official god

Chapter 760 There are spring and autumn for praise and criticism

Xia wanted to shout sadly and indignantly, "Brothers, I'm very proud today, because none of us has taken a step back.

We are strong enough to build a safe, flesh and blood Great Wall for the old people in the Xiama District. Whether we can persist until the last moment or not, what I want to tell you is that you are the heroes of the people, the benefactors of the Lower Ma District, and my brothers who take care of each other!" And me."

Bian Xiuling heard the sadness and helplessness in Xiaxiang's voice. She knew that after the third wave of floods, the team might be scattered, some people might die, and their efforts may fail.

However, everyone has no regrets and no regrets, because they have worked hard and they have worked hard.

They really tried their best.

She is the same. She wants to be with them.

Even if she was washed away by the flood, she did not take a step back.

Sometimes in the face of natural disasters, under the boiling blood of unity, death is nothing. Everyone has a fearless spirit in their bones.

Although she is a woman, she has also been slippery and floating in officialdom.

But at this moment, she is burning with the same spirit as a man.

Xia wanted to take the lead, strode forward, and was silent.

rushed forward without hesitation.

The people behind also have the same expression. They have firm eyes and clench their teeth. There is only a broken team like people. In the face of the huge waves, they strode forward. No one is generous and sad, no bold words, but a force that silently penetrates people's hearts, step by step, as if every step falls on the In the room, slowly and firm, small, tragic and desperate, using his chest to fight against the last wave of floods.

This scene is fixed in the eyes of many people, including hundreds of armed police officers and soldiers who have just arrived, including Ye Shisheng, the secretary of the provincial party committee, and He Dongchen, the Premier of the State Council, who arrived with the armed police! Originally, the armed police officers and soldiers should have arrived a long time ago, but the provincial party committee suddenly received a notice that the premier would visit the front line of flood fighting in Yan City in person, and the provincial party committee set up a new full-speed operation to prepare for the arrival of the premier.

Cui Xiang proposed.

After Premier He arrives, let the armed police officers and soldiers go to the front line together with Premier He.

Wherever the Prime Minister inspects, let the armed police officers and soldiers follow.

Ye Shisheng hesitated and agreed.

Because the armed police officers and soldiers in Yan Province have not been trained in floods, they are inexperienced in flood fighting.

And most of them were transferred to Nanshan Reservoir, some were urgently sent to the farms of the Siniu Group, and only a small part was sent to the Xiama area to protect the Xiama River.

And it is not clear how powerful Ye Shisheng is to the flood, according to Cui Xiang.

After the force of kilometers, when you reach the diseval area, the flood will have no impact.

It is still important to protect the safety of the Prime Minister. The only armed police officers and soldiers with flood fighting experience are the first priority of protecting the Prime Minister's personal safety.

Therefore, wait until the Prime Minister arrives.

The armed police officers and soldiers came down the horse area with the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister designated to visit the Xiama River.

First, I went to the headquarters of the disemissory area and heard Li Han say that Xia wanted to be on the front line of flood fighting.

Only fighting the flood with hundreds of workers, the Prime Minister immediately changed his face and angrily scolded the municipal party committee and the municipal government for messing around, and why not dispatch armed police officers and soldiers to fight the flood.

and let workers with no experience in flood fighting resist the flood.

What do you mean? In the anger of the Prime Minister, Hu Zengzhou was submissive and had nothing to say.

Fu Xianfeng took the big hat of Nanshan Reservoir to supply water to the capital and almost all his strength. Can he disagree? Disagree is to sacrifice the interests of the central government in exchange for local interests, which is a manifestation of no overall view.

The Prime Minister criticized face to face, and he could not tell the truth.

is to blame the central government face to face. He doesn't have the courage.

When the Prime Minister arrived with the crowd, the first thing he saw was the tired and unconscious worker brothers lying on the high ground. The Prime Minister first blushed his eyes and immediately ordered the proper placement of the workers' brothers.

He came to a little worker who looked less than a strong man, held his hand tightly, and sighed, "You are the good son of the people and a hero of the people."

The young man was Tang Yi who lost the opportunity and Xia wanted to lift water and mercury. He didn't know that the person in front of him was the Prime Minister. After a short rest, he felt that he had regained a little strength. He struggled to get up and pointed to the wall in the distance with his hand: "Come on, help Secretary Xia

As soon as the novel was finished, it was dark in front of my eyes, and I fell into a coma again.

The Premier suppressed his tears and turned back to Ye Shisheng and said, "Comrade Shisheng, what a good little comrade, you must take good care of him for me. When he wakes up, tell him that even I, He Dongchen, will also thank Ye Shisheng for his contribution to the people.

He winzzed at the people around him.

The Prime Minister's solemn entrustment.

Who dares not to pay attention to it? Immediately, the accompanying personnel wrote it down carefully. After Tang Yi woke up, someone was sent to the special ward to take care of him.

After recovering from his illness, he arranged for Tang Yi to go to college. Later, after graduating from Tang Yi University, he successfully entered politics. Because of the influence of Xiaxiang, he has been an official after stepping into the officialdom.

Before the armed police officers and soldiers arrived, they all wanted to show themselves in front of the Prime Minister, thinking that they had arrived.

It can definitely successfully repel the flood.

Compared with the workers of the miscellaneous army, they are the most determined force to protect people's lives and property.

Just after they came to the scene.

Everyone was shocked.

The scene in front of them was like a loud drum beating on the heart of every armed police officer and soldier, from east to west, although they did not have uniform clothes.

There is no unified command, but they are brave and move forward.

Their spirit of no hesitation, as well as their perseverance to die rather than give up, have made the hot-blooded men of armed police officers and soldiers eye-catching the eye, and everyone has built a Feng in their hearts that they are just ordinary construction workers.

They are migrant workers. They have not practiced systematically and have no will of soldiers, but they also have warm-blooded feelings.

I don't know who started, silently and firmly saluted the first military salute, and then all the armed police officers and soldiers stood solemnly and rushed to the workers' brothers on the ground.

A standard and solemn military salute is neatly and uniformly! The world is solemn, and people's hearts are solemn. He Dongchen clenched his fists with both hands.

Looking at the small figure of Xiaxiang in the flood from afar, tears finally came out of his eyes.

Then I saw Bian Xiuling behind the human wall, a woman.

My hair was messy, covered with mud, and I kept waving my hands. Obviously, I was cheering for everyone, and the workers in a row were staggering, but they stood tenaciously.

The prime minister who has seen the scene of flood fighting against the huge flood and seeking disasters, and has seen countless touching scenes.

What is surging in the chest is unprecedented emotion.

He has seen the scene of the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor jumping into the rolling flood, and he has also seen more armed police officers and soldiers form a longer human wall.

But the scene in front of him made his nose sour and his throat blocked. For nothing else, it was just for Xia to think that he was not a show. He stood in the middle of the crowd, which was the place with the strongest impact of the flood.

It's just for a small female official who forgets the gender difference.

In the face of the danger of life, instead of hiding in a high place, stand in the most dangerous place and cheer for everyone.

They are not a show, because they still move forward bravely when they know that there is no way back, and they don't know the attention of their superior leaders.

Only to protect the interests of the people.

and fight hard.

If officials everywhere have the same feelings and enthusiasm as them, the same selfless spirit, why worry about the country being strong, and why worry about the people being uneasy about living and working? He Dongchen didn't expect that he had never been moved by the front line for the senior officials of the main hall or even the deputy provincial level.

has never shed tears for the heroic performance of armed police officers and soldiers in the flood fighting. At this moment, it is for Xiaxiang and a group of crooked workers.

And the nose is sore, the throat is itchy, and the tears flow for a long time.

They are real hot-blooded men. They don't want fame, profit, or show themselves in front of superior leaders.

They just really want to do practical things and do good deeds for the people, and they just want to defend the Xiama River and keep one side safe.

He Dongchen looked at Ye Shisheng with tears in his eyes: "Comrade Shisheng, Comrade Xia Xiang is the most down-to-earth and willing young man I have ever met. You should be proud to have such a good comrade under your leadership.

Yan Zhaoduo is a generous and sad poet. Today I want to say that the Xiama River is a trial river.

What illuminates the heart is the heart, and it is the golden conscience and party spirit!" Ye Shisheng also wet his eyes. He was an official in more than a dozen places in his life and saw hundreds of officials, large and small. Xia thought he was the first subordinate to really move him.

He waved his hand: "Prime Minister, please give an order!" He Dongchen said to all the armed police officers and soldiers, "Comrades, they are all workers. Among them, there are also district party secretaries and women. Remember, save people first, and then rescue." Report to the chief, but the task will not be completed.

We have no face to come back to see you!" The leading officers and soldiers set up a military order forcefully.

A group of peasant brothers can spontaneously resist the impact of the flood. As the children of the people, if they retreat, they will go up, sorry for the country, down, and say goodbye to their fellow villagers.

A number of officers and soldiers went to sea like dragons and jumped into the flood one after another, a moment later.

Just in time for the third wave of floods, he blocked a fatal blow for Xiaxiang and others.

Xia wanted to see that he finally waited for the rescue. He only felt that his feet were soft and almost sat on the ground.

He is out of his heart, and it is a miracle that he can still stand still.

The remaining officers and soldiers sent the exhausted workers to the safe place one after another.

Xia wanted to insist, but he was forced back by two officers and soldiers. Together with Chen Tianyu and Bian Xiuling, he couldn't help but say that he was sent to the safe place.

Xia thought that the armed police officers and soldiers were ordered to arrive, but did not notice who came with the armed police officers and soldiers.

He couldn't let go of the safety of the Shimoma River and shouted to Chen Tianyu, "Tianyu, let's see who has the strength to continue to fill the sandbags to ensure that there is no mistake in the Shimoma River.

Xiao Wu.

continued to pump water, and the water level of the Xiama River rose to the warning line. It was still relatively dangerous. Xia wanted to shout out. After hearing this, many workers lying on the ground immediately turned over and got up again. Without saying a word, they re-entered into the flood fighting.

This scene fell into the eyes of He Dongchen and Ye Shisheng, and he was even more appreciative of Xia.

It's completely natural, because Xia wants to know that it's the Premier of the State Council and the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee standing not far away! Many workers don't know who Ye Shisheng and He Dongchen are, even if they often watch TV.

I also feel that the secretary of the provincial party committee and the premier are too far away from them, and they may not remember clearly.

Even if you remember clearly, in front of the flood in front of them, there are only the flood and Xiaxiang in their eyes, and there is no provincial party secretary and prime minister.

He Dongchen's first inspection of the scene was directly ignored, but he didn't care at all. Seeing that Xia was safe, the expression on his face was a little relaxed: "Shi Sheng, who made the decision to discharge the flood to Yanshi City? Why did the Nanshan Reservoir break the levee? Have you found out the cause? You have to be responsible for it. Let's find out to the end.

Many times in the face of natural disasters, our people have made huge and meaningless sacrifices, which are all caused by Ye Shisheng's nodding. Although he does not know the real cause of the current situation, he has also heard some statements that Fu Xianfeng's poor command led to the head of the Nanshan Reservoir. I'm afraid that there must be a conclusion. Guan Shandao, the Prime Minister saw the touching scene of Xiaxiang's flood fighting with his own eyes, and was moved to tears by Xiaxiang.

He also understands the Prime Minister's temper and rarely speaks in a resolute tone, but his heart is like a mirror.

Nanshan Reservoir incident.

The central government must be given a clear indication.

"Secretary Xia, a body was found!" A worker found the body of an old man next to a sandbag. The old man had been dead for a long time. Obviously, he was washed down by the flood from somewhere.

"Clean up the old man and put it on the hillside.

Xia wanted to see the old man dirty all over, and his coat was washed away by the water. He couldn't help but feel sorry and took off his coat and covered the old man.

People die, and respecting the dead is a traditional virtue of the Chinese people.

Xia wanted to be naked and raised the sandbag with the workers.

He Dongchen saw it from afar and sighed slightly: "Sometimes he is a leading party member and cadre, sometimes he is the most trusted person of the workers, and sometimes he is careful enough to die for an old man who wears a dress for a young man who understands traditional virtues, Shi Sheng, if there are a few more summer Light cadres, we can also safely hand over the shift. What else can Ye Shisheng say besides nodding? Xiaxiang's behavior really moved him and made it clear that compared with Fu Xianfeng, Xiaxiang's human nature shines too much.

Compared with Xiaxiang, Fu Xianfeng also lacks too much compared with Qiu Xufeng and Mei Shengping.

It is not a blessing for the people of Yan City to have Fu Xianfeng as the mayor of Yan City.

With the addition of armed police officers and soldiers, the flood was quickly brought under control.

Xia thought that he was busy for more than ten minutes before he took a breath again.

Together with Chen Tianyu, he helped Bian Xiuling return to the temporary command post on the high ground. After the arrival of the armed police officers, a temporary tent was set up on the high ground. No one told Xia who was coming. He didn't have time to ask, so he didn't think much about it. The three walked into the tent together

I just entered the door.

A man came in front of him with a solemn expression on his face.

With condolences and appreciation in his eyes, he held his hand: "Comrade Xiaxiang, thank you for your hard work!" Xia wanted to subconsciously hold the person's hand, fixed his eyes, and was immediately shocked, ah.

turned out to be the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister is not the reason to surprise him, but that he is now naked and covered in mud.

My hands are also dirty.

But what is the style of being held by the Prime Minister? I'm afraid he is the first deputy official to be received by the Prime Minister naked, right? Xia thought that there was still a joke in his mind and wanted to withdraw his hand, but the Prime Minister held it tightly and said awkwardly, "Prime Minister, I didn't know you were coming." I'm going to change my clothes."

"No, that's the man's nature. In front of me, you are you. Just now, you and the worker brothers stood side by side to fight against the flood, and Shi Sheng and I could see clearly in the back.

What's with bare arms? When I was young, I also worked naked on the list.

The man is a good man. It's not a shame. He Dongchen patted Xia Xiang on the shoulder and said with emotion, "Suffering comes first, and enjoyment comes later.

is the style that every party member and cadre should carry forward. Many people just say it beautifully. Only you are really doing what Xia wants to say, but you can't lift it in one breath. The words are all blocked in your chest and can't be said.

He Dongchen looked behind Xia Xiang.

asked, "What are the two of them?" When Chen Tianyu and Bian Xiuling saw the Prime Minister coming, their hearts beat faster and they were very nervous. Unexpectedly, they were too surprised. Unexpectedly, the Prime Minister had come to the front line of flood relief, and they were surprised and gratified.

Fortunately, I didn't embarrass Secretary Xia and didn't smear the face of the disembarrassement area.

But when I think that my body is dirty, I can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Xia wanted to introduce and said, "Chen Tianyu, Executive Deputy District Chief, and Premier Bian Xiuling, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, took the initiative to reach out his hand again, shook hands with the two in turn, and encouraged them to say a few words.

asked in detail about the specific situation and details of the flood fight just now.

Chen Tianyu and Bian Xiuling answered truthfully.

The two of them tried their best to control the tide, but they didn't have any idea of asking for work, because their brains had been completely occupied by the flood, and they were too tired. They could still insist on fighting against the flood just now. Now when they relax, they only feel sore all over and have a headache. If they hadn'

The Prime Minister also saw that they were physically exhausted. Just wanted to ask someone to arrange for them to rest, Xia wanted to suddenly say, "Prime Minister, I have one.

Report the situation and the Prime Minister nod slightly: "You said that Xia wanted to open his mouth, but he hadn't said it yet, but he went straight down. He was finally exhausted and fell into a coma in front of the Prime Minister! No one was close to Xia. No one expected that as soon as the Prime Minister stretched out his hand, he personally held Xia, and then reached out his hand to stop others' help.

Only let Ye Shisheng work with the Premier of the State Council and Ye Shisheng, the first person in Yan Province.

The two of them supported Xiaxiang together and gently put Xiaxiang into **. Bita shouted all kinds of support on Monday, recommended tickets, monthly tickets, subscriptions. In the last week of February, the diseling zone will usher in the last **! There will be a single chapter later. If you don't like to read the single chapter, you might as well have a look. (Visit] D