official god

Chapter 752 Waiting for the last time

Jiang wanted to hear the bright, low and lost voice, and he couldn't help sighing slightly! "Mr. Yuan, please speak, I'll listen to you."

"There are too few domestic officials who can really do something for the people like you.

You can turn ups and downs in Yan City, but if you leave Yan City and leave the assistance of the power around you, I dare to say that today's loser will be you! But there is no turning back in life. If I lose, I am willing to gamble and lose.

What I want to say is that you will leave Yanshi one day and take office somewhere else. I hope you still have a selfless heart. I hope you face countless times more sinister forces than me.

You can still do it right and stand firmly!" The phone was cut off. The busy sound of "dudu" seemed to be Yuan Mingliang's last farewell.

Xia wanted to be stunned for a while, and his mind was far and near.

Yuan Ming's heartfelt words are actually a warning, or a warning, to tell himself that he will always observe the road he will take in the future to see if he has the courage to face more challenges after leaving Yanshi.

Maybe there is, maybe I will be desperate.

Perhaps there are times to retreat. Xia wants to answer himself with certainty now, "In domestic politics, my concubine is changeable, and there are too many hidden relationships buried underneath. I don't know where to go, I will inadvertently touch the minefield."

The economic hidden danger of the disemortment area has been solved, but the problem between it and Fu Xianfeng has not been solved, because there is still a four-niu door.

After handing over Chen Guanghong to the municipal bureau last time, Xia wanted to devote himself to solving Yuan Guangliang's problem, and no longer worried about Tan Guanghong's fate.

Don't worry and don't show that you don't care. He is still secretly paying attention to Fu Xianfeng's every move, depending on how Fu Xianfeng uses his means to fish out Tan Guanghong.

The fact and Xia Xiang expected are not far away. After the trial of the municipal bureau, after Bu Guanghong said the matter that should be said, Chen Yulong came forward in person. Then Mayor Fu called Sun Dingguo directly and asked to take care of the emotions of the Siniu Group. Since the facts are conclusive and there is no charge, Zhu Guanghong

Sun Dingguo only delayed for two days, and he gave people a lot of face.

After being released, Chen Guanghong returned to Siniu Group.

Unexpectedly, the news came out two days later. Zhun Guanghong was suspended by the group for reflection. When to return to work, the board of directors has not decided for the time being.

Zhong Guanghong knew exactly where the opinion of the board of directors was. It was simply that Yang Guoying saw that he had no use value and kicked him away.

He was depressed and indignant, so he wanted to find Fu Xianfeng to judge, because he thought that his relationship with Fu Xianfeng was not bad.

Unexpectedly, Fu Xianfeng directly refused his request for a meeting, and also told him that if he obeyed the orders of the group, there will always be a day when there will be a comeback, otherwise things in the future will be difficult to say.

Fu Guanghong understands that he has no hope in Siniu Group, and he is even more irritable. Although Fu Guanghong also knows that he is on the cusp of the storm, he is going home to rest for a period of time. It is also a normal strategy to deal with a low-key treatment, which is the safest way at this

But what he wanted was a promise from Fu Xianfeng or Yang Guoying, because he did not disclose any business secrets of the Siniu Group to the district bureau and the municipal bureau, and covered up Xiao Laoquan's death very well. He did his best for the group, and one person took all the charges. What he needed was for the group to give him .

A hope.

Fu Xianfeng was better and comforted him a few words.

When Yang Guoying met him, he was only very concerned about what he said in it. He didn't pay attention to his own future and grievances at all, which made him feel very dissatisfied and thought that the group treated him badly.

On the surface, Chen Guanghong rests at home, where can he be idle? The matter of Shi Group is very concerned.

I'm afraid that he will be replaced by someone after a meeting.

Fortunately, his vice president's position is still temporarily retained, but his work has been temporarily managed by another vice president, which also reassures him a lot and waits for the day of a comeback.

At the same time, Zhun Guanghong also hated Xiao Laoquan very much. It's better to live than to die. At an old age, he still jumped into the river and committed suicide like a young man. He was really full.

Now it's okay. You die as a poor ghost, but you make everyone uneasy. Damn it, curse that you don't have to die! Shortly after the release of the floating flood, Xiao Laoquan's case was closed. The police neither announced it nor notified the news media, but the general criminal case was closed.

Two days later, Xiao Laoquan was cremated.

A poor old man has gone through a plain life. When he is dying, not many people know why he died and whether he died in his own place.

Xiao Bo and Boli cried to death. Although Xia thought that although Xiao Laoquan knew that he would not die in vain, when the time was ripe, he would detonate the Siniumen in advance, which could save the happiness of countless families.

Although he was not born gloriously, at least in his mind, he died great.

It's just that some things can never be revealed to the public, so he can only comfort Xiao Bo and Xiao Li and arrange a good job for them as much as possible.

Xiao Bo and Xiao Li both quit their jobs in Siniu Group. No matter how much money they make, they are working on the farm that forced their father to die. Their conscience is in peace! Xiao Bo and Xiao Li both went to work in the new building materials factory.

Yan Xiao arranged a good position for them and offered them a high salary. Because of Xiao Laoquan's death, it indirectly resolved the pressure of Siniu Group on the hourly building materials factory and slandered Siniu Group's accusations of water pollution in the hourly building materials factory. After the detention of Chen Guanghong, it was immediately silent.

Yan Xiao also saw the clue from Xiao Laoquan's case, and also faintly heard that the sick cows of the Siniu Group were because they fed their own feed with additives. Unexpectedly, they wanted to splash dirty water on others.

She was in a hurry" and said to Fan Ruiheng, asking for justice to the building materials factory.

Fan Ruiheng did not have the idea of replacing the hourly building materials factory.

On the contrary, I advised Yan Xiaoxiao not to mention this matter again. The matter is over. Don't hold on to it: "Siniu Group, the province has to give some face. Your hourly building materials factory is just a private enterprise. It's good that the matter can be solved satisfactorily. Don't be too much trouble From a long standpoint, it is the Siniu Group that deliberately bullies people.

Looking at the problem from my uncle's point of view, my nephew was wronged, and you didn't care at all. I complained to my aunt. Fan Ruiheng smiled helplessly and hung up the phone.

He really doesn't take much care of Yan Xiao. On the one hand, he cherishes feathers and is self-clean. He likes to do everything ingeniously and doesn't make people unreasonable.

On the other hand, his wife is also his aunt, who doesn't like to ask about political matters, and rarely asks him because of his family's chores, so he can take little care of Yan Xiao and stabilize the backyard.

Yan Xiao was just talking, so he didn't ask his aunt, but Xiang Xia wanted to help him.

Unexpectedly, Xia thought also has the same attitude as Fan Ruiheng.

You don't have to worry about it when you are strict. Things can be over. It is reasonable to do a good job in a large building materials factory.

Yan Xiao and Fan Ruiheng acted coquettishly, and they argued with Xiaxiang. They laughed angrily: "Why are you talking like my uncle? That's right. Even if my uncle is the governor, he can't help the Siniu Group. As a district party secretary, you have to give up three points? Forget it, I won't force you.

Your official division is large, but most of your bureaucracy is the same. Xia wants to shake his head and smile, without refuting Yan Xiao's accusations.

Now is not the time to argue with Siniu Group about these little things. If Xia wants to successfully detonate the Siniu Gate and stay out of the matter, he has to make a look, that is, when he knows that Siniu Group deliberately framed the hourly building materials factory, he doesn't care about it, that is, to The wind dares not ask for justice from the Siniu Group.

There are many ways to ask for justice. You don't have to come to the door righteously. You have to argue with the other party aggressively.

It is right to say the other party speechless. Many times, it is also a kind of victory to hide behind your back and watch the other party fall into the frenzy.

When the two armies meet, the brave win, which is victory.

strategising, winning thousands of miles away is also a victory.

The effect that Xia wants is to hide deeply and name, just ignite and detonate, and don't let others know who he is.

At the bottom, the off-horse area has been restored to a benign order. Everything is in order, the housing prices are rising steadily, and they are in their respective positions. The major businessmen have regained control of their own real estate. None of them dares to take the initiative to provoke trouble again. The lessons of the front car are vivid in their eyes. Consumer No one dares to let go again to ruin the great prospects in front of them.

The two major projects of Dacai Group and Yuanjing Jiran have broken ground. With strong strength and appeal, the housing prices in the lower horse area have been stabilized at a reasonable price, and Zhao Kang and Zheng Yi, who have always liked to make trouble, are suddenly much more honest, obediently set the price to the average level, and never again. What inflammatory remarks to disrupt the market.

Xiaxiang also goes to work and gets off work every day, as if with the departure of Yuanliang, the disemortal area has really entered a period of peace, and the problems of the Siniu Group and the death of Xiao Laoquan have gone with the wind, drifted to the unknown sky, and have been completely forgotten.

In fact, Xia wants to remember Xiao Laoquan's death all the time and dare not forget it.

Xiao Laoquan, like countless people at the bottom of the poor society, is kind and weak, but has no conscience. He wants to resist, but he is shrouded in layers of relationships and unable to break through the huge network arranged by the huge interest gang.

In the end, we can only fight to death.

Even if you die, you may not be able to break a dead net like a brave fish, because it is possible that someone will die. If you don't meet the right person to ask about this, you may die in vain.

There are so many people who die in vain and succumb to death. If it hadn't been for Xiaxiang, Xiao Laoquan could only hate Jiuquan.

However, even if he meets Xiaxiang, Xiaxiang can only achieve his goal by using curves and obscure methods. In the face of the strength of the Four Niuniu Group, he also feels powerless. Everyone will protect the Four Niu Group, not only the vanguard, but he can't afford to pick a mountain alone.

Despite the long and dangerous road ahead, Xiaxiang believes that with his wisdom and ingenious setting, he can quietly detonate the Siniumen before the arrival of autumn, give Xiao Laoquan a justice, give the vanguard a teaching, let Zhu Guanghong suffer hardships, and also the notorious "protein essence" of later generations.

The event was killed in the cradle as much as possible.

In fact, between facing the happiness of countless families and the choice of Fu Xianfeng's future, Xia wants to choose the former without hesitation.

He knows that if he does not lead to the four oxen, until the day of natural things, once the four oxen is done, it will be countless times more powerful than now, because countless babies have died and destroyed the happiness of countless families.

Fu Xianfeng must bear the corresponding leadership responsibilities, and there is no escape being removed from office on the spot.

But the cost of paying for the happiness of countless families in exchange for the halberd's career is too expensive and heavy, although he really wants to get the vanguard to step down.

As a member of the same family, Fu Xianfeng is too far from Qiu Xufeng and Mei Shengping. There are many shameful things about him. However, compared with the happiness of tens of millions of families, Xia Xiang would rather detonate the Siniumen in advance, although he also knew it.

Judging from the current situation, 1.

Explosion! After that, Fu Jingfeng may not be implicated, and at most he will be punished by the provincial party committee.

It may even be unharmed.

However, what Xia didn't expect was that a sudden change soon later led to an unexpected huge deviation! After calming down the market order in the disembarkment zone, Yuan Mingliang ended sadly and left the disembarkment area in confusion. The thunder and heavy rain of Siniu Group were fierce to find trouble for the building materials factory for hours, but suddenly there was no follow-up. It was once rumored that Xia wanted to provoke the provincial party secretary After the wind, Xia wanted to sit firmly on the throne of the first person in the disema qu, so in the disema qu, all kinds of rumors disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Although everyone knows that Secretary Xia is not a calculating person, not like some small-minded and stingy leaders who spread the rumors, but everyone is in the officialdom and knows the truth that more words will be lost.

Xia wants to be the leader of the disema area.

After people's hearts are stable, there will always be good people who will report to the secretary. Who is talking nonsense now? Isn't it uncomfortable? The Xiama District immediately restored the tense atmosphere, and everyone worked hard not only in an orderly manner, but also further strengthened the authority of Xiaxiang.

Because Li Han restrained a lot, he not only walked a lot less momentum, but also wanted to ask Xia for instructions on big and small things, completely returning to the attitude that a district chief should have, and even said that he was more humble and lower than the general second-in-command.

Anyone with discerning eyes can see that Li Han has admitted defeat.

Can't admit defeat. After a series of events, Li Han has seen the situation clearly. Fu Xianfeng, as the mayor, also lost to Xia Xiang. In the process of the failure of Changji Business, the mayor of a city was helpless and was beaten by Xia Xiang. He was just the district governor. In Xia There is no level advantage in front of you, and there is no excellence in political wisdom. How can you fight with Xia? Now that even Fu Xianfeng has died down, why does he have to put on airs in front of Xiaxiang again? Unable to suppress and unable to fight, Li Han had to pick up his tail to be a man again. What's more, he also understood a truth in the process of dealing with Fu Xianfeng. There are too many undesirable things about Fu Xianfeng's person. At the critical moment, he can't be reliable. Follow him closely. When it's

Li Han decided to be honest from now on, work diligently, strive to take advantage of the economic take off of the economic take-off in the horse area, cooperate with Xia Xiang's work, get the due political achievements, and then successfully take over the position of secretary of the district party committee. In the future, he has also made some achievements in entering the main

Li Han bowed his head to Xia Xiang, and Li Han naturally acted in a low-key manner, and the diseping area entered an unprecedented period of peace and exhibition.

Xiaxiang is also a great comfort in his heart.

At the beginning of the month, when a plenary meeting was held, Xia wanted to put forward three opinions on the future economic exhibition in the Xiama District. The first is to continue to stabilize housing prices, maintain the existing good market order, and crack down on any floating capital behavior of real estate speculation.

The second is to introduce high-tech industries.

The third is to open the following tourism industry led by Mahe River, and implement the second phase of the plan to revitalize the Xiama area.

The Xiama River has been flooded to the whole line at the end of July. As soon as the water is connected, a cruise ship wharf will be built on both sides, presenting a hot construction scene.

When the whole line was flooded, Ye Shisheng came in person and attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony, which caused a sensation.

After the water was connected, Xiaxiang also took a boat around the Xiama River for a week. The deepest experience was that the vast Xiama River did have the atmosphere of a small river. Although it was only a small river of more than four kilometers, it was vast, and it was located in Yan City with little rain and water, which was also a rare cool place

However, on both sides of the river, many places are desolate, either barren mountains or barren land, which has great value to be utilized.

I believe that with the full line of the Xiama River, a cross-strait economic belt of more than four kilometers will be formed in the near future, effectively driving employment and boosting demand.

Xia wants to stand in the office, looking at both sides of the Xiama River in the distance. The waterscape park of Yuanjing Group is in full swing. The hustle and bustle are coming, making him feel comfortable.

Perhaps, before the last time comes, there will be a little time to relax. Xia wanted to stretch slightly and was about to go home from work, but the phone unexpectedly rang.

Generally, there is nothing to do on the phone before work. It's either an invitation to dinner or a gift. Xia wants to be in a good mood today and doesn't want to answer.

Turned his head and looked at the phone number. He felt a little familiar. After thinking about it, he was suddenly stunned.

Because he realized a very interesting coincidence, the call was Wei Xin's number.

Wei Xin didn't use a mobile number before.

is the number of Unicom.

After she met him in later generations, she changed to weighing for his reason, and also applied for a couple account with him.

In today's world, he has always used a mobile number, and he also exists in his mobile phone, but today's call is not her original number, but the mobile couple number she used with him in later generations! Time and space have changed, but some things still have great inertia and have not changed.

Why did Wei Xin choose this number in this life? Xia was stunned and answered the phone, in which Wei Xinrou's slightly hoarse voice said, "Hey, do you have time at night?" Sigh: There are still a few votes left to advance one, brothers, monthly ticket, strongly support the official god.

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