou, Fu Xianfeng, Chen Yulong and Sun Dingguo attended the meeting. Xia Xiang reported the progress of the case in detail to the leaders of the municipal party committee present, and implicitly put forward the handling opinions of Secretary Ye and Governor Fan. Immediately, he and Huang Jianjun handed over Zhu Guanghong to Sun Dingguo.

Handing over the person to Sun Dingguo, Xia wants to be naturally relieved.

After the meeting, Xiaxiang was following Hu Zeng and preparing to sit in Hu Zengzhou's office. Fu Xianfeng flashed out from the side and said with a smile, "Xiaxiang, come to my office if you have time

Old; Shijingfeng's unyedulable. Xia Shangmai really had a headache. After all, Mayor Liyin and Hungry Hui were in front of Hu Zengzhou. He had no reason to refuse, so he had to agree.

After coming out of Hu Zengzhou's office, Huang Jianjun has returned to the xia area, and Xiaxiang walked into Fu Xianfeng's office.

Xiaxiang has come to Fu Xianfeng's mayor's office. After all, he is the secretary of the district party committee. There are also a lot of reports to the mayor. But today, I'm in an abnormal mood. Because he doesn't want to talk to Fu Xianfeng about how to stop, let alone make any deal with Fu Xianfeng.

Xia wants to think that he is not a saint, but everyone has their own bottom line and principles, and he is not short of money. He doesn't want to take ill-gotten gains, and the most important thing is that he has now completely flattered Fu Xianfeng's person. At this point, there is really nothing to talk about between him and him.

Fu Xianfeng asked Xia to sit down, nodding his head and not detouring. He said directly, "Xiaxiang. As an official, all he wants is power and fame and fortune. You offer a price. If it is appropriate, we will make a deal. I am very sincere. Don't hide it anymore. Let's talk about it first. You don't want to get too stiff with me, do you?

Xia thought that he suddenly became disgusted for no reason, and couldn't wait to punch Fu Xianfeng fiercely in the smiling face!

Look at the face of the first? Did he really think that something had happened between himself and Fu Xianxian? After learning that he and Fu Xian may have had a relationship. I can't wait to kill myself. Now it's better to talk about it as a bargaining chip. No wonder Fu Xianxian has always been disgusted with the vanguard. Originally, she had already seen through the hypocritical nature and ugly face of the vanguard.

"Between Fu Xianxian and me, please be as white as a piece of white paper. There is nothing that can be used as a prerequisite for the conversation. Mayor Fu, what's the matter with you? Please say it directly."

Xiaxiang's tone is not very respectful, and there is also a trace of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

Fu Xianfeng did not change his face, but still looked indifferent. He got up and came to the door, carefully closed the door, and then lowered his voice and said, "Xiaxiang, don't tell you the truth." 3. B's floating capital, most of the 400 million of them are private funds raised by Yuan Mingliang. Blade Billion is Zhao Xiaofeng's investment. Personally, I don't have a penny of investment in it, that is to say, Changji Trading has failed in the Xiama District. On the surface, I won't have any personal loss. And I know it now. The general trend is gone, but Yuanliang is still a solid fund. I can encourage Yuan Mingliang to make the wrong decision. You can cooperate with the periphery and let all Yuanliang's funds be intercepted in the Xiama area as much as possible, which can also be regarded as making more contributions to the economy of the Xiama area.

Xia wanted to sneer in his heart. He was a Fu Xianfeng who unloaded the mill and killed the donkey, and what a mayor of Fu who saw the wind and rudder. Seeing that the timing was not right, when Yuan Mingliang had no way to go, he actually came up with a desperate plan to draw his salary from the bottom If you don't make a bright profit, you have to make a bright principal. It really responds to an old saying: a small amount is not a gentleman, no poison, no husband.

Fu Xianfeng has a plan, a city government, and a vicious counterattack. He really has the potential to become a typical politician. Xia thought that he was not moved by Fu Xianfeng's anti-water plan. What he coveted for was not the bright principal, but the fruit of the economic construction of the sub-horse area, and only to warn all the latecomers. Let them be detered. Don't come down to the horse area and do whatever you want. It's his ability to escape from Yuanliang's principal. He didn't forcibly intercept it.

Because this is not in line with his principles, he forcibly intercepted Yuanliang's principal and became selfish. In the eyes of Dacai Group and several other companies, he lost fairness. If Cheng Dacai misunderstands his careful plan is to use Dacai Group's funds to earn Yuanliang's floating capital, Cheng Dacai will definitely Look at him flat.

And to be honest. From beginning to end, Xiaxiang has never thought about how much money to earn from the floating capital of Changji Trading. Of course, in normal business activities, several developers sell real estate to Changji Trading, and the normal profits are also in line with the market law. There is no fault.

Xia Xiang smiled and said, "The long-term planning of the lower part of the horse district has made some corresponding changes. After the district party committee and the district government has sorted out the relevant materials, I will report to the municipal party committee and the municipal government together." Mayor Fu, do you have anything else? Just now, Secretary Hu said that he asked me to go to his house after work and asked me to do some housework for him.

Fu Xianfeng's face suddenly changed several times. Finally, he suppressed his anger and waved his hand calmly: "It's okay. Then you go first." Although Xiaxiang's refusal was tactful, there was no room at all, which made Fu Xianfeng feel useless.

But there is no light and there is nothing he can do. Who let him ask for Xiaxiang, and the initiative is completely in Xiaxiang's hands? Political matters are really better than people. The mayor can't suppress a district party secretary. No one may believe it when he says it, but as long as he meets Xia, nothing can become possible!

Fu Xianfeng sat and sulked for a long time, and he had not made up his mind how to deal with the last remaining problems between him and Yuan Mingliang, as well as the problem of Zhu Guanghong, which was the same as scratching his head",

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