official god

Chapter 812 Dilemma, Drawing Silk and Peeling the cocoon

After the meeting, Xia wanted to return to the office. Seeing Li Caiyuan's successful smile, he hit him lightly and said, "Financial source, remember one thing. Only when you are not arrogant or defeated can you achieve great things. The saddest thing is to celebrate the first battle, be proud and forget."

Li Caiyuan understood something and immediately looked serious: "Yes, Mayor Xia, I understand. I will definitely correct it in the future."

Xia Xiang smiled again and waved his hand into the room. As soon as he sat down, the phone rang. It was a call from the provincial party committee.

It is not the phone of the provincial government or the general office of the provincial party committee, but the phone of the organization department of the provincial party committee.

"Hello, Minister Mei." Xia wanted to take the initiative to say hello very politely.

"Xia Think, why haven't you visited Mei Ting recently? Work is important, but daughter is also important, isn't it? Mei Shengping mentioned Mei Ting when he came up, which made Xia want to be moved. Sure enough, Mei Shengping then said, "Yesterday, Xiaolin called me and cried. She missed her daughter and wanted me to have time to take Mei Ting to Xiangjiang City to see her. How can I have time?"

Xia Xiang didn't answer Mei Shengping's words. He didn't dare to take Mei Ting to Hunan Province to visit Mei Xiaolin, which is equivalent to admitting the fact that he is Mei Ting's biological father in disguise. Even if Cao Shuyu is not in a hurry, Lian Ruohan must be in a hurry.

What he knows better is that Mei Shengping is calling now, not for the family relationship between Mei Ting and Mei Xiaolin. There must be something else.

Sure enough, Mei Shengping smiled again: "Xia thought, the promotion of genetically modified technology is not a big deal. Isn't it too much trouble now?"

The play is coming, and Mei Shengping still mentioned the promotion of genetically modified organisms. I have long heard that the comprehensive promotion of genetically modified organisms in China is the largest cooperation project between the Mei family and the Fu family. Xiaxiang has been worried about when Mei Shengping will be put on the table. He also knows that Mei Shengping will take the initiative to mention it to him sooner or later. With Mei Shengping's character, he will not hide it for too

"It's not too big, Minister Mei, you also know the situation in Lang City. I oppose GMO because I really think that GMO technology is immature, and I can't control the promotion elsewhere, but in Lang City, I will firmly oppose it. Unexpectedly, it was normal to oppose the promotion of genetically modified technology, but someone took the opportunity to splash dirty water on me, as if I was easy to bully. Now I have just started, and I guess there will be a lot of things in the future..." Xia Xiangming talked about Lang City. In fact, he still showed his firm position to Mei Shengping on genetically modified On the issue of the problem, I won't give up.

Mei Shengping laughed and said, "Look, you don't know, but you must have a problem with me, don't you? Yes, it is true that the Mei family and the Fu family cooperate to promote genetically modified organisms in China, and there are also foreign forces to intervene, but they are all within the controllable range. You seem to have a deep preconistences about genetically modified technology... Forget it, I guess we can't reach a consensus to discuss whether genetically modified technology is feasible. I In terms of Mei Ting's face and our good relationship for many years, let's go one step?

Hanging up Mei Shengping's phone, Xia wanted to be in a dilemma for the first time.

If Mei Shengping strongly asked him to give up a step, the exclusion and grievances he suffered in Lang City rushed to his heart, and he would definitely turn down Mei Shengping. If Mei Shengping offered an exchange, he would also find an open reason to refuse. However, Mei Shengping lowered his posture with the respect of the member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Minister of Organization, and also played family cards and friendship cards, which really put him in a dilemma.

Officials are also human beings. No matter how principles and positions are, it is inevitable to waver in the face of family affection and friendship. To be fair, Mei Shengping has always been really good to him, which makes him unswervingly say no.

How to give up the previous step? Mei Shengping didn't talk about it in detail, and he didn't ask in detail. Things may turn around again, and maybe it will be sticky. Xia wants to be not very optimistic about the future. In the face of interests, because there may be warmth in the previous relationship, but after the previous friendship was exhausted, the interests were still the biggest. At this time, It is possible to use means to exert pressure.

Although Xia wanted to be psychologically prepared, perhaps one day because he touched the interests of several major families in some way, his former friends may turn against each other, but he didn't expect that when things were really in front of him, he was still a little uncomfortable. People are all emotional animals. He also misses the time when he used to drink tea and chat with Mei Shengping, and also feels that Mei Shengping has taken care of him. It's just that after a person reaches a certain high position, he must have his own governing philosophy and position. Moreover, Xiaxiang has not changed anything for a long time. It is not today that he is stubborn to stick to his belief.

It's only now that there is a conflict with the Mei family.

After thinking about it, he still called Mei Xiaolin and implicitly said what he had done in Lang City, which conflicted with the interests of the Mei family.

Mei Xiaolin was silent for a moment before she said, "Conflict with the Mei family, you also have the Qiu family and the Wu family as the backstage, and the Qiu family. You also have the Wu family and the Mei family to take advantage of the situation. Unless you conflict with the three families at the same time, you will die. But I don't think you're that stupid and don't have that much energy.

Mei Xiaolin is indeed calmer and more meaningful than before. Her words are very interesting. Xia Shen smiled and said, "What do you think Minister Mei will do if he is angry with me?"

"He has a lot of tricks. If you are on an equal level with him, he may not be able to win, but he is now the head of the organization, and you have no chance of winning. However, my uncle is unique on the surface. In fact, he is sometimes lonely and cares about his friends and relatives... Especially when he has few friends, he has only a few friends. He was angry at that time and may regret it in the future.

It's true that the girl is outgoing. In a few words, she told Mei Shengping's background. No matter how mature and steady Mei Xiaolin is, she is also a woman in front of Xia Xiang, and she also thinks that she is Xia Xiang's woman, so she did not hide it.

Xia wanted to put down Mei Xiaolin's phone and thought about it for a while. Just as he was about to go out, he heard Li Caiyuan's report: "Mayor Xia, Secretary Zhang is here."

The whole municipal party committee has a secretary Zhang, Zhang Yao, the secretary of the municipal party secretary Ai Chengwen, who is also the most powerful of all the secretaries of the Lang Municipal Party Committee.

Zhang Yao is young, at most 26 years old. He served as the secretary of the head of the municipal party committee at the age of 26, which is really enviable. But compared with Xiaxiang, the 29-year-old executive vice mayor, he is not worth mentioning at the level of the section this year. Because three years later, he is also 29 years old, but at best he can go to the deputy office, and he may not be the actual deputy office.

Xiaxiang is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the executive vice mayor. He compares people than others and envy the dead. Zhang Yao has always been relatively complaence, but since Xiaxiang came, he has converged a lot. With Xiaxiang as an example, anyone who thinks he is young and ambitious will have the mentality of envy

Zhang Yao was entrusted by Ai Chengwen to specially invite Xia to think of the secretary's office, because Secretary Ai had something to find Mayor Xia.

It is said that the secretary wants to ask Xia to have something to do, and he works in the same building. Just make a direct phone call. But it was intriguing to ask the secretary to invite him in person, showing full sincerity.

If you are polite to others, you must ask for something. Xia wanted to know it in his heart and followed Zhang Yao to the secretary's office. From his office to Ai Chengwen's office, the road is not long, but he has to pass through many offices. Along the way, many people have seen Zhang Yao and Xia want to talk and laugh.

After an amazing scene just happened in the Standing Committee, Secretary Ai personally sent his secretary to invite Xia to think, and he also intended to let others see it. Many people speculated in their hearts. Is it possible that Secretary Ai and Mayor Xia are going to join hands?

Acoming at Ai Chengwen's office, Ai Chengwen personally got up to greet him and gave Xia Xiang courtesy, which made Xia think a little more. I'm afraid Secretary Ai wanted to take the opportunity to move away Tu Yun.

Ai Chengwen first said a few words with Xia, and cared about what Xia wanted to do in life, whether there were difficulties, whether she was used to eating and living, etc., and even laughed and asked when to pick up his family members. Then the topic changed and talked about Tu Yun's question.

Ai Chengwen revealed three meanings in his words. First, he hinted that Xia Xiang could take the opportunity to make a big deal of trouble. If he had a good relationship with Secretary Li of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, he could let the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection secretly investigate Tu Yun's problem through private channels. At the same time, he also criticized Tu Yun Refutation. The second is to implicitly ask questions, want to explore Xia's mouth, and ask Xia if she found Yang Bin's abnormality during Yang Bin's working as a driver, and why Yang Bin suddenly disappeared after the Tu Yun incident - the implication is to suspect that Xia wants to know something, and even asks Xia if she is a behind-the-scenes pusher

No... is also a point that Xia didn't think of. Ai Chengwen suddenly talked about the funny story of Wang Qiangwei, that is, the anecdotes of Wang Qiangwei's overnight fame that has been circulating among some people in Lang City.

"I can't remember exactly when. Anyway, Wang Qiangwei just came to Lang City. At that time, Chen held a reception and invited many party and government leaders and business people from Lang City to attend. In the middle of the party, someone performed on the stage. It was a song and dance program, and a person sang. Many people danced with me. Halfway through the song, a masked girl rushed to the stage and pushed the singer away, saying that she sang too bad, so she might as well let her sing. At that time, many people were drunk and coaxed her to sing. As a result, she was really amazing. Her singing was very touching, no less than a popular singer.

Xia think that he has to admit that Ai Chengwen has been an official for too long. He has more time to talk about official words, and his level of storytelling has dropped significantly. He talks about an eye-catching event. Fortunately, he can listen to it roughly.

"Then there was a more amazing scene. The masked girl who was singing began to take off her clothes one by one, one by one, and threw one off the stage, which made everyone cheer constantly. At that time, she drank a little too much, regardless of her image. In the end, the masked girl took off only one piece of underwear left. On the stage, she loudly announced that her name was Wang Meiru, nicknamed Wang Qiangwei, and she was ready to invest in Lang City, hoping to be taken care of by the leaders and friends in the business community

It was the first time that Xia wanted to see Ai Chengwen's flying side. Although his level of storytelling was average, when it came to Wang Qiangwei's extraordinary behavior, he was still very fantastic. Obviously, the shock brought to him at that time had been unforgettable.

I didn't expect that Wang Qiangwei, who is elegant and aristocratic, had such a wild time. No wonder Liu Yilin never told him about Wang Qiangwei's fame overnight. It turned out that there was an allusion to undressing and singing, so she must be embarrassed to say it. Wang Qiangwei is really smart. Anyway, if she wears a mask, no one can recognize who she is. She just needs to beat out her fame. It was also when the celebrities of Lang City gathered, and it was almost naked to know everyone, and then opened their mouths on the grounds of taking care of them. The hints in the words would make many men moved.

Especially if Wang Qiangwei has another proud figure...

Xia wants to remember a joke that if a man suddenly breaks into the women's bathroom and the women who are taking a shower, what is the most correct place to cover in panic? Some people answered that it was the chest, and some people answered that it was below. In fact, it was not right. You should cover your face. Because women's bodies are the same, they cover their faces, and it's useless for men to see ** and can't remember their looks.

Wang Qiangwei is well scient about the three flavors. With a masked but semi-naked appearance, she brought enough shock. She not only became famous in one fell swoop, but also left room for countless men to imagine. It's great, really good.

Xia thought even guessed maliciously whether the woman who called herself Wang Qianwei under the stage at that time was still unknown. Maybe she was also a naked replacement, but Wang Qiangwei's idea of becoming famous was successful and the purpose was achieved. She was the leading social flower of Lang City.

After Ai Chengwen told the story of Wang Qiangwei, he saw that Xia wanted to hear it with great interest, so he couldn't help joking and said, "Mayor Xia was not present at that time. If you are also there, feel the atmosphere at that time, which is really memorable."

It's rare that Ai Chengwen also had fun. Xia wanted to laugh with him, and then said, "The matter of Mayor Tu still needs to be checked carefully. After all, the matter is quite big, and we need to give everyone an explanation. Although it is not convenient to report to the provincial party committee first, judging from the current situation, Mayor Tu is not suitable to start his work for the time being. He can ask for sick leave and take a rest for a period of time.

In fact, things in the style of life can be big or small. If you want to suppress it, you can suppress it. It depends on whether there are many opponents around you and whether you have strength. Xia didn't think that it was his original intention to take Tu Yun down with just one Yang Bin, create panic, and take profits from chaos. However, as soon as Yuan Lili made a scene, it was no problem to achieve the goal of at least letting Tu Yun stop for a period of time. Moreover, as soon as Tu Yun stopped, the vanguard of the promotion of genetically modified organisms disappeared, and the strength of Gu Xiangguo was greatly damaged.

At the same time, he also saw that Ai Chengwen was also very disgusted with Tu Yun, otherwise he would not be eager to fall into the well and move Tu Yun away. But simply removing Tu Yun is not in line with Xia's strategy of fishing for big fish on a long line. He is not to deal with Tu Yun in order to cooperate with Ai Chengwen. He has his own plan.

Therefore, he listened to Ai Chengwen's proposal and did not answer.

"It's better to let Mayor Tu take a break first in accordance with the principle of treating the sick and saving people." Ai Chengwen saw what he said for a long time. Xia wanted to be unmoved and unhappy. Knowing that Xia wanted to have an idea that was not easy to impress, he was no longer reluctant.

Anyway, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. After Xia understands that he is the real helm of Langshi, he won't want to show his hands in Langshi if he doesn't get close to him.

"At the way, there happens to be something to report to Secretary Ai." Xia thought that if Ai Chengwen didn't gain at all, it seemed that he would not know how to do anything. "There is a financial allocation from the Public Security Bureau. I feel that it's a little extravagant and wasteful, so I didn't approve it and suppressed it first."

"Is it the payment for buying a batch of off-road vehicles?" Ai Chengwen nodded and smiled, "Lang City is all plains. There is no need for off-road vehicles. An off-road vehicle costs more than 500,000 yuan, and you can buy three at a time. It's too luxurious. It's really worth it."

Seeing that the two had reached a consensus, Xia wanted to get up and leave with a smile. Ai Chengwen just owed his body. Unlike the courtesy when he came, he just showed a little courtesy and didn't get up to see him off again.

Xia thought he didn't care. He went back to the office, picked up the phone and called Yingcheng.

After contacting Shen Lichun and Sun Dingguo last time, Xia wanted to contact Yingcheng later. At first, Yingcheng didn't quite accept Xia Xiang. After Xia wanted to mention a bottle of mud pit in person and arrived at his home, he said that Sun Dingguo's entrustment. Yingcheng carried mud pit wine and sighed with emotion. Xiang Xia wanted to recall the glorious years of him and Sun Dingguo.

There are countless good wines in Yingcheng's family, and he likes to sing mud pits of more than ten yuan. Xia wants to drink with him. When he was half drunk, Yingcheng received another phone call from his son, saying that he was taken care of by Vice President Shen in Dacai Group. He was not only promoted, but also entrusted with heavy responsibilities.

Yingcheng is a smart man. He immediately knew that it was Xia's face, so he let go of the wine heavily: "Mayor Xia didn't say anything to me, so I won't be polite. If there is anything I need my help, just say that I'm about to retreat in the municipal bureau anyway, just give full play to

Yingcheng is the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation in the municipal bureau. He can be classified as a criminal case if he hits someone and escapes. Xiaxiang mentioned the car accident a year ago. Yingcheng pondered for a long time before he said his worries. Behind the car accident, many people were involved. It's okay to check, but Xia wanted to be psychologically prepared for a strong rebound.

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "The contradiction between me and Chen has surfaced. British Bureau, I have no way out."

Yingcheng and Xia wanted to have a drink: "Tell Lao Sun that if I can't retire well, I will go to Yanshi to live in his house."

Xia wanted to know that Yingcheng had made up his mind, and he also said categorically, "Please rest assured that we will definitely win."

... Xiaxiang's phone was connected as soon as he called, and Yingcheng's voice came from it: "Mayor Xia, I heard about the matter at the Standing Committee, okay, hot-blooded man."

Xia wanted to laugh: "Let the British Bureau laugh... When the conditions are ripe, if you are responsible for the trial of Yang Bin, can you withstand the pressure of Lu Hongzhan?"

"No problem. It's absolutely no problem to give it to me. It's not that easy for the old road to press me." Yingcheng is full of confidence. He is a veteran in the Public Security Bureau. All the chief and deputy director, including Lu Hongzhan, gave him three points. Because he has solved many major cases before and is a good at solving cases.

When she got off work, Xia Xiang accidentally received a phone call from Li Li. Li Li hasn't contacted Xia since he met at the tea tasting party last time. He suddenly appeared today. It should be something to do. Xia Xiang had a good impression of Li Li. He heard that Li Li sincerely asked him to dinner, and his tone was very urgent. If there was a big deal, he agreed, but there was a little doubt in his heart. Li Li is the president. If he has something to do, he will usually pay for the loan. Is it...E