official god

Chapter 824 Reason, front hand and back hand

Chapter 824 Reason, front hand and back hand

Although Lu Hongzhan wants Xia to have something to do, he must also make a show: "Mayor Xia, no, you can't go up. It's too dangerous. As the director, I'm responsible for your safety."

Xia wants to think that no matter whether Lu Hongzhan is sincere or false, he doesn't have time to intangle with Lu Hongzhan now, because he has noticed that the scar face is getting more and more manic, and Fu Xianxian is stubborn and brave. After all, she is just a weak woman. Even if a big man is hit by What's more, in his mind, Fu Xianxian is a friend worthy of care.

Fu Xian came because of him. Who will come forward if he doesn't come forward?

"Don't say..." Xia wants to wave his hand, "I'm going up now. The situation is urgent and urgent. It's important to save people."

Seeing that Xiaxiang had made up his mind, Lu Hongzhan did not stop him again. To be honest, in an instant, he also had a trace of admiration for Xiaxiang, but then his mind was occupied by the possible situation. Xiaxiang really jumped into the vortex as soon as his mind was hot? So, is it really possible for the most perfect ending he just imagined to happen?

Thinking back, the work of protecting Xiaxiang's safety must be in place. After all, it is his duty. Even if Xia wants to have an accident, he can't let people pick out his problems from the surface. Lu Hong occupied a series of orders. Several special police officers followed Xia Xiang and arranged snipers on the opposite building to prevent accidents. After everything was arranged, Xia Xiang had reached the five-story walkway under the cover of some special police.

The floor has been emptied. The door of Room 514 where Fu Xianxian lived is closed. Because of the poor sound insulation effect, the roar of the scar face can be faintly heard from the outside.

Yingcheng was worried about Xiaxiang's safety and followed Xiaxiang upstairs. He led several of his confidants to follow Xiaxiang closely. However, he did not agree with Xiaxiang's practice of taking risks, and even thought that Xia wanted to show off. He was a little slanderous in his heart. After all, he was young, and he had to choose occasions to make a show. He could go to the crowd to make a show, and he could go to government agencies and institutions to make a show, but he came to the crime scene to make a show. In case something went wrong, didn't he pick up sesame seeds and

Not smart, not smart, still a little too impulsive. Yingcheng sighed secretly, but compared with Xia Xiang, his level is too poor, and it is not easy to persuade him. He can only try his best to protect Xia Xiang's safety.

Lu Hongzhan did not keep up. He arranged protective measures outside. Fundamentally speaking, it was also to stay out of the matter. In case he wanted to have an accident in summer, he could shirk responsibility and said that he was not on the scene, at least it could reduce doubts and pressure in all aspects.

Yingcheng didn't think so much. He just felt that even if Xia thought was suspected of making a show, Xia thought that he was the leader he must protect.

In order to prevent accidents, Xia wants Yingcheng to hide on both sides of the corridor. He doesn't know who Scarface is, but he knows that Scarface is definitely not a good stubble, and according to his observation, Scarface chooses to hijack Fu Xianxian in front of the window. Obviously, he is an insider, because from the For a sniper, the distance of 100 meters is not guaranteed to be shot. And it's on the fifth floor. The hotel is 14 stories high, located in the middle, so it is difficult to break through.

So when Scarface proposed to let him exchange hostages, Xia Xiang decided to replace himself with Fu Xianxian, not only because he sympathizes for Yu, but also because he is a friend of Fu Xianxian. Fu Xianxian came to Lang City for him, and then there was a scar face shouting that it was necessary in To let him go up to exchange hostages is to create an atmosphere, and he also claimed that he killed the hostages without showing his face - he was not a shrinking turtle who was named and did not dare to show up.

A man can't let a woman be implicated by himself. Xia wants to stand up. Whether it's public or private, it's incumbent on him.

At the same time, he also knew in his heart that most of the scar face were Chen's people, or Si Xiaolong's accomplices, tied up Fu Xianxian. He should have seen him and Fu Xianxian entered the hotel together. After all, Fu Xianxian was still tired of him. He must bear the responsibility he should bear. He can Devastated, although Xia thought it was not clear whether Fu Xianxian had been humiliated by scarred face.

There is a burning of anger in his chest. If this incident is still planned by Chen behind his back, he will not beat Chen to pieces, and he is not Xiaxiang

Xia wanted to take a deep breath. Suddenly, Yingcheng quietly came over and stuffed a knife into Xia's hand: "Mayor Xia, the scar face is called Luffy, and he is the sworn brother of the four dragons. He is not Chen's men. He used to be in the south. Recently, he came to Lang City

Xia wanted to nod slightly, and he also understood a little in his heart. If Scarface was Chen's men, if it was just to deal with him, he would definitely not kidnap Fu Xianxian. Because Fu Xianxian is Fu Xianfeng's sister, oh, even if Chen doesn't know Fu Xianxian, he has to find out clearly before he dares to do it. With Chen's means, he won't do the stupid thing of rushing the Dragon King Temple.

Basically, it can be concluded that Scarface came for the incident of the Four Little Dragons, but why did he kidnap Fu first and then shout for him to exchange? What happened in the middle? Xia was puzzled.

The knife is not long, but as soon as you look at the shape, you know that it is a special knife. Xia wanted to hide the knife on his body and rushed to Yingcheng's head: "I'll negotiate with Scarface first. You are responsible for taking hostages at any time. At the same time, keep in touch with Director Lu and act

Yingcheng hesitated: "Mayor Xia, have you... really decided to replace the hostage with yourself? Scarface is a vicious man. He has a life in his hand. In case he is unfavorable to you, we can't afford to take responsibility."

Xia wanted to smile easily, but also to comfort Yingcheng: "Don't worry, Yingji. Since I dared to clean up the four dragons in public at that time, I knew that one day I would be forced to the corner of the wall. When there is no way to retreat, only when I stand up can I have a trace of vitality. Besides, the other party asked me to come forward by name. I will hide, which will make the people think that the leaders of the municipal party committee are all bastards.

One sentence makes Yingcheng respectful

The leaders of the municipal party committee have a lot of bastards at the critical moment, but Xia is the first municipal party committee leader who dares to face the bastards, which makes Yingcheng look forward to it. Perhaps Mayor Xia's real ability to turn the tide. In the minds of the citizens, all the leaders of the municipal party committee are the first to

Once there was a fire in a place. At that time, someone shouted: "Let the leader go first." It is said that this person was later promoted to an official. It can be seen that it is the nature of some officials to escape from the battle, and those who help them escape from the battle can continue to rise, but they still say that they want to serve

Yingcheng made up his mind in an instant. In case Xia wants to have any accident, he will try his best to save Mayor Xia safely, because it is also his duty to protect the safety of the leader

Several special police officers who followed Yingcheng also immediately paid tribute to Xia. They had seen many leaders hiding in the safest place, and then pretended to command on the scene. It was the first time they saw Mayor Xia desperate to replace an ordinary hostage with the dignity of the mayor.

Yingcheng reached out and took a bulletproof vest from the special police: "Mayor Xia put on the bulletproof vest to prevent the scar face from suddenly going crazy." The bulletproof vest can prevent bullets, and it must be nothing to do if you stab it with two knives. Xia thought that he didn't support it, so he wore it in.

Everything was properly deployed. Xia wanted to come to the door alone, knocked on the door gently, and an immediate roar came from inside: "Who? Get out of here, or I will rape the hostages first and then kill them.

Xia wanted to suppress his anger and said very calmly, "Don't you want me to replace the hostage? I'm standing outside the door now. You pay and come out first, and I'll go in."

"Are you Xiaxiang?" Scarface was surprised. He shouted crazily that Xia wanted to replace Fu Xianxian, but he had no hope. Xia thought that he was the executive deputy mayor and would volunteer to replace the next woman? It's impossible. Even if this woman is a beautiful woman or his lover, he can't exchange his life for it.

With the understanding of government officials with scar face, Xia thought must have hid early and dared not show up. I didn't expect that Xiaxiang really came? Did someone tamp him to open the door?

Scarface hesitated slightly. Fu Xian first heard Xia Shen's voice and shouted, "Xia Shen, why are you here? Don't be silly. Go quickly and let the police deal with him.

The scarface was furious and tightened Fu Xianxian's neck: "Don't talk nonsense, say one more, I'll kill you." Then there was Fu Xianxian's exclamation and the sound of tearing clothes.

Xia Xiang's heart suddenly rose to his throat. He gasped and opened the door. He saw that the scar face was strangling Fu Xian's neck and dragging it to **. He also tore a big gap in Fu Xian's clothes, revealing his white back. Fu Xianxian struggled to resist, even kicked and bit, and tried his best not to let the scar face succeed.

On the surface, Fu Xianxian, who is trendy and open, in the face of the sexual assault that is about to suffer, Xia wants to secretly admire the fact that he would rather die than give in. Sometimes the external side of a person may not be her true temperament, but maybe her deliberate pretending and disguise. And the tenacity shown at the critical moment is her most real side.

"Let go of her" Xia can't wait to kick the scar face away, but the sharp knife in the hand of the scar face is always on the neck of Fu Xianxian. If he moves a little, it will disappear. He can't act rashly, "I'm Xia Xiang, the person you want to find. If you want to avenge the Four Little Dragons, just come to me. It has nothing to do with her.

The scar face stopped moving. He relaxed and let Fu Xian speak first and asked, "Is he really thinking about summer?"

Although Fu Xianxian resisted fiercely, she was a woman after all. As soon as she saw Xia want to appear, it seemed that her energy had drained all over her body. She almost couldn't stand and fall to the ground, but she still gritted her teeth and said, "Xia wants..."

After just shouting, I couldn't speak anymore. Tears flowed, with grievances and unwillingness, and resentment.

Xia wanted to be in a turbulent mood, but he also knew that he could not be excited now. When he was excited, it was easy to make mistakes in judgment, which might cause irreparable consequences. He tried to calm down and asked, "First of all, have you been hurt?"

It's not to ask her if she was hurt, but to ask her if she has been hurt. Obviously, it means twofold. Fu Xianjian saw Xia to be extremely concerned about her, and he couldn't help crying. He choked and said, "I... I'm fine. He wants to insult me. I'd rather die than give in

Xia wants to breathe a sigh of relief. For a woman, sexual assault is far more serious than physical injury. Physical injury can be cured over time, and physical aggression will cause permanent psychological pain.

If the scar face is really good, Xia wants to swear that he will make the scar face painful and repay it a hundred times and a thousand times.

But now, I have to let him repay ten times a hundred times

Scarface basically believed that the person in front of him was Xiaxiang, but he still couldn't believe that Xiaxiang would really exchange himself for hostages: "I didn't expect that the mayor was still a lover, and he didn't want his life for the sake of his little lover? OK, I have the guts. What I admire most in my life is the guts. I'll do what I say. You stay, and the woman will go."

Xia wanted to take a step forward. Scarface was shocked and hurriedly strangled Fu Xianxian: "Slow, I heard from my brothers that you can do it twice, so I have to beware of you. You tie the sheet first and then tie your hands... I won't let you go until I confirm that you have no problem, otherwise, hum..."

Scarface stretched out his big hand and wanted to touch Fu Xianxian's chest. Xia wanted to be furious. He knew that Scarface wanted to be against him, so he wanted to tie his hands to kill him, but he knew that he couldn't do it, but he had to do it. Under the pressure of the situation, life sometimes had to

"Shut up, I promise you." Xia wanted to compromise. He pulled down the ** sheet. There were also blood stains on the sheets, which made people look shocking, which made him even more angry. He pressed the fire in his chest. He circled the sheets twice and wrapped them in his hand, and then said, "Let go"

Fu Xianxian had already cried. She saw that Xia wanted to save people without hesitation - she never cared about anything in her life. She felt that life was just a fun game, and she was completely moved. In her opinion, even if Fu Xianfeng, her own brother is here, she may not tie her hands in order to save her. Xia thought that she completely sacrificed herself to save others regardless of her own safety.

Xia thought that she had always been a somewhat responsible, charming and frank man in her mind, and at this moment, she realized for the first time that Xia thought was much more complicated and much taller than she thought. A woman may meet many suitors in her life, meet more playboys or rich second-generation or second-generation officials who enjoy playing with women, and there are also many high-ranking officials who regard women as playthings, but it is difficult to meet a true man who truly loves her and regards her as life. Yi Qiu is priceless, and it is rare to have a lover. Xia wants to have no love for her, but she can still give up her life and death. If Xia wants to have feelings for her, whether she is Xia wants to be Xiaosan or Xiaoqi Xiaoba, she will follow him all her life and will not leave.

She didn't ask for anything, just asked him to be nice to her for three days, and she was satisfied.

Of course, Xia Sang didn't expect that at the critical moment, Fu Xianxian also had leisure to think of love and love. After all, there is a difference between men and women, and the starting point of thinking is also very different. What he was thinking about was how to get out of trouble next. Also, why did Scarface take it hostage and pay first?

What Xia didn't know was that the last time Scarface left, after he went upstairs and saw Fu Xianxian, he was malicious and waited for the opportunity to deal with it first. Unexpectedly, Fu Xian kept the door closed. He waited for a long time and didn't find a suitable opportunity. He turned around and asked for a room on the fifth floor to stay for a while.

Although someone advised him to stop, his desire for revenge was so strong that he had long been blinded by hatred. How could there be a trace of reason? What's more, he won't care about the situation of Lang City after he harmed Xiaxiang. Anyway, he has not considered the consequences, and Fu Xianxian is really tempting and makes him salivate. If you can do it, you can do it first and kill Xiaxiang. In addition, there are two lives in the body, and it is worth dying.

The reason why Scarface wants a room on the 5th floor is that there are 14 floors in Furong Hotel. The location of the 5th floor is not high or low, so that the SWP can't break through easily, and there is a dead corner on the 5th floor, which can prevent the sniper opposite from hitting with one shot. He has two lives on his body. He has been dying all the world and has also learned a lot of counter-investigation techniques.

His will is to tie Fu to the room on the 5th floor first, ** first, then take her as a hostage, and put forward the conditions for Xia to exchange. It's okay for Xia to want to meet. If he doesn't come to the front, he directly killed Fu Xianxian, so that Xia wants to fall into a curse, causing a sensational incident. Anyway, he took advantage of it, and he had three more lives. Sooner or later, he would die, which could bring great trouble to Xia, which could also be regarded as revenge for the four abandoned brothers. And he was also tired of the life of running around. After his death, he worked vigorously and died in a good place.

Scarface has been waiting in the stairs, and it is also the Hibiscus Hotel's lack of precautions and does not notice the abnormality of the scar face. In the final analysis, it is still because of Chen in Lang City. Everyone knows that Chen Zailang City is so powerful that no one dares to control it. Therefore, although the scar face looks like a gangster at first glance, no one cares. It's not that I don't want to care, but that I'm used to the arrogantness of the evil forces, and no one dares to care anymore.

Scarface finally waited for the opportunity, and Fu went downstairs first.

Fu Xian, who went out, didn't do much makeup. She just wore a pure wool coat, jeans, and travel shoes on her feet. She hummed a little song and saw the elevator indicator light parked on the 5th floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, a man with a scar on her face came in from the outside. She couldn' She was the only one in the elevator. The scar-faced man came up and covered her mouth, and then put a knife against her waist, and a low and threatening voice sounded: "If you move, it will kill you. Shout out to make you hurt"

Fu Xianxian always thought that he was bold and open. He never felt that there was any danger in life. He had always been smooth sailing, so he was wayward and suddenly endangered his life. In an instant, her brain was blank

After a while, she regained a trace of sobriety and whispered, "Are you looking for money? OK, I have money. I'll give you all the money."

P: There will be another chapter later...E