official god

Chapter 852 Behind the scenes, one release and one collection

It is not only Lu Hongzhan who feels that the big things are not good, but also Gu Xiangguo.

After the executive meeting of the government, Xia thought went to the university town to coordinate the issue of salary arrears, as if a big drama had just passed had completely come to an end and had nothing to do with him. In fact, Gu Xiangguo is clear that Xia wants to put on an attitude of being out of the way, which is his brilliance. Because the trial is a matter of the public security organ, if he intervenes again, he will leave the impression of interfering with judicial justice, so he devotes his energy to other things.

Whether Xia wants to be a fake device or really wants to invest in the university town, Gu Xiangguo doesn't care. What he cares about is the progress of the case.

What he never expected was that Yu Jiansheng did not wait for Lu Hongzhan to seize power again in the municipal bureau. After one or two rounds, he confessed to the Chang Guoqing, and the Chang Guoqing had fallen into the hands of the municipal bureau, which almost scared him to jump up - oh, Chen knew that the Chang Guoqing had fallen into He did not disclose the reason for his own consideration to Gu Xiangguo - so after Gu Xiangguo heard it, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Because Ma Yangtian still had illusions, he thought that Chang Guoqing could not be contacted, but because Chang Guoqing was so scared that he hid. Although he also thought that he might be controlled by Xia, he still had a glimmer of hope. Unexpectedly, the nightmare would come true.

The fall of Chang Guoguo means that a huge storm is about to be set off

Gu Xiangguo felt frightened for the first time and hurriedly called Ma Yangtian.

Ma Yangtian also vaguely guessed that most of the accident happened to Chang Guoqing, but he always felt that Chang Guoqing's cunning rabbit three caves, sometimes it was not easy for him to find him. Xia thought that it was a hundred times more difficult to find a deliberately hiding person in the huge capital than looking for a needle in a hay At the moment when he received the phone call from Gu Xiangguo, he opened his mouth in surprise, and the shock in his heart was indescribable.

As soon as Chang Guoqing was arrested, his confession, coupled with Yu Jiansheng's confession, was enough to beat him down the dust

Ma Yangtian panicked and was really panicked. After realizing the serious consequences, he didn't have time to say anything to Gu Xiangguo. He hurriedly hung up Gu Xiangguo's phone and hurriedly dialed a life-saving phone number: "Old leader, help me..."

The deputy mayor of the capital of Mayang Paradise Hall, with a crying voice, was like a child asking his family for help.

The voice on the phone was impatient and showed kindness: "What's wrong? Yangtian, can't you be honest? How many times have I said it? Clean your hands and feet and eat elegantly. You never listen..."

"Old leader, I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong..." Ma Yangtian almost burst into tears, "Here's the thing..."

After listening to Ma Yangtian's words at the end of the phone, there was silence and a long silence. After a long time, I sighed: "I'll help you for the last time. If you cause trouble in the future, you can wipe your buttocks by yourself"

Although his words were not good, Ma Yangtian was still relieved. The old leader was soft-hearted and would definitely plead for him.


After only one day, Chang Guoqing confessed and confessed.

So far, the two shells of Yu Jiansheng and Chang Guoqing have been loaded and ready to be launched at any time. After Ying Cheng and the expression reported the case to Lu Hongzhan, Lu Hongzhan knew that the matter was of great importance, and he had to take the right attitude, so he waved a big pen and formally submitted Yu Jiansheng and Chang Guoqing to the procuratorate, asking for approval of the arrest.

The case has officially entered the judicial process

Then the secretary's office was held, and Lu Hongzhan reported the case. Because it was related to the deputy mayor of the capital, the secretary's office finally decided to report it to the provincial party committee and the central government.

Once it is reported to the provincial party committee and the central government, the matter will enter the high-level game, and Xiaxiang can't intervene. As the deputy mayor of the capital, Ma Yangtian is a deputy ministerial-level cadre. Only the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has the right to investigate and collect evidence.

After reporting to the provincial party committee and the central committee, the provincial party committee and the central committee kept silent at the same time. Without any reply, they gave Lang a problem again. Should they continue to dig deep or turn big things into small things? The silence of the provincial party committee and the central government showed that it acquiesced to the investigation and evidence collection of Lang City, or did they implicitly express dissatisfaction?

It's hard to guess, and the Lang Municipal Party Committee is in a dilemma.

As the originator, Xiaxiang was like a nobody else, and devoted himself to the university town project.

Xiao Wu hasn't improved yet, but the situation is stable. There is nothing he can do if he doesn't wake up for the time being. Xia wants to prepare to observe for another two days. If it really doesn't work, he will be transferred to the hospital in the capital. The doctor did not recommend to transfer to another hospital, believing that Xiao Wu's failure to wake up was a kind of self-protection of his body function, because now that he has recovered, he may wake up at any time.

Feng Meimei's mood has also stabilized. Knowing that Xia wants to change the color of the whole city for Xiao Wu, she is also very grateful to Xia wants to be true to Xiao Wu.

Because Xiao Wu did not wake up, Li Hongjiang represented Jiangshan Real Estate, and Sun Xianwei represented Tian'an Real Estate. The two real estate jointly invested 800 million yuan and officially proposed to the municipal government to invest in the university town project.

800 million, which is the largest investment introduced by Langshi in recent years, shocked the municipal party committee and the municipal government at once. Xia Xiang's aura, for a moment, made Gu Xiangguo suddenly feel that there was no light on his face.

With an investment of 800 million yuan, how can the municipal government not welcome it? After it was basically adopted at the municipal government work conference, it was submitted to the secretary's office and unanimously approved.

At the same time, Yang Wei's agricultural science and technology company also formally submitted a letter of intent to the municipal government, proposing to contract thousands of mu of fertile land in the northern suburbs of Lang City with an investment of 80 million yuan to promote tourism agriculture.

The municipal government also approved the investment intention as soon as possible, and gave policy support under Xiaxiang's proposal.

Xiaxiang has pulled two large projects in one fell swoop, which has become the largest investment project in Lang City in recent years, which has caused a sensation in the municipal party committee and municipal government, and Xiaxiang has a great reputation.

The Spring Festival is getting closer and closer, and the provincial party committee and the central government have not received any instructions, which makes the people of Langshi unstable and speculate one after another. Isn't it possible to draw a conclusion on the issue of Yu Jiansheng and Chang Guoqing before the New Year? Does the municipal party committee want to dig deeper?

The municipal bureau gave everyone's answer with practical actions, and the case continued to be interrogated. Chang Guoqing not only confessed Ma Yangtian, but also confessed that he and Tu Yun's partnership to defrauded the loan. At the same time, he proposed to be willing to spit out the stolen money in order to get a leniency

It was very timely for Chang Guoqing to spit out the stolen money. His company in the capital immediately transferred 30 million yuan to the designated account of the municipal bureau, which was just used to return the wages of migrant workers in arrears.

The stolen money was spit out, but the municipal bureau did not give him a broad policy, but continued to ask him to explain the problem in depth.

... The capital has been silent about the arrest of Chang Guoqing. Ma Yangtian also worked as usual and was not affected at all. The Lang Municipal Party Committee was not under pressure from any side. It seemed that no one cared about Chang Guoqing's confession.

Xia thought it was clear in his heart that it was not that he didn't care, but that the forces of all parties were secretly competing behind his back and were discussing a compromise result that satisfied all parties. On the surface, he was indifferent and seemed to be indifferent to the ultimate power caused by the National Day. In fact, he has been paying close attention to the actions of all parties. At the same time, he is also secretly planning. When all parties have results, he will act again.

We can't let a major action fail. Chang Guoqing must overturn Ma Yangtian so as not to arrest him in vain. Otherwise, let Ma Yangtian escape the difficulties, and it will be even more difficult to bring him down in the future. And if you don't kill a snake, you will be bitten by a snake. Xia wants to know now that the opponent he is facing now has a high level and a deep background. As long as he gives the opponent a chance to breathe, he may be bitten back.

Two days later, a piece of news began to spread around from the underground forces in Lang City. Someone offered a reward of 1 million yuan to the head of Xia. It was said that it was a gangster boss in the south who didn't like Xia and wanted to buy murder. No matter who it is, as long as Xiaxiang is killed, the Swiss bank account will be sent 1 million yuan.

There is also a note: US dollars.

Millions of dollars, Xiaxiang's life is valuable. The news has spread to the municipal party committee, and many people are talking about it. They are guessing that it is Chen's handwriting. They all want to see what Xiaxiang's performance is. Unexpectedly, Xia just shook her head and smiled after listening to it: "Million dollars is a little less. If it is 5 million dollars, it may still succeed." The relaxed attitude and calm expression made everyone sigh secretly.

If you don't accept it, you can't. If someone is released to buy your life for millions of dollars, you will be scared to insomnia. Xiaxiang's calmness is not pretending, but really looking as if nothing had happened. Thinking about it, Xia wants to and Chen have done tricks several times, and he has single-handedly challenged the desperate man's scar face. How can he flinch?

It is precisely because Xia wants to not only have superb political skills, but also have the courage and skills to fight.

Xia also knows that the so-called boss of the southern underworld is just a needless person, and the black hand behind the scenes is still Chen. I have heard that there is a gangster boss who bought 5 million yuan from the head of the local public security director somewhere, but I didn't expect that the same thing would happen to him one day. He really didn't feel anything to be afraid of. Oh, Chen is just a personal threat by another means. Although the millions of dollars are not small, the so-called killer who has the courage to directly kill a government official in China basically does not exist.

What Xia didn't expect was that the provincial party committee did not give a public reply on the issue related to the National Day, but the pressure came unexpectedly - he suddenly received a phone call from the provincial party committee and asked him to go to the provincial party committee for a meeting.

Near the end of the year, where are the important meetings to be held? And it doesn't specify what the meeting is. Anyone with discerning eyes knows that basically, the party and government cadres called to the provincial party committee in this way will not do anything good.

Although the phone was a call from the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee, Xia didn't know until he arrived at the Provincial Party Committee that Fan Ruiheng was looking for him.

is similar to what he expected. He is the person who came forward to make an affair or put pressure on him, and Fan Ruiheng, or only Fan Ruiheng. As the current governor and the next secretary of the provincial party secretary, Fan Ruiheng has the most face. His words are also the most weight, and he is more or less Relationship.

Xia Xiang came to the provincial party committee with Li Caiyuan. Naturally, it was not convenient for Li Caiyuan to accompany him to meet Fan Ruiheng. He asked Li Caiyuan to stay in the leading group for a while - Fang Ge was still working in the leading group and was preparing to mention the deputy director. He received Li Caiyuan very warmly.

Gu Yu is also there. Some time ago, she asked for leave to gamble on jade. In the end, she had a lot of gains. After coming back, she also wanted to show off to Xia happily. Xia thought that he was not in the mood to talk to Gu Yu. It happened that Gu Yu was also busy with the work at hand. The two just nod slightly and completed a silent communication with only their eyes.

Then Xia wanted to come to Fan Ruiheng's office. Fan Ruiheng was on the phone. He wanted to nod to ask him to sit down first.

The phone call takes more than ten minutes.

Xia thought clearly that Fan Ruiheng deliberately wanted to hang him, and there was more speculation in his heart. Fan Ruiheng's position was more and more inclined to a certain force in the capital, and with his correction in the future, his political position will become more and more clear.

A member of a province will be despised if he doesn't have his own governance philosophy, but if he doesn't have his own political position, he can't sit on the throne of a member of a province. Xia thought also made it clear that Fan Ruiheng and the forces behind Ma Yangtian were consistent. They did not just approach now, but always took the same position.

When Fan Ruiheng finished the phone call, he took a deep look at Xiaxiang. First, he got up and came to Xiaxiang, handed a cigarette, and then sat opposite Xiaxiang and put on an equal conversation.

Fortunately, Xia thought to himself that Governor Fan's move was still thinking about the old feelings, attacking the heart is the top, applying pressure is the bottom, and the two-pronged approach is better than simple and direct pressure.

"Xia Xiang, help me persuade Fan Zheng when he has time. He is really not young, and he doesn't want to get married. He always wants to play for a few more years... If he doesn't get married when he is old, ordinary people have nothing. It's not suitable to be in his identity, which will make people suspicious." As soon as Fan Ruiheng opened his mouth, he first talked about Fan Zheng's marriage. It was indeed offensive, exactly the same as Xia wanted to guess.

Xia wanted to laugh: "Okay, I advise Fan Zheng to get married when it's time to get married. He will pass through the flowers and be stabbed sooner or later. Some thorns may also be poisonous, hehe."

Fan Ruiheng also smiled: "Ha ha, it's better for you young people. I'm old." After sighing, he cut into the topic, "The environment of Lang City is really more complicated. There is one that Chen Zailang City is very majestic, isn't it? If you clean up him up, you will be angry. When you are out of your anger, you will work normally. If something is good, just stop it. Don't make a big deal. It's not good for anyone to make a big deal.

It was very understated, which made Xiaxiang feel a little uncomfortable. After all, Yu Jiansheng and Chang Guoqing have confessed. Chang Guoqing is to hire a murderer, and he also has to raise his hand to the murderer. Where is the law?

Moreover, the fact of Ma Yangtian's corruption and bribery is conclusive, and the amount is huge. He has mastered the evidence. Fan Ruiheng didn't ask how serious Ma Yangtian's problem was. He directly asked him to stop it, which also gave him a better understanding of Fan Ruiheng's identity.

The most basic and fair position should also be made concessions to human feelings. Fan Ruiheng, as the incoming secretary of the incoming provincial party committee, made Xia Xiang slightly disappointed. Although Ye Shisheng is soft-hearted, at least on the issue of right and wrong, he adheres to the principle that a provincial party secretary should adhere to, knowing that a provincial party secretary represents the fair and serious side of the party and the country.

Xia wanted to bow his head and say nothing. He was silent for a moment before he looked up and said, "Gun Governor Fan, I have a sentence that I must explain to you. According to Chang Guoqing's confession, Ma Yangtian's problem is very serious. The amount involved in the case is as high as tens of millions of yuan, and the

Fan Ruiheng was stunned, pondered for a while, and suddenly shook his head: "Sometimes, things can be big or small, mainly because someone in the central government has said that it is not easy to say that it is Ma Yangtian, and the matter will end on the National Day. Of course, some people will also accept your feelings.

The governor also said the words of Chengqing, which really gave Xia a lot of face. If it were someone else, he would definitely stop in time. It can not only make the central leadership behind it read well, but also make the future provincial party secretary's face bright. As an official, everyone will know the stakes in front of them, not to mention those who are as smart as Xia thinkers?

Xia thought still hesitated for a moment: "Governor Fan, the matter has entered the judicial stage..." The meaning is that it is not easy for him to directly intervene in the interrogation.

Fan Ruiheng finally looked unhappy: "Although Lu Hongzhan is the leader of the municipal bureau, he can't kick away now in the municipal bureau. On the contrary, it doesn't work as well as your words. With a hint, let go a little, and you don't have to worry about the rest. Just let Lu Hongzhan take over.

Xia figured out that Fan Ruiheng meant to let Lu Hong occupy the power, and then retort the confession. There was a faint anger burning in his heart. Fan Ruiheng did not have an objective and fair position that a politician should have. For the sake of his personal interests, he actually put pressure on him directly with the governor's province. Indeed, the means

Xia thought and said bluntly, "Gend Governor Fan, please understand my difficulties. Ma Yangtian sent people directly from the capital to Langshi and wanted me to die. I haven't directly poked the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection until now. I also want to go through the normal procedure and leave him some face."

Fan Ruiheng's face changed, and his tone was a little bad: "Xia think, your relationship with Fan Zheng has always been very good, and I also think you are a friend, so I earnestly persuade you. Ma Yangtian's backstage is so hard that you can't afford to provoke it. You can not listen to me now, but in case something big happens, I can't help you.

Leaving Fan Ruiheng's office, Xia was in a bad mood. Fan Ruiheng's attitude is very clear. Xia wants to stop, and he doesn't force it, but if there is pressure from the capital to the provincial party committee, he won't help Xia think.

It's also for Fan Zheng's face, otherwise Xia thought clearly that Fan Ruiheng might be able to get angry with him on the spot.

When he arrived at Song Chaodu's office, Xia wanted to talk about the situation. Song Chaodu smiled and comforted Xia, "Don't be discouraged. It's normal to have pressure. If there is no pressure, it's not normal. When your position is one step higher, you will understand that the higher you stand, the tighter the wind will be, and there will be no cold at the height. He got up and came to Xiaxiang again and patted Xiaxiang on the shoulder. "You mean, you're going to hit the dog in the water?"

"It is appropriate to chase the poor bandits with the remaining courage. If Ma Yangtian doesn't fall off the horse, if you don't die, you will definitely suffer from it."

Song Chaodu nodded and said firmly, "Don't be sad in front of me. I know you must have figured out a countermeasure. Let's talk about how to deal with the pressure?"

Xia thought and smiled again: "To tell you the truth, I really didn't think about it, because I don't know how the other party will do it." In fact, he is also ready. The reason why he hides it is that he doesn't want to disclose too much for the time being. However, what he didn't expect was that the provincial party committee suddenly had an unexpected change.

PS: Lao He is going to Beijing today. Well, he will stay for half a month. It's also a good thing to study and train. It's good to sharpen the knife and chop wood. During the update period, Lao He tried his best to ensure, squeeze time, and gritted his teeth. Anyway, he tried his best to stick to it. Please give me more encouragement. People in other places will definitely have laziness. In addition, if you have to meet some friends, it will inevitably take some time. Therefore, if you want Lao He to continue to maintain high-speed updates, you need more spurs. Monthly tickets are the best way to spur. In the second update, I dare not say a few updates now. After being settled in Beijing, I will explain it to you as soon as possible. Please rest assured. Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket V