official god

Chapter 856 Storm, Flat Wave

Chapter 856 Storm, Flat Wave

There was an accident at Wei Xin's home.

Wei Xin's family is located in Yuan County, a suburb of Yan City, 30 kilometers away from Yan City. It is a relatively rich county. Wei Xin's family background is average, and the family conditions have always been bad. If it hadn't been for Xia Shang's financial support, she might have become a singer like in her previous life.

But because of Xia's intervention in this life, Wei Xin calmly spent his mother's illness crisis in college, and became good friends with Lian Ruohan, so he had today's achievements, which is much better than the fate of the previous life.

During the Spring Festival, Wei Xin went home to visit her parents. Her mother had diabetes and needed to take medicine all the time. However, because Wei Xin made a lot of money now, she could afford any medicine and maintained her condition.

Originally, Wei Xin went home to visit his parents. Everything was fine and safe. Her parents live in the old city of the county, which happens to be the demolition area of the planned new county. Wei Xin wanted to buy a house for his parents to live in Yan City, but his parents were unwilling to leave Yuan County. Old people have the same mentality. It is understandable that it is difficult to leave their homeland, and Wei Xin is not reluctant.

The old couple only have Wei Xin's daughter. Love is like the pearl in the palm of their eyes. When Wei Xin comes home for the Spring Festival, he guards Wei Xin every day. It's not enough.

Originally, I wanted to have a happy New Year, but just after the sixth day of the lunar month, a big event happened. The new county town planned in Yuan County was going to demolish the place where Wei Xin's parents lived. Wei Xin's parents were reasonable, and they also signed a compensation agreement and promised to move after the New Year. Somehow,

Because Wei Xin's neighbor was a nail household, the demolition team came to demolish the house, but demolished the wrong house. No matter how Wei Xin explained, the two old men pleaded bitterly, but to no avail. The forced relocation team pushed the old man away and pushed Wei Xin's home bulldozer flat

Above, it is not enough for Xia to be furious. What makes Xia want to be furious is that the forced relocation team is not only quite unreasonable, but also demolished the wrong house. After learning about the demolition, it is also said that it will be demolished sooner or later. What's the matter? Wei Xin went to argue with them, but he was pushed to the ground, and some people said some frivolous words to flirt with Wei Xin.

Xia wanted to and Xiao Wu immediately led more than a dozen people to Yuan County. The forced demolition team was the backstage of the county magistrate. They disdained the arrival of Xiaxiang and others, and relied on the large number of people, and wanted to do anything.

The head of the forced demolition team is named Qiang Ge, known as Brother Qiang, bald, with a birthmark on his head. He has the dream of becoming Gorbachev. He couldn't be convinced when he saw that Xia wanted to be aggressive. He is the brother-in-law of the county magistrate. He has always been used to being domineering in Yuan County. Who are you afraid of? What's more, his brother-in-law Liu Jun and Liu County Magistrate have a backstage in Yan City. He really doesn't pay attention to what kind of person Xia wants to be.

He said to Xia with ostentatiously, "Where did you come from? When I came to Yuan County, even a dragon had to be coiled for me. What else do you want to do? Let me tell you, if this girl asks her to accompany me, I will let you go. Otherwise, when you come to Yuan County, don't think about going back with your arms and legs..."

One sentence annoyed Xiaxiang. Wei Xin is now the reverse scale of Xiaxiang. He has just recovered from the injury. Xiaxiang is loving Wei Xin again. Unexpectedly, when he came to Yuan County, there were still people who dared to insult Wei Xin in front of him, which made him, who was not easily angry, suddenly furious.

As soon as Xia was angry, Xiao Wu immediately took action. Now Xiao Wu is very clear about Xia's every move. Xia thinks that he is happy or angry. There is no need to speak. Just looking at his movements, Xiao Wu knows it.

Who is Xiao Wu? As soon as he did it, it was as fast as lightning. He put Brother Qiang to the ground with one foot, and he was kicking on his knee, and his leg was about to be broken.

Brother Qiang is no longer strong. He rolled his head and fell to the ground. He cried and cried his mother in pain. He rolled all over the ground, and let his men surround Xiaxiang and others, and none of them could be let go. The demolition team had a group of 40 or 50 people, so they surrounded Xiaxiang and others in the middle.

Everyone surrounded Xiaxiang and others, but did not do it, because they also saw that Xiaxiang was not easy to mess with. Although there were only a dozen people, they all had good skills, one for three. If they really wanted to fight, a group of rabblings in the forcibly dismantled team may not be opponents.

Then someone called the police. After a while, the police arrived. There were four cars and nearly 20 people, surrounding Xiaxiang and others.

What a great style... The policeman headed by Xia wants to rush said, "Call County Magistrate Liu to come here." The tone is full.

The police led by

were shocked. Xia thought that his tone was more bullish than that of the county party secretary, so he asked, "Which unit are you from?"

"I'm from the Lang Municipal Party Committee..."

Before he finished speaking, the police had already laughed: "Lang City? Haha, you are the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Lang City, and you don't care about Yuan County. Why do you pretend to be a big garlic? Do you still want to ask our county magistrate Liu to come over? The cowhide is blown out."

He waved his hand: "It's all caught, destroy the great situation of stability and unity in Yuan County, obstruct the demolition project of Yuan County, and detain it first."

Xia wanted to see his domineering appearance. He knew that he had bullied the weak in the forced demolition, so he sneered: "If you don't ask clearly, you will catch people. Aren't you afraid that you can't end up?"

"Afraid? What are you afraid of? With the support of County Magistrate Liu, what am I afraid of? The leading policeman was named Long Min, who was Liu Jun's cronies. When he saw Liu's brother-in-law was beaten, and when he heard that Xia wanted to come from other places, he was so bold that he couldn't wait to show his face in front of the county magistrate and behave.

The police gathered around and suffed Xia Xi and others. Speaking of which, this is the second time that Xia wants to be suffed. He did not resist, and he winned at Xiao Wu, which meant that they should not resist.

Xiaxiang and others were taken to the county public security bureau, and Wei Xin was also detained together, together with Wei Xin's poor white-haired parents. The two old men still complained about Wei Xin all the way. If they can bear it, they can bear it. There is no need to implicate their friends. It's not a big deal.

Wei Xin knew that Xia wanted to let them catch it on purpose, but he wanted to deal with it fiercely. Xia wants to hate the forced relocation in the process of demolition. Although Yuan County is not under his control, now he has been detained by Yuan County, and it is easy for Yuan County to ask God to send it away.

After Xia thought of the county public security bureau, Longmin went to the director to ask for credit. Director Wang Zhongzhen was more careful. He heard that Xia wanted to see Liu Jun directly from the beginning, so he guessed whether Xia thought was a little bit, so he came to judge Xia in person.

As soon as he saw Xia's face, Wang Zhongzhen's heart tightened. Xia wanted to sit still. At first glance, he had developed majesty in the officialdom for a long time, and looking at his calm momentum, he must be not low-level, at least at least at the deputy level, and it may also be a real position

Wang Zhongzhen politely asked, "Where is your novel] the fastest unit? What's your name?"

"Lang City Municipal Party Committee, Xiaxiang." Xia wanted to answer cooperatively and asked, "Are you the director?" It's better to ask Liu Jun over. I have something to say to him.

"Xia Thinks?" Wang Zhongzhen suddenly felt that the name was very familiar. It seemed that she had heard it somewhere, but she couldn't remember it for a moment, so she was stunned. "The county magistrate Liu didn't say please. If you have anything, you can tell me directly."

"You are not level enough." Xia wanted to choak directly, "I think, if you are the director of the Yuan County Public Security Bureau, you are Wang Zhongzhen."

"Yes, yes, I am." Wang Zhongzhen bent down. Xia thought that the county magistrate was more powerful than the county magistrate's secretary. He knew that the other party had a head, "What position do you hold in the Langshi Municipal Party Committee?"

He also complained that Wang Zhongzhen slept too late in mahjong yesterday. Today, his brain did not turn fast enough. He had heard Xia Xiang's name a lot before, but since Xia wanted to be transferred to Lang City, Yan City deliberately diluted Xia Xiang's deeds in the lower horse area. It can't be said that he was forgotten. At least Past tense.

Before Xia thought could answer, Liu Jun appeared.

Liu Jun happened to come to the county bureau because he had something to do. It was not a business. During the Spring Festival, he did not inform the county bureau in advance to welcome him with great fanfare. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the gate of the county bureau, he saw that Qiang Ge was gritting his teeth and muttering something to several policemen, so he asked. As soon as Qiang Ge saw his brother-in-law coming, he cried with snot and tears.

Liu Jun was angry.

He strode to the interrogation room. As soon as he saw that Wang Zhongzhen was still talking respectfully to Xia, he was even more angry: "Lao Wang, what's going on? Is it a trial of prisoners or a family?

When Wang Zhongzhen saw Liu Jun's appearance, she quickly came forward to explain a few words.

Liu Jun listened and looked up and down at Xia. He knew who Xia was. He was in a panic and did not dare to provoke Xia, but when he remembered that Xia was almost driven from Yan City to Lang City, he was more and bold and coughed: "It turned out to be Mayor Xia. From Lang City to Yuan County, his hand is too long

Although the words are not pleasant to listen to, they are still sensible. With a wave of their hands, people hurriedly let go of the handcuffs. But Liu Jun is not afraid of Xiaxiang, because his backstage is Yue Ming, Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee. And Yue Ming is also a member of Fan Ruiheng. He can indirectly get in a relationship with the next provincial party secretary Fan Ruiheng, which makes him feel very good about himself.

I don't pay attention to Xia Xiang. After all, Xia Xiang is a thing of the past in Yan City. No one wants to offend the incoming provincial party secretary, and Yue Ming also promised to find an opportunity to introduce him to Fan Ruiheng.

Think about it, if a county magistrate is favored by the secretary of the provincial party committee, the next step is just a matter of raising a hand.

After releasing the handcuffs, Liu Jun still said very easily, "If Mayor Xia wants to come to Yuan County for inspection, he must first pass through the Yan Municipal Party Committee, and then pass it to Yuan County by the Municipal Party Committee. I don't know whether you came to Yuan County in your personal identity or in what capacity? What happened just now is obviously a misunderstanding. Mayor Xia... Do you have any other instructions?"

In an understated tone and an indifferent attitude, everything shows that Liu Jun does not pay attention to Xia Xiang, nor does he have a trace of sincerity to solve the problem, not to mention the handcuffing incident to apologize to Xia.

Xia wants to know who Liu Jun's backstage is. He was also irritated by Liu Jun's attitude today. Liu Jun is not ignorant of rules - even if he is only the executive deputy mayor of Lang City, he is also one level higher than Liu Jun's official, and Liu Jun must give enough respect - Liu Jun deliberately raised him and sn

Xia thought he was not angry, because he had realized that today's things could be used to make a big deal, lay a foreshadowing, and test Fan Ruiheng's reaction - he said what happened just now and accused Yuanxian County of forced demolition, hoping to improve in the future work, and there are signs of evil forces.

Liu Jun smiled coldly: "Mayor Xia, you really can't control the affairs of Yuan County. Besides, I'm not afraid to tell you. I really don't think that the strong revolution has done anything wrong today."

"What did you do wrong?" Xia wanted to laugh angrily, "I pushed the old man to the ground and broke his head. As a result, he found that he had demolished the wrong house and refused to admit his mistake. I caught the wrong person again, and I don't think there is anything wrong. County Magistrate Liu, is the public security in Yuan County too poor, or did I happen to see the worst side of Yuan County?

Liu Jun's face changed: "Mayor Xia, it's not right for you to talk like this. If you are the executive deputy mayor of Lang City, I can pretend not to hear it. If you are an ordinary person, I also think you have made a look at it.

Okay, it's strong enough. Xiaxiang smiled instead: "Okay, I'll make a call."

"Please go." Liu Jun didn't care at all. He personally handed the phone to Xiaxiang, "I believe that the leaders of the municipal party committee will preside over justice."

Xia thought he was not polite. He took the phone and called Gao Hai.

Gao Hai is now the executive deputy mayor, and his position in Yan City is increasingly consolidated. He received a phone call from Xia Xie. When he learned that Xia Xie was caught in the Yuan County Public Security Bureau, he was almost beaten. He was furious and immediately asked Liu Jun to answer the phone and scolded Liu Jun.

Liu Jun was not afraid of Gao Hai, and he shouted that he did not know, which was also a misunderstanding.

Gao Hai knew who Liu Jun's backstage was. He directly hung up Liu Jun's phone and found Yue Ming. As soon as he told the situation, Yue Ming heard it, but he was not as nervous as Gao Hai expected. He just pondered for a moment: "Since it's a misunderstanding, let Xia want to come back. It's

Well, before Fan Ruiheng officially became the secretary of the provincial party committee, Yue Ming had begun to be entrusted. Gao Hai was so angry that he turned around and left and found Hu Zengzhou again.

Hu Zengzhou's current position in the provincial party committee is much more stable than before. The relationship with Wang Pengfei and Song Chaodu is getting closer and closer. When he heard about what Xia wants to do in Yuan County, he immediately realized that this matter was an opportunity. Just thinking about it, he knew the key link and immediately made a phone call.

Hu Zengzhou's phone call put great pressure on Liu Jun, although he trusted himself to have Yue Ming as the backstage, and Yue Ming is a very close relative of Fan Ruiheng. But he also knows that Hu Zengzhou is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, which has a vital influence on his future. He must give enough respect, otherwise, he will not be able to do anything.

"Yes, yes, Secretary Hu, let him go immediately and apologize." Liu Jun could only be soft. Hu Zengzhou's attitude was very tough, demanding that people be released immediately and unconditionally. The implication was also very dissatisfied with Liu Jun's behavior.

Liu Jun was scolded and was unhappy, but he was secretly shocked by Hu Zengzhou's care for Xiaxiang. Xiaxiang has left Yanshi. He has never heard of how close Xiaxiang and Hu Zengzhou are before. Why is he so close now? There was nothing he could do. He talked to Yue Ming on the phone again. Yue Ming also nodded and agreed to let him go, but one thing was that he didn't apologize.

Yue Ming knew that Xia wanted to have a lot of ideas. He had just asked Fan Ruiheng for instructions. Fan Ruiheng did not say what to do, but said meaningfully, "Xia wants to stretch out too long."

Yue Ming understood something. Fan Ruiheng also wanted to use this incident to test the actions of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, which is closely related to Xia Xiang, so that he can take over as the post of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, recognize the positions of the Standing Committee and see the direction.

Xia Xiang has once again become the fulcrum of the competition between all parties. In fact, it is also Xia Xiang's original intention. He just wants to use Liu Jun to leverage the foothold of the power of all aspects of the provincial party committee, because Fan Ruiheng is about to take over as secretary, and the former member of the Standing Committee, who Fan Ruiheng leaned closer.

Because Liu Junneng has an indirect relationship with Fan Ruiheng, and his level is not high, he is a sacrifice that can be abandoned. The defeat has nothing to do with the overall situation, but he can test whether Fan Ruiheng is strong and whether he can withstand the pressure of several members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

The subsequent developments were not as expected by Xia...

Liu Jun let him go, but he didn't mention the apology. Xia wanted to ask Liu Jun to apologize, otherwise he would not leave the county public security bureau for a step. Liu Jun insisted on not apologizing, saying that Yuan County had no mistake from beginning to end, and there was no need to apologize.

If the two sides do not give in to each other, they will not be deadlocked.

The news finally reached the provincial party committee.

Song Chaodu, Wang Pengfei, Gao Jinzhou and Mei Shengping called the Yan Municipal Party Committee one after another to understand the situation. After learning that Xia Xiang was serious with Liu Jun, except for Mei Shengping's smile and not saying more, Song Chaodu, Wang Pengfei and Gao Jinzhou proposed to immediately ask Yuan County to apologize and explain the situation to

What Xia Xiang didn't expect was that compared with Mei Shengping's implicit and neutral position, Li Yanhong, who had always been estranged from him, also unexpectedly called and asked about the matter in person, and his attitude was also very clear. The Yuanxian County forced demolition itself was wrong first, and he detained a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal It's even more wrong. If there is a mistake, it will not be corrected, and the crime will be added.

Hu Zengzhou turned a few turns, analyzed the situation in the province, and came to a conclusion that Mei Shengping is about to take over as deputy secretary. His attitude is much more subtle than before, and his support for Xia Xiang has also weakened a little. However, Gao Jinzhou's support and Li Yanhong's unexpected high-profile support for Xia Xiang The family relationship was a little estranged, but at the same time, the Wu family immediately gave enough support.

Xiaxiang is really a tumbler. Among the four major family forces, he can always maintain a good relationship with one or two families at the same time. He is great and smart.

At the same time, Xia Xiang also showed him a direction today, either following the pace of Fan Ruiheng or in line with Song Chaodu. If he is consistent with Song Chaodu, it is necessary for him to approach Gao Jinzhou, Li Yanhong and Wang Pengfei.

In a comprehensive comparison, according to his political position, Hu Zengzhou made up his mind in an instant and went directly to the office of Su Gongchen, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and asked, "Secretary Su, I recently heard a lot of people report that the problem of forced demolition in Yuan County is more severely punished. He also received a report Question, what do you think?

The first storm after the year did not rise from the capital, nor did it thunder in the flatland of Lang City, but a suburban county in Yan City, which caused a series of chain earthquakes from a trivial event

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