official god

Chapter 835 Confrontation, step by step

Gu Xiangguo clearly knew that there was a close relationship between Ye Shisheng and Xia Xiang. Before leaving Yan Province, Chen Zhijie's nomination was the last gift to Xia Xiang. With no choice but to be angry, the balanced situation that Lang City has finally established. With the arrival of Xiaxiang, there is a tendency to collapse.

Next, how to hit Xia head-on? Should we start with lifestyle or economic problems, or find another way? Suddenly, he remembered Ma Yangtian's anger. It seemed that he still had a clever way to deal with Xia Xiang. Why not let Ma Yangtian do it? He just stirred up trouble. Thinking of this, Gu Xiangguo was about to call Ma Yangtian. Suddenly, the phone rang. When he saw the call, it was Ma Yangtian's number.

Can't wait?

Guessing with Gu Xiangguo, Ma Yangtian called and thought of a way to deal with Xia Xiang. However, after listening to Ma Yangtian's words, Gu Xiangguo was scared into a cold sweat: "Mayor Ma, this, this is too dangerous. Do you consider using a milder method?"

Ma Yangtian smiled coldly: "If you don't fight quickly, Xia must become a big trouble. Besides, the political affairs are your life-and-death exchange. Xia wants to rectify Tu Yun, bully Ma Fan, and disturb the situation in Lang City. Now you are forced to retreat by him and have no power to fight back. If it goes on like this, your mayor will be empty"

Gu Xiangguo pondered for a long time and finally said, "Okay, let's do what Mayor Ma said."


As Xia thought, the investigation team's investigation in Lang City was not smooth. It investigated dozens of public security officers and did not draw valuable conclusions. At the same time, there were no new discoveries, which seemed to be hidden in difficulties. And two days have passed. Although the city is strictly guarded everywhere, the scar face is like disappearing in the air, and there is no shadow at all.

But at the same time, Li Fei and Xiao Wu's private tracking and investigation have gained a lot. First of all, Chen Datou's address has been determined, and secondly, Chen Datou has been closed recently, which is very honest. In addition, Li Fei also found a trace of clues, that is, recently, there are always mysterious figures wandering around Chen Datou's house, sometimes like the wind, sometimes like the wind - with Li Fei and Xiao Wu's rich tracking experience, it only took them more than a day to confirm that Chen Datou must have a problem.

On the third day, the investigation team suddenly made a fusm, pointing out that Deputy Director Long Kong has an inescapable responsibility in the scar face escape incident. There is evidence that all the detention centers under the jurisdiction of Deputy Director Long Kong, who is responsible for the management of the prison, have management loopholes to varying degrees, especially the Xiaogang detention Knowing that Xiaogang guarded all possible loopholes and Scarface was an extremely dangerous person, the deputy director also deliberately arranged Scarface in Xiaogang Detention Center. Some people were suspected of intentional arrangement, and there was an unspeakable purpose behind it.

As soon as the conclusion came out, there was an uproar, and Lu Hong was furious and the case was shot.

Long Kong is his most loyal subordinate and his closest alliance with the municipal bureau. Without conclusive evidence, the investigation team concluded that Long Kong was suspected of deliberately releasing people, which made him furious and could not stand the irresponsible arbitrary conclusion of the investigation team.

Lu Hongzhan also knew that there must be Xia's hands and feet behind him. He decided to ask for justice and return Long Kong's innocence.

At the tripartite meeting held by the investigation team, Lu Hongzhan represented the Municipal Bureau, Xiaxiang represented the Municipal Party Committee, the investigation team represented the provincial department, and Long Kong, as the party concerned, also participated in the meeting.

As the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Long Kong is really sorry for the audience. His face is full of flesh, and he also has a big belly. The most penetrating thing is that there is a big mole on his face, and there are a few long hairs on the mole, which is really disgusting.

However, it is also in line with his identity. At first glance, it is full of the image of a fierce prison guard in ancient times. Xiaxiang seldom judge people by their appearance, but she only glanced at Long Kong, and she really didn't want to look at them for the second time.

Some people are ugly, but they are not disgusting. Some people are ugly, but they are so ugly that it makes people bored. Long Kong may be because his heart has been full of anger for a long time. His face is full of flesh, and a few more eyes will make people feel ferocious.

As the saying goes, it is true that a person who is often vicious, thinks about bad things and does bad things every day, over time, he will be sure that his appearance is ugly, so that life does not have the meaning of closeness.

The tripartite meeting was held in the municipal party committee. First of all, because of Bing's speech, Yu Bing looked at Long Kong gloomily, which also showed disgust. It seemed that sometimes people were ugly and annoying, and there was nothing he could do.

Yu Bing had a thick pile of materials in his hand. He took out a copy from it without hurry and took it in his hand. He was quite a posture of preaching according to the book. Just as everyone thought that he could say some official words, he gently put down the materials and abruptly asked, "Long Bureau, do you know Luffy?"

As Lu Hongzhan's most effective assistant in the municipal bureau, Long Kong has always been trusted by Lu Hongzhan. Although his ranking in the municipal bureau is not very high, he has always been in power in the municipal bureau, and basically everyone gives him three points. And the detention center he is in charge of is fat, and all the prisoners are under his hands. Naturally, there are many benefits.

Yu Bing's question was so sudden that Long Kong was stunned. Then he reacted and shook his head and said, "I don't know him. I just heard his name and knew that he was a wanted criminal."

"He is a wanted criminal. Why isn't he strictly guarded? Why do you choose the Xiaogang Detention Center with the most problems and the most loose defense? Yu Bing continued to ask questions, and his tone suddenly became much more severe.

Yu Bing has no direct jurisdiction over Long Kong, but as the leader of the investigation team, he exercised the right to question and inquire on behalf of the provincial department. His voice suddenly raised, which really scared Long Kong.

When Lu Hongzhan saw that the soldiers suddenly made trouble, he wanted to cover for Long Kong. He was afraid that if Long Kong said something wrong, wouldn't it be a bad thing? Unexpectedly, before he opened his mouth, he was seen by Xia Si's smiling eyes. Suddenly, his heart was empty and he couldn't help but shut up.

After shutting up, I regretted it again. Why am I still a little afraid of Xia? It's stupid to be afraid of him.

However, it was too late to regret. Long Kong had answered the question: "This...mainly, considering that Xiaogang Detention Center was closest to the Municipal Bureau and the medical conditions were better, so I chose Xiaogang Detention Center after comprehensive comparison. There was no special intention. The team leader was too careful."

"Luffy is a major murderer. He has two lives on him. He is not careful or careless in dealing with him. Is it the instruction of Director Lu or the negligence of Director Long?" Yu Bing continued to ask, and his tone was more severe. "Xiaogang Detention Center is an old detention center built in the 1980s. It is in disrepair and various facilities are not perfect. Just now, Director Long said that the medical conditions are better, but as far as I know, Xiaogang's sanitary facilities are very poor, which can be said to be There have been several escapes of prisoners in Xiaogang Detention Center. Everything shows that Luffy's escape seems to be a well-planned man-made incident"

Lu Hongzhan threw the material in his hand on the table with a "pop" sound, with an angry face: "The team leader's conclusion is too idealistic and rash. With only a simple speculation, I can draw the conclusion of artificial walking and flying. I can't accept the results of the investigation." The attitude was very resolute, and there was no mercy for Yu Bing.

Yu Bing was not angry, and his face regained calm again. He hinted at Li Fei with his eyes. Li Fei was understanding and said with a serious face: "The conclusion of Director Yu is not based on speculation, but on real evidence."

Impossible? Lu Hongzhan was stunned and almost couldn't help standing up and quarreling with Li Fei. How could there be real evidence? The matter was obviously done seamlessly, Scarface Luffy was not arrested, and the investigation team had no access to the core secrets. The key figures of the municipal bureau were all his people. Unless someone betrayed him, the investigation team was simply busy investigating the Scarface escape incident.

Lu Hongzhan is full of confidence in his people. It is impossible for anyone to betray him at a critical time, and there is no benefit to betray him. Now he is still a veritable leader of the municipal bureau and firmly holds the initiative.

Li Fei ignored Lu Hongzhan's consteries, but took out a few confessions and handed them to Xiaxiang, Lu Hongzhan and Long Kong one by one: "Please take a look at several leaders. According to the results of the investigation team, some police officers personally admitted that there was indeed a superior leader in advance on the issue of arranging the specific The director hinted that there were a series of serious problems that instructed to relax the guard of Scarface again after the event. Only the confessions of a few police officers were provided here. First, please ask Director Lu and Director Long to have a look. There is more evidence in the investigation team, which will be directly handed over to the provincial department and the Lang Municipal Party Committee later..."

Lu Hongzhan's heart suddenly came to his throat. He suppressed the panic in his heart and looked at Long Kong nervously. Long Kong looked confused. Obviously, he did not believe that the investigation team could suddenly have relevant evidence. Obviously, they got nothing in the three-day investigation. How could there be an amazing accident?

Believe it or not. After taking the confession, Lu Hongzhan's face turned pale, but he could still maintain a trace of calmness, not only the gaffe on the spot, and Long Kong was not as calm as Lu Hongzhan. His hands trembled slightly. Not only was his face pale, but the cold sweat immediately flowed out.

Although the confession cannot be regarded as formal evidence, and the names above have also been dealt with, the above facts are the beginning and end of the scar face escape incident planned by Lu Hongzhan. Although it is not detailed to the extent that every detail is listed, as Long Kong, who personally participated in every step, It's no different from being stripped of his clothes in public. All his privacy is exposed in front of him, which makes him feel cold on his back, sweating on his head, and he is completely out of control.

Just looking at the two-eyed dragon hole, you can know that this confession is absolutely true, and there is no forgery at all. The facts listed above are true.

But how is it possible? How could it be that the investigation team found out the truth? Obviously, the police officers he dealt with were his confidants and had been with him for several years. It was impossible to betray him easily.

But the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel bitter in his mouth, his heart was weak, and his legs trembled. He thought that things were seamless, and Lu Hongzhan also promised that there would be no problem. Who knew that the bottom would have leaked in just a few days. What went wrong?

Now it is useless to investigate what went wrong. Now the first problem is how to cover up the crime and shirk responsibility, because Long Kong knows very well that this alone is enough to turn him over

It is still light to be dismissed on the spot, at least it will be sentenced to a few years...

He felt that his lips were dry and his eyes were astringent. He looked at Lu Hongzhan blindly and couldn't speak.

Although Lu Hongzhan was also panicked, he still scolded Long Kong: Idiot, now is not the time to show timidity. What I have to do now is not to admit it. No matter what evidence he has, as long as no police dares to testify, he will not recognize the authenticity of the confession. What are you afraid of? In the territory of Lang City, how can the director of a public security department who has no direct jurisdiction over him be a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee?

His double theory is not for nothing. As long as he is within his power, as long as he has the final say, no one can bring him down in the political and legal and public security systems.

Lu Hongzhan was suddenly full of confidence. He coughed, gently put the material aside, and said lightly, "The confession can't explain anything. Maybe it's drunken nonsense, it may be forced confession, it may be an inducing confession, or even a false confession. Someone needs to prove it to explain the problem." He bet that as long as he is still in Langshi and the head of the municipal bureau, no matter how the investigation team asked the confession, no one will dare to testify.

Lu Hongzhan was very rude, which was equivalent to directly suspecting that the investigation team's investigation conclusions were illegal. Yu Bing's face turned cold: "What does Director Lu mean? Is it to question the fairness and objectivity of the investigation team of the provincial department?

Lu Hong did not give up: "I respect the opinion of the investigation team, but with only one confession of unknown origin, I came to the conclusion that the leader of the municipal bureau deliberately let go of the scar face. Obviously, it is rash and irresponsible. I can't accept it."

Li Fei sneered: "Don't worry, the road bureau. The confession I just took out only listed a few police officers who were suspected of helping Scarface escape. It seemed that it did not clearly reveal who instructed him, let alone clearly that it was the leader of the municipal bureau. You just took the initiative to say that he was the leader of the

Lu Hongzhan was stunned and didn't realize that there was a loophole when he spoke just now. When he thought about it carefully, it was really like this. He couldn't help but be secretly shocked. It was because Xia wanted to sit next to him without saying a word, so that he was always on guard against Xia's sudden trouble or throwing out Trick.

He coughed quickly and covered up his embarrassment: "I'm a quick mouth. It's a slip of the tongue, to the point is that the conclusion that whether the policeman is instructed or self-indulsive to let go of the scar face can't stand scrutiny. I can't accept the investigation team's

While talking, he also looked at Xiaxiang intentionally or unintentionally.

Xia wanted to be out of the way. He didn't seem to express his opinion on the quarrel just now. He just held a confession in his hand, looked thoughtful, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Mayor Xia, please comment." Lu Hongzhan was angry. He could guess that there must be Xia's hands and feet, otherwise it would be impossible for the investigation team to find the way in a short time and find the relevant responsible person. Now Xia wants to stand by, which makes him very unhappy.

Xia wanted to put the confession on the table and tapped twice: "The conclusion of the investigation team of the provincial department is very detailed and a major discovery. I think the municipal bureau should jointly investigate and collect evidence with the investigation team, control the relevant responsible persons, and carry out the next step of evidence collection. Scarface is a murderer. He escaped calmly in the detention center. If you don't find out the person responsible and don't find out the truth, you can't explain it to the people of Lang City, and you can't explain it to the municipal party committee and the municipal government.

"But the relevant police officers are checked only by the words of the investigation team, which will make the vast number of police officers of the municipal bureau chill." Lu Hong argued for reason. What he wants is to overturn the conclusion of the investigation team and does not want the investigation team to intervene in the internal affairs of the municipal bureau. "The relevant person responsible for the investigation The comrades of the inspection team don't have to bother.

Xia wanted to wave his hand gently, with an unquestionable and resolute face: "Comrade Hong Zhan doesn't believe in the fairness of the comrades of the provincial department? The reason for excluding the comrades of the investigation team is because the municipal bureau has any secrets that can't see people, or is there any other reason why they can't say it?

Lu Hongzhan became angry again. He was angry not because of Xia's insinuation, nor because of the insinuated investigation conclusion of the investigation team, but because Xia wanted to put on a clear attitude of being out of the matter. When he spoke, he was a strong distrust of the city bureau and exclusion of him. The most important thing No matter how I looked at it, I felt that Xia didn't like it. He thought that Xia wanted to deliberately pretend, so he said angrily, "Okay, even if I agree with the conclusion of the provincial department's investigation team, it involves the relevant police officers, and it still needs to be handled internally by the municipal bureau itself."

The meaning is that the provincial public security department does not have direct leadership over the Langshi Public Security Bureau, not to mention that the soldier is only a director. In terms of the level, it is not as high as the deputy department of Lu Hongzhan. In terms of his appointment, only the head of the provincial department has the right to make suggestions. Therefore, it is reasonable for him to despise the soldiers appropriately.

Xia wanted to take a look at Lu Hongzhan indifferently. At first, he didn't say anything. He thought that Lu Hongzhan would still take retreat as a step forward. First, he vaguely admitted the conclusion of the investigation team, then took over the full right to investigate, and finally carried out an internal non-public investigation. It must be Do you still let Lu Hongzhan easily resolve it with a massage method?

"Since the director of the road has approved the conclusion of the investigation team, he should investigate the disciplinary police with the investigation team, otherwise there will be a suspicion of shielding. I think the meaning of the provincial department is also the intention of asking the investigation team to urge the municipal bureau. Xia Xiang said lightly, "If you have any other opinions, you can report them directly to the director of the provincial department."

Lu Hongzhan saw that Xia wanted to be tough and refused to give in. He praised by the director of the horse department, because his double theory was praised by the president of the horse hall last time, and he was also ready to promote it throughout the province. It is said that he also intended to let him go to the provincial department to report on his work, so If you agree, what else does Mayor Xia have to say?

"If Director Ma agrees, I won't say anything." Xia wanted to nod and made a gesture of listening to his convenience. He knew in his heart that Lu Hongzhan did not look for the director of the horse department. I'm afraid that the director of the horse department would also look for him, because there was a deep buried thing that was about to explode...

PS: The second update is sent, and I sincerely ask for a monthly ticket with 120,000 points. If you want a monthly ticket, guys, your voice is hoarse and you are tired. Can you support a little more? Lao He gritted his teeth to continue the wonderful story, but the monthly ticket still needs every brother to raise his hand, so thank you. V