official god

Chapter 839 Banquet, Witty Response

Chapter 839 Banquet, witty response

After Chen Datou was arrested, he was hospitalated first because of a severe coma. It happened that he was assigned to the Municipal Bureau Hospital, and next door was Si Xiaolong's ward - Si Xiaolong had been treated in the hospital after being disabled by Xiao Wu and others, and has not been discharged yet.

During his stay in the hospital, there was a police guard. After the news of the accident of Scarface came to the hospital, the hospital panicked. Chen Datou was rushed to the hospital. The guard's policeman was negligent and let two of the four dragons take advantage of the chaos to hijack a police officer. They almost escaped by taking advantage of the night.

Although it is not ruled out that Chen's people may take the opportunity to make trouble secretly, anyway, the scene was very chaotic at that time, and almost killed again. It took more than an hour to calm down. Although the two were successfully controlled in the end, they still seriously injured a policeman and two minorly injured.

He was already off duty. After receiving the phone call, Ai Chengwen was so angry that he immediately rushed to the hospital with Xia to give important instructions. Xia Sang was also very shocked. He was extremely disappointed with the police force of the Lang City Public Security Bureau. After discussing with Ai Chengwen, he decided to carry out a serious rectification activity in the municipal bureau, rectify the police, strengthen police discipline, strengthen police training, and eliminate a group of unqualified police officers, because Lang The city's police force is more severe than the social security situation, and it is necessary to vigorously carry out an internal rectification work.

Ai Chengwen set the tone, and Xia wanted to express his support. Taking this opportunity, the rectification tide of the police force in the second Bolang City is about to eliminate a group of the core forces of Lu Hongzhan again.

The next day, it was submitted to the Standing Committee for discussion. Although Gu Xiangguo opposed the rectification of the police force with great fanfare and pointed out that it would be detrimental to the social stability of Lang City, the facts are better than eloquence. Recently, the municipal bureau has indeed had many problems. From top to bottom, a series of problems are Has it been rotten to the root? In the end, despite Gu Xiangguo's reservation, the Standing Committee still forcibly passed the resolution.

After all, there is a strong support from a leader, and with Xia Xiang's strong support, it is difficult to support Gu Xiangguo.

In the afternoon, accompanied by the deputy minister of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Chen Zhijie officially took office as a member of the Standing Committee and deputy mayor of the Lang Municipal Party Committee. After the routine reception ceremony, a general meeting of all cadres was held, and the appointment decision of the provincial party committee was solemnly announced. After the procedure was completed, it was a reception banquet as usual, and the reception banquet was held grandly at the Caesar Hotel.

Chen Zhijie's appearance is reasonable, his appearance is very tough, but he is a little unsmiling. His speech at the welcome meeting of the Municipal Party Committee is very low-key, which is basically in line with his calm and implicit personality. At the reception banquet, he sat at Xiaxiang's head and said a lot to Xiaxiang.

As Xia Xiang thought, Chen Zhijie came to Lang City. Before taking office, he was ordered by Song Chaodu, which made him to be consistent with Xia Xiang. In the complex and changeable Lang City, only low-key and pragmatic and looking in the direction can he have a place.

Chen Zhijie also set a goal for himself. In a short period of time, he kept up with Xia Xiang's pace, not active, not active, and everything is in the direction of Xia Xiang. After the situation is opened in Langshi, under the framework of cooperation with Xiaxiang, we will gradually realize the political ideals in our hearts.

The scene of Chen Zhijie and Xia Wanting to whisper fell into everyone's eyes, and everyone's thoughts fluctuated and had their own thoughts. Ai Chengwen didn't know whether he was happy or worried. Seeing that Gu Xiangguo lost his soldiers and generals, he had to admit that Xia Xiang was rising rapidly again.

Gu Xiangguo's heart is even more mixed. Xia Xiang's strength is due to the reduction of his strength, which is the trend of this and the trend. In the process of the balance of Langshi being broken and the reshuffle of power, he is the most seriously damaged party. Therefore, his hatred for Xiaxiang is getting deeper and deeper.

Although Liu Yilin is also happy to see Xia Xiang's strength grow, she can't help but worry at the same time, because with Xia Xiang's sitting up and changing the original balance of Lang City, it is bound to cause Ai Chengwen's vigilance and rebound at a certain stage, and she does not know which direction the situation in Lang City

Other people are also mixed and worried. Fortunately, all the members of the Standing Committee who came to the banquet today, except for Lu Hongzhan, seemed to have higher specifications than the reception banquet when Xia wanted to take office. In fact, everyone knows that the reason why people are here today is not because Chen Zhijie has a lot of face, but because of Xia.

I want to see Xia want to step into the lobby of the Caesar Hotel with her head held high. Oh, will Chen do anything abnormal? After all, his own brother was captured by Xia Xiang on the spot. It is said that he is still in a coma in the hospital. Oh, Chen is angry with Xia Xiang. The key is that Xia Xiang's recent series of actions have weakened the power of Gu Xiangguo on the surface, but in fact, it also hit Chen's interests.

In the middle of the banquet, there was an expected but unexpected scene - oh, Chen and Shuangmei made their official debut

Oh, Chen smiled, and the gold and silver jasmine standing on the left and right. Today, he is even more dressed up and shining, covering up the light of the crystal chandelier. Among the members of the Standing Committee, almost all men have straight eyes. Although they have seen gold and silver jasmine more than once or twice, every appearance of Shuangmei gives people a touching and unforgettable feeling.

Almost every man has a dream about hugging left and right in his heart. Whether he admits it or not, there are more or less, but the degree of desire is different. Similarly, the deeper dream is to collect Big Qiao and Xiaoqiao together, and hide the golden house. It is impossible to see how beautiful Big Qiao and Xiao Qiao in history is, but the beauty of gold and silver jasmine in front of them is really touching, making people's hearts beat faster and their lips dry.

Men are always the first visual animals, so the beautiful women in the world are popular.

Even Chen Zhijie opened his mouth slightly. Obviously, he was surprised to see such a beautiful woman in Lang City, and she was also twins.

Oh, Chen saw that his daughter would be amazing on the spot every time she appeared, and he was still very useful. Although a series of recent events made him particularly angry, and it also caused old problems such as toothache, he did not admit defeat, and did not think that Xia wanted to achieve a fundamental victory. At best, it can only be said to be a

The confrontation is originally your way of coming and going. It's normal to win or lose for a while. Oh, Chen still has a killer's trump card that has not been used. His huge foundation has not hurt the root. There are many of his partners in the municipal party committee, and there are also his friends in the major departments of the city. It's still very early to make the whole city.

What's more, Xiaxiang is only the executive deputy mayor. Politically speaking, it is impossible for him to control the situation of the whole city unless he corrects him.

Therefore, Chen is still confidently waiting for the opportunity. When the time is ripe, he will turn over the clouds and give Xiaxiang a blow.

However, Chen Datou was accidentally caught, which really made him jump. He scolded Chen Datou for drinking and making a mistake. A fool and a fool is just an asshole. When did you drink with Scarface? If you don't drink, you will die? He deserves to have broken his legs

After all, it was his own brother. Oh, Chen was still very sad. He comforted Yang Bei and ensured that he would successfully save Chen Datou from being tortured by the police.

The relationship between Yang Bei and Xiaxiang, oh, Chen is not clear. Yang Bei is deeply buried in the enmity between her and Xiaxiang. Except for Wei Hongqing, no one knows everyone she knows in Lang City.

For Xia wanted to come to Lang City as the executive vice mayor, and stirred up a pool of muddy water in Lang City in a short period of time, causing a lot of storms. Yang Bei hid in the dark and has been paying great attention to it. Even Xia wanted to understand the footprints from Ba County to An County to Yan City through various channels

Xia thought that it was the eternal pain in her heart and her eternal pride, although she knew that she had taken the wrong step... Who is to blame? Blame life, short-sighted and snobbish mother, or blame yourself for not being firm enough, Aixia's heart is not resolute enough, and not paying enough attention to love?

Maybe it's not strange. Personality determines fate. It's only her indecisiveness. Most of the time, it leads to today's end - unsperforming career, unhappy marriage, and mother's serious illness. It seems that all the pain in the world is imposed on her alone.

Whether it's pain or misfortune, it's all the pain that must be endured, Yang Bei admitted it. It's just that when she learned from Wei Hongqing that Xia wanted to return the friendship of her classmates and solved many difficulties for Wei Hongqing, she couldn't help crying and Gu Ying felt sorry for herself. Xia wants to be like this to Wei Hongqing. What will happen to her?

Just think about it. Nowadays, Xia Xiang and she are already from two worlds, which is too different. What's more, she married an old man and Xia Xiang's opposite brother - so when Wei Hongqing proposed to let her meet Xia Xiang, she refused without hesitation. It's better to miss her, and the best result is that no I don't miss seeing it.

Oh, Chen naturally doesn't know Yang Bei's heartwarming thoughts. His mind is neither heartwarming nor angry, but more rational. Xiaxiang is the most powerful opponent he has ever seen in his life, but one thing is that Xiaxiang is not the official position. As long as Xiaxiang does not have Fuzheng, he can only win a small range of victory in Lang City and can never win a decisive victory.

Political affairs, a deputy is not allowed to make more than one or two leaders' achievements and successes. He is very clear about the domestic political climate. After talking on the phone with the capital, he is more confident that he can overcome Xiaxiang.

Today, I came with my two daughters. First, according to the usual practice, every reception banquet of the new member of the Standing Committee of Lang City will be held at the Caesar Hotel, and he will show his signature behavior as the largest underground force in Lang City. At the same time, he will meet the new Standing Committee and have a preliminary understanding.

Of course, today's appearance has more meaning. I want to meet Xia in public, catch up with the past, and have a trick.

Oh, Chen greeted the crowd warmly and shook hands one by one. His posture was as big as a leader's inspection. If he didn't know, he thought he was the biggest leader of Lang City. Ai Chengwen had a faint smile on his face, and he didn't care about Chen's posture, and his eyes fell on Jinyin Jasmine from time to time.

The attraction of beautiful women is enough, so that the secretary of the municipal party committee, who cares most about official etiquette, also puts down his airs and mainly looks at beautiful women.

Gu Xiangguo behaved normally. He shook hands with Chen, nodded, and said nothing. Zhang Yingji just shook it gently with Chen and nodded. She still couldn't bear to look at Jinyin Jasmine's face a few more times.

It can be said that the members of the Standing Committee here can't help flashing warmly. If it can really discharge, Jinyin Jasmine will definitely be hit by electric shock and sparkle all over.

Oh, when Chen came to Xiaxiang, he first stood as steady as Taishan, looked up and down at Xiaxiang a few times, and then said with emotion, "Mayor Xia, as soon as you came to Langshi, I sent Tianzi No. 1 Yajian to you. At that time, I asked myself if it was appropriate? Now I know that my decision at that time was indeed very wise. Mayor Xia has only been in Lang City for less than two months. He not only stood firm and opened up the situation, but also made a lot of earth-shaking things. I have been in Lang City for a long time, and it is the first time I have seen such a vigorous and vigorous iron-fis I dare say that it won't be long before Mayor Xia will be able to call for wind and rain in Lang City.

On the surface, Chen flattered Xia for a while. In fact, it was to sow discord in public, which was a direct announcement to the Standing Committee present. After Xia wanted to sit up, he wanted to expand his power and wanted to say something different in Lang City.

Among the members of the Standing Committee, several people changed their faces. I don't know whether they were shocked by the terrible consequences of what Chen said, or cooperated with Chen's words.

Ai Chengwen has the same expression as Gu Xiangguo. If he turned a deaf ear, he was indifferent at all. They are all old people in officialdom. Will they be angry for Chen's words? Of course, Gu Xiangguo had other thoughts, but Ai Chengwen knew it clearly and joked. Who didn't know that among the people present, when it comes to the deepest resentment against Xia, Chen is the first.

But everyone's eyes fell on Xiaxiang, and they all wanted to see how Xia wanted to deal with and fight back.

Xia wanted to reach out and shake hands with Chen, with a smile on his face: "Mr. Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm in good spirits. Congratulations." He didn't answer Chen's words at all, and directly changed the topic, "Jin Mo Yinli has lost a little weight recently. Didn't she eat well?" Girls, don't just diet just for a slim figure, which is not good for growth and development... Every time I see gold and silver jasmine, I'm very depressed. Mr. Chen should take them out less in the future, okay? It always makes me regret getting married too early. I'm 30 years old, and I'm not much older than them, right?



Xia Xiang's words caused a burst of laughter, kind, malicious, and kind-hearted. Oh, Chen's face is a little ugly: "Mayor Xia, to be honest, I really want to have a son-in-law as good as you. Unfortunately, even if Mayor Xia doesn't get married early, he may not be able to win the heart of the little girl.

The implication is that gold and silver jasmine may not like summer thoughts.

Everyone knows that Chen's appearance today must be a good person who will not come. Unexpectedly, his active attack was gently touched by Xia Yi and fell on his precious daughter, which made him still unable to lose his anger.

Jinmo Yinli is the apple of his eye, and no one is allowed to have bad intentions.

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "Just now, Mr. Chen praised me to heaven. Since she is so good, your daughter will also be influenced by you and look at me differently. Maybe she will really like me."

"..." Oh, Chen was almost choked by Xia Xi. Just now, he was obviously slapped in the face, but Xia wanted to respond to his daughter as a compliment, which made him quite witty and helpless, so he had to say, "Ha ha, okay, okay, don't joke about the little girl. Today is Mayor Chen' As the host, I also come to give a toast to Mayor Chen.

Oh, Chen and Chen Zhijie clinked glasses and said, "Mayor Chen, we were a family 500 years ago. The family didn't talk about two families. If you have a toast, today's banquet will be free of charge."

Oh, Chen's move kills two birds with one stone. One is to raise Chen Zhijie, and the other is to show his boldness and release his goodwill. No matter who Chen Zhijie is, he must show his goodwill first. If he can pull him into the water, he will never suppress him.

Chen Zhijie gave him face and drank it without saying anything: "Since Mr. Chen has said anything, you have to drink it up, right?"

Oh, Chen was gratified to see the situation: "Mayor Chen will be in Lang City for a long time in the future, and he will know who I am Chen A. I am in a hurry to be righteous, and I am a trustworthy friend."

Chen Zhijie also replied with a smile: "Yes, yes, I have heard Mayor Xia's story about Mr. Chen's deeds for a long time. I know that Mr. Chen has a pair of precious daughters, who are gorgeous and oppresses Qunfang. I didn't believe it. When I saw him today, I was shocked. Then again, within my sight, only excellent people like Mayor Xia are worthy of the two pearls.

In a word, Chen's face changed. Chen Zhijie gave face to face, but then he still kicked the ball back, which means that he and Xiaxiang had the same position.

Silver Jasmine snorted coldly: "There are so many excellent men in the world..."

Jin Moli smiled and said, "Mayor Xia is really excellent, but he is married. If he doesn't get married, I'm really willing to give him a chance."

Xia thought bent down slightly cooperatively: "It's a great honor to be loved by you."

Jin Moli is happier: "But to be honest, Mayor Xia, I heard that your wife is also a beautiful woman. In your eyes, who is more beautiful than her?"

This problem is very sharp. Jin Jasmine seems to be naive, but in fact, it also hides the front.

Xia thought gave the answer without hesitation: "You are more beautiful"

Golden Jasmine is overjoyed: "Truth? Don't lie to others?"

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "Of course, it's not a lie. If you don't believe it, ask everyone, and you will say that you are more beautiful than their wives, because in the eyes of men, not getting a woman is always the most beautiful woman."

"Ha ha..." Many people will laugh heartily. In the laughter, there is resonance between men.

Jin Moli blushed and turned around and left angrily: "As a mayor, I still make fun of others. I have ** shares."

The mayor is also a human being, and he is still a healthy and normal man. Xia wants to laugh. Who wants Chen to bring you out with a show-off attitude? No matter how beautiful a woman is, she will always show up, and it will inevitably be talked about by men. What's more, today, Chen was originally a slap in the face.

A banquet that began with swords and shadows, and finally ended with laughter and scolding. It was also an accident for many people, and they were all impressed by Xiaxiang's witty response.

Seeing that the situation is very good, Lu Hongzhan is still stranded in Yanshi. Xia Xiang's second step of layout in Lang City has been completed, but he doesn't know that a danger is quietly approaching

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