official god

Chapter 809 Collision, people's hearts are stirring

In everyone's impression, Lv Yike has never been slow. When he was not in a hurry to get angry, he suddenly said a cruel word today, and obviously he wanted to take the lead for Xia, which made everyone's mind flash. It's amazing. The wind has changed. The original centrist turned to support Xia Xiang.

Xiaxiang, who has only been here for less than a month, has won the support of Lv Yike, which is not simple. As the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Lv Yike ranks very high in the municipal party committee and is also the oldest. In his words, sometimes even Ai Chengwen gives up three points.

Sure enough, Ai Chengwen was looking down at the information that Xia wanted to distribute. As soon as he heard Lv Yike's words, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Lv Yike in disbelief, and then looked at Xia Shen with great meaning, and then looked away.

Gu Xiangguo couldn't stand it on his face. Just as he was about to explain, he heard Zhang Yingji suddenly interrupt: "Mayor Gu, if you talk about the harm of genetically modified organisms, I can talk about it for a few hours. I can also tell you which experts from the Ministry of Agriculture have shares in genetically modified companies in the United States, It can be concluded that the experts of the Ministry of Agriculture who try their best to promote genetically modified organisms are selfish? If you come to a hasty conclusion because Mayor Xia and Director Bai have had a holiday before, I really want to argue with you and debate who is who is not."

Many people were shocked. Well, as soon as they came up, there was a secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and a deputy secretary to give way to Gu Xiangguo, and their momentum was aggressive. They not only completely defended Xia Xiang's tone, but also did not leave face for Gu Xiangguo at all. The mayor was hit back and forth. Needless to say, it must be uncomfortable.

Of course, Gu Xiangguo was uncomfortable. He was angry and bitter in his mouth, but it was not easy to attack on the spot. Needless to say, Lv Yike's old qualification is that he really dares to pat the table with him. Can he still pat it back? Zhang Yingji's words are also reasonable, and at the secretary's office, he also saw Zhang Yingji's understanding of genetically modified technology, which is much more detailed and profound than him. If it's really theoretical, he really can't beat him.

Today's meeting is not about the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified technology, but whether the pilot promotion of the Ministry of Agriculture can pass the discussion of the Standing Committee. If genetically modified technology harms the country and the people, if it can pass, it is his victory, and if it can't pass, it is his failure.

Fortunately, Gu Xiangguo also had a leader, and Tu Yun came out in time to relieve the siege: "Secretary Lv is old, don't get angry easily. Mayor Gu just said casually, just to remind some comrades not to be emotional, not to blame anything. And Secretary Zhang also insisted on debating the harm of genetically modified technology. We are government officials, not scientists. Since the state has not explicitly banned it, since the Ministry of Agriculture came to promote it on a pilot basis, it proves that genetically modified technology is practical.

I have to say that Tu Yun also has a sharp side, and her words are also a little agitated.

Xia wanted to finally speak. He raised his hands first. Everyone was puzzled, but he heard him laugh and said, "It's not easy to make a conclusion about the harm of genetically modified technology to human beings. Regarding the issue between me and Director Bai, the conclusion reached by Mayor Gu is also unfair, because there is no dispute between Director Bai. His problem is the conclusion of the Yan Municipal Party Committee. Let's not doubt the fairness and vision of the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee. However, if Mayor Gu insisted that I opposed the pilot promotion of genetically modified technology in Lang City because of a conflict with Director Bai, I would not explain or refute it, so I raised my hands to forgive him and asked Mayor Gu to show mercy.

Yizhuang's humorous wit suddenly caused everyone to laugh. Xia thought successfully mobilized the atmosphere, and then he said, "When it comes to the harm of genetically modified technology, the Standing Committee is indeed not an occasion to discuss technology in depth, but I remembered something I want to remind you. Comrades, I think everyone here has been exposed to DDT, which once occupied an important position in our lives. Whether it is a pesticide or an insecticide, almost everyone has used it. It was not until today's scientific development that it was found that DDT was extremely toxic and remained for more than 20 years. That is to say, there will be residual toxicity in 20 years, which can also cause great harm to our body. Now the application of DDT has been banned one after another. Unfortunately, human beings have spent nearly 100 yuan to find the harm of DDT Year"

Xia's words hit everyone's heart like a heavy hammer. Whether it played its due role or not, it did make several people shake a little. Things that harm Qianqiu really need to be done. In the future, he will become a sinner for thousands of years and be scolded by his grandchildren. Isn't he become Qin Hui?

Of course, no matter how penetrating and agitated the power of language is, it is not as touching as the actual interests.

Tu Yun smiled and said, "DDT is a poison, and the transgenic technology is an improvement. How can it be compared? Mayor Xia's example is not comparable or convincing..." She waved her hand gently to dispel the floating smoke, looked at Lu Hongzhan, who sat on her head and smoked, and said, "I just came back from the Ministry of Agriculture. After in-depth exchanges with Director Bai, I reached a consensus, and the Ministry of Agriculture increased its investment. He decided to invest 50 million yuan for pilot promotion in Langshi. Not only did he not spend a penny of the municipal government, but he also contributed money to the technology to provide free seeds and technical support for farmers who meet the promotion conditions, which means that he got an investment for nothing and did not have to take any risks.

"In addition, Premier Qin and Premier Fu have also expressed concern about the pilot promotion through different channels. They are also optimistic about the promotion prospects of genetically modified technology." Gu Xiangguo carried out two heavyweights in time to put pressure on the standing committee present.

Sure enough, the attention of the two vice premiers made a whisper of discussion at the Standing Committee.

The situation is very unfavorable to Xiaxiang.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Xiaxiang, just watching Xiaxiang's counterattack.

Xia wanted to slowly take out a pile of materials and put them in front of him. He said, "Okay, don't discuss the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified technology, just from the perspective of investment, and only take the interests of the people of Lang City as the fundamental starting point. My suggestion is not to promote the pilot of emerging agriculture, because 50 million The investment is too small, and it is easy to be scolded by the common people. I have two letters of intent in my hand. I can show them to my comrades, and then please tell me which investment is more eye-catching, more advantageous, and more conducive to Lang's strategy of rejuvenating agriculture.

After saying that, Xia wanted to distribute the materials in his hand. Liu Yilin got up and left his seat and took the initiative to distribute part of it for Xia. Her behavior fell into everyone's eyes. Everyone was floating and secretly shocked. First, Lv Yike, then Zhang Yingji, and now Liu Yilin. The representatives of the centrist forces have the tendency to gather around Xia Xiang. I didn't see that Xia Xiang was young and really had personal charm.

The play is getting more and more wonderful. The Standing Committee is about to stage a fierce collision.

The materials were distributed to everyone. With just a glance, many people took a deep breath. It turned out that Xia Xiang had been prepared for a long time. Tu Yun had just thrown out an investment of 50 million yuan. Well, Xia Xiang's two investment letters of intent, one is 100 million yuan and one is 80 million yuan. The two are more than three times

Simply from the perspective of investment, Tu Yun was completely defeated.

Tu Yun and Gu Xiangguo looked very ugly. Both of them looked at Xia Xiang with anger. What Xia Xiang did was to find ways to prevent the pilot promotion of the Ministry of Agriculture. Whether it was a political position or economic method, they did everything, and the purpose was very obvious.

made Gu Xiangguo's dissatisfaction with Xia Xiang rise to a critical point.

But as the second person in Langshi, he still has some self-restraint, and he can still bear it. Tu Yun fought with Xiaxiang several times. On the surface, he had the upper hand, but in fact, he was still restrained everywhere. Since Xia wants to come, he has been tied up, and there is a thrilling scene in the The anger finally broke out uncontrollably: "Mayor Xia, although I don't want to maliciously guess why you want to stop the pilot promotion of the Ministry of Agriculture, I think there must be an ulterior purpose behind your efforts to oppose it. Is it really related to Director Bai?"

With a "pop", Lv Yike really slapped the table with an angry face: "Mayor Tu, today's discussion is the investment issue, not the holiday issue between Comrade Xiaxiang and Director Bai. Speaking of festivals, you target Comrade Xiaxiang everywhere. Does it mean that you always deliberately make things difficult for him?

Tu Yun suddenly blushed, not blushing, but blushing: "Secretary Lv, pay attention to what you say. I didn't offend you. Why did you attack me personally?"

"When did Comrade Xiaxiang offend you? You always have nothing to do and stir up trouble?" Lv Yike still looked majestic and angry.

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel. Let's discuss Comrade Xiaxiang's letter of intent for investment." Ai Chengwen came forward to round the scene. On the surface, he was pleasant, but in fact, he was extremely shocked. Although Lv Yike is the oldest, he rarely rely on the old to sell the old. He has always been very prestigious in the municipal party committee, but today he really slapped the table in public, which shows that he is really angry.

It's also Tu Yun who went too much. As a matter of the matter, how can he guess randomly and label others? What's more, he is no one else. He is Xiaxiang.

Not long after Xiaxiang came, there were signs of unity in the middle, which should not be underestimated. The situation in Lang City is already complicated. Xia wants to kill in the air, either adding fuel to the fire or adding chaos to the chaos.

Ai Chengwen is worried.

"In terms of the amount of investment, of course, the investment pulled by Mayor Xia is more advantageous, but the pilot promotion of the Ministry of Agriculture is of publicity significance. It cannot be simply viewed as investment. I still prefer the pilot promotion of the Ministry of Agriculture." Lu Hongzhan made a speech. When he spoke, he glanced at Xia thinking imperceptably, with fear and hatred in his eyes. Obviously, the last incident of Xiaxiang's abandonment still left an indelible impression on his psychology.

"Investment is investment. If it can bring obvious benefits to Langshi and can promote the growth of Langshi's economy, it will warmly welcome. On the contrary, what long-term impact, what publicity significance, etc. are all empty. It is useless to say that something big and empty can't be profitable. I will support whoever has a large investment quota. To everyone's surprise, Tian Huishu, the commander of the military sub-district, who always liked the final speech and only voted for Shunshui, followed Lu Hong and expressed his support for Xia Xiang.

Interesting, getting more and more interesting, the struggle has expanded, and even Tian Huishu has joined the battle group? And the position clearly states the point of view, which is rare, which is really rare.

"The investment of Vision Group and Weifeng Company, one is tourism agriculture, the other is the foundation of organic crops and breeding, is to create green and natural emerging agriculture. Compared with agricultural genetically modified projects, it not only has a good reputation, but also has a large investment amount, and the commitment made by the two companies is that the funds will be in place at one As soon as the information in his hand was thrown, the sound was not loud, but many people's eyelids jumped a few times, and he gently knocked on the material. "The investment of the ministry has always been in arrears, saying that it is 50 million. After layers of deduction and exploitation, it's good to finally get 40 million in place, and it' After all the investments are in place, maybe a year later. If two companies invest, there will be obvious benefits after a year. To attract investment is to introduce projects with strong investment and quick results, rather than procrastinated unfinished projects.

Tu Yun retorted impatiently: "Mayor Xia, how dare you conclude that the investment of the Ministry of Agriculture is an unfinished project? Don't talk about it."

"I don't talk about it, but I have a lesson from the past. For example, the university town project I just took over is unfinished, and I also want to find another investment to come back to life. Now I have found the investment of Vision Group, but Mayor Tu wants to refuse. I don't understand. In case I find a new investment for the university town project, will Mayor Tu still object?

Tu Yun sneered: "Two things, you can't be confused."

Xia wants to tit-for-tat: "Then you said at the beginning that I opposed the pilot promotion of the Ministry of Agriculture because of Director Bai. Why didn't you think about the holidays and investment between Director Bai and me? It can't be confused? Don't do to others what you don't want"

"You..." Tu Yun was choked on the spot and choked so much that he couldn't speak. "Mayor Xia, don't be too arrogant."

"Where am I so arrogant? It's just a matter of fact. Mayor Tu, don't be impatient, let alone attack others for no reason. Xia Shang was not only not angry at all, but also had a little smile on his face, calmly responding to Tu Yun's attack. "Vision Group invests in sightseeing agriculture, just testing the water. If it succeeds, Vision Group still has the intention to invest in the university town project."

One sentence is like a heavy bomb, which makes people's ears buzz, especially Ai Chengwen and Gu Xiangguo. Both of them stared at Xia Xiang with wide eyes, as if they didn't believe what Xia Xiang said.

The university town project has been abandoned for several years, which has always been a pain in the heart of the Langshi Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. If there is a new investment injection to rejuvenate the university town, it can add a lot of color to Lang City.

The bait that Xia wants to throw has enough ** power to make Ai Chengwen and Gu Xiangguo feel moved.

"Investment in the university town project is not in today's topic. Mayor Xia, please don't change the topic." Tu Yun was also smart. He braked in time and did not jump into the trap of Xiaxiang. "Don't gossip, I still firmly support the pilot promotion of the Ministry of Agriculture."

Xia also knows that words can't solve the problem. In the face of interests, the power of language is too limited. Even if the other party is speechless, but because of the vital interests, the other party will not give in.

was the time of the vote. In the confrontation just now, Gu expressed his support for almost all the people of the Guoyi Department. Xia Xiang also united a group of intermediate forces, basically up and down. At this time, the position of Ai Chengwen's faction played a decisive role.

To be honest, Ai Chengwen is also resistant to the promotion of genetically modified organisms in Lang City. He is the secretary of the municipal party committee. He has the responsibility to be responsible for the people of Quanlang City. The harm of genetically modified organisms is inconclusive, but the United States, the inventor of genetically modified organisms, does not eat it, and exports them all to other countries, which itself illustrates the problem. No one is stupid, but some people know that there is a problem but turn a blind eye, which is the deep-seated reason.

To put it out, there are still huge interest factors.

Ai Chengwen didn't want to promote it and had no choice. He couldn't stand the pressure on him, so he had to cough helplessly: "Comprehensive comparison, in the long run, the pilot promotion of the Ministry of Agriculture is more conducive to the development of Lang City. I prefer the investment of the Ministry of Agriculture."

Ai Chengwen expressed his support position, which is basically equivalent to the dust settled, because Xiaxiang's strength is not enough to compete with the joint efforts of the secretary and the mayor.

Gu Xiangguo showed joy. Although he had long known that Ai Chengwen would definitely support him, he was still very useful when he heard what he said at the Standing Committee. Being able to see the fiasco of Xiaxiang with your own eyes is also a good thing that makes people feel good.

"I oppose the project of the Ministry of Agriculture and support Mayor Xia's proposal." Liu Yilin always spoke softly. Today, she suddenly raised eight degrees, and her tone firmly supported Xia Xiang.

"I also support Mayor Xia's proposal." Lv Yike regained his elegant posture and said calmly, "I'm old, but I also want to have a happy old age, and I don't want to be a white mouse to eat any genetically modified food."

Zhang Yingji said seriously, "I took a look at the pilot promotion of the Ministry of Agriculture, including cotton, wheat and corn. If it is just cotton, it can be tried. Wheat, as the staple food, is not suitable for the promotion of genetically modified organisms. I object."

Xiaxiang also expressed his position: "My attitude remains unchanged. The promotion of genetically modified technology is to test the life and health of the people of Lang City. I insist on opposing it."

Tian Huishu, the commander of the military sub-district, also opposed the position of genetically modified organisms. His words were straightforward: "I oppose genetically modified organisms and support Mayor Xia."

To everyone's surprise, Li Xiaoliang, Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, also expressed his support for Xia Xiang: "Mayor Xia's proposal is more far-reaching and more beneficial to Langshi. I still prefer the investment of Yuanjing Group and Weifeng Company."

Who doesn't know that Li Xiaoliang has always followed Ai Chengwen's pace. After Ai Chengwen's opposition, he still supported the position, which puzzled everyone. A genetically modified war has once again pushed the situation in Lang City in a more complex and hidden direction. It can't be said that the members of the Standing Committee have stood up again, but Xiaxiang has both political skills and economic banners. Under the two-pronged approach, the sphere of influence will be redrawn, and sooner or later, the situation will be opened in Lang City.

Tu Yun's behavior once again attracted everyone's attention. She stood up and launched a fierce attack on Xiaxiang with an impassioned expression

PS: Almost all the urban gods have opened a single chapter. Why don't you open a single chapter? Please ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets after the article. The monthly ticket is urgent, and the recommendation ticket is urgent. Xia wants to be in an emergency. He needs the strong support of his brothers to prepare firepower in order to carry out precise strikes on opponents. V