official god

Chapter 791 Entanglement, Mansion No. 9

Oh, Chen was an officer of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee of Lang City in his early 1980s. In the early 1980s, he went to do business and established an excellent company. With his relationship with the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, he borrowed 500,000 yuan from a friend to invest in agricultural products. Unexpectedly, he lost all his money. Later, I somehow took a fancy to the timber business, invested in wood, and made the first bucket of gold.

After that, Chen began to get involved in real estate.

In fact, Chen's involvement in the real estate came from an accidental opportunity.

At that time, Langshi Sanjian, a collectively owned construction company in Langshi, requisitioned about 800 mu of land on the outskirts of the city and resold most of it, relying on employees's funds, bank loans and tens of millions of land purchases from investors. Most of the land does not have a land certificate, and the voucher in the hands of the investor is a receipt and a land purchase agreement with Langshi Sanjian.

A year later, the community under construction in Sanjian, Langshi City was ordered to stop work by the government because there was no land certificate, so investors began to petition. During the "unfinished" period, the land price gradually rose. The original value of the land that could be approved by tens of thousands of yuan per mu has doubled several times in a few years.

At the same time, Langshi Sanjian also reorganized its assets for internal reasons and transformed it into a private enterprise. With the development of the economy, the planning of Lang City has also been adjusted, and the administrative division involving this land has also changed. It has been transferred from the suburbs to the urban area, and the price has doubled again. As a result, land disputes that have been entangled for several years have not stopped, but also become more and more intense because of the increase in value.

In February 2000, Chen began to intervene in the restructuring of the three buildings in Langshi. He first used some means to drive away Cui Jian, the legal representative of Langshi Sanjian, let his eldest brother Chen Datou serve as the legal representative, and then forged an IOU of 30 million yuan. With this IOU, the Langshi Intermediate People's Court ruled in 2002 on 800 mu of land worth at least hundreds of millions of yuan under the name of Langshi Sanjian to Oh Chen's Excellent Company.

In fact, the 800 mu of land awarded to Oh Chen has actually been sold to more than 400 investors. The court's judgment has caused the consequences of one woman and two marriage, thus further intensifying the contradiction.

At this time, the land price appreciated again, and investors continued to petition and demanded to regain the ownership of the land. Moreover, investors led by Cui Jian, the original legal representative of Sanjian in Langshi, strongly demanded that the court revoke the judgment and give the investors justice.

But soon after, Cui Jian and all the investors lost their voices collectively, because they had been personally threatened one after another, some people lost bricks in their homes, some people received threatening letters, some people's car brakes failed, etc. In the face of the choice of money or death, everyone kept silent and chose the latter.

After that, the 800 mu of land obtained by Chen Kong's gloves and white wolf has appreciated dozens of times, and he has also become the most powerful private entrepreneur in Lang City!

800 mu of land, oh, Chen developed 400 mu, and there are still 400 mu left. At the end of 2003, just as Chen was about to show his gloves, an accident appeared again. Gu Xiangwen and Ai Chengwen came to Lang City to take office respectively, and Lang City changed.

After the replacement of the mayor and the secretary of the municipal party committee, Cui Jian, the legal representative of Sanjian, the former city, reorganized the investors and found Ai Chengwen through various relationships and asked Secretary Ai to be fair. It is said that Ai Chengwen was so angry that he called the president of the court in person in front of Cui Jian and asked him to revoke the sentence at that time.

The court is an independent judiciary on the surface, but in fact, it still has to follow the command of the secretary. As soon as the dean heard it, he immediately took action and seized the remaining 400 mu of land as soon as possible.

Oh, Chen naturally quit and acted quickly. Soon after, Executive Vice Mayor Regan gave instructions to the Intermediate People's Court to suspend the decision.

It is reasonable to say that one was the secretary's speech, and the other was the instructions of the executive vice mayor. Of course, the secretary's words were heavier, but to Cui Jian and others were stunned that after receiving the order from Regen, the Intermediate People's Court immediately unblocked 400 mu of land, claiming that after investigation, the court' It is owned by the company.

Can't the secretary's instructions match the instructions of the executive deputy mayor? It's really eye-opening. However, what made many people even more puzzled was that the court did not obey Ai Chengwen's command. Ai Chengwen actually had no follow-up and no longer interfered in this matter. He did not know whether it was difficult to retreat or for some other reason. Anyway, in the eyes of outsiders, it was obviously suppressed by Regen and Chen.

I thought that this matter would end here, and there would be no more twists and turns. I didn't want to make trouble soon. I was about to make a lot of money. Chen, 400 mu of land was seized again!

This time, it was Gu Xiangguo who took action.

Gu Xiangguo instructed the municipal government to set up a "Leading Group for the Coordination of the Series of Contradictions of Sanjian in Lang City" headed by Tu Yun, with Tu Yun as the team leader, responsible for coordinating and mediating all the remaining problems of Sanjian in Lang City.

Unlike Ai Chengwen, Gu Xiangguo directly asked the Land Bureau to send a letter to the Intermediate People's Court in the name of the Municipal Land Bureau, explaining that the ownership of 400 mu of land was unknown. After investigation, the property rights were in the hands of the municipal government. The original 400 mu of land has been built into an excellent community, and a legal land certificate has been obtained, which is not within the scope of investigation.

The letter from the Land Bureau really works, and the Intermediate People's Court immediately seized the 400 mu of land. A day later, before Chen could take action, the Land Bureau sent a letter to the Intermediate People's Court again, claiming that the land rights were found to belong to the municipal government and asked the court to unblock it.

The court cooperated very well and unblocked it immediately. At an unprecedented speed, the Land and Resources Bureau also handled the land certificate with lightning speed, and also approved the land to another businessman in the name of government investment attraction. After completing all the formalities, it took less than a day, creating the highest efficiency of the Land and Resources Bureau.

The merchants who got the land again re-planned 400 mu of land and built a very large sanatorium - Mingwei sanatorium, which is actually a secret gathering club, similar to the Bohemian Club in the United States. The people who come and go among them are not officials or businessmen, not people of a certain level and wealth. Enter.

The sanatorium is named No. 9 Mansion. It is said that people who often hold secret receptions and can get an invitation are all prominent identities or backgrounds. There are often mysterious guests from the capital and Jincheng, and they are famous.

Hearing that Cui Jianji was unconvinced and personally found Gu Xiangguo's theory about the land: "Mayor Gu, this land involves too many disputes. The task of the coordination team was to solve the remaining problems, but the remaining problems were not solved, and new problems were created! Now it's all a daughter and a third marriage!"

Gu Xiangguo said disapprovingly, "This is not your land, but a government investment project. If you talk about the problem of one daughter and three marriages, you are also responsible for it. If you don't take good care of your own things and are taken away by others, they will take your things to the government. Why should I arrest him? Don't mention that the government has attracted investment, and can it withdraw again?

Cui Jian was so angry that he went to find Ai Chengwen again, hoping that Secretary Ai could do justice. Unexpectedly, Ai Chengwen said, "I have already given instructions once, and I can't care about it anymore. The ancient mayor is the government, and I am the municipal party committee. I can't dictate the government's affairs..."

One daughter and three marriages, Cui Jian and hundreds of investors now want to find a place to reason, but they don't know who to look for...


I ate a meal for two hours, mainly because Liu Yilin's storytelling level was so high that Xia thought about it. He has heard one or two of some things, but more things are unheard of. Today, after listening to Liu Yilin's story, he has a deeper understanding of Chen's starting and connections.

Of course, there are still many things that Liu Yilin didn't say, such as, oh, who is Chen's backstage - just to say that it's Regen, Xia Xiang definitely doesn't believe it - and oh, when Chen finally intervened in the country and forcibly robbed 400 mu of land, there was no reaction afterwards. It A deep inside story.

Xia wanted to drink instead of tea and toasted Liu Yilin: "A toast to Minister Liu. Minister Liu's speech is really good, and I'm still not satisfied with it..."

Liu Yilin smiled quietly: "I know you must have something to ask. Just ask. I know everything and say everything."

What Xia wants is this sentence: "Then I'm not polite - oh, Chen Ming's industry is huge, a few hundred mu of land, but a small part of his assets..." The implication is that Liu Yilin talked for a long time, but in fact, he only revealed that when Chen started his family, he had used hundreds of mu of land and Illegal means have obtained the fact of profiteering. Of course, we can also see some inside stories of the situation in Langshi.

Ai Chengwen can't control the overall situation. In the land incident, he was crushed by Regan. However, Reigen's methods were not as superb as the ancient country, because the ancient country moved flowers and trees, and finally took 400 mu of land to the government - of course, on the surface, it belonged to the government, but in fact it brought personal benefits - and in the process of using the Land Bureau to settle this matter, Ai Chengwen and Regan seemed to be Turn a blind eye, or powerless to resist, there must be some insider trading. Otherwise, how can Chen be willing to suffer such a big mute loss?

If it makes sense to say that Ai Chengwen turned a blind eye, oh, Chen and Regan didn't say anything at all, it's too abnormal.

Xia Xiang sighed at the same time that Lang City is really a place where people can't see the situation clearly. The discord between the secretary and the mayor is nothing. It's the same everywhere, but the executive deputy mayor can actually overwhelm the secretary - well, even if Regan has evil forces to help, his relationship with Gu Xiangguo is Who can I help?

It is really complicated, like an impenetrable net, dense, so that people can't find the key link to solve the problem.

Liu Yilin is also a little clear. She just deliberately concealed Chen's most mysterious background, which is to wait for Xia to ask a question. When Xia wants to ask, she will smile with her heart: "Oh, Chen's industry is huge, but more than half of the industry is in the capital and Jincheng, One or so, mainly in the real estate, tobacco and hotel industries, as well as some dance halls, KTVs and other industries that are not easy to see the light, and there are many of his shadows. He is a person who makes money if he has money and has no principles. Since the head of his industry is in the capital, his biggest backer is naturally also in the capital. I've heard it, too. It's not necessarily accurate. It's just for your reference..."

She blinked her eyes and whispered mysteriously, "It is said that, oh, Chen's backstage is Qin Jinhai."

There are a total of four Vice Premiers of the State Council. In addition to Fu Boju of the Fu family and Zhao Quanxin, Zhao Xiaofeng's father, there are also two people, Qin Jinhai and Wan Liangmin, and Qin Jinhai ranks first among the four vice premiers!

turned out to be Vice Premier Qin? Xia wants to eat a lot.

Xia thought that even in the capital, Chen's backstage would be at best a senior official of a ministry. Unexpectedly, there could be a deputy prime minister behind Chen, which was too scary. Thinking of Mei Shengping once, Gu Xiangguo or the cadre named by the head of No. 1, whether it is true or not, Lang City is really a place of life and death for gunpowder barrels and minefields.

Although Liu Yilin said it was just an audible statement, with her level and her caution, she would not say anything at all.

After a moment of silence, Xia thought and asked again, "So, Mayor Rui also has a tough backstage?"

Liu Yilin nodded: "Almost everyone in Lang City has a background in the capital, and Mayor Rui is no exception. I heard that Mayor Rui's backstage is the Mei family!"

"What?" If Chen's backstage was Vice Premier Qin who shocked him slightly, then Mayor Rui's backer was the Mei family, which really shocked him, because Mei Shengping did not reveal even a hint at all.

Unexpectedly, the Mei family was involved again?

In fact, long before he came to Lang City, Xia wanted to be worried. With the power and vision of the four major families, Lang City is also a place to fight for. Once the economic circle of the capital is on the agenda, the importance of Lang City as a frontier position is self-evident. If the four families only focus on Yan City and do not

But after he came to Lang City, although it has not been long now, so far he has not found any traces of four families interfering in Lang City. Among more than a dozen members of the Standing Committee, he has not figured out who is from which family, and the power of the Fu family he is most worried about seems to have no influence in Lang City, It's impossible if he doesn't have any influence in Lang City, which makes him secretly surprised and incredible.

However, he also knows that it may be the reason why he has not yet learned more about it. The members of the Standing Committee of Lang City are hiding deeply, and they are also very careful because they are used to surviving in the gap between Beijing and Tianjin and the provincial party committee. After all, unlike Yan City, Yan City has a provincial party committee, and everyone's position must be clear to survive. Lang City is between the three places of Beijing, Tianjin and Yan. The more real people do not show their appearance, the more mysterious it can give people, making it unclear who will have a stronger backstage.

Politically, we also pay attention to a virtual and real strategy, so that others can't see through it to have a sense of mystery. When it is mysterious, there is more room.

Xia thinks that it is almost certain that in Lang City, the four families must have their own relationship. As for who it is, it will not take long for him to know clearly.

If Reagan is really the relationship between the Mei family in Lang City, it really shocked and puzzled Xia. Mei Shengping didn't reveal it to him at all. What's the intention? Is it just because Reagan has retired?

Mei Shengping was not interesting enough and concealed it deeply. Xia thought that she decided to talk to him if she had the opportunity.

Liu Yilin was very satisfied with Xia's shock: "The relationship between me and Minister Mei is not as close as that between you and Minister Mei. It's okay if he doesn't tell me about Mayor Rui. If I don't tell you, it's a little intriguing..."

Does Liu Yilin have the idea of soring discord? Xia Can't be sure. All he knows is that no matter how close the relationship between him and Mei Shengping is, it is not as great as the family's interests. When it comes to the fundamental interests of the family, not to mention that Mei Shengping has concealed something from him, it

Xia thought didn't want to maliciously guess what Liu Yilin's intentions were. Anyway, Liu Yilin's performance today made him very satisfied and laughed: "Only when the strength is equal is an ally. When the strength is not equal, it is a friend. Allies are the objects of cooperation, and friends are loose relationships.

Liu Yilin suddenly realized: "Excisive and profound, listening to Mayor Xia's words has benefited me a lot."

What did Xia think of and asked, "At the way, who is the owner of Mansion No. 9?"

"Oh, Chen has the elegant ranking of Jingxianju. The No. 9 Mansion also has the three-pole membership system of diamond, gold and silver cards of the No. 9 Mansion. By the way, I also have a silver card of the No. 9 Mansion." Liu Yilin smiled helplessly, "Oh, Chen ranked 8th, and was also listed as a third-class VIP by the owner of Mansion No. 9. As the minister of the organization, I have no place in Lang City."

Xia wanted not to answer Liu Yilin's words. Whether she has a status or not is her own reason, or she doesn't want to make a difference in Lang City. It really has little to do with him. What he cares about is, who is the owner of the No. 9 Mansion? And, oh, why is Chen willing to give 400 mu of land to others?

Although the land is also robbed by Chen, what he grabs the meat in the bowl is, and no one will give it out for free, unless there are three reasons. One is that the other party is strong enough to deter him, and the other is that the other party secretly gives him enough benefits to make him satisfied. Third, the owner of the No. 9 mansion is actually also Chen's person. This person came forward to cover his ears and steal the bell. It's just Chen's trick to hide the world. It's just a trick to secretly cross the warehouse, divert everyone's attention, legitimize the illegal land, and then buy it at a low price to resolve people's grievances.

Liu Yilin obviously deliberately aroused Xia's appetite. She took a sip of tea: "Good tea, full of taste. Yipin knows that it is Mingqian tea, and the aftertaste is endless, but it is a little lighter."

Xia wanted to laugh: "In fact, it's not difficult to find out who the owner of the No. 9 Mansion is..." He was not fooled by Liu Yilin.

Liu Yilin is helpless: "Can you die by saying a nice word?" Maybe she felt that her tone was a little too intimate. Her face turned slightly red and said, "Say it will definitely surprise you, because the public owner of the No. 9 mansion is a businessman from Jincheng, named Duncan. He is rich, but the name is unknown. Most people have guessed Duncan's origin, but they can't find anything. . Lang City is so big that there are few people who know the real owner of the No. 9 mansion, and I, exactly one of them, is the master behind the scenes is... Wang Rose!"

PS: March 8th, I wish all sisters a happy holiday, born in beauty, and live under love! In addition, asking for a monthly ticket with tears, the zero ticket is very positive. A friend said that reading Lao He's book is the most practical, because the quality is guaranteed and the update is the most stable. Yes, but Lao He, who has a stable quality assurance update, also needs the support of his brothers' monthly pass. Without a monthly ticket, Lao He can't feel that his brothers are with me, and he is sad and frightened... V