official god

Chapter 872 Bottom Line, Political Concept

The man in the picture suddenly took off his coat, hugged the woman, and then kissed her hard. The woman also responded enthusiastically to the man, and her mouth kept whining. The scene was ** and the camera was open, which made the main party and government leaders in Lang City feel fever on their faces and their ears were itchy.

Mainly with women present, Liu Yilin is not only young, but also quite temperamental and feminine. Even Ai Chengwen couldn't sit still and coughed awkwardly a few times.

Then there was the scene where the man threw the woman down on **. The two of them were rolling together. Although the clothes on their bodies were still there, the scene was fragrant, which made people look at and their eyes were hot and heartbeat.

In the conference room, the needles can be heard, and the silence is amazing, and the ping sound of the two people entangled in the picture can be heard, ** unbearable.

Suddenly, the picture changed, and the man stood up again and began to take off his trousers. At this point, Liu Yilin finally couldn't help saying, "Forget it, don't watch it anymore."

"It is not certain whether the person in the picture is the mayor of each other or not. It must be clear before making a conclusion. Minister Liu, as a female comrade, you can avoid it. Gu Xiangguo released a kind side to Liu Yilin in time. The intention was obvious that if she was completely disappointed in Xia, she could get closer to him.

Liu Yilin gritted her teeth and said, "Forget it, I don't see who he is with my own eyes, and I'm not willing to." There was a trace of breath in her words.

It is Xia who always looked at the picture calmly and remained calm.

Zhang Yanji's face had been tightened. When he saw a flash in the picture and a very classic shot was revealed, he suddenly relaxed and smiled happily. In addition to smiling, he did not forget to take a deep look at Xiaxiang, and there was a playful look in his eyes.

Xia wanted to respond to Zhang Yingji's eyes, but he still looked serious, as if he was enjoying the art film.

Zhang Yingqi couldn't help laughing and secretly slandered Xia. Well, no one wants to make a black hand on Xia in the future. His black man's methods are different. You think that digging a pit makes him jump down, and you think that he blackened him. After landing, he found that after tossing around for a long time, the pit Trap.

The man finally took off his clothes, threw himself on the woman, and began to tear the woman's clothes. In the middle of the tear, the ** man turned around and finally let everyone see that his face was really similar to Xia Xiang, but it can only be said that it was quite similar. It was definitely not me. He was similar to a male artist in a Japanese art film who looked almost the same as Master Bi, but itL said that it was seven points similar.

But even if there is a nine-point image, it makes everyone understand the fact that the man on the picture is not Xia Xiang!

Gu Xiangguo looked pale, extremely depressed, and extremely disappointed. He couldn't say a word one by one, but it was not Xia Xiang. Oh, what's going on with Chen?

Ai Chengwen also looked disappointed and looked at Xiaxiang apologetically. He was very clear that he miscalculated today, and it was also a big miscalculation. He not only offended Xiaxiang, but also made a big bird and dragon.

Liu Yilin turned her back on her face. Because of shyness, although the ** man did not show all her body, it also made her feel very uncomfortable. Xia thought, which made her breathe a great sigh of relief. She was still a little puzzled. When did she care for Xiaxiang beyond the level of an ordinary colleague?

Lv Yike almost laughed out loud. Who was bored with such a good scene? Well, several heavyweights in Lang City will gather in the secretary's office, watch porn collectively, and spread it out to prevent the provincial party committee from laughing? If it is spread outside, it may also be spread to the collective ** of the Municipal Party Committee.

Lv Yike just thought about it. After all, he was old and much older. He was embarrassed to say it, but Zhang Yingji was not so polite. The man in the picture finally spoke. After saying a string of days f6, he got up and said angrily, "Zhang Ruitao, you have done a good job! You get a pornographic CD, a Japanese ** film for Secretary Ai and Mayor Gu, and talk nonsense that it is an indecent video of Mayor Xia. Do you still have party spirit? What's the purpose of you?"

Zhang Ruitao was sweating profusely. He was even more surprised why Chen said with great certainty that there was definitely an indecent video of Xiaxiang, which turned out to be 7 Japanese art films after being released? At this time, the picture was still playing. The woman lying in ** stood up, and his eyes were straight. My mother, it turned out that she was not someone else's wife, but Mr. Aoi Sora!

Although Ai Chengwen also has the experience of watching art films, he may not have as rich experience as Zhang Yingji. After listening to Zhang Yingji's direct clarification of what film is, he suddenly became furious. He turned off the computer screen and pointed to Zhang Ruitao's nose: "Comrade Zhang Ruitao, you must make it clear to the What's the matter?"

Xiaxiang still looked calm, but said calmly, "Comrade Ruitao, some personal hobbies should not be taken in public to waste everyone's time. Secretary Ai and Mayor Gu are busy with official business, and they don't have the same time to enjoy Japanese art films as you.

Zhang Ruitao was ashamed, lowered his head, sweated coldly, and couldn't say a word. Lv Yike asked knowingly, "What is a DVD film?" Secretary Zhang gave an explanation.''

Liu Yilin couldn't help it. She wanted to laugh and felt that the laughing point was too cold, so she grabbed the door and left: "I'm sorry, I still have something to do. I don't have time to talk nonsense!"

Gu Xiangguo's face is as ugly as it is. He dared not look at Zhang Ruitao, lest people suspect that he and Zhang Ruitao colluded to rectify Xia Xiang. He scolded Chen dozens of times in his heart, and hated that Chen Chen was so weak that he almost fell into it and became a laughing stock.

Looking at Xia's expression as if he couldn't move, calm as a demon, he had a cold war in his heart. Could it be said that behind the incident, there was also Xia's means, or that Xia wanted to deliberately set up a situation from beginning to end?

But no matter what happens behind the scenes, the current situation is that Zhang Ruitao must be sacrificed, otherwise, things can't end!

Regarding Lv Yike's question, Zhang was not annoyed at all. Instead, he smiled easily: "The Japanese regard pornography as an art. Their detained pornographic films are called av films in China. Many people have seen it. It is understandable for Comrade Ruitao's collection of some Av films, but it is not in the secretary. It's just nonsense when it's played at the office meeting.

"Yes." Xia thoughtlessly interrupted, "Fortunately, Secretary Ai holds heavy weight. If he reports directly to the provincial party committee and let the leaders of the provincial party committee see it, the whole Langshi Municipal Party Committee will lose its face. Now, although the leaders of the provincial party committee did not see it with their own eyes, it would be a shame if they let the leaders of the provincial party committee know that the Langshi Municipal Party Committee watched Japanese porn collectively.

In Xia's words, the implication is obvious. Does the leader of the provincial party committee know whether the people present have revealed the information? At the same time, there are more strong doubts, warning Ai Chengwen that everything he wants to do secretly in the future must think twice, otherwise it is easy to cause unmanageable consequences.

Although Ai Chengwen was a secretary and a leader, he was still scared and broke out in a cold sweat. A rumor is a rumor. Obviously, it is a normal thing. If it spreads out, it may become the main party and government leaders of the city organized by the municipal party committee to watch pornographic films collectively. If it really spreads to the provincial party committee and the leaders of the central government, he will have to say whether he can be the secretary of the municipal party committee again It's impossible!

He was shy and angry. Looking at Zhang Ruixun, he only knew that he bowed his head and didn't say anything. He could guess that Zhang Ruitao was talking to others, but now it was a good opportunity for him to get out. Zhang Ruitao could only be a victim.

Of course, the anger in his heart could not be suppressed. He took out the CD and threw it on Zhang Ruitao's face. He was furious: "Zhang Ruitao, you apologize to Mayor Xia, and then make a written self-criticism to Shi Jiang." With that, he looked at Lv Yike again, "Comrade Yike, the Municipal Party Committee suggested that Comrade Zhang Ruitao be suspended from office for reflection. Do you have any comments?"

"Yes!" Lv Yike also looked angry and slapped the table. "I will suggest to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to remove Comrade Zhang Ruitao from the position of deputy secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and be expelled from the party and public office." If you have a good opportunity, you can't miss it. If you can take the opportunity to remove the stumbling block of Zhang Ruitao, Lv Yi will not be soft.

Lv Yike threw down a cruel word and brushed his sleeves in diameter. He did not give Zhang Ruitao any chance, nor did he give Ai Chengwen a chance to play a round. His attitude was very firm, that is, he expressed dissatisfaction with everyone, including Ai Chengwen, for today's events.

Ai Chengwen's face was extremely ugly. Today's meeting was very bad, which greatly reduced the prestige of his secretary. First of all, Liu Yilin left without waiting for the end of the meeting, and Lv Yike did not give him any face at all. It was clear that he wanted to bypass him and report directly to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, that is, without Zhang Ruitao's desperate attitude that he would not give up. As the leader of Lang City, he basically lost face

It's all because of Gu Xiangguo and Zhang Ruitao... Ai Chengwen was even more angry with the two.

Zhang Yingji also stood up and looked at Zhang Ruitao coldly. His words were sharper and sharper: "Comrade Ruitao, whether you are instructed or on your own initiative, anyway, you must take a gesture to explain to the Municipal Party Committee and Comrade Xiaxiang. My suggestion is not to wait for Secretary Lu to report to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. You can resign by yourself.

After saying that, Zhang Yingji nod slightly at Ai Chengwen, patted Xiaxiang's shoulder with great meaning, and also turned around and left.

Ai Chengwen was left on the spot by the three members of the Standing Committee. No matter how measured he was, he felt that he couldn't hang on his face. "Finally, it also broke out: "Fang Guo, what do you mean about how Comrade Zhang Ruitao deals with it?" His tone was very bad. He was complaining that Gu Xiangguo deliberately provoked trouble, and even made it so hairy that he couldn't end.

"Secretary Ai, I'm going to ask for a week's leave." Xia's face remains unchanged, so that people can't see his psychological changes. "I'm not feeling well, and I've been framed. I'm under a lot of psychological pressure. I hope Secretary Ai and Mayor Gu can approve."

Ai Chengwen thought that Xia was really under too much psychological pressure to ask for leave. The current situation is indeed necessary to give Xia Xian a long vacation. Let him adjust it, and then agreed: "Okay, don't have any psychological burden. The municipal committee will give you justice. It's good to have a good rest. The Municipal Party Committee approved your leave... By the way, Comrade Xiang Guo has no problem, right?"

Gu Xiangguo was so angry that Ai Chengwen changed his face so quickly that he didn't expect it. In a blink of an eye, he put on a posture of caring for Xia Xiang and directly hanging him aside. It was good to leave a little affection when crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, but he was angry. He had no way. Ai Cheng It's true that others will be ignorant if they refute it again. Besides, it's too late for him to be a turtle today. Why do you want to obstruct the small matter of asking for leave?

Gu Xiangguo only has a nod L.

Xia wanted to ask for leave and left the secretary's office to suffocate. Today's farce is more wonderful and dramatic than he thought.

He didn't expect that Ai Chengwen would impatiently invite a group of members of the Standing Committee to the secretary's office to organize a watch, let alone that Yang Bei also had a bad side and actually took a Japanese Av film to slap people.

As for how Yang Bei cheated Chen and Chen Datou's trust, which made them believe that it was him and Yang Bei's ** meat show. Yang Bei didn't say much, and Xia thought didn't ask much.