official god

Chapter 794 Progress, mixed joys and sorrows

Bai Zhanmo has been idle for more than a year, and has it been re-enabled? The Fu family's power in the capital is indeed not small. Bai Zhanmo, who has carried a major punishment, can still return to the official in a low-key way. Although it is only in the Ministry of Agriculture, it is also very fast.

Xia Xiang was shocked: "Bai Zhanmo seems to be an engineer, but it has nothing to do with genetic engineering in agriculture. He should be a manager."

Zhao Xiaofeng did not hide it: "The office director of the promotion team under the Ministry of Agriculture is in the department, which is equivalent to demotion. It is the relationship that Fu Xianfeng helped him find, otherwise he will have to be idle for at least two years."

Fu Xianfeng is now idle in the capital, and the deputy provincial cadres who have been removed from office on the spot have a great impact. At least it will take more than three years to be reactivated.

"So, Mr. Zhao's choice is contrary to the interests of the Fu family?" Xia wanted to understand that since Bai Zhanmo was responsible for promoting genetically modified technology in the Ministry of Agriculture, it proved that the Fu family was involved in it. Zhao Xiaofeng's opposition to genetic modification is bound to lead to conflicts with the Fu family.

"Hey hey." Zhao Xiaofeng smiled awkwardly, "Fu Xianfeng didn't believe what he said, and he can't make deep friends. He and I have already calculated the accounts and drawn a clear line. Besides, genetically modified technology is a major event related to the national economy and people's livelihood. I'm Chinese. It's okay to make a little gray money, but if I don't make money from my conscience, I still have my own bottom line. To be honest, Mayor Xia, I think Lang City has natural advantages. It can promote the cultivation of organic crops, whether it is cotton or wheat, or build a vegetable and meat base, specializing in supplying high-end places in the capital, playing the slogan of green and pure natural, selling at a high price several times and ten times higher than the market price, and some people pay for ."

Zhao Xiaofeng's proposal is really good.

In later generations, with the improvement of people's pursuit of a healthy life, as they realize that the pollution and variation of greenhouse vegetables are becoming more and more serious, pesticide residues are becoming more and more, and genetically modified hazards are gradually accepted, many organic crop farms have emerged in various places, and organic plants and organic meat have also been introduced to the market one And deeply rooted in people's hearts. The price of organic plants is several times higher than that of ordinary crops, and organic meat is even sold for hundreds of yuan per kilogram, but due to the expansion of domestic senior officials and dignitaries, there is also a large enough market.

So far, Xia thought fully understood Zhao Xiaofeng's intention. He took a fancy to the geographical advantages of Lang City, which is close to the capital. At the same time, the land and labor are countless times cheaper than the capital. Investing in organic crops and meat production bases in Lang City is indeed a lot of convenient conditions. However, the Fu family intended to promote genetically modified technology in Lang City, which led to an irrevocable conflict with Zhao Xiaofeng's plan.

There is a lot of fertile land in Langshi, which can fully accommodate the construction of the genetically modified technology promotion base and Zhao Xiaofeng's organic crop production base at the same time. From the starting point of the Langshi Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, of course, we are willing to take root in both investments. However, from a commercial point of view, from Zhao Xiaofeng's standpoint, the organic crop and meat production base was built next to the genetically modified pilot base. He advertised again and tried his best to promote the purity and nature of organic crops, and no one believed it.

Genetically modified and organic crops are two distinct concepts. One is regarded as a flood beast by the higher population, and the other is regarded as a symbol of the enjoyment of the privileged class. How can it be confused? Just like building a sesame oil factory next to a garbage factory, no one will buy any fragrant sesame oil. The smell of garbage alone makes people's first impression of the sesame oil factory plummeted, and they also want to have a market reputation and dream!

Xia thought didn't say that he didn't believe that Zhao Xiaofeng's hatred for genetically modified technology was not from his heart, but he didn't trust Zhao Xiaofeng completely. Now that he knew Zhao Xiaofeng's interests, he was completely relieved.

There can be friendship between people, but before establishing friendship, there are still common interests to have a sense of security.

Xia Xiang finally took the initiative to take up the teacup: "After drinking tea for a long time, it seems that the food has not been served yet. Rose, your hospitality is too light."

Wang Qiangwei also smiled happily: "How dare I go to the food without Mayor Xia's order? What's more, it's a private dish specially prepared for you. She leaned slightly, got up and went out. "I'll arrange it."

It must be admitted that as a mixed-race child, Wang Qiangwei's behavior is dignified and generous, and everyone's boudoir demeanor can be seen at a glance. Compared with Lian Ruohan and Mei Xiaolin, it is no less than a way - a kind of charm that mixes traditional virtues and aristocratic

Some men like to conquer female stars, but most female stars have value to measure. Under the power, they are basically in control. Some men like to conquer female athletes. In contrast, the highlights of female athletes are more lasting. But higher-level men like to conquer celebrities.

Celebrities are more innocent than female stars, and more noble than female athletes. After most of them are famous families, they have status and status. In addition, they have grown up in prestigious families since childhood, so they are more cultivated and tasteful. If you study and live in Europe for more than ten years, and are more or less stained with the so-called aristocratic temperament, it is easier to stimulate the desire of high-level men to conquer.

The more noble a woman is, the more dignified she is, and the more emotional she is, the higher the value will be.

Wang Qiangwei is well aware of the three flavors. Between her hands and feet, Xia couldn't help but be distracted when she wanted to see it, and she was almost convinced by her elegance and quietness.

The social flower in the famous city really lives up to its reputation.

Wang Qiangwei is going out to arrange meals, but in fact, she still intends to make room for Xiaxiang and Zhao Xiaofeng.

As soon as Wang Qiangwei left, Zhao Xiaofeng's sitting posture was much more casual. After relaxing, he shook his head and said with a smile, "It's too stressful to be with this woman. She is so dignified that every move makes people feel inexplicably uneasy, Mayor Xia, what do you think?

Xia thought that Wang Qiangwei didn't feel much pressure on him. Perhaps in the depths of his heart, he has never thought about Wang Qiangwei. The so-called lack of desire is strong.

However, Xiaxiang did not answer Zhao Xiaofeng's question, but said with a smile, "Mr. Zhao wants me to stop the promotion of genetically modified technology. I am also willing but not enough. I am weak in the municipal party committee and have no allies."

Zhao Xiaofeng heard the meaning of Xiaxiang and smiled: "I'm only responsible for providing one piece of information. It's up to you to decide how to do it - Zhang Yingji can cooperate with you on the issue of genetically modified technology."

Xia wanted to smile, and with the limited support of Deputy Secretary Ying Ji, it also made him feel much more relieved.

He must be clear about the position of each member of the Standing Committee in order to make good use of the problem of genetic modification, open up the situation in Lang City, and take the key first step. Otherwise, even if he tries his best to oppose it, it won't help if he has a cavity of righteous indignation. Political affairs, enthusiasm and impulse will never solve the problem.

If you want to solve the problem, you must find an alliance and take the necessary measures. In fact, whether at home or abroad, under the entanglement of major interests, it is omniscessive, politics, and sometimes to put it bluntly, just like doing business. While paying attention to strategy, there is also a bargaining process.

As for why Zhao Xiaofeng cooperated with Wang Qiangwei, is he also one of the subduers under Wang Qiangwei's skirt? Xia thought about it doesn't want to think too much about it. One thing he can guess is that the guests of Wang Qiangwei's No. 9 mansion are both official or expensive, and they are particularly particular The impact of Mansion No. 9 is also fatal.

She and Zhao Xiaofeng also have common interests. If Zhao Xiaofeng's organic production base is completed, the No. 9 mansion can also be the first-come-first-served platform.

"Since it is cooperation, I must be very sincere. Mayor Xia doesn't have to doubt my intentions." Zhao Xiaofeng stressed again, "My principle of dealing with people is to talk about interests first. If you have a good talk, you can make friends. As long as Mayor Xia can stop the plan of the Ministry of Agriculture and promote the completion of the organic production base, I will pay you all the benefits after it is done. Of course, whether it works or not, a diamond card of the No. 9 mansion will be presented now.

Xia wanted to wave his hand: "Let's not talk about the benefits now. It's too early to say that the diamond card is good, so I accepted it with a smile. Thank you, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Wang, for your kindness. Mansion No. 9 is good. It's a good place for vacation and leisure.

"Hey hey hey hey." Zhao Xiaofeng smiled ambiguously, "The beauty is that you can't experience it in a short time. The No. 9 mansion is comparable to heaven and earth. Of course, the greatest beauty is Wang Qiangwei, but she looks quiet and light, which is really difficult to deal with. Don't blame me for not reminding you, Mayor Xia, if you want to pick flowers, beware of pricking your hands.

Xia wanted to shake his head and smile: "Mr. Zhao, don't talk about the wind and moon, just talk about politics."

Zhao Xiaofeng was also interesting. He patted his thigh: "Ook, I appreciate your character of not pretending to be unpretentious. Today's good talk, and I'll send Mayor Xia another piece of advice - oh, Chen and the Mei family have a lot in common interests. There are several industries under his company. The Mei family has shares Supporters of technology promotion.

Is the Mei family involved again?

Fortunately, it was Xiaxiang. If someone else came to Langshi, let alone want to open up the situation. As soon as I heard that some people's background is the vice premier, and some people's background is the four major families, not to mention that they want to make a difference, I guess they are so scared that they don't dare to come

What shocked Xia more was that Zhao Xiaofeng then said, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, Mayor Xia. Anyway, I've said ugly words to the front. If you really oppose the promotion of genetically modified organisms, just go to the dark, and I will also give you the support you as much as I can. When you are a friend, Words. If you can't stand the pressure and retreat halfway, don't blame me for turning against others!"

Zhao Xiaofeng's words are not pleasant to sound, and can even be said to be threatening, but Xiaxiang is not angry, because he knows that the reason why Zhao Xiaofeng is cautious is indeed a matter of great importance, and he will definitely face great pressure. Like the Siniu Group incident, it touches the interests of the whole family and group.

But Xiaxiang is Xiaxiang. In the process of dealing with Fu Xianfeng, why did he ever think of retreating? In the planning of the Siniu Group incident, why did he worry about being paid in the future? Xia Chang sometimes uses bureaucratic means, and sometimes makes political compromises, but he always has the belief in his heart that he has never wavered, that is, he always cultivates the virtue of politics, always has the heart of self-discipline, in his position, seeks his government, and fully supports everything that benefits the country and the people. All actions that harm the country and the people are resolutely opposed.

The problem of genetic modification is a century-long plan, and may even be related to the future of a nation. Although his strength is very small, he will do his best to hold up a large blue sky within his jurisdiction and his ability, and will never look back.

"In the Xiama District, I have been planning for a year to deal with Yuanliang's floating capital. When I was plotted, when Secretary Fu was promoted to mayor of Fu, I kept moving forward firmly. Mr. Zhao, if you don't have confidence in me, I don't think you will meet me today. Xiaxiang was very calm, but responded firmly to Zhao Xiaofeng.

Zhao Xiaofeng laughed and stood up with a slap on the table: "It's done. It's settled today. However..." He looked worried again, "The relationship between Mayor Xia and Mei Shengping will definitely encounter difficulties again, because the promotion of genetically modified technology not only involves the interests of the Fu family, but also the Mei family, and it is also the largest cooperation project between the Mei family and the Fu family."

As soon as he said this, Xiaxiang was really shocked.

Between the four families, there is competition, confrontation and interest cooperation. It is normal for the Fu family and the Mei family to have common interests. However, what shocked Xia is that the largest cooperation project between the Mei family and the Fu family is genetically modified technology!

He has known for a long time. Although he currently has a good relationship with three of the four major families, it is based on the fundamental interests that do not involve the family. Once there is a conflict of interest, there may be room for mitigation. If it is big, it may turn against each other in the blink of an eye.

If the background of genetically modified technology is only the Fu family, it's okay to say. Anyway, he and the Fu family are already incompatible. Unexpectedly, the interests of the Mei family are also entangled in it. Xiaxiang felt helpless for the first time in his life. Does it mean that one day he will go to the opposite side with Mei Sheng

After thinking about it again, in fact, he also had a little foreboding. After he came to Lang City, whether it was Mei Shengping or Qiu Xufeng, his attitude towards him had a subtle change. It is not because he is far away from Yan City, but because of his appointment, because there is an irreconcilable contradiction between the behind-the-scenes pusher who arranged for him to come to Lang City and the interests of the family. Therefore, several families are inevitably wary of him.

Although Mei Shengping sent him to office and made a superficial statement, he did not reveal any of the relationship between the Mei family in Lang City. I introduced a relationship between Liu Yilin and him, which is not deep or shallow. Qiu Xufeng was also the same. He only promoted Li Caiyuan to be his secretary and did not give details. Except for the old man who called him to go to the capital, after his appointment, there was no more follow-up. Needless to say, there was no connection between the Fu family and him. It seemed that in a blink of an eye, the relationship between him and several major families fell to the freezing point.

also led to the early days when he came to Lang City, his eyes were darkened and he could not find the direction. He did not dare to stride forward and went through a period of confusion that was neither long nor short.

Just when he first had two available people, Li Caiyuan and Tang Hua, he slowly opened the situation in Lang City and saw a glimmer of light. Zhao Xiaofeng's unexpected appearance not only brought a lot of inside information, but also brought a huge collision that Lang City was about to hit.

The promotion of genetically modified organisms is bound to be a fierce battle in Lang City.

Although Zhao Xiaofeng's inside information is very timely and very useful, which makes Xiaxiang have a clearer goal, there may be a conflict of interest with the Mei family because of different positions - it can be said that although today's progress is great, it is mixed.

The position determines the team, and the team decides whether it is an enemy or a friend. Xia wanted to see Zhao Xiaofeng and remembered that he and Zhao Xiaofeng were still opponents they had never met a few months ago. He didn't want to sit together today and become a joint alliance, which made him have to sigh about politics. Sometimes the change of friends and enemies Turn around.

... After having a rich lunch, after continuing to talk with Zhao Xiaofeng and Wang Qiangwei, finally, at the unanimous request of Zhao Xiaofeng and Wang Qiangwei, Xia wanted to call the two "Brother Feng" and "Sister Rose" and completed a pleasant meeting.

Xia wants to go back to the municipal party committee from the No. 9 mansion. The municipal party committee is the place where he opens up the situation. What he didn't know was that he had just come out of the No. 9 mansion, and Chen knew about his meeting with Wang Qiangwei.

Oh, Chen's office at the Caesar Hotel is luxurious and magnificent, with a super-large room of 150 square meters. Oh, Chen did not sit on his tall boss's chair, but sat on the sofa below and talked to a person.

"How's it going?" In the room, in addition to Chen and a 55-year-old man, there is also silver jasmine. Silver Molly stood aside, with her hands behind her back and feet, and looked out of the window. Her buttocks are round and plump, upturned and straight, and she suddenly closes around her waist and is graceful. Even if she has never seen her true face, she can see the beauty just by looking at her back, and her heart is longing for it.

Oh, Chen's office is located on the 18th floor. If you look out, you can have a panoramic view of most of the city. I don't know if it was intentional. If you look out, the most clear place to see is the front and back doors of Mansion No. 9.

The whole No. 9 mansion is also in sight, and there is a 30-fold bird-watching mirror in front of the window - of course, it is not for bird-watching. Oh, Chen doesn't have this leisure and elegance. What he observes is people.

Silver Jasmine, who inadvertently looked out, saw a familiar figure coming out of the No. 9 mansion. She wrinkled her small and delicate nose slightly, and then pointed the bird-watching mirror at the figure downstairs. Under the magnification rate of 30 times, Xia Xiang's handsome and slightly healthy face came into sight.

He was in a hurry, with a faint smile on his face and his steps firmly. After coming out of the No. 9 mansion, Wang Qiangwei came out to see him off in person. He just waved back slightly, and then left without looking back without hesitation for a moment.

Is it really him? The guy who doesn't look white at all? Silver Jasmine somehow didn't like Xia from the first time she saw him...

PS: First of all, thank you for your understanding and support. A good word, three winter warmth, an encouragement, a subscription, a monthly ticket, are all hot friendships. Lao He bows and thanks! Today, a friend said that the monthly ticket and the recommendation ticket were meaningless to him, and he often forgot to vote. Lao He couldn't help but feel sad when he saw it. Monthly tickets and recommendation tickets are very important to an author. Perhaps as a reader, you can't understand what kind of encouragement and happiness a monthly ticket will bring to Lao He! And the author's happiness brings the smoothness of the plot and the efforts of updating, so you brothers who forget to vote for the monthly vote, please believe in your precious vote, so that Lao He will be able to code hundreds of words every day! Accumulating less is more than an outbreak. Give someone a rose, and there is a lingering fragrance in your hand. Lao He was overjoyed to give someone a monthly ticket! V